Quote Originally Posted by OldtypeM87 View Post
That was the point I was trying to go for. How the other characters treat her and have this perception of her from what we hear. I posted the question to see what everyone else thinks about her and they agree with me that she seems to be perceived and written as being the black sheep in a way.

I, for one, would rather have someone like Pegs in my crew if a zombie apocalypse happen to build morale and what not, rather than someone like that asshole Steve who tries to get pregnant women get kicked out of the tower and made a bad criticism of Kalani's noble sacrifice. If you do listen, she does everything she can to a extent to help the group and is one of the least selfish people of the group, thinking of everyone else before her. Maybe it's why she seems to be walked all over by everyone else- because of her selflessness and open personality
Good point. I think Pegs helps the group maintain a grasp of humanity. Her outlook on compassion for people (and cats) helps people remember that they are a part of humanity that has evolved beyond just "might makes right". Her ideals are a reflection of something that doesn't seem important to a lot of people in the show but that we, as outside observers, know is important in the long run.

And I totally agree, Steven was a prick....