First of all, I have to disappoint whoever reads this if you considered the thread to be related to the question "Do zombies have a sex life?" Sorry, this will not discussed here, at least by this very first posting.

What is this thread about then? Well, there are two things orbiting around my head for quite a while now. First off, WA (as well as The Walking Dead) depicts killing zombies in pictorial / explicit noisily way. A wide variety of killings (zombie/human) is told throughout the storyline. As a listener, you are able to immerse into the bloodshed, to feel the despair whenever something goes horribly wrong.

However, on the other side, there is a tiny little thing that is only touched upon: sex. Now, I am not a 13 year old teenage boy any more (at least I hope so) and I do not need free swinging breasts in a zombie show to gain interest in following it. It is quite the opposite, but regarding the minute descriptions that go along with the task of depopulate the world of zombies (including all the beloved gory situations: bloodshed, open fractures, torn off arms - you name it) on the one side, sex is not a big issue at all it seems. Yeah, there are Michael and Pegs who occasionally practice vanilla sex - but that is about it except Saul and Lizzy.

So would it be over the top to postulate that in American media, guns are good, bare boobs are bad? Just a thought, waiting for some input from you.

Let me move on to my second question. Is Scratch a completely asexual character? Throughout the series, there is not real indication what or better who arouses her. I do not have any idea. Whether she is hetero-, homo- or bisexual or lives in a happy relationship with her knife (see sexuality) - we do not know. I am just asking because, if there is a lust-driven character in WA, it is Scratch. Torturing and killing people is her "thing" which gives her satisfaction Rolling-Stones-style.

That is it, what are your thoughts. And finally, I am happy that I did not mention anything related to Black Hawks.