I got all of my episodes through illegal methods...I felt it was ok since this show is the number 1 illegally downloaded series hah
I got all of my episodes through illegal methods...I felt it was ok since this show is the number 1 illegally downloaded series hah
serious? lol I may still just buy it, I want it, I NEED it
After seeing what happened in the season 2 finale, I really wanna see what happens with Snow's story! I would like to see him become the King Beyond the Wall and have Ygritte as his Queen. How are they going to handle the White Walkers? I really liked how Arya dealt with Jaqen H'ghar, but I have no idea where her story is going now. I also wanna see Tyrion turn on his family.
Drop beats, not bombs. Fight war, not wars. When the heart does not know what it cannot do, it does everything. Revolution only works for those who participate. Start loving... I am ♥
Tyrion is now the last character I'm invested in left standing. Theres some other notables I like and things get VERY interesting at the end of "After the feast". No spoilers.
I must get round to watching the show, but I have my worries about how it will be without the dire wolves. The wolves are actually quite important, what ever people may tell you.
Can you Dig It?
I'm not entirely sure why they even bothered to show Arya in this trailer haha.
Last edited by Bullethead; Jan 13th, 2014 at 04:54 AM.
"Baby can you dig your man?"
Been waiting for Season 4 to start for nearly a year - judging from the content in the books, it's going to be one heck of a season!
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