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  1. #31
    Onslaught's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ra1th View Post
    If the mallers were using weapons from the armory, then wouldnt angel/michael/saul have realized it? cause there was a scene in chapter 12/13, where they pick up and use maller weapons because their own weapons were out of ammunition, if the mallers were using the army issued m16s, then wouldnt they have noticed that these werent civilian guns. from what i understand, there were enough guns in the armory to equip an army, the armory was also about 4 hours away from LA, i'd say its more likely that the colony got to armory than the mallers.
    Found it Chapter 12-2 @ 13:15 Angel picks up one of the Mallers guns. They never say what type it is and I don't think Angel fires it.

  2. #32
    Ra1th's Avatar
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    im under the impression, that he would have noticed that it was a standard issue army rifle, and that they wouldnt just find one lying around in a sporting goods store. i'll bet that the colony was the one who raided the armory
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  3. #33
    Shasta Hawk's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ra1th View Post
    but i think you brought up an amazing point, when u said that the mallers attack could have been far more devastating if they'd used their spy in the tower more effectively. If the whole tower was drunk, all the spy had to do, was silently kill tommy, who was on guard duty, and one of like 2 or 3 sober people in the tower, then slowly start moving mallers into the tower, also what you said about the spy possibly settting up a pulley system from the other tower, and getting mallers onto the roof, would have been a foolproof attack, with armed men hidden inside the building, the moment, the tower showed resistence, the mallers could have stopped it then and there, which i think might show something about the nature of the spy, perhaps they were not fully cooperating with the mallers?
    That's why I think the spy/rat is Kelly

    She's a attorney, although they never say she's a defenses attorney or a prosecuting attorney, so she most likely was in contact with the mallers even before the outbreak began. She might have even been friends with a couple of them, the nonviolent ones, and been at the prison right before the outbreak

    She did not want Tommy helping out with the remote cameras earlier in the show and tried to put a stop to it

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasnt Kelly the one trying to get Burt to drink with the rest of the residents, which would render him practically useless like Saul?

    The rat tried to help in nonviolent ways, like providing intel and stealing ammo and supplies, and most likely didnt want to see anyone hurt. Maybe the mallers conned her into thinking that they just wanted to ally themselves with the tower residents, safety in numbers and all that, and was probably promised safety for her and Tommy and maybe leadership of the tower

    She made a complete turnound after the attack and I'm betting it was out of remorse from helping the mallers out rather then grief over losing Tommy

    Going back to the original topic, why didnt the tower residents use the 'sweat bombs', remember that their ammo was stolen at the time and they didnt have much ammo left. I figured Micheal was counting on a lesser amount of mallers and that they would have retreated if several of them went down

    As for why didnt the zombies come when they heard all the gunfire and explosions, that definitely did not make sense

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shasta Hawk View Post
    Going back to the original topic, why didnt the tower residents use the 'sweat bombs', remember that their ammo was stolen at the time and they didnt have much ammo left. I figured Micheal was counting on a lesser amount of mallers and that they would have retreated if several of them went down

    As for why didnt the zombies come when they heard all the gunfire and explosions, that definitely did not make sense
    Kc answered why the Tower didn't use the Sweat Jars until the last minute earlier in this thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
    Couple of points I'll comment on. The first one, the sweat, was a last resort. When they did it in small quantities they had small amounts, large quantities, large amounts of z's. At what point would they trade one threat for another, and that's after they figured out there was no way to fend off the Mallers with guns and molotovs alone. The Mallers were being attacked on two fronts, from the front and the rear, from any Z's that were attracted to the sound. They were losing for a majority of the battle, while the people of the tower were doing reasonably well against the attackers, until it went too far. In some people's mind the sweat was the first resort, where for Michael, it was a last resort. It's one thing to be shot, another to be torn apart from something trying to eat you...
    And the Mallers did call zombies to them with all the noise they made. They were having to fight them off at the same time they were leading the offensive against the Tower.
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  5. #35
    amaskery's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ra1th View Post
    interesting, so the mallers have a secret weapon of their own.

    yeah i have to say when the mallers showed up, and most of the tower was low on ammo, low on sober soldiers, just in really bad shape for a fight, the first thing that crossed my mind was SWEAAAAT BOOOTTLESS!!! USE 'EM, USE EM' NOWWW!!! but storywise, im glad they didnt cause it lead to some serious action in chapter 12. but yeah now their tower is screwed.
    That is the first thing I thought of. I was yelling it while listening in my truck on the way to work. "Use the bottles! The enemy of my enemy is my friend!" But I think they care too much sometimes. Humans or not The Maulers didn't care who they killed, so The Tower shouldn't either.

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