Safari on Mac works
Safari on Mac works
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven Such is the rule of honor.
snow leopard firefox 5.0.1
~Ra1th: Nik doesn't sleep, he waits.~
~TCM Revolver: ra1th needs to be on the look out for cars that appear to be moved recently, and nikvoodoo on the rooftops
Voodoo Lounge Here!! Twitter: Follow Me, Follow WA Follow WND
Lol. Well, I meant to lock this thread, but oh well.
Able to post now! Yay j0be!
Angel Fan Club Haiku:
Angel is the best.
Quick! Leap through that window there!
Ew, flat behemoth.
shows up right away for me....
~Ra1th: Nik doesn't sleep, he waits.~
~TCM Revolver: ra1th needs to be on the look out for cars that appear to be moved recently, and nikvoodoo on the rooftops
Voodoo Lounge Here!! Twitter: Follow Me, Follow WA Follow WND
I'll be looking into it more tomorrow. I'm posting this from my phone. Everything was backed up before the upgrade.