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Thread: Doctor Who

  1. #21
    _Blaine_'s Avatar

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    Gamertag: DescendantDroog Steam ID: DescendantDroog
    Been a fan of the show for about a year now and I love it to death, the season finale was while not everything I wanted was VERY VERY good and I enjoyed it quite alot. River is my favorite character from the last 3 seasons (The Master being my favorite overall) and it really tied a few things with her up. Matt Smith is awesome all doctors are perfect the way they are I have no issues between them but since he was my first and you NEVER forget your first doctor Eccleston is MY doctor. but I think the last 3 doctors are just dealing with the last great time war Eccleston was Anger and Denial, Tennant was depression and bargaining, and now Smith has the 5th stage of acceptance and I LOVE that dynamic (thats just my theory though)

  2. #22
    CaseyJones's Avatar
    "Fresh Meat"

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    Absolutely great show! Changed a hell of a lot over the years. My first Doctor was John Pertwee, (feeling sooo old right about now!) although Tom Baker remains my favourite. One major change though, between the old 'wobbly set' episodes, and the 'regenerated' ones, would be character flaws. The Doctor always used to be totally in control. But it seems we now like our hero's to have character flaws. A dark side. They can let you down, which they never used to. Nowadays if the Doctor promises you that things will be fine, you're as likely to be dead in a few minutes. This has allowed storylines to get much darker. (Not necessarily a bad thing.)
    Shame about the loss of Sarah-Jane though. Very sad when Elizabeth Sladen passed on. Mind you, Sarah-Jane spent more time in the Tardis than any other companion. If the producers wanted to carry on her childrens spin-off series, and if there was enough demand, do you suppose she might regenerate?
    Last edited by CaseyJones; Oct 4th, 2011 at 01:51 PM.

  3. #23
    Pteranodon's Avatar

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    Feb 2011
    (WARNING- longtime fan's long-winded ramblings ahead!)

    The Doctor had character flaws in the old days- Jon Pertwee's incarnation admitted his "greed" for knowledge led him astray (Planet of the Spiders) and we found out from Tom Baker's Dr that he'd been a poor student on Gallifrey. And don't get me started on Colin Baker who actually exulted in his personality flaws- though I've really come to appreciate him in the Big Finish audio adventures...

    But he never had baggage like he does in the new show- he's always been surrponded by death and bloodshed but now he blames himself for it (and he did cause the destruction of his own race) I really like Matt Smith's portrayal- the Doctor's a devious schemer like never before. He has to be cause this time he's up against enemies with a REALLY unfair advantage (the Silents)

    This latest season finale was kind-of a letdown; they talked it up so much, that the Doctor would face his "darkest hours" and all this soul-wrenching stuff that really didn't happen. Plus the whole season started with the most intense, shocking scene I've EVER seen on Dr Who and there's really no way you can top that. Looking back from the finale it all makes sense- why he couldn't take his companions into his confidence etc. I really DON'T like this "secret" the Doctor knows cause that's how the old show ended, with some 'secret' they fabricated for Sylvester McCoy's Dr and then suddenly the show was cancelled....Until the 1996 TV Movie which was a huge disappointment. (I re-watched it yesterday and it was MUCH better than I remembered....) the Headless Monks qualify as "zombies"?

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