Hi everyone!

My name is Jessica, and though I came across We're Alive when I first got an iPhone about a year and a half ago, I didn't actually start listening to it until a couple of weeks ago. Someone I follow on Twitter who listens to another podcast I follow mentioned something about We're Alive, which got me curious to see what it was all about. I'm already halfway through the third season, and I'm hoping to catch up in time to catch the series finale, especially since it'll the last time something like this is done. I'm not sure if I'll make it or not, because along with listening to the actual episodes, I'm also making my way through the other podcasts related to We're Alive as well, currently the We're Not Dead, though I'll be listening to the We're Alive Fancast once I start season 4, so I'll be listening to double the amount of podcasts for a few chapters, until We're Not Dead ceased its podcasting around chapter 40 or so, though I've yet to hear the reason behind it, though hopefully there is one.
Being visually impaired, I'm not a gamer or comic book person like I'm sure a lot of you are, though I read a lot of books in general, just not comics. If anyone has any good zombie novel recommendations, feel free to either reply here or send me a private message. We're Alive is the first zombie story I've come across in an audio drama format, so I'm curious to find other zombie fiction. I can only think of two novels offhand, so I'm sure I'm missing a lot.

I'm currently on summer break between semesters of college, where I'm working to get a degree in social work, to eventually become a rehabilitation counselor for other visually impaired people, helping them to find work, or get an education, or just get equipment that they can use to make living independently easier. This has turned into a longer ramble than I meant it to be, though hopefully no one cares too much.