
Type: Posts; User: Jordan Leavitt

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  1. Sticky: Post your XBL or PSN account to play with other fans (or staff) of We're Alive here!

    Hey, so quick thing if people want more friends on their XBL or PSN accounts to play games online with, post it here.

    My PSN is LaZorBaCon. I only have a PS3 so if you got one too hit me up with...
  2. Replies

    I love that the first thing Greg says is chewing...

    I love that the first thing Greg says is chewing Brit out for doing the podcast without him. Except I liked having Steplaugh and Sarah on. As fun as Brit is on the show it's nice to have another...
  3. Replies

    Maybe asking them what their favorite chapter is....

    Maybe asking them what their favorite chapter is.
    Brit and Greg have been asking what their zombie plans are, that's cool. I think that's entertaining and more questions like that. Ask them if...
  4. Replies

    Of course, ask her about her Zombie Apocalypse...

    Of course, ask her about her Zombie Apocalypse plans (besides jumping onto a hummer with army guys inside).

    Ask her what her favorite chapter has so far been with or without Pegs being involved....
  5. Replies

    Hello, I'm Jordan. I've been listening to this...

    Hello, I'm Jordan. I've been listening to this podcast since Summer 2010, been hooked ever since. My favorite characters are Michael and Riley. I found the podcast on Zune by just browsing...
  6. Replies

    So I'm embarassed to say this but I've checked...

    So I'm embarassed to say this but I've checked out other audio dramas. The kind that really is a guilty pleasure, nothing as high a quality as we're alive. But I love zombies so I curiously browsed...
  7. Brittney, I'm pretty sure that thing you knocked...

    Brittney, I'm pretty sure that thing you knocked over was Dissidia: Final Fantasy. First, you're awesome for owning it (if it is). Second, pick that up. It needs respect ;)
Results 1 to 7 of 7