Hi there,
Im a student studying web design out of boston, MA
hit me up on twitter! http://twitter.com/itsallgoodie
and if you like me enough to care about facebook feel free: http://www.facebook.com/goodie32123
im getting back into tumblr too. http://chrisgoodwin.tumblr.com/
On top of this, I am an Admin on here. I dont do a whole lot of posting but i read a lot of the stuff posted as well as help out on some of the back-end stuff for the site--let me know if anyone needs anything.
The 13th Floor.
Video Games, Movies, Walking, TV, The Internet
Social Media Links
Twitter Username:
Video Game Identities
Xbox Gamertag:
Wii Friend Code:
No idea but I have one.
3DS Friend Code:
The word 'almost' is the longest in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order, other than Aegilops but no ones knows what the hell that means, so it doesn't count.