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Radio drama

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by , Mar 31st, 2011 at 08:40 AM (5279 Views)
I'm a huge fan of radio drama's and We're Alive is the best one out there today. Being a child of the 80's I missed out on the great radio serials of yesteryear.

Its great to see a series as well produced as this one becoming so popular. Hope it inspires more people to try their hand at it.

I have a 90 minute ride to work and back everyday. Anyone else use We're Alive to make their commute better?
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  1. Rock Daddy's Avatar
    Hi Arkum. I'm totally there with ya. I have a 90 min bus ride to work with time to kill. So I'm a bit of an audio junkie. This has been perfect for me. But I was spoiled at first, listening to the existing episodes back to back. When I finally got caught up to the current episodes, I listened to them over... and over... hahaha. I think there's definitely a place for audio dramas again.
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  2. Arkum's Avatar
    Yeah, being able to listen back to back was amazing, then I got caught up and now I have to wait an excruciating week for new eps.

    I don't know how people did it in the beginning.
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  3. Rock Daddy's Avatar
    I dunno. But we got to learn and love the characters faster, which made us more hooked. Maybe taking it in that slow in the very beginning didn't make people as addicted as fast. Or did it?... I don't care. I just love it anyway!
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  4. yarri's Avatar
    RD, Arkum.. do you guys find TV less then satisfying since WA? I know I am
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