Welcome to the Blog
, Oct 14th, 2022 at 11:18 AM (46321 Views)
Note: This blog is a spoiler-y blog, so if you aren't caught up to the latest episodes, don't read any further!
Howdy fellow survivors! This is my first true blog post on here. I'm sure that right now you probably have lots of questions like, "What is this?" and "Who are you?" and "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" (FYI, it's around 20-25 mph.) For starters, I am a We're Alive fan who bugged Kc with various things I could do to help out with the series. When I stumbled onto here, naturally I was smitten! So now I help out with the forums and the wiki and whatnot.
I've been a fan since only 2016 (late to the party sadly, I was not the early bird with the worm.) I first got into the series when my dad used to play it in our house and then later introduced me to it. Since then I've been doing lots with the series. I've listening to The Story of Survival at least a dozen or so times, and I'm a whiz at trivia (for the most part .) I've always wanted to give back to this amazing community but never really had a chance because of my "late birdedness". By the time I got here the forums had kinda went quiet.
Now enough about me. What's this? Why does my blog have such an uncreative name? I follow in the footsteps of giants like "The Voodoo Lounge", and "DemetriusH's Tower" is the best I can come up with? Well, I promise the blog itself won't be as uncreative as the name might give away. This is my personal section of the forums where I can share how my life is going in terms of everything We're Alive. That includes theories, thoughts, reflections, and general work I've been doing for We're Alive. If I've done something new on the Wiki or I have a super duper uber cool theory, this is the place that all will be told. I will do my best to mix in some humor too (expect many puns to come )
I will post a new blog post soon talking about my thoughts on the series so far. This is only meant to be an introductory post that I can refer back to if need be or whatever. Good luck out there, and stay alive!0 Likes, 0 , 0 , 0