Exploration of survival. Blog 44 part 3.5 Nap time is important!
, Mar 28th, 2014 at 12:35 PM (522746 Views)
After the fire got going (before it went out the last time) Chris declared it was time for food. We'd planned on not eating anything we couldn't catch or forage for. I feel this change of plans was an act of mercy for me. I'm horribly green yet in the art of survival. I was already feeling the affects of the extensive exercise and lack of food and water. I was shaking and sweating. So after the food and entertainment
Titus and I took selfies then Chris and Titus took a much needed and deserved nap (nap pictures to be posted at the end as its awesome. ::insert evil eyes at the chat blog program:: "tell me I can't add more then 5 files per blog... I count 3 you filthy liar!" ....0 Likes, 0 , 0 , 0