How I'm Pimping We're Alive
, Mar 3rd, 2011 at 05:24 AM (7184 Views)
I was in the gym locker room taking off my uniform and I heard two soldiers having a pretty animated conversation about killing this or that. I tuned in just to be nosey because the topic seemed to have nerdy/geek undertones. Sure enough, they were talking about some video game. It had to be a shooter.
I'm not a gamer, but I do get regular checkups for outbreaks of Nerditus Geekarendum. The symptoms are as follows: I suddenly find myself in the middle of their conversation, Blackberry in hand and saying "Hey, I think you guys would dig this show. Take a listen to this!"
I automatically know that the Angel/Kalani/Skittles behemoth episode would be the best one to grab their attention.
Well, lo and behold another soldier wanders over to see whats going on. I think he may have hoped I was showing porn, because he lasted about 15 seconds.. well, maybe a full minute. I digress
So, I have these two dudes listening and laughing as Angel yells "YOU WANT SOME!"
I tell them that they should google the show and check it out and hoping they remember the URL after their work out.
Well, I get myself dressed and head to the weight room and I suddenly realize I just turned into a We're Alive Pimp and I started wondering how other people go about getting people hip to the show.
So, when you picture me as a 70's style pimp with my classy WA lady instead of the 80's sleezy cat. LOL
addendum.. I was just reading huffingtonpost and came across this article about the discovery of a Zombie creating Fungi (it kills ants and infects other ants)... weird thing is that I was just thinking about spores as the cause for the epidemic in the WA universe.
Here's the link: Likes, 0 , 0 , 0