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The W/A Convoy Timeline

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Quote Originally Posted by Litmaster View Post
So for those of you who are interested in going on the WA Convoy trip this July, I've gone through another revision of the itinerary, this time carefully mapping out the times involved, and it's looking like this:

Tues 7/15
7am: Leave Todd's place, drive 1.5 hours to Merramac Caverns
9-12pm: Caverns tour, should be back on the road by noon at the latest
12-7pm: Long, 7 hour drive to campsite
7pm: Camp at El Reno, OK (just west of OK city)

Wed 7/16
7am: Leave campsite, drive 3.5 hours to Amarillo, TX
10:30-2pm: Visit Cadillac Ranch & lunch @ Big Texan Steak Ranch
(BTW, I spoke with a lady who works there who told me we don't need reservations.
Also, they have a special "Steak Cam" that live streams anyone trying the steak challenge on their website!

I thought that one way to save some money is to take AdrianHD up on his generous offer and crash at his apartment the night of Wed 7/16. EDIT: Adrian got back to me and said it was fine to crash at his place, for free (maybe we can order some of that Breaking Bad pizza for dinner!). Also, he can take us on the BB Tour Thursday morning no problem. then, it's on to Roswell, NM:
2pm-5:30: Travel to Roswell
5:30-7:30: Buy alien shit in Roswell, etc.
7:30-10:30: Travel to Albuquerque, crash at Adrian's for the night

Thur 7/17
8am: Leave Adrian's for Breaking Bad Tour of Albuquerque
8am-11am: Breaking Bad Tour, hitting the road by 11am
11am-5pm: Travel from Albuquerque straight to the Grand Canyon
5pm-ish: Enjoy Grand Canyon, take pictures, camp in area

Fri 7/18
8am: Leave Grand Canyon for California
8am-2pm: Travel to Ft. Irwin area
2pm-5pm: Some kind of sight-seeing of Ft. Irwin / Yermo / Barstow (need to leave by 5 in order to make the next stage...)
5pm-8pm: Travel to Super 8 in Hollywood, check in, dump off gear
8pm: Fan Meetup at Tinhorn Flats & Saloon, Hollywood!

Sat 7/19
9am: Leave hotel for local WA Tour of LA
9am-4pm: Lots of time here for local WA tour of LA, lunch, etc.
4pm-6pm: Piss around, travel to Assistance League for the Live Event!
6pm-LATE: WA Live Event! and After Party! (then stumble back to hotel)

Sun 7/20
8am: Leave hotel for WA Colony Tour
8am-12pm: Travel, tour of WA Colony location south of LA
12pm-2pm: Tour of WA Studio
2pm: Goodbyes, Group Photos, Hugs, Tears, etc.
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Updated Apr 9th, 2014 at 06:05 PM by Litmaster



  1. Litmaster's Avatar
    Okay, Gang.... it's March 21st! Just 10 more days to sign up for this trip if you are interested!!!
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  2. Litmaster's Avatar
    March 25th now! Only about a week to go before the sign-up deadline!
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  3. Litmaster's Avatar

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  4. Litmaster's Avatar
    Ok, so today is April 2nd! Deadline has passed!
    We are LOCKED IN!
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  5. Litmaster's Avatar
    I reserved four rooms at the Hollywood Super 8, so we're good to go!

    Hollywood, here we come!
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  6. anoshalassi's Avatar
    مشروع شركة خرسانة جاهزة، تصنع الخرسانة الجاهزة عن طريق خلط مواد معينة (مثل الحصى والرمل والماء والأسمنت وبعض المواد المضافة) بنسب محددة.
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    بعد خلط هذه المكونات في مصنع للخرسانة، يتم تكوين خليط لزج يصب في الخشب قالب وشكل حديد، ثم رش الماء حتى يصلب، وعندما يصبح صلبًا، يتم فك القالب ويصبح الخليط صلبًا مثل الحجر
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    تستخدم الخرسانة لتشكيل العديد من العناصر الهندسية، مثل الركائز، والأساسات، والأرضيات، والاستخدامات المسموح بها وغيرها، من أهم مميزات الخرسانة المرونة، لأنها ذات شكل لوضع القوالب، مما يزود المصممين بمجموعة كبيرة من القوالب الإنشائية، كما أن الخرسانة تتمتع بمقاومة عالية لظروف الطقس، لأنها مقاومة في الصيف.
    مقاومة للحرارة نسبياً للتجمد في الشتاء، ومقاومة عالية للماء، ويمكنها حماية قضبان الصلب من التآكل، ومزاياها سهلة التصنيع ومناسبة لمشاريع مصانع الخرسانة الجاهزة المناسبة
    [URL=]طريقة عمل فراخ كنتاكي[/URL]
    [URL=]مشروع مغسلة ملابس.[/URL]
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