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Wicked Sid

Year 3!

Rating: 7 votes, 5.00 average.
Hello, once again Ladies and Gentlemen.

Here we have arrived, another full revolution around this great fusion reactor of a life-giver we call Sol. January 21st, the day when Kc threw down the chains of oppression called Ye olde forum of Olde and evolved to the vBulletin ways.

Yearly news:

Some people who were once engaged are now married! The forum has been upgraded, again, and the staff roster has been added to.

However, there is always a bitter ground in the sweet cup'o'joe: some friends faded away and the story is coming to its eventual close.

Seeing as this post is fairly lackluster, I'll leave you with this snippet of a project I'm working on:

The Evac Zone

It was dark.

I hadn’t seen them coming. No one did.

I had to abandon my friends.

My family.

And I was still being followed.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1528626_10202513432815473_1810678575_n.jpg 
Views:	1563 
Size:	71.1 KB 
ID:	2930
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