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Reaper's Corner on the Long Road

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[COLOR=#add8e6]busy busy busy, seems like i'm doing a lot of posting here.

[/COLOR][COLOR=#cfe2f3]that's right kids, the new walking dead episode has hit consoles and and digital distribution sources everywhere. The Walking Dead: The Long Road is yet another new chapter in the slowly-becoming-epic saga of lee everet and clementine as they try to make their way in this brave new world. so episode 1 A New Day followed lee through the outbreak, episode 2 Starved For Help watched our slowly expanding crew get a little smaller and fight for their survival against the living and living dead alike, while episode 3 takes us on the road as our heroes finally flee macon and make their way to savannah and the expected salvation there.
so, this episode picks up fairly quick after the last one left off. the gap between episodes 1 & 2 was a span of several months, not so here. at the end of episode 2 our heroes find some supplies that looks to tide them over for a little while. well, now they're out scavenging for supplies again, and that's where we catch up with them. lee and kenny are strolling the streets of macon having a leisurly chat and going to the pharmacy from episode one, which looks a little worse for wear than the last time we saw it, looking for medicine and food. we get a little toe in the water, you know, a warm up exercise, and walk around looking at stuff, trying to figure out how to get over a semi-truck. and that's when the "fun" starts.[/COLOR]
[/COLOR][COLOR=#cfe2f3]F is for fire that burns down the whole town[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#cfe2f3]U is for uranium... bomb[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#cfe2f3]N is for no survivors[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#cfe2f3]decisions, decisions, decisions, this game should be called decisions, because that's what it's all about. right off the bat, they throw you into making one of the hardest decisions you've had to make up to this point. so far, most of the decisions you've had to make have had pretty clear ramifications, not only that, they've fallen pretty squarely on one side of "the line" or the other, depending on where you draw that line. this decision, however, is much more ambiguous, if it had come up one episode earlier, the answer would have been obvious, but now it's not nearly so cut and dry. funny how the end of the world can do that to you. and this is just the first of many, the whole game is decisions like that, flying by the seat of your pants, praying you're right, probably being wrong, it's kind of nerve wracking. the best chapter so far. [/COLOR]


[COLOR=#cfe2f3]so, every episode gets a little more dynamic and deeper than the previous. in previous episodes, you got to kind of point and shoot a gun a little, but here you actually get to take aim and engage. granted, you don't have any real control over the character, but you do get to actually engage the enemy in a more traditional shoot out. other than that, the gameplay is still the same, just... more. here's an example: at one point you have to get a map, but the only way to do that is to get another character to move. in the past, there would've been something you did to that character, or for that character to get him to move, but here you have to do something for another character wich opens up another option with the first character and allows you to retrieve the map. the game has become more convoluted, more complex, requireing more thought. the more time you are with these survivors, the more you become entangled with them, the harder decisions become.[/COLOR]


[LEFT][COLOR=#cfe2f3]again, this game all comes down to the decisions. this is a nasty piece of writing that will leave you questioning whether you really want to get the next chapter... untill you see "next time on the walking dead" then you say, "i can't %&*$&$*&% wait." oh yeah. this is some of the best writing i've seen in a game. there are some examples throughout history that are better, but not many. i give this episode a 10/10.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#add8e6]check out the bonus videos on my [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#00ff00]blog site[/COLOR][/URL]
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