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Reaper's Corner Gets Lost

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[COLOR="#ADD8E6"]because my course was Uncharted... 3... Drakes Deception. that's right chillun's, gather round cause i have something else for you, right off the line. it is time for another high flying, gunslinging, rib cracking adventure featuring your two favorite fortune hunters: nate drake, and victor "i'll be, go to hell" sullivan.


anyone who's played the first two uncharted games knows how great the writing is. the first game was like a modern day indiana jones meets tomb raider, with the humor and intrigue of shows like castle and burn notice. the game was amazing and the controls were decent, but not the best. in Uncharted 2, the caliber of writing remained top notch while the folks at naughty dog kicked up a notch with improved level design, tighter more responsive controls, and over the top action. Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception is yet another step in the long tradition of exellence on display from the folks at naughty dog; from crash to drake, they do not disapoint.


the first thing you notice is the graphics, everything is beautifully rendered. anytime you see water it makes you either thirsty or really have to pee. the warm sundrenched medaows in france make you want to lay down and take a nap in the enchanted forest, and as you walk through the desert you can see your feet sink into the sand. the ruins you find are grand, epic, ancient constructs that inspire the same kind of awe as standing face to brick with the pyramids, or the church of notre dame. each environment feels inspired and fresh, where as in Uncharted 1 the placement of cover felt forced at times making the levels look awkward, here the levels feel concievable. 'oh, there's a fallen pillar here, it looks like it came from there' 'oh, there's a cistern here, it looks like it was once used' nothing feels out of place. the way you get to interact with your environment feels good, like you can really affect the world you inhabit. the story and visuals work together flawlessly. the story lends meaning and validity to what you see, and what you see adds granduer to the story. this is not something that would work well as a book, because without being able to see these things, they are very hard to imagine.


no that is not iram of the pillars, it is the ruins you stumble into after the crash. moving on, the gameplay is as to be expected, lots of running around, platforming, gunplay, fisticuffs and any combination of the above. one of my personal favorite tactics is to run at my opponent blindly showering bullets upon him, and assuming that doesn't do it, i clobber him. the controls are just as tight as uncharted 2, if not just a little more, and the platforming is, of course, top notch. one thing that is highlighted more than in previous games is the stealth aspects of combat. if you're good, you can straight ninji your way through almost a whole level. taking people out stealthily is a lot of fun, and in some cases the best idea. the transition from ranged to melee combat is smooth and flawless, and sometimes, there is nothing better than beating the ever loving snot out of someone.


the multiplayer is fun but definitely not the reason you buy U3. now that's not to say you couldn't spend a lot of time playing the multiplayer, after all it is a lot different from call of duty (it's not a shooter but an action game with shooting aspects) but it's kind of like buying a dvd; special features are great, and i for one love to watch them, but i don't buy a dvd for the special features, i buy it for the movie. it's the same thing with U3, the multiplayer is great, a lot of fun, and really adds to the value of the game, however, the reason you buy the game is for the epic, over the top single player experience. i haven't had a chance to play co-op but i have high hopes for that as well.


now for the bread and butter, what everyone really cares about, and the reason anyone will be playing this game: the story. fear not, no spoilers, i will just give you my opinion on the writing. awesome. there, end of review. what you want details? ok, fine. the writing is the same as the other games: there is some epic ancient secret, worth a lot of money, and drake and the usuals get dragged into find it. well here it's drake doing the dragging but that's beside the point. the writers made these characters real, they gave them a real history, and gaining insight into that really makes the story pop. it's obvious the amount of work and research the writers put into this as the story takes you across locals that span centuries: from the time of king solomon, to the crusades, to the journeys of francis drake, they span a lot of history to give a story that is compelling and engaging. then we get to the dialogue: always witty, fluid, intelligent, and excellent acting. the characters are believable, and vulnerable in all the right ways. you really get the sense of the passage of time and the ways their lives have intermingled. the only other thing to say is: epic.


now for the part i don't like: the negatives. this game is amazing, but as withh anything, there are flaws. my biggest, and really only, gripe is with the platforming. there is a plroblem that has plagued platformers since they moved into the 3d realm: poor directional control. i have found myself on numerous ocassions making a jump, only to miss it by inches. it gets frustrating trying to hit the nail on the head. fortunately, that's really the only problem i faced, and since it reared it's head only ocassionaly it was not enough to remain in the mind for more than a few moments.


taking it all in and giving things the weight they deserve, i can say with certainty, that Uncharted 3 has managed to stay on the path set by the previous two, 9/10[/COLOR]
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