Conversation Between Chogidog and StepLaugh

7 Visitor Messages

  1. There you go dude, You should be able to change it if you want! I made it to where you should be able to.
  2. That sounds hilarious do it!
  3. Thanks for the link, picked up a shirt.

    How about "Supplier of pinstriped suits and tattoos to all the best dressed zombies" for a title?
  4. Hopefully this can help

    Also yeah it took me a while to come up with something "clever" to put as a title XD
  5. Thanks, very happy to.
    I know there are shirts for sale, but I can't find a link anywhere. Could you point me in the right direction?
    As far as the custom title goes, I'm thinking on it. I'll get back to you in a bit.
  6. Also dont forget you can now have a custom title under your name
  7. Thanks for donating.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7