Conversation Between Uber Behemoth and itsallgoodie

7 Visitor Messages

  1. click 'settings' then look on the left hand navigation on the side of the page for the profile picture link. you will be able to bring in an image from there, you will also have to change your avatar image, which will be located in the same left hand navigation. Let me know if you still are having trouble.
  2. how do i change my profile pic?
  3. not sure, but i can find out. one second.
  4. why was missylee expelled?
  5. No worries, i took care of it quickly. Its an understandable mistake. thanks for apologizing, some wouldn't do that. hope you enjoy the forums, feel free to ask me if you have any questions.
  6. oh lol sorry didnt know. wont happen again
  7. hi Uber, i deleted your post about pippin because the chatbox is spoiler free, if you would like to discuss the show with spoilers, please do it in a thread that spoilers are allowed.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7