Conversation Between Eviebae and Kc

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Of course,
  2. So, I emailed the SIR person, and she sent a PDF with the details. It would be unwieldy to try to post it on your visitor page, so I'd like to email it to you--if you'd feel okay about giving me an email that is.
  3. Good call! I have something that I should send to him. We have a few things going on in the background, but once I get that done this is an area I'm going to swamp. Thanks!
  4. He specifically mentioned that it being for people wanting to pimp their projects, movies, whatever. I'd try to make sure he listened to at least one episode so he knows what he's talking about--he makes many claims to be all about the lazy. Also, I'd want to find out whether the ad will appear on his direct feed as well as the SIR Stitcher app.
  5. That would be great! $200 is worth it. I should try and do some partnership, that's what we did with Nerdist, but we can make it even bigger with Kevin Smith!
  6. I listen to a lot of Kevin Smith's (Clerks, Dogma, etc) Podcasts and thought you might like to know that he is offering advertising on his podcast for $200 for 4 minutes. He's moving to Stitcher which I gather is going to be like a radio for podcasts. He's got a big following for all of his podcasts--a lot of them like comics, Star Wars etc.--and I think they would be a good potential audience pool for you. I got the impression that he or one of his co-podcasters would talk about you for x amount of time. Personally, I'd try to get Kevin to do the talking because you'd get more attentive ears.

    Hopefully this email address is correct: The link takes you to a page that has a button that says "anyone can advertise on SIR.

    I don't have a podcast, so I'm thinking of getting him to say something about my husband.
  7. Thanks Lisa, I will let you know when the buttons have been made
  8. Hi KC,

    I'm really enjoying the show. Trying to infect all my friends and loved ones. I donated to you even, that's real love.
    Lisa~who is waiting for her nifty button
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8