Conversation Between gaijinpunk and aaronarturus

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Nope.
    Was the legacy of a misspent youth. When 4 of us took a road trip (wa-a-a-a-ay over to California and Washington) I secured my place in the Pantheon Of Hell. (Oh geez...) I waited until a group of Japanese tourists walked by, yelled at the top of my voice, then when they turned to look, I pointed over their heads behind them and yelled "Godzilla!" with a terrified expression on my face.
    5 of them looked.
    Then one of them flipped me off and said "Gaijin-panku!" and Gaijinpunk was born.... But hey! You have to cut me some slack. I was 19! We were almost 2000 miles from home! I was an @$$hole at the time! (besides some of them actually looked...!) I still feel bad about it!
  2. Oh, never mind. Just realized you're in Ohio. So I guess a better question would be did you ever live here in Japan?
  3. So you live in Japan too?
  4. Don't sweat it man.
    The people that call me Gaijin-Panku ("foreign punk". Hence, Gaijinpunk. Just sounds better...) will be the ones eaten first when the zombies rise.
    Either that or turned into Godzilla's toe-jam.
  5. Thanks for adding me gaijinpunk! (feels sort of weird calling you "gaijin" since I've been called the same thing so many times here).
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