Conversation Between ObamaCat and StepLaugh

8 Visitor Messages

  1. 69.

    Oh and happy birthday!
  2. Its your birthday too?! What a weird coincidence.
  3. like sadly you cant change that unless youre a mod or higher :/
  4. Potentially dumb question, how do I change the "Freshly bitten" line under my name?
  5. I agree dude, we need to play more reach soon!
  6. Never mind, I checked your info. How could I ever forgot two stars? We should play some Reach some time.
  7. Hey, I got your "Canadian friend message".... I'm guessing I played Halo with you? You'll have to forgive me if your gamertag's the same.
  8. There's my favorite Canadian friend!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8