Conversation Between nikvoodoo and bradwnel

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Well It doesn't really have to stand for his last dying breath, but more of a definite end to kalani in the story. The same type of writing was used in John Greens latest novel the Fault in Our Stars when he spoke of a fake novel. And for the people that don't like the character could take it a step further and say the reason for not finishing his line is like saying doesn't deserve to tell the group he is sorry because his actions cause too much pain and death. In a way saying that he doesn't deserve forgiveness despite his reasons and helping out later on. I for one don't believe that was the intent but as they say the audience writes the metaphors not the author.
  2. It's a definite possibility. The only thing working against it is the literal last dying breath (well...sorta...) of Victor and Saul. But I agree, it could very well be used for that specific example too.
  3. I was listening to we're not dead the other day, I've fallen behind due to the fact that I'm on a road trip, and I was on the ep. where you discuss Kalani Gray's journal. You where talking about what the journal stopping mid-sentience meant. Well the chapter is titled Last dying breath, and I came to the conclusion that maybe the title meant more than just angle dying. Perhaps the journal stopping abruptly mid-sentience was put in as a metaphor by KC to signify that fact that Kalani is dead. That the sentience in the journal was his dying breath. Seems too strong a metaphor for KC to have written by accident. I could be wrong but oh well I like the idea of it all!
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