Conversation Between Flame_Alchemist44 and Adventureless_Hero

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah no kidding, I was just on there and I feel like it's about ready to explode. Hope to see you around too
  2. Eureka Seven, will do! Thanks for the recommendation. I'm currently hella excited about The Legend of Korra.
    I hope to see you around the forums and chat. With the recent episode, there is a whirlwind of theories abound!
  3. Hey thanks for the welcome. I've definitely seen a lot of the ones you mentioned, but I have to say is that if you haven't watched Eureka Seven you really should.
  4. Welcome to the forum! I dig your username. If you have any anime recomendations, I'm all ears.

    I've seen quite a few of the popular ones: Trigun, FMA: Brotherhood, Samurai Champloo, Gantz, Naruto up to the current subtitles episodes, Cowboy Bebop, Soul Eater, Angel Beats, and a bunch of others. But those are some that I like. Anywho, have fun around here!
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