Conversation Between nikvoodoo and Ra1th

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Why thank you Brobi Wan Kenobi
  2. Congrats on a thousand, bro-seph!
  3. Congratulations on getting married man! I wish you guys all the best!
  4. aww you didnt use your 1000th post on an attack on Angel? tut tut wasted potential! oh well there'll always be a 2000 post mark hahaa
  5. 1,001 now!
  6. Nik! 1000 posts! Congrats!
  7. Now why in the world would you think that anything having to do with Leadership and Angel would turn into a war? Where would you get that sense?
  8. I did, yesterday, when u posted it on the angel tower leader thread, it's an amazing speech, by the end of it, I was motivated i wanted to go do something so I i got my ass out of bed and went and studied for a few hours, man that is a good speech, I also like the title, Listen, Learn, then Lead. I didnt really respond cause I was afraid that it would turn into another war
  9. I feel like you need to check this out:
  10. Ahhhahaha he fears your voodoo wrath!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 30
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