Conversation Between Taylor and yarri

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. Tag
  2. we can skip to the am. FYI if I don't color my text I'm on mobile and I can't see these sort of messages. If you want me to respond pm me LOL
  3. can we just go to the moring now or did you want to wait?
  4. tag
  5. tag
  6. I ask you to post as we do on the rpg you can see how she and I are doing it. Right now she and I are alone. find a reason to join us.
  7. if you guys don't care i will join. But is there any differnt way i should write when i post?
  8. Its only something to write not a real rpg sort of more like a round robin story
  9. the gm has some things going on in real life and is unable to continue for a while so the rpg has been placed on Hiatus. the new thread is to keep me and janis's player entertained until he's able to come back and play with us. Do you wish to join?
  10. hey i was wondering about the new thread put up on QC is that like another little RP or what?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
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