Conversation Between YetAnotherBloodyCheek and LiamKerrington

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Here is probably something appropriate to satisfy your appetite for a hard SciFi movie:
  2. Glückwunsch, Alter. Freue mich wirklich für Dich.
  3. Happy Easter holidays, Liam,

    how is it going? Is there any chance you will join ESA soon?
  4. Thank you, mate. Will look into it ...
  5. lol
  6. Hi Liam, now I can say that I did not only kill Mr Strahd (Na, please do not ruin this moment, because technically he WAS DEAD during that event. Well, you did not cheat the die to let me survive this situation, did you? OMFG ), I killed a behemoth as well. I? The one that constantly rolled natural ones at the most awkward times?

  7. It is not my intention to steal anything from a friend. No, no, no. I am just having fun on the forum, that's all.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
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