Conversation Between HarleyQuinn and Adventureless_Hero

6 Visitor Messages

  1. You see, even when I don't talk to people for a while I still leave a lasting impression on them. In your case, it was My Little Pony...
    I think the creators made the show also appeal to adults so that they would not be bored if they had to watch it with their kids. It actually has quite clever humour, good animation and references that children generally would not understand, therefore you should not be ashamed.
  2. I blame you.

    I actually enjoy watching...My Little Pony!

    It's all your fault. Just thought you should know that.
  3. Haha, you listened to Bloodhound Gang!
  4. ♫The drummer from Def Leopard only had one arm!♫
  5. Thanks for the welcome. She is also my favourite Batman character.
  6. Harley Quinn! I like your name. My favorite Batman character!
    Also, welcome to the forumz.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6