Conversation Between Eviebae and nikvoodoo

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was indeed. Baby girl on the 27th.
  2. Newborn addled brain? You are evolutionarily successful? Boy or Girl?
  3. I have to listen to that episode again. It just refused to parse in my brain.
  4. Oh....well I did an even more stellar job figuring out that know how I completely forgot they went into the adjacent building first.....I so smart!
  5. It was the garden. Plus, you guys noticed a lot of stuff I didn't.
  6. Ain't no thing but a (buffalo) chicken wing! Everyone can have their opinion about it and I know at times the audio quality can drop but since the first 10-12 episodes I've noticed an increase in the overall editing britt/Beez have done. At least people are more closely equalized now! And if you relied on me to help describe the other I'm sorry.....I still can't wrap my head around that one!

    And I've been following that thread very closely! I've always been a fan of voodoo symbolism and glyphs!
  7. Didn't mean to give you grief; I thought it was the podcast that was asking for input. It's always a lift to see you've done a new episode. A couple of ones back, I relied you you heavily because after listening to the episode a couple of times I still had a hard time visualizing what was going on.

    Speaking of podcast, what do you guys think of this
  8. I figured it was something like that. Even if you were online I could top that--today was my anniversary and I totally forgot! The stereotype is for the guy to forget, but it's always me. Luckily I had his Father's Day gift at the ready so we had a good laugh.
  9. Thank you for the yay. It is most definitely a yay!

    I stopped in to see the pm's I got emails about and then I saw y'all were leaving me messages, but when you dropped me your wall post, I was passed the he'll out. The system just said I was online still because my iPad was locked with t he browser open.
  10. Congratulations!!!

    Wait, what? You're online?....Dude...
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