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  1. Tower-gate


    Welcome to the first edition of Tower-Gate. This blog will infrequently update on theories, and issues that are being raised on the forums.

    As of late, one of the most heavily debated topics on the forum is the question of who is the traitor within the tower, and it has been chaos. There is confusion among who the suspects are, ...
  2. Departing From A Pandemic--Briefly

    by , Nov 26th, 2012 at 10:01 AM (Discovering A Pandemic)
    So last night, along with 40,000+ of my fellow Canadians, I watched Paul McCartney rock the fuck out of a small Vancouver stadium. 70 years old... he's a fossil for certain and the majority of his catalogue was recorded long before I rocketed out of my dad's balls--and mercifully didn't end up on my mom's chest or face! It was an amazing night that didn't seem to end. The THREE HOUR set broke down like this:

    1. Magical Mystery Tour
      (The Beatles song)
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