View Full Version : The X-Files

Feb 20th, 2011, 12:23 PM
Anyone here watch The X-Files? I've been watching the hell out of that show. In less than a month I watched seasons 1-7 and the first movie, and I'm working on season 8 now. Fantastic show, a lot better than what's on TV nowadays (Jersey Shore) in my opinion. So, anyone else here like it?

Feb 20th, 2011, 02:45 PM
I watched through the most of the original run, though I lost touch with the series when I was in college. I did watch a majority of the last season when I could find the free time with classes and what not (and boy was I confused...nothing quite like coming into the middle of that plot line midstream....). Not gonna lie when I say that I lost more sleep Sunday to Monday night from nightmares growing up because of the X-Files. And y'all can judge me all you want for it, unless you were 13 years old and watching it run live the first time, you can't understand how freaky that show was.

TCM Revolver
Feb 20th, 2011, 02:58 PM
I watched through the most of the original run, though I lost touch with the series when I was in college. I did watch a majority of the last season when I could find the free time with classes and what not (and boy was I confused...nothing quite like coming into the middle of that plot line midstream....). Not gonna lie when I say that I lost more sleep Sunday to Monday night from nightmares growing up because of the X-Files. And y'all can judge me all you want for it, unless you were 13 years old and watching it run live the first time, you can't understand how freaky that show was.

Same here. Watched it when I was a kid, but haven't seen an episode since. I still remember my all time favorite. The one where Giovanni Ribisi could control lightning. And had music from the Vandals in it. D.P.O (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.P.O.)

Feb 20th, 2011, 03:11 PM
X-Files was surely top-notch television, I miss good shows like that. There are some out there that I can probably compare but ultimately, it was there first. :)

I was really disappointed in the 2nd movie though, it was a huge letdown. It didn't have much to really do with the X-Files as much as the previous movie, it also just was a slow story.

Feb 20th, 2011, 05:02 PM
never got into it..on the list to do.

Feb 20th, 2011, 08:35 PM
I've been buying the series season by season, I use to watch it when I was a kid, and the show still holds up. One of my favorite shows of all time.

Right now I'm on season 5, season 4 was great, I wanna get them all by the end of it.