View Full Version : Angel???

TCM Revolver
Jan 26th, 2011, 08:52 AM
Alright, this is what I am wondering, what is going on in Angel's past?? When Scratch and Angel first met up, Scratch thought she knew Angel from b4. I just dismissed it as a mistake. But going back thru the old episodes, in 1-3 at 4:40, Datu asks if he knows Angel from somewhere. One instance I can buy, but 2 and from 2 totally unrelated people?? Too big of a coincidence. What are your thoughts??

Jan 26th, 2011, 09:04 AM
Alright, this is what I am wondering, what is going on in Angel's past?? When Scratch and Angel first met up, Scratch thought she knew Angel from b4. I just dismissed it as a mistake. But going back thru the old episodes, in 1-3 at 4:40, Datu asks if he knows Angel from somewhere. One instance I can buy, but 2 and from 2 totally unrelated people?? Too big of a coincidence. What are your thoughts??

Datu thought he knew Angel, and he did. Cindy, Angel's Girlfriend lived in the tower. He just didn't want to admit it and cloud the issue that she might already be dead.

TCM Revolver
Jan 26th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Cool, thanks KC. That one had been bugging me since I heard it. :)

Jan 26th, 2011, 10:36 AM
So, that just leaves the question on the nature of scratch and his relationship.

Jan 26th, 2011, 10:49 AM
I was also confused by this. He does seem to have a seedy past. I'm exited to find out what the secret is.

Jan 27th, 2011, 04:38 AM
I'm guessing they might have seen each other for some reason, maybe the reason why she went to prison. didnt she take the blame for her brother or something, or am i just blowing smoke?

Jan 29th, 2011, 11:32 AM
I'm guessing they might have seen each other for some reason, maybe the reason why she went to prison. didnt she take the blame for her brother or something, or am i just blowing smoke?

I sincerely doubt you'd forget the person that you took a fall for or who framed you and sent you to prison.

I do believe that Angel did some time and got himself noticed by Scratch who appears to be an in and out chronically type of criminal. That's why she recognized him but couldn't place him. She'd met him in jail after he stole a car...hence his knowledge of hotwiring and why he was annoyed with Kalani for continuing to bring it up

Jan 29th, 2011, 11:35 AM
I sincerely doubt you'd forget the person that you took a fall for or who framed you and sent you to prison.

I do believe that Angel did some time and got himself noticed by Scratch who appears to be an in and out chronically type of criminal. That's why she recognized him but couldn't place him. She'd met him in jail after he stole a car...hence his knowledge of hotwiring and why he was annoyed with Kalani for continuing to bring it up

Interesting idea. I like it

Jan 29th, 2011, 03:13 PM
I sincerely doubt you'd forget the person that you took a fall for or who framed you and sent you to prison.

I do believe that Angel did some time and got himself noticed by Scratch who appears to be an in and out chronically type of criminal. That's why she recognized him but couldn't place him. She'd met him in jail after he stole a car...hence his knowledge of hotwiring and why he was annoyed with Kalani for continuing to bring it up
Well that is a good theory, but the one hole in the story is how she would have seen him. Unless Latch was in prison and Scratch visited him there could be no way she could have seen him herself while she was in prison because they have separate prisons for men and women, or at least separate cell blocks. Just saying.

Jan 29th, 2011, 04:06 PM
Well that is a good theory, but the one hole in the story is how she would have seen him. Unless Latch was in prison and Scratch visited him there could be no way she could have seen him herself while she was in prison because they have separate prisons for men and women, or at least separate cell blocks. Just saying.

don't quote me on it right now, but I'm pretty sure Scratch mentioned being in the same jail as Latch, so they could have had separate cell blocks. Therefore, that increases the chances of seeing him. They wouldn't have to have met. She would just have to be able to see him while he was in the yard while she was in her cell.

Either way, I believe the key to their relationship is Angel's criminal past we haven't learned about yet.

TCM Revolver
Jan 29th, 2011, 04:09 PM
The thing is, Eastern Bay is a federal facility. I can't say for sure, but I doubt the army would have taken Angel being a convicted felon. Saul got a couple misdemeanor charges and he said that it...

Jan 30th, 2011, 03:00 PM
The Army can be hard up for troops, but never would waiver an officer that committed a felony, even a Reserve officer. Here's my theory:
Angel knows how to boost a vehicle.. that means either he did it for crime or was taught that skill by a "mentor." Soooo, lets say he was seen in prison during a visit to said "mentor" and scratch was there visiting her brother. Lets take it one step more and just say they were there on multiple visits at the same time.

TCM Revolver
Jan 30th, 2011, 03:05 PM
I got ya. who knows, maybe Scratch was in the Army at one time and was discharged.

Jan 30th, 2011, 04:32 PM
Maybe Scratch being the law abiding good citizen that she is, was put in jail for doing something to, or involving Angel. Maybe Angel never really was in jail but Scratch was. We at least know that for sure.

Jul 17th, 2011, 06:03 AM
I got the impression that Scratch was just messing with Angel, seeing him as the weaker of the two.

Jul 17th, 2011, 09:29 AM
I sincerely doubt you'd forget the person that you took a fall for or who framed you and sent you to prison.

I do believe that Angel did some time and got himself noticed by Scratch who appears to be an in and out chronically type of criminal. That's why she recognized him but couldn't place him. She'd met him in jail after he stole a car...hence his knowledge of hotwiring and why he was annoyed with Kalani for continuing to bring it up

IF he did some time he did it as a juvenile. I'm pretty sure that officers can't have records and he did just get out of OCS.

Jul 17th, 2011, 01:30 PM
I think Angel just did advertising at some point in his life. Probably like a toothpaste commercial or something. Scratch must have seen him on television.

Jul 17th, 2011, 06:42 PM
I think Angel just did advertising at some point in his life. Probably like a toothpaste commercial or something. Scratch must have seen him on television.

Hah, That wouldnt be that far-fetched

Jul 18th, 2011, 05:50 AM
I do not know many of the specifics of this. Maybe someone can help.

What if Angel broke the law and was UNDER 18? Would those records be "sealed" like I hear about in Law and Order? When Saul talks about his experience, he says I had just turned 18...

He said his parents are dead. But, Michael calls him the spoiled rich kid. Maybe there was a trust fund setup for college etc, but he did not take control until he was 21?

Michael says OCS, I do not think ROTC would be considered OCS? How would a civilian enter OCS these days? I thought it was more for NCOs. I know in other wars they called them 90day wonders. So, enlist with a clollege degree and go to OCS only to be put into the Reserves?

Jul 19th, 2011, 06:23 AM
I do not know many of the specifics of this. Maybe someone can help.

What if Angel broke the law and was UNDER 18? Would those records be "sealed" like I hear about in Law and Order? When Saul talks about his experience, he says I had just turned 18
thats how it works here in Canada, pretty much anything short of extreme violence is sealed and the young offender cant be ID and the victim cant be ID in the media ether in case it can lead to the identification of the young offender.

Jul 25th, 2011, 08:23 AM
I do not know many of the specifics of this. Maybe someone can help.

What if Angel broke the law and was UNDER 18? Would those records be "sealed" like I hear about in Law and Order? When Saul talks about his experience, he says I had just turned 18...

He said his parents are dead. But, Michael calls him the spoiled rich kid. Maybe there was a trust fund setup for college etc, but he did not take control until he was 21?

Michael says OCS, I do not think ROTC would be considered OCS? How would a civilian enter OCS these days? I thought it was more for NCOs. I know in other wars they called them 90day wonders. So, enlist with a clollege degree and go to OCS only to be put into the Reserves?


OCS is for both prior enlisted and civilians with a degree who wish to enter military service. You can enlist or get a commission just for the reserves just like active duty. You're right, ROTC isn't OCS. ROTC is 4 yr or more in college. It's the blue collar equal to the Academy.

Jul 26th, 2011, 12:18 AM

OCS is for both prior enlisted and civilians with a degree who wish to enter military service. You can enlist or get a commission just for the reserves just like active duty. You're right, ROTC isn't OCS. ROTC is 4 yr or more in college. It's the blue collar equal to the Academy.

I think ROTC offers a 2 year program now?

Jul 26th, 2011, 05:09 AM
I think ROTC offers a 2 year program now?

They very well may by now. It's hard to keep up with the changes these days, but the basis for the comment was to say that ROTC is specific college based only (in terms of officers).

Aug 1st, 2011, 05:57 PM
For some reason Datu recognizes Angel as well. I'm thinking that that is because he's been at the aprtment before because of his girlfriend...but why bothering to mention it at all if there was no furthur signifigance to who angel is??

Aug 1st, 2011, 07:19 PM
For some reason Datu recognizes Angel as well. I'm thinking that that is because he's been at the aprtment before because of his girlfriend...but why bothering to mention it at all if there was no furthur signifigance to who angel is??

I answer your question, with Kc's response earlier in this thread.

Datu thought he knew Angel, and he did. Cindy, Angel's Girlfriend lived in the tower. He just didn't want to admit it and cloud the issue that she might already be dead.

Aug 5th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Can anyone think of any possibilies on the specifics of their past?

Aug 5th, 2011, 10:41 PM
In the first chapter, Michael refers to Angel as 'spoiled.' Also, Kalani asks Angel about his hotwiring skills. My thoughts are that Scratch and Angel were both troublemakers when they were younger. (Scratch, of course, never stopped) They either ran in the same circle, or ran in circles that were rivals. They both got busted for something fairly big but Angel, being the spoiled kid, was bailed out by his folks. Scratch was not so lucky. I *think* there's a bit of resentment from Scratch, but she's generally so hostile it's hard to tell.

Aug 5th, 2011, 10:58 PM
I don’t think scratch know angle to begin with, I think that was just a ploy by scratch to try and get under angles skin and get him to angrily cough up information he never intended to, and it almost worked to. Casing point is how she always refers to him a blond boyo, as if she didn't care about his name to begin with.

Aug 5th, 2011, 11:18 PM
Blonde boy-o could be a nickname from long ago. Angel does react to being called that somewhat irrationally in chapter 24 (I understand the stress he was under can also explain this).

But it can't be overlooked that Scratch has exhibited the ability to recognize faces throughout the show. If she says she recognizes Angel, it probably shouldn't be taken lightly.

Aug 5th, 2011, 11:48 PM
/\ This...
one thing that is often overlooked on this forum is subtlety...while KC can drop subtle hints about things within the story. The thing we as forum go-ers theorist's etc have to keep in mind is...the story being told is not just for us. The fan base is much larger...So the hints cannot be to vague...kc's commented on this I believe.

So if angel is bothered by the blonde boyo ref. there's a reason for it

Aug 11th, 2011, 08:10 PM
Following ComradeNarf's theory, I would not be surprised at all if Angel and Scratch ran in similar circles and Angel posted bail (most likely for car-jacking or a similar crime). More specifically, Angel's parents posted bail. I know lots of late teens and 20somethings with parents who would (and, in some cases, have) posted bail for their kids to keep them out of jail. I would bet that whatever put Scratch into prison was not directly associated with Angel (or, at least, it wasn't his fault she got put in the slammer) because if you were put into prison you would remember the person that got you in there. You basically have months/years to think about what happened, I would guess you would not forget.

Also, Angel's parents might have even forced him to go to Officer's school (to "repay" them for bailing him out), they might have thought, "Hey! It's just like Military School! It will straighten that kid right out!". And that's why he went from a "life of crime" (albeit petty crime) to a Officer in the Reserve (which also explains why he's in the reserve straight out of Officer's School. Most people wouldn't go to school to be an officer and then say they don't want active duty).

To summarize, Angel and Scratch ran in similar circles, Angel may/may not have been busted and his parents posted bail, Scratch got put in the slammer, Scratch faintly remembers Angel (which leads me to believe it was not Angel's fault she got jailed) and Angel's parents made him go to Officer's School to "straighten" him out. He graduated, and the story picks up from there.