View Full Version : Most redeeming character?

Feb 1st, 2016, 07:49 AM
Who do you think is the most redeeming character and why?

I love Angel's transformation from a whiney, stuck up, self-entitled weasel into a loyal, courageous, focused leader. One of my favorite scenes was with Kalani when he refuses to leave him behind & decides to take on the slew of zombies with him knowing they will both probably die....that is, until Skittles saves them....I respected that choice more than I normally would because Kalani (at the time) was not one of Angel's favorite people.....great scene!

Kelly was my least favorite character for such a long time, that I can't even remember when I started to come around to her.....but I'll say this about Kelly - she turned into an effective, extremely dependable soldier who really is underestimated in many ways.....really have learned to appreciate her character......

Feb 1st, 2016, 01:32 PM
Very good question! I actually think Riley redeemed herself big time. When the few left Fort Irwin, she stepped up her game, and in the war of it all when the waves of zombies were coming in, she really held her own, saved those two kids(should have stayed with her before the bomb), she saved puck, and just kept going stronger and stronger.

Also Kalani in a way. Getting to hear what he did any why, was slightly redeeming to know it was for the purpose of doing anything a father could do.

Feb 1st, 2016, 04:40 PM
Very good question! I actually think Riley redeemed herself big time. When the few left Fort Irwin, she stepped up her game, and in the war of it all when the waves of zombies were coming in, she really held her own, saved those two kids(should have stayed with her before the bomb), she saved puck, and just kept going stronger and stronger.

Also Kalani in a way. Getting to hear what he did any why, was slightly redeeming to know it was for the purpose of doing anything a father could do.

I agree in regards to Riley, for sure.....although when the going gets tough - her drinking does become more of a problem....if the group were not looking out for her....there were a few times there that she might possibly could have died....scary.....but when it comes to her at her peak - in peak performance mode - she's awesome. She's a character that has not succumbed to fear even when scared shit-less. She'll do anything for the good of the group.....and that's a quality you long to see when it comes to teamwork.

Ugh - Kalani....my LEAST favorite character. I agree with you, though when you mention him being a father who will do anything at all costs.....I get it....I get him in that aspect.....BUT I couldn't stand him even before that.....his personality sucks....a know-it-all, egotistical ass-hat. When he started making wise-ass remarks AFTER Michael, Angel & Riley saved him at the Arena....I wanted them to drop him back off there. Shut your mouth! They could have left his ass there especially considering he was so out of shape and couldn't really keep up with them.....but with that being said....I loved seeing his and Angel's relationship get to where it was at the end. I believe that is a testament to the writing of 'We're Alive' - being able to portray a flawed character with respect. Awesome.

Feb 2nd, 2016, 07:58 AM
I agree, her drinking has really caused some issues. After Irwin though, i think she stopped yes? I know they had some at the cabin with Tardust but was she really drinking?

Haha you definitely don't like the guy! I believe though, if we were all in the situation of the apocalypse and came across new people, trust wouldn't come so easy. And he was probably nervous more than anything around them all.

Feb 2nd, 2016, 09:51 AM
Kalani all the way.

May 27th, 2016, 07:46 PM
I am going to say Michael. He started off the story in a place where he was emotionally shut off. He didn't care if today was his last day or what may come tomorrow. That was then. By story end he was able to reconnect with his fellow survivors, friends, his love Pegs, and his son. And yes, I know that Michael isn't the biological father, but he took on the responsibility and opened himself up to fulfill that role. From personal experience I know how this feels. Michael became a loving caring man again thanks to the amazing group of survivors he came into contact with. In many ways they brought him back to life.

Kat E
May 27th, 2016, 08:06 PM
I am going to say Michael. He started off the story in a place where he was emotionally shut off. He didn't care if today was his last day or what may come tomorrow. That was then. By story end he was able to reconnect with his fellow survivors, friends, his love Pegs, and his son. And yes, I know that Michael isn't the biological father, but he took on the responsibility and opened himself up to fulfill that role. From personal experience I know how this feels. Michael became a loving caring man again thanks to the amazing group of survivors he came into contact with. In many ways they brought him back to life.

Ditto, ditto and ditto; I resemble that remark. Well said sir.

May 27th, 2016, 08:17 PM
Well thanks Kat E

May 27th, 2016, 09:07 PM
Hmm... Kelly is first on my list. I can not tell you how many times I wanted to just slap her. But I do think that her stepping up and actually doing something in season 2, made me respect her just a bit more. When she went with the others to Boulder, I have to admit that I missed her encounters with Michael. From then on, all the way to the end, she was one of my favorites. She didn't hesitate to do things, and my goodness, I was relieved when she didn't complain or nag anyone anymore! Next on my list... Pegs. I found her to be extremely dependent on the soldiers, especially Michael, but she to, began to grow less dependent as the seasons went on and she became a strong woman. Especially in chapter 48. I never really liked Salani to be honest. I get why he did what he did, but he was just not one of my favorites. Hey, if I were Riley, Anel or Michael, I would have left him to die at the arena too. I think those were all for me. I'm pretty sure I'll remember the others later, but for now, there you go.

May 28th, 2016, 12:04 AM
Kelly really is a great character. Is wish that we could have gotten more of her character in the series.