View Full Version : Chapter 46-1: Under Pressure

May 19th, 2014, 12:26 AM
Coming out a little early...

May 19th, 2014, 12:34 AM
Oh really?

May 19th, 2014, 01:19 AM

Sometimes it pays not to sleep.

Thanks KC!

May 19th, 2014, 02:33 AM
Damnit, at Uni now and don't have headphones..... Gotta wait 7 hours D:

May 19th, 2014, 02:34 AM
At least it seems not many people have noticed it's up....

May 19th, 2014, 03:57 AM
Coming out a little early...

I just scrambled to get here to post this thread. I downloaded my podcasts and was like " oooo! Early Monday awesome!"

May 19th, 2014, 04:50 AM
I have a meeting in 10 minutes!!! THIS IS HELL!!!

May 19th, 2014, 04:54 AM
i must have screwed up something, cause i tried to download it via my iphone app and it has zero length.
now i have to listen to the lo-fi version via Stitcher!

May 19th, 2014, 04:58 AM
I get up for work at 4am Eastern time for work... I have been able listen to it. Early for the posts.... but here it is.


Good? Good.

Alright, here is my thoughts.

Acting was spot on again. As a father of 2 boys, I have been where Saul is (Granted my wife is still here, but the middle of the night crying). Nothing sucks more than to have your kid crying and you have no clue WTF to do. I remember very well waking up with The Bear (I don't think anyone calls him by his real name at this point), and feeding...rocking...singing....changing diaper....kissing....walking.... praying... to have my wife come in and take him... and he falls right to sleep. As a Father made me want to scream.

Still confused at WTF is up with Saul. I was ok with him being a dick at first b/c emotions are raw. He is spinning and confused. At this point it has been a day. He is cool with Pegs, CJ, Kelly... but treats his Mom like shit? I don't get it. One would think he would lean on her. I know they haven't had the best relationship based on hints from dialog through out the show, but damn. Dude is leaving to go to maybe his last stand and he gives her the cold shoulder? He treats the damn dog better. WTF dude.

Normally I would applaud this episode due to the character growth/interaction. At this point it scares the shit out of me. We have like 3 chapters left including this one? There isn't a lot of room left. Last Chapter didn't give us much. Lots of tease (Tardust), but no real meat. This seems to be more the same.

That may be the point though. Build... and build... and build. Then POW BAM WAM! Pressure building and such. Just with so little time left, and so many threads that need to be wrapped up, I worry the last bit will be really rushed. It will turn into a Michael Bay movie where there is a lot of explosions and not much else.

If this were not the end of the final Season I would not be as harsh. Just the final wrap up and I grow worried. We could have a whole chapter of the final Fight with Scracth, the History of Ink, and the final battle over all. Then a mild "in the future: fast forwarding a few months. That is like 3 chapters right there. We got three left. Just worried.

May 19th, 2014, 06:28 AM
Coming out a little early...

I was like "Great Scott! It on my Zune!" this morning. I was still half asleep.

May 19th, 2014, 06:46 AM
I was kicking myself for not getting through last episode. I relistened to the 1st 3 seasons.

May 19th, 2014, 06:59 AM
Btw, when I was listening I'm curious if the ice cream shop skittles mentioned to Kalani and Angel was a red herring.

May 19th, 2014, 07:12 AM
I also have a bad feeling about this. I will wait before I say what my bad feeling is.

May 19th, 2014, 07:27 AM
I though of this at first (I have not listened to the episode yet):


May 19th, 2014, 07:57 AM
Hey! How did you manage to get a picture of my house!?!

http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt351/tacticaljhp/chap46.jpg (http://s627.photobucket.com/user/tacticaljhp/media/chap46.jpg.html)

We're Alive goes to Kentucky!

May 19th, 2014, 09:00 AM
I guess I'll say it:

Scratch raises Nicholas after she wipes everyone else out.

May 19th, 2014, 09:14 AM
Well I guess Micheal and Pegs are back together.. She was with him and he mentioned Girlfriend when talking to Vic..

I think Saul will come around. But I feel since he shunned his mother and Pegs is taking care of Lady and the baby. I feel this maybe be the end for Saul.
I would hate to see him killed off but what better way to have a gut wrenching episode with him dying and Tanya being already distraught with the current situation.. Man that would suck.. Sucks to think about it.. That is one prediction I hope I am 100% wrong on.

It was good the hear Puck up and Gung-ho..

Pressure will bust a Pipe.. So who will break or burst under the pressure..

May 19th, 2014, 09:21 AM
Michael goes against his even numbers theory............ bad things incomming.......

May 19th, 2014, 09:22 AM
I liked the close relationships in this episode.

Ok, well, not the relationship between Saul and Tanya, but everyone else. I really felt sorry for her.

We have Pegs and Michael bunking together, and him openly calling her his girlfriend. Feels like a major hurdle has been cleared.

Pegs seems to have great motherly instincts.

and you see Saul's relationship between him and Vic greatly improved.

SPEAKING of Vic, he and Kelly seem to have a good relationship going. The little line about "I'll be impressed if you get the radios working"
"Then i'll see what i can do."
Pure affection from two people who don't like to broadcast emotions to bystanders.

And He and Michael have really become good friends as well. It seems that Michael has finally given him his "seal of approval" on Vic.

Michael also seems to be working well with Cj now. Even on little sleep there is no arguing, a good conversation between them, and is actually helping. It seems them butting heads has ended.

And when it comes to Cj, she even tried to make up with Saul. And Saul seems to be ok.

And Puck is still there, trying to make everyone laugh.

Now, i don't know about anyone else, but to me it sounds like Saul has resigned himself to die.
He told Cj that he had "to deal with this in my own way"
When she asked if there was anything she could do, he replied "Just keep my boy safe, can you do that?"

Then at the most heartbreaking moment in this episode. He made a note to say "I can't do this anymore" before they drove off.

This does not make me feel good about him going out at all.

May 19th, 2014, 09:45 AM
First post:

Anyone else worried about them discussing their plans around the baby monitor with Scratch being unaccounted for?

May 19th, 2014, 09:48 AM
I guess I'll say it:

Scratch raises Nicholas after she wipes everyone else out.

Mark the calendar: I agree with Osiris.

May 19th, 2014, 09:49 AM
Well, damn. Episode dropped early and I slept right through it. Oh well only two pages so far so I guess I'm not that late to the party.

All the character interaction in this episode was great. But now I'm worried. Saul making peace with everyone else but Tanya, it just makes me feel like something's gonna go down now. Some people have already said that there are signs Saul might be the next to go, but I'm more worried that the other group heading for Dunbar are gonna be the ones to get hit, either by a zombie attack or by Scratch.

Speaking of Scratch, I had a moment when Lady ran off where I was just sure that Scratch was gonna pop out of some bushes and get the drop on everyone. Maybe I'm just paranoid at this point, but the longer we wait for her to make her move, the worse it's gonna be.

On another note, I wonder how the Duncan sweat bottles are gonna work. I thought they were gonna have set up the cameras, but their now they're gonna use his sweat as a masking agent? hmmmm... interesting plan, but there's some real potential for disaster there.

The only other thing I can think of to add right now is: just what in the Sam Hell is up with that cabin in the chapter artwork? How do we go from where we are now in the story to a cabin in the middle of the woods? Will Riley and Burt take Tardust to some secluded torture cabin? Is it where Scratch is hiding out now? Is it some connection with Ink that Michael, Vic, and Saul are gonna stumble onto? Inquiring minds want to know!

May 19th, 2014, 09:54 AM
Well, damn. Episode dropped early and I slept right through it. Oh well only two pages so far so I guess I'm not that late to the party.

All the character interaction in this episode was great. But now I'm worried. Saul making peace with everyone else but Tanya, it just makes me feel like something's gonna go down now. Some people have already said that there are signs Saul might be the next to go, but I'm more worried that the other group heading for Dunbar are gonna be the ones to get hit, either by a zombie attack or by Scratch.

Speaking of Scratch, I had a moment when Lady ran off where I was just sure that Scratch was gonna pop out of some bushes and get the drop on everyone. Maybe I'm just paranoid at this point, but the longer we wait for her to make her move, the worse it's gonna be.

On another note, I wonder how the Duncan sweat bottles are gonna work. I thought they were gonna have set up the cameras, but their now they're gonna use his sweat as a masking agent? hmmmm... interesting plan, but there's some real potential for disaster there.

The only other thing I can think of to add right now is: just what in the Sam Hell is up with that cabin in the chapter artwork? How do we go from where we are now in the story to a cabin in the middle of the woods? Will Riley and Burt take Tardust to some secluded torture cabin? Is it where Scratch is hiding out now? Is it some connection with Ink that Michael, Vic, and Saul are gonna stumble onto? Inquiring minds want to know!

Yellow: No, Scratch is not stupid. She will move, when she has more than just the moment of surprise to her advantage.
Green: 100%.

May 19th, 2014, 10:12 AM
I've been saying it for months: Saul's a goner... JOIN ME! Although, he does twist a knife in my gut more and more. Welcome to single parenthood Saul. And he does sound very resigned. Either his gonna die or find new purpose in life, but I don't see things happening that optimistically.

I think KC is having WAY too much fun watching us all freak out with Scratch's absence. Give us enough of a tease to know she's still out there and then wait. Oh the antici...

pation. :D

May 19th, 2014, 10:17 AM
Scratch wont show up till the Finale.. I do not know why I think it. But I have a Feeling we will not hear from her till then.

May 19th, 2014, 10:22 AM
I've been saying it for months: Saul's a goner... JOIN ME! Although, he does twist a knife in my gut more and more. Welcome to single parenthood Saul. And he does sound very resigned. Either his gonna die or find new purpose in life, but I don't see things happening that optimistically.

I think KC is having WAY too much fun watching us all freak out with Scratch's absence. Give us enough of a tease to know she's still out there and then wait. Oh the antici...

pation. :D

Stop that talk missy!!!!!

May 19th, 2014, 10:24 AM

May 19th, 2014, 10:37 AM
Ok, listenting now.....

Wait, Pegs and Michael are sleeping together? huh.

Typical that the baby goes quiet as soon as Pegs has him.....

At least Saul seems slightly more up beat now...... *sigh*

edit: Or not. He seems to be in doubt that all the plans are going to work....

May 19th, 2014, 10:38 AM
First post:

Anyone else worried about them discussing their plans around the baby monitor with Scratch being unaccounted for?

I thought so at first, but they'll have to discuss their plans in the company of the baby. Not that they should worry that Nicholas would spill the beans, just that they have the monitor on when he's alone or sleeping, and talking at that time might wake him. Still a possibility, though.

May 19th, 2014, 10:39 AM
Tanya is in the red suburban.

red cars= bad luck. That's science.

alls I got.

ghost Todd out!

May 19th, 2014, 10:45 AM
Sooooo, Duncan runs out of the Colony on foot. MILES away from his water tower. Where's he gonna go?

*Cough *cough He runs into Scratch *Cough *cough

With Duncan, Scratch can learn: Any plans discussed around Duncan, and the location of Dunbar Tower! (Which C.J. keeps ominously touting its impenetrability.)

May 19th, 2014, 10:47 AM
Wait, Pegs and Michael are sleeping together? huh.

Maybe Michael finally turned on the appropriate music and Pegs could not resist any longer...


May 19th, 2014, 10:56 AM
I've been saying it for months: Saul's a goner... JOIN ME! Although, he does twist a knife in my gut more and more. Welcome to single parenthood Saul. And he does sound very resigned. Either his gonna die or find new purpose in life, but I don't see things happening that optimistically.

I think KC is having WAY too much fun watching us all freak out with Scratch's absence. Give us enough of a tease to know she's still out there and then wait. Oh the anticipation. :D

Nah, Saul is a role model of a tank (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_%28gaming%29), he is basically the bullet catcher in the WA-verse. He will not die because I think that Mr Wayland actually is a nice guy who does not to populate the world with baby orphants... or I could just be horribly wrong about that. :)

May 19th, 2014, 11:00 AM
Wonder if this repellent will actually work.... nice idea though...

Oh boy, CJ moves in for the kill!

It's good to hear Puck speaking again, and cracking jokes as usual

May 19th, 2014, 11:04 AM
Sooooo, Duncan runs out of the Colony on foot. MILES away from his water tower. Where's he gonna go?

*Cough *cough He runs into Scratch *Cough *cough

With Duncan, Scratch can learn: Any plans discussed around Duncan, and the location of Dunbar Tower! (Which C.J. keeps ominously touting its impenetrability.)

Imagine the outcome of this meeting: An epic dialogue battle about who is indeed crazier than the other. Epic.

May 19th, 2014, 11:08 AM
Ugh, Michael had to do it..... Also, like Kelly quoting her own quote again, good old classic.

Well, this was a depressing episode, as usual. Saul must really hate Tanya..... Still, wonder if this theory about Skittles' sweat as a repellent, would make getting around pretty cool (but disgusting)

May 19th, 2014, 11:12 AM
First post:

Anyone else worried about them discussing their plans around the baby monitor with Scratch being unaccounted for?

Well, it is too late to thank the NSA for breaking Ultra Wide Band beyond repair - the colonists would have a secure way of communication right now, including Nic's baby monitor: http://www.cringely.com/2014/05/15/nsa-help-kill-uwb/

May 19th, 2014, 11:25 AM
Michael - "Didn't get much sleep last night"
Victor - "Oh?! The Baby!??!"
Michael - "Yeah... Something like that..."

Michael agrees with all of us that Pegs is a whiney baby!!!! +1 for the Forums!!! :britt:

May 19th, 2014, 11:51 AM
Michael - "Didn't get much sleep last night"
Victor - "Oh?! The Baby!??!"
Michael - "Yeah... Something like that..."

Michael agrees with all of us that Pegs is a whiney baby!!!! +1 for the Forums!!! :britt:

Naa, just a stereotypical girl complaining when she isn't right.... *crowd goes ooooh*

May 19th, 2014, 11:56 AM
Naa, just a stereotypical girl complaining when she isn't right.... *crowd goes ooooh*




May 19th, 2014, 12:01 PM
Sooooo, Duncan runs out of the Colony on foot. MILES away from his water tower. Where's he gonna go?

*Cough *cough He runs into Scratch *Cough *cough

With Duncan, Scratch can learn: Any plans discussed around Duncan, and the location of Dunbar Tower! (Which C.J. keeps ominously touting its impenetrability.)

I doubt they even shared their plans with Skittles. Even so, i don't think he'd tell her straight up: if he remembered Angel, he would remember the Mallers (think he met them before, before the first encounter). Possible torture of Skittles? Doubt it though, not much time left, and we still have the inevitable scene with Riley, Burt and Tardust....

May 19th, 2014, 12:46 PM
I doubt they even shared their plans with Skittles. Even so, i don't think he'd tell her straight up: if he remembered Angel, he would remember the Mallers (think he met them before, before the first encounter). Possible torture of Skittles? Doubt it though, not much time left, and we still have the inevitable scene with Riley, Burt and Tardust....

Not just that. I don't think Skittles could handle the torture. With his mental state I think any torture would break him. As in him just being a screaming mess and she would have to off him. Not in the he will tell her what she knows way. His mind is very very fragile. I really believe anything but kid gloves would make him a complete mad man. Just talking about the sky and birds and trees. He would be in his own mind.

May 19th, 2014, 12:48 PM
Chapter 46-1 Under pressure. <br />
<br />
SO MANY meanings! <br />
<br />
<br />
1. It could very well be the meaning we all expect pressure on Tardust from B&amp;R as they put his head in a vice <br />
<br />
2. Could be pressure on Saul...

May 19th, 2014, 01:09 PM
Not just that. I don't think Skittles could handle the torture. With his mental state I think any torture would break him. As in him just being a screaming mess and she would have to off him. Not in the he will tell her what she knows way. His mind is very very fragile. I really believe anything but kid gloves would make him a complete mad man. Just talking about the sky and birds and trees. He would be in his own mind.

Which might mean he can't be broken into telling Scratch what she wants: He's already broke, and would just ramble on....Like usual.

May 19th, 2014, 01:44 PM
I doubt they even shared their plans with Skittles. Even so, i don't think he'd tell her straight up: if he remembered Angel, he would remember the Mallers (think he met them before, before the first encounter). Possible torture of Skittles? Doubt it though, not much time left, and we still have the inevitable scene with Riley, Burt and Tardust....

Angel only assumed that Skittles met the Mallers, based on Skittles saying that it has been a long time since he met good people. Also, any torture of Skittles would be outside of the audiences' view. Perhaps something like another prisoner exchange offer, if they think Skittles is a part of the Colony.

Not just that. I don't think Skittles could handle the torture. With his mental state I think any torture would break him. As in him just being a screaming mess and she would have to off him. Not in the he will tell her what she knows way. His mind is very very fragile. I really believe anything but kid gloves would make him a complete mad man. Just talking about the sky and birds and trees. He would be in his own mind.

Which might mean he can't be broken into telling Scratch what she wants: He's already broke, and would just ramble on....Like usual.

I actually have a difficult time imagining that Skittles could show the location of Dunbar. Remember how he freaked out at any mention of the word Tower?

May 19th, 2014, 01:47 PM
11. The comment Micheal makes about the problem with the well being a pressure issue, i.e. low water pressure.

May 19th, 2014, 02:11 PM
Naa, just a stereotypical girl complaining when she isn't right.... *crowd goes ooooh*





May 19th, 2014, 02:14 PM

Oh shit, I've been rumbled! *runs for the hills*

May 19th, 2014, 02:30 PM
Which might mean he can't be broken into telling Scratch what she wants: He's already broke, and would just ramble on....Like usual.

Yeah. That was the point I was trying to make. He either wouldn't talk because he is broken, or break to the point they could get nothing out of him.

May 19th, 2014, 03:01 PM
Lol, I forgot about some of the episodes earlier this season. I forgot about the ring scene. Lol

May 19th, 2014, 03:20 PM
So word association, stream of consciousness thinking and the chapter title has had me singing "ice ice baby" in my head....all day.

thanks for that

May 19th, 2014, 03:37 PM
I think this thread is in the wrong place on the page

Cabbage Patch
May 19th, 2014, 03:42 PM
Anyone taken a close look at the Chapter Art? Aren't those "zombie control icons" on the side of the cabin?


Link to big image:

May 19th, 2014, 04:31 PM
Every moment in that episode, at least after the night scene, I was on tenterhooks that Scratch was just going to show up with akimbo guns or a rocket launcher or something. Especially when Pegs ran back to get the baby. I was waiting for her to scream and Scratch to grab her. All I can say afterwards is 'phew', because I love Pegs. That scene between her and Saul was my favorite of the episode. So well acted, and her having the guts to call him out on his blaming everyone was great. Bravo, Pegs.

I honestly get where Saul is coming from with the way he treats his mother. It's not right, definitely not, but I can understand the thought process. He needs at least one person to blame, and since she was the one most directly tied to the failed saving-of-Lizzy effort, he must find her the easiest one to whom he can allot blame. I have a feeling he's going to die on this mission or make a detrimental mistake because of his current emotional state that puts people in danger.

What a great episode. When Michael's voiceover started at the end, I felt this impending sense... Not quite of doom, per say, but of finality. The end is coming, and this was definitely a calm before storm episode. Das Ende naht.

May 19th, 2014, 04:32 PM
Anyone taken a close look at the Chapter Art? Aren't those "zombie control icons" on the side of the cabin?


Link to big image:

Bear traps? You mean the ones Scratch is going to use to capture Michael, and Saul? But not Victor, he'll be too busy gettin' assssssssssssss.

May 19th, 2014, 05:40 PM
Anyone taken a close look at the Chapter Art? Aren't those "zombie control icons" on the side of the cabin?


Link to big image:

Yeah, I noticed those too. There's also a cage on the ground. Looks like a hunter's cabin.

May 19th, 2014, 06:28 PM
11. The comment Micheal makes about the problem with the well being a pressure issue, i.e. low water pressure.

That's what i meant by number 7.

"7. The pressure Pete and Max are feeling but are NOT getting from the well."

I should have added,

11. The pressure on us to figure out what is going to happen before it does.

May 19th, 2014, 07:15 PM
Sooooo, Duncan runs out of the Colony on foot. MILES away from his water tower. Where's he gonna go?

*Cough *cough He runs into Scratch *Cough *cough

With Duncan, Scratch can learn: Any plans discussed around Duncan, and the location of Dunbar Tower! (Which C.J. keeps ominously touting its impenetrability.)

Good point!

Michael - "Didn't get much sleep last night"
Victor - "Oh?! The Baby!??!"
Michael - "Yeah... Something like that..."

Michael agrees with all of us that Pegs is a whiney baby!!!! +1 for the Forums!!! :britt:

Haha yes my thoughts exactly

I doubt they even shared their plans with Skittles. Even so, i don't think he'd tell her straight up: if he remembered Angel, he would remember the Mallers (think he met them before, before the first encounter). Possible torture of Skittles? Doubt it though, not much time left, and we still have the inevitable scene with Riley, Burt and Tardust....

He knows about the cameras plan

:squint: in reply to female stereotypes comment

And that finishes up the forum comment round up for tonight's recording.

May 19th, 2014, 08:04 PM
I seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum with this. I think it is more likely that the second group will be attacked. Scratch has been stalking out Pegs specifically and CJ promised to keep Saul's boy safe. IF it comes down to it I see Tanya getting killed and Saul grieving because he never said goodbye. They are all in one truck but getting supplies and a still broken Puck and blind Hope into the house will leave gaps that Scratch can exploit.

May 19th, 2014, 08:32 PM
yea I was kind of disappointed in this episode. I was hoping for more of Burt and Riley, and see what Tardust might loose. speaking of that Does Burt and Riley know it was Tardust was the one that tried to rape Lizzy? I don't remember if that ever came up. I am currently going back through the seasons 1-3.
I think Saul is acting like a punk to be that way towards his mother. He should know better than that. Hes going to regret it later. Cause, I feel that Tanya is going to get killed off soon. it just felt like it was leading up to that.
Im thinking 6 remain episodes either have to have something major go down where at least Scratch gets hers; and they lose at least half of group.

May 19th, 2014, 10:05 PM
yea I was kind of disappointed in this episode. I was hoping for more of Burt and Riley, and see what Tardust might loose. speaking of that Does Burt and Riley know it was Tardust was the one that tried to rape Lizzy? I don't remember if that ever came up. I am currently going back through the seasons 1-3.
I think Saul is acting like a punk to be that way towards his mother. He should know better than that. Hes going to regret it later. Cause, I feel that Tanya is going to get killed off soon. it just felt like it was leading up to that.
Im thinking 6 remain episodes either have to have something major go down where at least Scratch gets hers; and they lose at least half of group.

I don't think it's gonna come up. The only ones who knew about it were Lizzy and Bricks who are both gone, Tardust who sure as hell isn't going to bring up the subject, and Scratch who probably isn't going to have reason to bring it up. The only possible way I could see the subject come up would be if Tardust somehow earns Burt and Riley's trust and teams up with them only for Scratch to use that information to cover an an escape/sow discord.

May 19th, 2014, 10:20 PM
I can see where Saul is coming from blaming Tanya. I personally don't have a great relationship with my mother, but if she ever let anything happen to my child or my significant other that I thought she would have been able to prevent I don't know if I could forgive her. I don't really think he's being a jerk he's just trying to cope the best he can. By distancing himself he's keeping himself from saying something he may regret and not be able to take back later. One reason I stay away from my parents as it is now.

It wouldn't surprise me if Scratch ambushed the car with Pegs, Tanya, Puck, Hope and everyone. This way she can get Pegs and the baby she worked so hard to save all in one swoop. So she can have the baby she wasn't able to have before.

May 19th, 2014, 11:41 PM
He knows about the cameras plan

But what could Scratch become aware of from learning that? Besides from knowing that they are watching the zombies.... She wouldn't try doing anything near zombie HQ, without some sort of repellent, surely......?

Oh wait, she has Skittles.....

May 19th, 2014, 11:53 PM
Kinda like the theory of Tanya to be the next one to die, and Saul grieving. It could happen, and makes sense. Maybe Saul dying is a bit expected. As loosing his mother just after his fiancee would push him to the edge.....

May 20th, 2014, 05:15 AM
What if everyone is just wrong and Skittles' sweat attracts the Zombies like anybody else's would. So now they'll be doused in the stuff and at the Zed's front door. Now that would be the start of a good episode. (Also definitely "Under Pressure", right?)

Cabbage Patch
May 20th, 2014, 07:30 AM
Bear traps? You mean the ones Scratch is going to use to capture Michael, and Saul? But not Victor, he'll be too busy gettin' assssssssssssss.

Upon closer examination they do, indeed, look like bear traps. Odd, since bear trapping is illegal in California. Not that Fish and Wildlife are likely to be particularly enforcey at this point.

My theory, this is the cabin where Nurse Britt has taken refuge since the fall of Fort Irwin. Right before the nuke went off she took cover inside a refrigerator, which was blown into the Sierra Nevada Mountains by the force of the blast!

May 20th, 2014, 07:32 AM

baby will be stolen by Scratch. she'll ask for an exchange.

May 20th, 2014, 09:24 AM
Upon closer examination they do, indeed, look like bear traps. Odd, since bear trapping is illegal in California. Not that Fish and Wildlife are likely to be particularly enforcey at this point.

My theory, this is the cabin where Nurse Britt has taken refuge since the fall of Fort Irwin. Right before the nuke went off she took cover inside a refrigerator, which was blown into the Sierra Nevada Mountains by the force of the blast!

If I was a gambling man I reckon that's where we're going to find Scratch in part two.

May 20th, 2014, 09:25 AM

baby will be stolen by Scratch. she'll ask for an exchange.

An exchange for what? If she gets the baby she'll likely get him FROM Pegs...

May 20th, 2014, 10:14 AM

baby will be stolen by Scratch. she'll ask for an exchange.

Saul gets desperate like when Lizzy was captured, and steals Pegs for the trade. They trade, and just before Scratch finishes Pegs, Michael shows up and has a stand off. Michael wins, but is not in time to save Pegs' life.....

May 20th, 2014, 11:00 AM
Chapter 46-1 Under pressure.

SO MANY meanings!

Good stuff deleted to save space...
staff. :nik:

Do not forget the obvious. Blood is under pressure. There will be blood. Which reminds me of a movie about drilling. It would suck to be underground when the gas from ground zero belches.

All the drugs mentioned exist today, but we still need an X-factor. If Ink wants to improve his designs, he probably needs some of the gas and maybe that is part of the function of the tunnels.

May 20th, 2014, 11:05 AM
Anyone taken a close look at the Chapter Art? Aren't those "zombie control icons" on the side of the cabin?


Link to big image:

I think they are for Zombie control, but not icons. I got the impression they were pressure traps tat go snap on the legs

May 20th, 2014, 11:29 AM
We were shown in this episode that Lady only really listens to Saul..... look for that to be an issue in coming episodes.........

Lady will run off or something and as Pegs or Tanya or Whoever run after her......

They will run right around a corner and be standing face to face with Scratch.........

Scratch is gonna be like "Looks like you lost something....." WHAM!!!!! clocked in the head with a pistol...... Lights out.......

Join us again in 2 weeks........

May 20th, 2014, 11:34 AM
Wow, what an episode! We finally got a glimpse at Vic's breakfast rituals!


I am a bit concerned about Vic's fitness, I have to admit though.


May 20th, 2014, 11:36 AM
Saul had started training her to track scents. She is a Puggle, part Pug, part Beagle. If he or someone is taken, I expect Lady to "lead" the rescue.

May 20th, 2014, 11:53 AM
Saul - "Just keep my boy safe..... Can you do that?"
CJ - "Yeah..... of course......"
<Serious Music>

Scratch gets Nicholas and CJ shoots her in the face!!!! confirmed!!!! :nik:

May 20th, 2014, 11:53 AM
Wow, what an episode! We finally got a glimpse at Vic's breakfast rituals!


I am a bit concerned about Vic's fitness, I have to admit though.

don't forget the Tapatio!

May 20th, 2014, 01:38 PM
Wow, what an episode! We finally got a glimpse at Vic's breakfast rituals!


I am a bit concerned about Vic's fitness, I have to admit though.

You got to remember that Vic was a runner for the original Colony group. So I know that he is one of the fittest guy there. The one you need to worry about is Michael. If you remember the Arena incident.:rolleyes:

*In the background* KC: Micheal is not fat!!!

May 20th, 2014, 01:48 PM
Anyone taken a close look at the Chapter Art? Aren't those "zombie control icons" on the side of the cabin?


I thought this was the Cabin that Tardust is being "questioned"?

The under pressure could stand for what Burt and Reliey are doing to Tardust.

May 20th, 2014, 02:08 PM
That's what i meant by number 7.

"7. The pressure Pete and Max are feeling but are NOT getting from the well."

I should have added,

11. The pressure on us to figure out what is going to happen before it does.

Gotcha, I wasn't sure if that's what you meant, but I see it now.

May 20th, 2014, 04:52 PM
Wow, what an episode! We finally got a glimpse at Vic's breakfast rituals!


Breakfast looks fine, let's see....

Black coffee? Check.
Hot sauce? Check.
Salt? Check.
Beer? Check.

Nope. There is nothing wrong with this breakfast.

May 20th, 2014, 06:18 PM
Breakfast looks fine, let's see....

Black coffee? Check.
Hot sauce? Check.
Salt? Check.
Beer? Check.

Nope. There is nothing wrong with this breakfast.

Wait... there no bacon?!

May 20th, 2014, 06:53 PM
Wait... there no bacon?!

If you can roll either 11 or 12 with two dice, pay 25 mana points and deal at least 50 damage when fighting unarmed, then you can convert 5 bacon into 1 beer... And of course Victor can do this, even if he doesn't have any dice... *Nodnods*
..........This random post of mine made me want to see some sort of WA collection Card game thingie...
Name: Michael Cross
HP: 25
Special ability: Can run fast (adds 3 to speed) and keep his thoughts clear in tough situations (adds 2 to intelligence)
Weak spot: Turns into a crying whimp if he's injured, especially if it's by a door or if the damage goes to his arm

To get a bit more serious though, even if it's almost 4AM and I should have been asleep hours ago... I don't really have much to say about this week's episode, other than it's nice to see Saul finally getting back out where the action's happening. I have a bad feeling that we'll lose him though... Either him or Tanya, but I just think she's got more stuff to figure out.
CJ's saying sorry? YAAAY! (Adds 10 reputation points to Chenwe)
Let's hope their sweat experiment 2.0 actually Works... It better do, it's just plain gross!

As someone else has mentioned... There's quite a lot that still needs to happen, and we only have three chapters left. On the other hand, it's about three hours too, and a lot can happen in such a short time... Look at 34-36...
It's weird to think that it's soon over though. I haven't followed the show from the beginning, unfortunately, but rather from the middle of season three, but it has still been some awesome two years! I'll certainly miss these Little 30 minutes of über excitement each monday... :D
Hmm... So the cover art is a cabin? Could it be at the lake maybe? Can't remember if they descriped the houses and stuff around there... Not sure how that would tie into the story though, unless Scratch is actually lurking nearby to attack them.

I expect to hear from poor Tardust NeXT episode, he is for sure under pressure if Riley succeets in her project... From the cliffhanger Kc left us with, I kinda doubt it though... But WHO knows?

May 20th, 2014, 06:56 PM

May 21st, 2014, 12:03 AM
Imagine if we hear Tardusts's POV in the next two episodes.....

May 21st, 2014, 08:55 AM
Getting back to serious business, I would label the latest episode as a nice bookkeeping episode. I guess that most of the plot elements to come simply required some explanation. I am therefor really looking forward to listening to some great and hazardously crazy action in episode 2 and 3.

And I do not want Tardust or Ink, I want


May 21st, 2014, 08:56 AM
Getting back to serious business, I would label the latest episode as a nice bookkeeping episode. I guess that most of the plot elements to come simply required some explanation. I am therefor really looking forward to listening to some great and hazardously crazy action in episode 2 and 3.

And I do not want Tardust or Ink, I want


So, you are saying you have an itch you want to


May 21st, 2014, 09:48 AM
So, you are saying you have an itch you want to


Its like he's in love with this girl. She's strong willed, can handle a gun, independent, I guess she does make quite a


May 21st, 2014, 09:54 AM
So, you are saying you have an itch you want to


I see what you did there....

May 21st, 2014, 10:17 AM
Its like he's in love with this girl. She's strong willed, can handle a gun, independent, I guess she does make quite a


Then you need to go to


May 21st, 2014, 10:20 AM
Then you need to go to


I heard Scratch hangs out at AshleyMadison.com


*** edit, sorry I messed up the flow that was going on...... corrected below ****

If you like cookies you should go make a


May 21st, 2014, 12:36 PM
Jimmy Thach

Unveiled the Thach Weave at the Battle of Midway

May 21st, 2014, 01:23 PM
Well KC maybe they can


A Plan to do that..

May 21st, 2014, 01:26 PM
Nah, Saul is a role model of a tank (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_%28gaming%29), he is basically the bullet catcher in the WA-verse. He will not die because I think that Mr Wayland actually is a nice guy who does not to populate the world with baby orphants... or I could just be horribly wrong about that. :)
Hope would argue differently.

May 21st, 2014, 06:42 PM
Then you need to go to


I thinks we need to close the hatchon this conversation. :nik:

And now, a thought on walruses...


Melly Traumatic
May 21st, 2014, 07:37 PM
What if the water issue has something to do with tunnels. Is it possible at all there could be something underneath the colony... or more likely, the hospital, DunnBar, or the old Tower location....

May 22nd, 2014, 12:09 AM
This episode is setting us up for a pretty substantial loss soon. Did you notice how we heard from characters like Puck and Hope, who have been silent for some time? It is almost like we're getting a roll call of who is still alive because it's about to change. This may be the last time this group is together. Many of the conversations felt very reflective of the past yet had a bit of finality to them as well.

Basically it was a low-action episode that makes the listener incredibly nervous.

Also I think the cover art is simply the camera receiving safe-house that Saul, Michael, and Victor will end up in. I don't think anybody suggested that yet.

May 22nd, 2014, 07:03 AM
Go ahead and squash me if this has all been brought up but Victor really sounded sketch in this episode.

Michael "we've accomplished so much, all caught up on a stupid watermill"
Victor "Yeah, I know" (The way he said this, eh just slightly sketchy. Almost like he's saying yeah sure thats the only thing).
Victor "So than it'd just be us?" (probably just worried being out there with minimal numbers)
Victor "Wait, her cameras? We're not gonna use the spotters like before?" (whats it matter to him which cameras go up?)
Victor "I'll be impressed if you can get the radios working" (again just his tone)

I love Victor's character, really hope hes one of the good ones. But can't help but think he's hiding something even more now. Then again, it could be that because so many characters were in this episode, these are most likely sound bites and stitched together. Making the "tone" sound a bit out of context from time to time.

May 22nd, 2014, 07:19 AM
Go ahead and squash me if this has all been brought up but Victor really sounded sketch in this episode.

Michael "we've accomplished so much, all caught up on a stupid watermill"
Victor "Yeah, I know" (The way he said this, eh just slightly sketchy. Almost like he's saying yeah sure thats the only thing).
Victor "So than it'd just be us?" (probably just worried being out there with minimal numbers)
Victor "Wait, her cameras? We're not gonna use the spotters like before?" (whats it matter to him which cameras go up?)
Victor "I'll be impressed if you can get the radios working" (again just his tone)

I love Victor's character, really hope hes one of the good ones. But can't help but think he's hiding something even more now. Then again, it could be that because so many characters were in this episode, these are most likely sound bites and stitched together. Making the "tone" sound a bit out of context from time to time.

I think his uneasy tone is more with Michael's plan. Michael is because more of a loose cannon when it comes to Ink. I guess Micheal is "under pressure" to find and stop Ink.

May 22nd, 2014, 09:36 AM
Well KC maybe they can


A Plan to do that..

Scratch will kill Pegs with a golf wedge. Lovely onomatopoetic porn.

May 22nd, 2014, 10:24 AM
Well, someone shot up the coast guard chopper at LAX, which is a stones throw away from the mallers mall. It is possible that the sat phone they had with that chopper somehow made it to the colony. Glenn said the scavengers found it, it is not something that coast guard left with survivors at the colony.

Victor showed up after the colony was established.

Victor wore a ring of some kind up until very recently when he meets Michael, Pegs and Kelly. Kelly makes reference to how the lack of a ring on his finger outside the colony's hospital. My guess is it is a tan line. Was it really a wedding ring or something more ominous like a family ring???

Victor says he was an insurance salesman. Maybe, but it could also be a euphemism for a protection racket. Pay me every month so I do not break your shit.

If the Policestation was a good place to observe the colony for Victor, Saul and CJ, it would be a good place for Scratch and other mallers to observe the colony. Maybe victor was doing that, rather than playing hookie while he was supposed to be scavenging. But, I am just getting warmed up. When Lizzy was in the truck with Tardust and Bricks, he says there was this time at the Police Station... Could be nothing, could be something.

When CJ gets the jump on Saul and Vuctor saves his ass, it was Victor that pointed out that she cannot be a maller because it was an all male prison. It is not like Victor spent a whole lot of time at the Tower before this incident. Three days? Maybe he got a big information Dump off microphone, but I think I only remember him hearing Mallers were escaped prisoners, not escaped prisoners from Eastern Bay.

How the hell does Victor know to drop a laugh line about Rile's Sexuality and Angel's frustration on the way to the golf course?

I have always felt that Michael's original line about not so much for anyone to read, but my own sanity was trying to come to terms with a betrayal or how the hell did he get wrapped up in this Family Thing. We're Alive, a story of Revenge...

But, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

May 22nd, 2014, 10:40 AM
Well, someone shot up the coast guard chopper at LAX, which is a stones throw away from the mallers mall. It is possible that the sat phone they had with that chopper somehow made it to the colony. Glenn said the scavengers found it, it is not something that coast guard left with survivors at the colony.

Victor showed up after the colony was established.

Victor wore a ring of some kind up until very recently when he meets Michael, Pegs and Kelly. Kelly makes reference to how the lack of a ring on his finger outside the colony's hospital. My guess is it is a tan line. Was it really a wedding ring or something more ominous like a family ring???

Victor says he was an insurance salesman. Maybe, but it could also be a euphemism for a protection racket. Pay me every month so I do not break your shit.

If the Policestation was a good place to observe the colony for Victor, Saul and CJ, it would be a good place for Scratch and other mallers to observe the colony. Maybe victor was doing that, rather than playing hookie while he was supposed to be scavenging. But, I am just getting warmed up. When Lizzy was in the truck with Tardust and Bricks, he says there was this time at the Police Station... Could be nothing, could be something.

When CJ gets the jump on Saul and Vuctor saves his ass, it was Victor that pointed out that she cannot be a maller because it was an all male prison. It is not like Victor spent a whole lot of time at the Tower before this incident. Three days? Maybe he got a big information Dump off microphone, but I think I only remember him hearing Mallers were escaped prisoners, not escaped prisoners from Eastern Bay.

How the hell does Victor know to drop a laugh line about Rile's Sexuality and Angel's frustration on the way to the golf course?

I have always felt that Michael's original line about not so much for anyone to read, but my own sanity was trying to come to terms with a betrayal or how the hell did he get wrapped up in this Family Thing. We're Alive, a story of Revenge...

But, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

This is the super-size star destroyer tinfoil hat theory from beyond the realm of ordinary star destroyer tinfoil hat theories.


May 22nd, 2014, 10:45 AM
But one might be actually true when it comes to Vic's past:

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/61/6128190269e6e54316db9e08d42cb6cd8921676c41ff4173be 4cd9a29685881c.jpg

May 22nd, 2014, 12:43 PM
Well, someone shot up the coast guard chopper at LAX, which is a stones throw away from the mallers mall. It is possible that the sat phone they had with that chopper somehow made it to the colony. Glenn said the scavengers found it, it is not something that coast guard left with survivors at the colony.

Victor showed up after the colony was established.

Victor wore a ring of some kind up until very recently when he meets Michael, Pegs and Kelly. Kelly makes reference to how the lack of a ring on his finger outside the colony's hospital. My guess is it is a tan line. Was it really a wedding ring or something more ominous like a family ring???

Victor says he was an insurance salesman. Maybe, but it could also be a euphemism for a protection racket. Pay me every month so I do not break your shit.

If the Policestation was a good place to observe the colony for Victor, Saul and CJ, it would be a good place for Scratch and other mallers to observe the colony. Maybe victor was doing that, rather than playing hookie while he was supposed to be scavenging. But, I am just getting warmed up. When Lizzy was in the truck with Tardust and Bricks, he says there was this time at the Police Station... Could be nothing, could be something.

When CJ gets the jump on Saul and Vuctor saves his ass, it was Victor that pointed out that she cannot be a maller because it was an all male prison. It is not like Victor spent a whole lot of time at the Tower before this incident. Three days? Maybe he got a big information Dump off microphone, but I think I only remember him hearing Mallers were escaped prisoners, not escaped prisoners from Eastern Bay.

How the hell does Victor know to drop a laugh line about Rile's Sexuality and Angel's frustration on the way to the golf course?

I have always felt that Michael's original line about not so much for anyone to read, but my own sanity was trying to come to terms with a betrayal or how the hell did he get wrapped up in this Family Thing. We're Alive, a story of Revenge...

But, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Haven't got enough tinfoil to make this hat....

But damn, that's a nice theory you thought of, could be cool if it actually was true, even in something like a fanfic......

May 22nd, 2014, 01:16 PM
I have so much :tinfoil: that I can make just about any of the remaining characters seem nefarious. Remember, Pegs narrates and calls the soldiers in the Tower "Guardians" even before they learn of the colony. So, just poetic license on Pegs part or was she already familiar with this social structure?

When Riley is caught hugging Michael, by Pegs and she storms out, Peg says, So, you are going to steal that from me, too? Very strange choice of words, referring to a potential boyfriend as THAT. Someone can check me on this, but I am pretty sure she said that and not him.

I Better stop now. Lol. I live in Bizzaro-We're-Alive-World. Me put arms on Venus demilo...

May 22nd, 2014, 01:49 PM
I have so much :tinfoil: that I can make just about any of the remaining characters seem nefarious. Remember, Pegs narrates and calls the soldiers in the Tower "Guardians" even before they learn of the colony. So, just poetic license on Pegs part or was she already familiar with this social structure?

When Riley is caught hugging Michael, by Pegs and she storms out, Peg says, So, you are going to steal that from me, too? Very strange choice of words, referring to a potential boyfriend as THAT. Someone can check me on this, but I am pretty sure she said that and not him.

I Better stop now. Lol. I live in Bizzaro-We're-Alive-World. Me put arms on Venus demilo...

Pegs says "so, you want to take this from me too!?"

But that was later, In episode 7-1, when Riley goes to talk to her while pegs was working in the rooftop garden after Riley had hugged Michael.

"This" was referencing to the garden.

May 22nd, 2014, 03:51 PM
Pegs says "so, you want to take this from me too!?"

But that was later, In episode 7-1, when Riley goes to talk to her while pegs was working in the rooftop garden after Riley had hugged Michael.

"This" was referencing to the garden.

Actually, the "this" was reference to a poster she holding up and pointing to (still don't know why KC include this since it is difficult to see someone pointing in audio podcast). The poster was of a handsome insurance salesman by the name of Victor. How they didn't realize that Vic was the one on poster is beyond me. :nik:

May 22nd, 2014, 04:58 PM
Well, someone shot up the coast guard chopper at LAX, which is a stones throw away from the mallers mall. It is possible that the sat phone they had with that chopper somehow made it to the colony. Glenn said the scavengers found it, it is not something that coast guard left with survivors at the colony.

Victor showed up after the colony was established.

Victor wore a ring of some kind up until very recently when he meets Michael, Pegs and Kelly. Kelly makes reference to how the lack of a ring on his finger outside the colony's hospital. My guess is it is a tan line. Was it really a wedding ring or something more ominous like a family ring???

Victor says he was an insurance salesman. Maybe, but it could also be a euphemism for a protection racket. Pay me every month so I do not break your shit.

If the Policestation was a good place to observe the colony for Victor, Saul and CJ, it would be a good place for Scratch and other mallers to observe the colony. Maybe victor was doing that, rather than playing hookie while he was supposed to be scavenging. But, I am just getting warmed up. When Lizzy was in the truck with Tardust and Bricks, he says there was this time at the Police Station... Could be nothing, could be something.

When CJ gets the jump on Saul and Vuctor saves his ass, it was Victor that pointed out that she cannot be a maller because it was an all male prison. It is not like Victor spent a whole lot of time at the Tower before this incident. Three days? Maybe he got a big information Dump off microphone, but I think I only remember him hearing Mallers were escaped prisoners, not escaped prisoners from Eastern Bay.

How the hell does Victor know to drop a laugh line about Rile's Sexuality and Angel's frustration on the way to the golf course?

I have always felt that Michael's original line about not so much for anyone to read, but my own sanity was trying to come to terms with a betrayal or how the hell did he get wrapped up in this Family Thing. We're Alive, a story of Revenge...

But, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Ermm... But if Victor was part of The Family, why would he have gone to the Colony instead of remaining with his fellow escaped prisoners? Also, the Mallers would have found out about the Colony far earlier than they actually did, with Victor as a member of the Family. What would have been the point of him joining up with the Towerfolk and staying with them for as long as he did without making any sort of offensive move or betrayal? One could argue that he was not loyal to Darai, rather to Scratch, and acted on her orders to finally have an opportunity to snatch Pegs... But he has had so many chances to do that and done nothing. Or are you meaning that he's pulled a Kalani and is now loyal to everyone?

May 22nd, 2014, 11:43 PM
My theory, this is the cabin where Nurse Britt has taken refuge since the fall of Fort Irwin. Right before the nuke went off she took cover inside a refrigerator, which was blown into the Sierra Nevada Mountains by the force of the blast!

That only works for Indiana Jones....or Victor should the need arise...but thats it....No one else is capable of mastering the super 'fridge!

Havn't read all the post in here yet... But i'll say my thoughts are Saul is being a prick, but understandably so...he had a major loss, and is trying to work it all out in his mind, and he isn't to the full acceptance stage yet... Tonya, sadly, is a goner i fear..I think Scratch is going to end up with that baby, and now would be the perfect attack time on the way to Dunbar. Matter of fact, she might be waiting for Dunbar.. Tardust might have been the distraction needed to keep B&R occupied while she makes her move ..i'm also worried about Victor, saul isn't 100% and i'm afraid that Vic might have to sacrifice himself to save Saul, or die because of Saul in some way...

Skittles, will be found by Ink or Scratch....Leaning toward Ink...thinking Ink might have some type of control over him in some capacity, because Skittles doesn't seem to be overly bothered by any creatures other then Ink...and Ink scares him bad....

I think the title points to everyone, and something is going to break. Michael is under pressure of the mission at hand, Saul is under pressure of a loss and being a new father, Tonya under pressure of what has happened and Sauls resentment, B&R for hunting scratch and dealing with Tardust, and so forth and so on...Every one right now is under pressure....its just a matter of time now...

May 23rd, 2014, 03:16 AM
If Victor were loyal to Scratch I would imagine that during the assualt on the Colony, when Victor comes running up the stairs Scratch would not have tucked tail and ran. Rather she would have let it be known right then and there that Victor was one of hers and then BAM BAM BAM down goes Saul, down goes CJ, down goes Burt.

You wanna take it from here Bam Bam?

May 23rd, 2014, 09:13 AM
If Victor were loyal to Scratch I would imagine that during the assualt on the Colony, when Victor comes running up the stairs Scratch would not have tucked tail and ran. Rather she would have let it be known right then and there that Victor was one of hers and then BAM BAM BAM down goes Saul, down goes CJ, down goes Burt.

You wanna take it from here Bam Bam?


May 23rd, 2014, 11:22 AM
Ermm... But if Victor was part of The Family, why would he have gone to the Colony instead of remaining with his fellow escaped prisoners? Also, the Mallers would have found out about the Colony far earlier than they actually did, with Victor as a member of the Family. What would have been the point of him joining up with the Towerfolk and staying with them for as long as he did without making any sort of offensive move or betrayal? One could argue that he was not loyal to Darai, rather to Scratch, and acted on her orders to finally have an opportunity to snatch Pegs... But he has had so many chances to do that and done nothing. Or are you meaning that he's pulled a Kalani and is now loyal to everyone?

We do not know when Victor got to the colony. He says he was not there when the rescues were still happening. The Maller Modus Operanti was to investigate and then infiltrate. We also must remember that Victor was only with the tower a few days, before Scratch turns it to rubble.

I am not planting a flag screaming Victor is with Durai. My point is more the beauty of KC's writing. He has a very detailed world, but there is also an even greater possibility of plot arcs behind the scenes.

Victor seems to have removed a ring from his ring finger just prior to meeting Kelly.

Victor hears that Michael was from the Tower. This sounds a lot like where Hope and Sean came from. In my twisted world trying to link patterns, I think this could be significant. Maybe it is not. But, maybe Victor thought that the survivors of CJ's Tower reconstituted.

Like I said, I am most likely just nuts. There are some things that seem out of place. Look, 6,000,000,000+ dead and Durai, Scratch and Tardust are afraid of what the members of the other tower might be? ZOMG, 6 billion dead and that other tower might have a guy who was on the SWAT team or a prison guard living there. We are so screwed now!

And what the hell is Ink so afraid of? ( yes, I know Osiris, I should not end a sentence in a preposition. 8) )the world is kaput and Ink has to build up his army of Super Guardians to protect himself from what?

Maybe the story is just a straight forward TEOTWAWKI story instigated by a mad scientist, but I hope for something more complex. But, alas, there is not much time left for complexity.

May 23rd, 2014, 07:31 PM
And what the hell is Ink so afraid of? ( yes, I know Osiris, I should not end a sentence in a preposition. 8) )the world is kaput and Ink has to build up his army of Super Guardians to protect himself from what?

Good news, Grog! You can end sentences with all the prepositions you want. Oxford says so: http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2011/11/grammar-myths-prepositions/

May 23rd, 2014, 10:38 PM

May 24th, 2014, 02:56 AM
This is totally unrelated to the previous posts above. I have been thinking about what Scratch is probably going to do next. Some people did already mention that she could use some electronic devices...

May 24th, 2014, 09:11 PM
Another builder episode...I like watching the puzzle pieces get stacked into the Jenga tower as we breath and wait for more. Skittles is hardcore, going on the treadmill for three hours. I assume he was going at a light jog. Although he did ditch the group. As a fan of Skittles I do hope we see him return before everything is set and done.
Of course Pegs would be a babysitter, hahaha!
Saul, Victor and Michael in the field, awesome times ahead! Screw your rule Michael, trios seem to have as good as luck as anyone can get in this world.

May 25th, 2014, 05:37 AM
Yea, Skittles is in awesome shape. After running for three hours at a pace to generate sweat, what does he do? He runs away! Great endurance. Hmmm... One of the drugs in Ink's Beheomoth Coctail puts red blood cell production into over drive. Skittles even says they do not get tired.

Taaah Daaaah....


May 25th, 2014, 08:08 AM
Yea, Skittles is in awesome shape. After running for three hours at a pace to generate sweat, what does he do? He runs away! Great endurance. Hmmm... One of the drugs in Ink's Beheomoth Coctail puts red blood cell production into over drive. Skittles even says they do not get tired.

Taaah Daaaah....


I guess that it will take some time before even Skittles can be classified as Forrest Gump class runner...
