View Full Version : who doesnt like peggs

Oct 11th, 2013, 01:37 PM
I dont know why but pegs is just getting on my nerves she really doesnt bring nothing to the table, Is it me or am I just looking at her character the wrong way? I mean yes she can grow food but I just dont know, the way she let go of michael so quick and moved on and she left him in a heart beat, I think she just looks out for her self in a diffrent way. what do you guys think?

Oct 11th, 2013, 02:23 PM
She can grow food, she can fly, and make signs. Have to think about how fast the time in the story actually goes though too, they've known each other for less then a year. They really don't owe anything to anyone, they have to survive first before worrying about a relationship.

Oct 11th, 2013, 03:05 PM
Pegs is able to put a smile on a many listeners of We're alive by distracting Michael from telling how he broke his arm. And yes, there is some irony hidden in this last sentence. :) However, I like her just because she is sometimes annoying. She is a true genuine character.

Oct 11th, 2013, 11:18 PM
Pegs is able to put a smile on a many listeners of We're alive by distracting Michael from telling how he broke his arm. And yes, there is some irony hidden in this last sentence. :) However, I like her just because she is sometimes annoying. She is a true genuine character.

That really made me angry i was like yay we will learn about how he broke his arm but nope not today.

Oct 14th, 2013, 10:38 AM
She kind of gets to me too a little bit.

Oct 14th, 2013, 01:16 PM
how do I update

Oct 15th, 2013, 07:09 AM
Pegs is ok by me.. I am not happy how she initially let Michael down but she tried to make up for it..
But she has come along way since they first found her and Riley on the roof top.

Oct 15th, 2013, 03:42 PM
I love Pegs, that is all. Hers and Michael's interactions remind me of how I am with this girl whom I'm friends with. I remember making a big list of Pegs' virtues on another thread about her, so I won't do that here, but she's awesome.

Oct 15th, 2013, 05:27 PM
still dont know, I think she is clingy. they need to make her step it up a little like Riley, lizzie, kelly, and Tanya. I hope they make her a little tougher. Maybe if somebody messes with her crops she will get all GANGSTA!

Oct 15th, 2013, 09:06 PM
^Not tough? In my opinion, she's one of the characters who has been most changed and toughened by all that's happened. In the beginning she was unwilling to even fire a gun, because of both personal morality and fear, but by the end of Season 1 she had killed a person in defence of someone whom she cares for. That must have taken such remarkable bravery, it's amazing. And in Season 2, she learned to fly a military helicopter when the only flying experience she'd had before was flying small planes. However, with all the changes she's gone through, she still manages to keep her core character more or less intact, also an amazing feat, and like Michael said, "very brave in its own way" (that's not a direct quote, but it's from somewhere in the first season). Pegs is not a warrioress like Riley, that's just not who she is, but her bravery, while far more subtle, is just as remarkable.

Oct 16th, 2013, 09:55 AM
Agee to disagree, because I still think she needs to step it up. she has been around fighting for survival and she still wants to have morales, In my point of view, first live to have morales. then you can decide what you want to do when you dont have zombies wanting to kill you, and people trying to take your stuff and make you there slave. I agree she has been changed, but because she has been put in situations, not because she adapted her self. but thats just my point of view, but thanks for your point of view. I think im going to listen to WA again from season 1 just to double check on my thoughts. LOL thanks

Oct 16th, 2013, 09:05 PM
Alright, I shall agree to disagree. :D

Oct 18th, 2013, 01:48 AM
She is going through a change i guess.,

Nov 11th, 2013, 08:14 PM
I think she has grown a lot i mean she gets on my nerves a lot and she drives me mad. but she has grown a lot and has stepped up a lot from when they first found her on the rooftop. i find that its good to have a person like her it gives the show a little bit more of depth and reality.

Nov 11th, 2013, 09:00 PM
Meh. I have no beef with Pegs. The fact that Michael is an emotional cripple isn't her fault. Besides, I save my ire for CJ.

Nov 17th, 2013, 06:52 AM
I hope she's the one to kill Scratch - then she'll have collected the pair

Nov 18th, 2013, 04:49 PM
I think Pegs represents that "Normal" person in the End of the World story. Most people do not have awesome skills that translate into Survival skills. Also that, regardless of how tough people act/say, most people would have a hard time to adapt. It is easy to say "Shiiit. I would shot that mofo in the head and do a kung pow kick to a zombies head while eating catfood to live!" and really doing it. Most people would lock up and piss themselves when they got into real issues. Most would also have a tough time changing. Using a gun is admitting that the world has changed. People try very very hard to keep life steady. People do small things, try new food, go on vacations, try things while on vacations, but most people do not make major changes well. They kick and scream and wait until the have no choice. Just liks Pegs with the Gun.

In the story Pegs represents the innocence we all have. Regardless of if we admit it or not. That is her role in the story. She is the "Normal" person. Her changing really is what a normal person would so in this situation. She has gone from a person with no real skills or worth... to being very useful. She flew the Helicopter and saved people. She is making the colony's food sourse work. Michael is relying on her (Talking to CJ) now in some areas.

I don't think people give Pegs enough credit. People focus on the wrong things. Yes. She left Michael and went to Baulder where it was "Safe". That was a HUGE deal. It said she was making choices on her own. We may not agree with it, but she was willing to do what she thought was best. She didn't rely on anyone else. She stood up for herself. She traveled to help Michael find help (The Colony) when almost no one would.

I hated her at the begining, but her growth is a awesome thing. People latch on to characters like Burt because they are what they wish they were, or how they wish they would act. People hate Pegs because at the end of the day most of us would be her.

Nov 18th, 2013, 05:00 PM
Seemingly innocent Pegs was the one who said to shoot ink again, because it was not enough. Pegs wrote "the Guardians" in her journal in season 1. She tells Riley, something like so, your going to steal THAT from me, too. When she catches Riley hugging Michael. I find that very disturbing. She echoes the term Colony and the name Marcus almost as if she is familiar with them in season 2.

Nov 18th, 2013, 05:39 PM
I mean Innocence not in "I am a saint" but in that last bit of Humanity and normal we have in us. It is very normal for people to get dramatic and irrational. Look at your Facebook news stream. I know mine has me roll my eyes at people daily. She has her issues. We all do. My point was that she is the stand in for the normal person. Yes, she said to shoot Ink again b/c it wasn't enough. That is what a scared person does. Yes she got upset with Pegs, because normal people get Dramatic.

Not saying others do not fit similar roles, but she is the most worthless. Just like most of us would be.

She is the Dramatic Florest that is a klutz, annoying, and irrational. Change Florest to "Wal-Mart Manager" or "Game Store Employee" or "Graphic Designer" and that is you. That is my point. Not that she is an angel that can do no wrong, but the most normal out the group.

Michael- Army Soilder
Angel- Army Officer
Burt- Weapon Store Owner/ Compition Shooter
Riely- Cook/Bow Expert (Also in great shape. That matters)
Datu- Handy Man/General Repairman (We all know how great that is working)
CJ- Expert Crazy Planner/Blade Master
Tanya- Medic
Saul- Soilder/Medic

Pegs- Florest...Thats pretty much it. Florest. No other skills (Until a year later at The Colony. So a Large established Colony)

Jan 21st, 2014, 05:07 AM
In the beginning I thought that Pegs would be the traitor. I assumed anyone with that many screws up was working for the other side.
1. The sign - I didnt think it was a good idea only because you can't take in the whole world.
2. Dropping the flower pot - Accident or Not <side eyes>
3. Well I know different now but it seemed like they were looking for a mole before Kalani came and I wanted it to be her, this is how she should have broken Michaels heart. And real talk she seems to still be a means of convenience for him. He just wants to get laid.

So I didn't like her character in the beginning, she still irks but there are enough characters now that I don't have to worry about her drama. I also believe her story line from Florist to Farmer is a stretch, but I am not surprised because the people at 1800fl0wers cant get it right either.

Feb 3rd, 2014, 04:57 PM
Pegs balances the entire We're Alive story, in my opinion. It's her cheery demeanor and happy voice that makes you want things to get better, even though you know they won't. I literally just sent her an email regarding wardrobe for an upcoming photoshoot just minutes ago and said this:

"For you, I think simple, cheery looking clothing (something a little older that you don’t mind getting dirty) works best and brings out the best notes of your character. Constant optimism and cheer in even the worst situations.

It’s also a great kick in the feels; years ago, I was an afterschool teacher and I remember one little girl whose family wasn’t very well off, had a plastic doll (the kind with the eyes that opened and closed) that she absolutely loved and would never go anywhere without. The doll was completely battered and dirty, but the image of this girl holding onto this smiling doll was the right mix of happy and sad rolled into one. Sort of like the story The Velveteen Rabbit.

Seeing a smiling, positive Pegs in a happy (but somewhat worse for wear) outfit would *really* tug at the heartstrings – something with flowers, or a bright color like yellow!"

Her character is one that took a little while to grow on me; like Datu. At first you're thinking "this is totally out of place", but as you listen to them go through crisis after crisis, you end up really caring about them!

Feb 3rd, 2014, 05:11 PM
Pegs has grown more confident as the story progressed. Now the survivors need her more than she has ever been needy. If you like our survivors then you'll have to respect Pegs and how she has grown. Right now, she's feeding them. Also (Skip if you haven't gotten to Chapter 42 yet) She is now the ONLY helicopter pilot left, now that Greg Muldoon is dead.

Feb 13th, 2014, 04:15 AM
I don't care how useful Pegs now is. She gets on every nerve I have. She's been wishy washy and annoying since day one. I thought making her be able to fly was much too late to save her character and no...it didn't do anything for me that she got them to Irwin safely. I also abhor the way she treated Michael. If I had to think about it too long, I'm not a fan of most of the female characters.

Feb 14th, 2014, 08:06 PM
I don't care how useful Pegs now is. She gets on every nerve I have. She's been wishy washy and annoying since day one. I thought making her be able to fly was much too late to save her character and no...it didn't do anything for me that she got them to Irwin safely. I also abhor the way she treated Michael. If I had to think about it too long, I'm not a fan of most of the female characters.

Sir, you may not speak unkindly about The Pegs!

Feb 15th, 2014, 11:27 AM
I posed on this topic before, so i just had to dig and find it.

I actually like pegs. Sure, she can be a ditz, but i understand Michael's attraction to her. She is the exact opposite of the horrible situation that Michael finds himself as a leader in. He deals with death, fear, and destruction on every choice he makes every day, and she is there in the sun, tending her garden and cows, with a smile, and an upbeat attitude.

If you are in a situation of hopelessness, there is nothing better to have someone to love that makes you feel like there is something to hope for.
That is also why Datu and Hope stuck together for so long through so much.

Feb 16th, 2014, 05:16 AM
It's ma'am and the topic is Who doesn't like her.

Feb 18th, 2014, 06:12 PM
I apologize for the gender mishap! I saw MR Whiskers as your avatar and jumped to conclusions. You likely have considerably less hair than Mr. Whiskers as well, but that too is an assumption.

As we live in a beautiful day and age in which individuals have the personal freedom to dislike THE PEGS, they will be forever lowered in the esteem of others who recognize the sound of wind blowing through THE PEGS' hair as the song 'Dreamweaver' playing in the background.

Sing with me: "ooh wooooh, Dreeeeeaaaaamweeeeeeaver"

Feb 19th, 2014, 11:23 AM
I'm more annoyed now by Lizzie with her "you just left!" whining to Burt and Riley then I ever had by Pegs. Pegs just has a too sweet and innocent disposition to dislike, but yes at times first annoyed by her hesitance but then impressed with her okay lets do it attitude.

Feb 20th, 2014, 07:37 PM
I'm more annoyed now by Lizzie with her "you just left!" whining to Burt and Riley then I ever had by Pegs. Pegs just has a too sweet and innocent disposition to dislike, but yes at times first annoyed by her hesitance but then impressed with her okay lets do it attitude.

I'm giving Lizzy the benefit of the doubt and hormone credit since she's pregnant and had been separated from them for so long but I kinda agree. I don't really care for the turn she's taking...seems wayyyy too clingy now.

Feb 24th, 2014, 10:15 AM
I respect Peggs for her growth and contributions (mediocre as they may be) to the group, and as a character she's ok, however when she starts whining and crying, and begging for help that voice is like nails on a chalkboard. In the first episode, first iritiated me when she was whining about jumping off the roof. She's lucky that I wasn't Micheal otherwise her *** would still be up there.
Then she started voicing the web design comercial and that was shear torture "Oh Micheal please help....." *BOOM* headshot!
Thankfully with her character growing the further into the series, she's leaving alot of the whining behind.

Feb 24th, 2014, 05:51 PM
I respect Peggs for her growth and contributions (mediocre as they may be) to the group, and as a character she's ok, however when she starts whining and crying, and begging for help that voice is like nails on a chalkboard. In the first episode, first iritiated me when she was whining about jumping off the roof. She's lucky that I wasn't Micheal otherwise her *** would still be up there.
Then she started voicing the web design comercial and that was shear torture "Oh Micheal please help....." *BOOM* headshot!
Thankfully with her character growing the further into the series, she's leaving alot of the whining behind.

Yeah I guess you have a point there. Elisa Eliot is such an incredibly nice person that I guess I grew to like her character AFTER meeting her lol.

May 25th, 2014, 10:03 AM
In the first episode, first iritiated me when she was whining about jumping off the roof. She's lucky that I wasn't Micheal otherwise her *** would still be up there No joke! I was yelling my phone for him to leave her there.

I can't stand the character. She's beyond annoying, selfish, whiny and straight out childish. Her character hasn't displayed a single moment of redemption and frankly it's too late. Wanted her character to get killed before Lizzy (dislike that character also).

Jun 7th, 2014, 09:29 AM
I grew to like Pegs; but her finding someone else so fast in Colorado really made me sad. Now, is Michael just a backup? Wish she made it up or that other guy was a rebound ... Seems to have cheapened their relationship. Wish that part was omitted. True love anyone? Nope - not for Michael, CJ, and now Saul. Wish Pegs died instead of Lizzy - unless they can fix this before the end. Maybe Michael and CJ could fall in love, or somehow Pegs and Michael can truly connect.

Jul 22nd, 2015, 10:12 AM
Yeah, Pegs really got on my nerves. I was really hoping that Michael would not get back with her once they were all at the Colony. I mean, she couldn't have at least written him back to let him know that she had moved on?

Oct 20th, 2015, 03:14 PM
Yeah, Pegs really got on my nerves. I was really hoping that Michael would not get back with her once they were all at the Colony. I mean, she couldn't have at least written him back to let him know that she had moved on?

Thats how i feel. She spent like 2 seasons fawning over the guy, then just throws him away. Stopped caring about her at that point.

Oct 26th, 2015, 08:59 PM
Clingy, check! Annoying, check! Irritatingly sickly sweet, check!