View Full Version : Blind Zombies?

Oct 6th, 2013, 11:42 PM
So it's been a long and exhausting day and my brain is only halfway functional right now, so if I might be missing some really obvious stuff. If so I appologize up front :-)

Has anyone thrown out the idea that the zombies may be blind? We know they have extreemly good hearing and sense of smell and are attracted to noise and certain sounds. We have heard how their eyes change when they turn. In the arena throughout (if I remember right) it was all dark, and the room Samantha and Datu were in was basically pitch black, and yet the zombies didn't seem to mind the dark at all.

Perhaps that is one of the things that makes the pinstripe and little ones even more special, they have maintained their sight while other lesser biters have gone blind as a part of turning?

I am just spitballing here but it's a thought...

Oct 7th, 2013, 02:58 AM
I like the idea for biters 1.0, but I think the 2.0 inkling converts hange the game. They figure out how to rip open the Bradleys. I think that requires a higher level of vision and cognitive ability.

Even 1.0 are not completely blind. They use torches in the arena. However I would be remiss without :tinfoil: Biter 1.0 vision is probably similar to Hopes.

Oct 7th, 2013, 05:02 AM
I think we talked a little about this in a couple of other threads. The eyes of the zombies have been a topic mainly because of the difference in the eyes of "normal" biters and the eyes of Little Ones and TOWTM/Pinstripes (cloudy vs clear). The torches/fires in the Arena may not have necessarily been there for the zombies to see. It could have been for TOWTM to see or to provide warmth for any/all of them (recall that the normals were susceptible to cold/freezing later) or....

I think the fires in the Arena were mainly to provide a way for the story to get told by Datu, Samantha, and Kalani. We learn some things from their time in the luxury box that we wouldn't if there had been no light down on the floor.

Other things we have learned about zombies and eyesight: Behemoths don't see well (according to Skittles). A Jumper was able to see well enough to make the leap from one building to another and crash through a window into a room instead of hitting a wall and just falling to the ground below. A normal was able to see the rope from one building roof to the Tower and start to follow it across but didn't see the people on the other side (yes they were behind the glass door and it's possible the reflection hide them from outside).

Anyway, I think it's very plausible that the vision of the normal biters is in some way compromised. Kind of like an animal that spends a lot of time in the dark and has to rely on other senses, like hearing, smell, or sensing vibrations.... Things we figure these normals are pretty good at.

Oct 7th, 2013, 07:53 AM
i think that it could be possible for KC to introduce blind zombies next when the army folks go looking for them