View Full Version : Kelly's Relationship With Tommy

Oct 2nd, 2013, 05:42 PM
It really seems that there was an attempt, at the end of the previous season and beginning of this one, to rehabilitate Kelly as a character... but I cannot buy, or even make sense of, her statements about Tommy.

She knew about his dietary issues and she went out of her way to try and get him kicked out of the Tower. There's no way to sugar coat that or claim that she was trying to get him taken seriously or something. They found food that it would be trivially easy to check was stolen or not, food she had good reason to know why he might have been stock-piling, he was her family and her responsibility (whether either of them wanted it or not), and she tried to throw him out the front door.

That happened. Pretending it didn't or anyone accepting that she had some sort of good intentions there doesn't make any sense to me.

Am I missing something?

Oct 2nd, 2013, 08:40 PM
None of that happened, bro.

Oct 2nd, 2013, 09:01 PM
I always chalked it up to her being a real ass-hat, but, yes, that bugs me too. She seems serious about kicking him out. Even when talking to Michael about it in private, she doesn't sound like she's teaching Tommy a lesson. Hey, maybe she was trying to teach MICHAEL a lesson about absolute, black & white rules (which he already learned about in the Colony) but she didn't let on. She seems to be sincere about sending Tommy to the wolves as if she hates him.

Oct 2nd, 2013, 09:25 PM
Maybe she just hated Tommy? Maybe she was in denial about the situation? Maybe she was trying the tough love angle. Maybe she was drunk. Seems likely she was drunk.

Oct 2nd, 2013, 09:41 PM
Ass-hat seems most plausible to me.

Oct 3rd, 2013, 02:59 AM
He was attacked by a special one, not just the average biter. As witchDictor pointed out Hope says, everywhere I go...

Tommy also becomes a special one in the sense that he works toward the goal of breaching defenses or at least trying to escape, certainly an intellect well above the classic eating machine.

That being said, she is a lawyer and on more than one occasion has behavior driven by the letter of the law, however I can easily see there being more than meets the "eye" in the attack. We know he was smart, but only Kelly is really in a position to know more.

Oct 3rd, 2013, 03:17 AM
Drunk. Im seconding that emotion....

God, I wish that was an emotion....drunk. That would explain so much of my life.....

Oct 3rd, 2013, 07:36 AM
Drunk. Im seconding that emotion....

God, I wish that was an emotion....drunk. That would explain so much of my life.....

Drunk is totally an emotion.