View Full Version : Swan Song

Aug 29th, 2013, 09:22 AM
For some time now i'm looking for a (hard)copy of Swan Song, apperently it is out of print so its hard to find.. Anyone know where i can still get it at a reasonable price?

Maybe i should must buy a ereader and get a digital copy...

Swan Song is a 1987 horror novel by American novelist Robert R. McCammon. It is a work of post-apocalyptic fiction describing the aftermath of a nuclear war that provokes an evolution in humankind.

Aug 29th, 2013, 04:45 PM
Previously written by Stephen King under the title The Stand.

I'm pretty sure I saw a copy in a local book store. I'll drop in there this weekend and see. If there's a copy I'm sure we can work something out.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 29th, 2013, 08:00 PM
...I'm pretty sure I saw a copy in a local book store...

What is this wonderous thing you speak of? A "local" book store? Is that something like the book section of a WalMart store, but in a building all by itself? You Canadians have all kinds of cool stuff, don't you!

Aug 29th, 2013, 08:07 PM
What is this wonderous thing you speak of? A "local" book store? Is that something like the book section of a WalMart store, but in a building all by itself? You Canadians have all kinds of cool stuff, don't you!

We've still got little shops that don't have websites and have no trouble maintaining good volume. Maybe they aren't 30,000 sq ft. but I support small business.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 29th, 2013, 08:23 PM
We've still got little shops that don't have websites and have no trouble maintaining good volume. Maybe they aren't 30,000 sq ft. but I support small business.

Down here they've all gone away. The local book stores were driven out by the big book stores and the mall stores. Then those were driven under by the super book stores (Borders, Barnes & Nobles). Now those are disappearing in the face of Amazon and other online book sellers. There are still places that sell used paperbacks, and some that cater to specialized markets, but that's about it.

Aug 29th, 2013, 09:04 PM
That shit breaks my heart. It's why I tend to visit used book stores more than any other place.

Aug 30th, 2013, 09:22 AM
That would be really awesome Osiris! Like you i still find my way to local bookstores, altough nowaday i get most of my books at one of the many secondhand/recycle shops (secondhand cloths, books and much more of which the income goes to charity). You can find a lot of little treasures there like old books and old vinyl records.

Still i havent been able to find swan song.. If you find multiple copies I would advise you to buy them all, those copies are getting worth more and more it seems.

You comparing it to the stand by stephen king even wants me to read it even more.

Some of my favorite (post) apocalyptic novels

Aug 31st, 2013, 11:29 PM
Found it.


You might be able to order directly from them. If not, let me know and I'll go pick it up.

Sep 1st, 2013, 11:34 AM
Yeah you're talking about Swan Song by Robert McCammon right. Read that a few years ago and i enjoyed it quite a bit. Its a good read. I found my copy at a used book store. Apart from the chain bookstores there has always seemed to be a good used book market around here. Apart from some independants there is ever a used book chain called Wee Book Inn that has been around since i was a kid. Good luck in finding it.

Sep 2nd, 2013, 02:46 PM
I can't order it from them directly... But shipping costs probably are a bit heigh from Canada to Netherlands right :S

Found it.


You might be able to order directly from them. If not, let me know and I'll go pick it up.

Sep 2nd, 2013, 02:54 PM
I can't order it from them directly... But shipping costs probably are a bit heigh from Canada to Netherlands right :S

I'll do whatever I can to get down there this week and snag a copy.