View Full Version : Zombie Genre reading...suggestions welcome

Feb 11th, 2013, 11:05 AM
Here's a list of the series I've read. I love gore...the more graphic the better! I'm always looking for a new series to bite into.

Resident Evil. SD Perry
Autumn. David Moody
Benny Imura. Jonathan Maberry
The Becoming. Jessica Meigs
Undead World. A.P. Fuchs
Eden. Tony Moncihnski
Joe Ledger. Jonathan Maberry
Zombie Fallout. Mark Tufo
Plague of the Dead. Z. A. Recht
LZR-1144. Bryan James
Hater. David Moody
White Flag of the Dead. Joseph Talluto
Newsflesh. Mira Grant
Deadlocked. AR Wise
As the World Dies. Rhiannon Frater
Dead World. Joe McKinney
Zombie Dawn. Michael Thomas
Undead Nation. Brent Acuff
Zombie Chronicles. Mark Clodi
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. Shawn Chesser
A New World. John O'Brien
Infection. Craig DiLouie
Day by Day Armageddon. JL Bourne
Alaskan Undead Apocalypse. Sean Schubert
The Gathering. Stephen Knight
Flu. Wayne Simmons
Dead of Night. Jonathan Maberry
Rise Again. Ben Tripp
Bones. Mark Wheaton
Warm Bodies. Isaac Marion
Snareville. David Youngquist
Infection. Scott Sigler
Monster Island. David Wellington (couldn't get into it...too much foreign language that I didn't understand)

Feb 11th, 2013, 11:22 AM
Holy crap I need to read more!

Don't forget World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide!

Feb 11th, 2013, 11:24 AM
Wow, thanks for the list. I've looked around for z'd novels a few times and I have some of these but I find it hard to find more if you don't know the specific name. It seems in a lot of the recommended lists that many of the same few books are always mentioned (lol, see post above :)). Thanks again.

Would you be so bold as to rank or mention your favourites? :D

Feb 11th, 2013, 11:41 AM
Zombie fiction seems to be one that I have trouble getting into. I enjoyed the first Joe Ledger book, but when following books strayed so far--I felt--from what the first novel brought that I lost interest. Maberry is a good writer though, and Joe Ledger has potential to be a really great character. Just something about the subject matter maybe.

Bourne's Day by Day series started really strong as well, but falls apart in the third. He dropped what made the first book so good in favour of something more traditional, and he really didn't pull it off. I would have preferred to see him finish the series the way he'd started it instead of switching to a p.o.v. and style that he's obviously not comfortable with. At the same time it shows a willingness to take chances. He writes another book I'll pick it up.

I've read close to half of those authors, and none of them really stick out in my mind. It's hard to find someone who writers really well, that has an interesting take on the genre, and is willing to commit to more than one book. Apparently, The Reapers Are The Angels by Alden Bell (Exit Kingdom is already out) is being turned into a series. I thought he had a pretty refreshing look at the genre, and had a great handle on the style he was writing in.

Good list. I'm sure I'll pick up a couple of those titles.

Feb 11th, 2013, 02:53 PM
I ranked them below, #1 of course being my favorite (and coincidentally the first I read).

1. Autumn. David Moody
2. As the World Dies. Rhiannon Frater
3. White Flag of the Dead. Joseph Talluto
4. Newsflesh. Mira Grant
5. Zombie Fallout. Mark Tufo
6. Zombie Dawn. Michael Thomas
7. Undead Nation. Brent Acuff
8. Zombie Chronicles. Mark Clodi
9. LZR-1143. Bryan James
10. Alaskan Undead Apocalypse. Sean Schubert
11. Dead World. Joe McKinney
12. The Becoming. Jessica Meigs
13. Undead World. A.P. Fuchs
14. Plague of the Dead. Z. A. Recht
15. A New World. John O'Brien
16. Resident Evil. SD Perry
17. The Gathering. Stephen Knight
18. Day by Day Armageddon. JL Bourne
19. Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. Shawn Chesser
20. Eden. Tony Moncihnski
21. Warm Bodies. Isaac Marion
22. Deadlocked. AR Wise
23. Infection. Craig DiLouie
24. Flu. Wayne Simmons
25. Infection. Scott Sigler
26. Dead of Night. Jonathan Maberry
27. Hater. David Moody
28. Benny Imura. Jonathan Maberry
29. Rise Again. Ben Tripp
30. Snareville. David Youngquist
31. Bones. Mark Wheaton
32. Joe Ledger. Jonathan Maberry
33. Monster Island. David Wellington

Feb 11th, 2013, 02:59 PM
Did I miss any? I'm done with the podcast and in dire need!

Feb 22nd, 2013, 12:12 AM
I have read several of those listed, but my favorites have been the Brian Keene books. 'The Rising' and its sequel 'City of the Dead' and then his other book 'Dead Sea'. They are REALLY good, and have a bit of a different twist to them. Kinda shocked no one has mentioned them yet.

Mar 2nd, 2013, 01:30 PM
Mmmm... I read the Rising Series, but didn't like them. Soooo, I wouldn't recommend them. I mean they are well written but, they're not my kind of book (no spoilers here but, supernatural, reasonig and fast zombies are not high in my hit parade, and the ending... well not what I expected)

reasoning and fast zombies are a part of the WA world and possibly even the supernatural part too. even the talking part in some cases. :p

with that being said, his book The Dead Sea are your standerd zombies.

Mar 7th, 2013, 04:06 PM
the is a great zombie book called "the undead situation" by Eloise J Knapp. Its not perfect, but good for a first novel

May 20th, 2013, 10:37 PM
Check out freebooksy.com and bookbub.com. At least once a week they have at least one zombie book listed for free. I haven't read it yet, The Zombie Chronicals, Fat Vampire, The Secret Apocalypse, Zombie Fallout, The Dead, and the Da Vinci Code. Occasionally you get an awesome hit when they find a big name author or a popular title. (I read the Da Vinci Code some time ago and have it in hard back.)

Aug 13th, 2013, 08:58 AM
I don't know how long this book will be free but here's a link...
http://www.amazon.com/Desolation-Infernal-Designs-ebook/dp/B00CTXVC80%3FSubscriptionId%3D0ENGV10E9K9QDNSJ5C82 %26tag%3Dfreebooksysite-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165 953%26creativeASIN%3DB00CTXVC80

Aug 19th, 2013, 05:26 PM
Does Autumn start off slow and get better??? I tried to get into it but couldn't.

I loved WWZ and the 2 walking dead novels.

Aug 20th, 2013, 04:37 PM
If you like Gathering, Steve mcKnight has three more novels with the same lead character. He has a short story. Same world, different characters

Not very gore-filled, but I love Peter Clines Ex-Heroes and sequels.

Sep 29th, 2013, 09:24 AM
Don't forget the morningstar series

Sep 29th, 2013, 10:33 AM
Breathers: A Zombie's Lament by S.G. Browne was worth the read. I really liked it.

Books I have yet to read:

Fiend by Peter Stenson is supposed to be quite good. Was going to pick it up this afternoon perhaps.
The Newsflesh Trilogy (Feed, Deadline, Blackout) by Mira Grant is supposed to be really good too.

Sep 29th, 2013, 10:47 AM
Nice list, i have to look some of those books up.. Just finished the wasteland cronicles book 3, a mix of fallout, zombies (different kind of zombies like we're alive) and sci-fi.. Great stuff! you should try out the first book, i think it still free on Amazon and some other sites. I began reading it because it reminded me of fallout, but the story is so much more and higly adictive!

Nov 4th, 2013, 02:21 PM
A good read is
zombie Apocalypse! Created by Stephen Jones.

The blurb.
The end of the world - with flesh-eating zombies!
In the near future, a desperate and ever-more controlling UK government attempts to restore a sence of national pride with a new festival of britain. But construction work on the site of an old church in south London releases a centuries-old plague that turns its victims into flesh-hungry ghouls whose bite or scratch passes the contagion - a supernatural virus which has the power to revive the dead - on to others.

`the Death` soon sweeps across London and the whole country decends into chaos. When a drastic attempt to eradicate the outbreak at source fails, the plague spreads quickly to mainland Europe and then across the rest of the world.

Told through a series of interconnected eyewitness narratives - text messages, e-mails, blogs, letters, diaries and transcripts - this is an epic story of a world plunged into chaos as the dead battle the living for total domination.

Will humanity triumph over the worldwide zombie plague, or will the walking dead inherit the Earth?

I found it to be a really good read anyone else tryed this book??

Mar 29th, 2014, 09:52 AM
Hey all! Its been a while. I've been racking my brain trying to remember a book that I read the beginning of and never finished.
The plot was something like this...
The z-pocalypse happens and a regular guy (not special ops) gets out of his house and rescues his son from the roof of a walmart or other shopping center where he's been hold up with his really obese friend.
Then they end up barricading up there subdivision with a group of survivors and their remaining family.
... I think that's it.
It's driving me absolutely nuts that I can't find it.
Please help.

Mar 29th, 2014, 10:54 AM
Hey all! Its been a while. I've been racking my brain trying to remember a book that I read the beginning of and never finished.
The plot was something like this...
The z-pocalypse happens and a regular guy (not special ops) gets out of his house and rescues his son from the roof of a walmart or other shopping center where he's been hold up with his really obese friend.
Then they end up barricading up there subdivision with a group of survivors and their remaining family.
... I think that's it.
It's driving me absolutely nuts that I can't find it.
Please help.

That's book one of the Zombie Fallout Series by Mark Tufo. :)

Mar 29th, 2014, 11:21 AM
That's book one of the Zombie Fallout Series by Mark Tufo. :)

I can't believe I missed that. I had It on my list but kept passing over it.
You're rad. Thanks!

Mar 29th, 2014, 12:15 PM
Now I have a compelling urge to read this particular piece of literature

DA Roberts
Jul 29th, 2014, 12:24 PM
I'm hurt...LOL. My books aren't mentioned in your list. Have you heard of the Ragnarok Rising Saga? If not, I'd be glad to share the links. :)

DA Roberts
Jul 29th, 2014, 12:26 PM
Has anyone read my zombie series, The Ragnarok Rising Saga? I'm an independent author and am always looking to spread the word. :)

Jul 29th, 2014, 12:42 PM
I'm hurt...LOL. My books aren't mentioned in your list. Have you heard of the Ragnarok Rising Saga? If not, I'd be glad to share the links. :)

Well, just go ahead and sHare the links. :)

Jul 29th, 2014, 10:16 PM
Well, just go ahead and scare the links. :)

^ I'd like to read this as well.


There, you shall find a very particular zombie story, and if you're not a lurker, you'll leave me some nice comments. *glares* Also check out my Prince of Madness series, if you're interested!

DA Roberts
Aug 16th, 2014, 11:25 PM
Here are the links to the Amazon pages!!

http://www.amazon.com/Ragnarok-Rising-The-Awakening-Saga-ebook/dp/B00GW6AMD6%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJBDF5XQBATGDX4VQ %26tag%3Dspea06-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165 953%26creativeASIN%3DB00GW6AMD6

http://www.amazon.com/Ragnarok-Rising-Reckoning-Book-Saga-ebook/dp/B00H6UAYM6%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJBDF5XQBATGDX4VQ %26tag%3Dspea06-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165 953%26creativeASIN%3DB00H6UAYM6


Jan 23rd, 2016, 08:50 PM
are audiobooks included in this. its a great way to pass the time at work.
I have some really good ones.

21st Century Dead- A Zombie Anthology\
Alice In Zombieland [Unabridged]\
Alive Inside\
All You Zombies and Other Stories\
Among the Living\
Annie Walls\
Apocalypse Cow\
Arisen Omnibus Edition Books 1-3\
Arisen Omnibus Edition Books 4-6\
Ben Tripp\
Cracked.com - You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News\
Craig DiLouie - I 02 The Killing Floor\
Day by Day Armageddon Series - J L Bourne\
Death Troopers\
Demise of the Living\
Demitria Lunetta\
Die Trying; A Zombie Apocalypse\
Domain of the Dead\
Handling the undead\
Hurricane Dan, A Zombie Novel\
Jake Bible\
Jessica Meigs\
Joe McKinney\
John Ringo\
Jonathan Maberry\
Keith C. Blackmore\
Life Among The Dead\
Mark Tufo\
Max Brooks\
Nicholas Ryan\
Peter Clines\
Pied Piper of the Undead\
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies\
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Dawn of the Dreadfuls\
Raymond Lee - One Nation Under Zombies 01 - Mail Horror Bride\
Rise of the Horde\
Robert Kirkman\
Scott Kenemore - Zombie (Cities) 1 - 3\
Shane Gregory\
The Zombie Wilson Diaries - TImothy Long\
Travis Adkins\
we're alive\
When Theres No More Room in Hell\
When Theres No More Room in Hell bk2\
When Theres No More Room in Hell bk3\
Zombie Battle_ Complete Books\
Zombie Rules\
Zombies - The Recent Dead\

Jan 31st, 2016, 08:30 AM
Werewolf, what a great list! I hadn't heard of some of these. Thanks.

Jan 31st, 2016, 08:36 AM
Has anyone read my zombie series, The Ragnarok Rising Saga? I'm an independent author and am always looking to spread the word. :)

Just picked up the first book. Reviews were good overall. Looking forward to the zombies hitting the Midwest! Hehe.