View Full Version : Chapter 35-3 The End is Near

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Nov 12th, 2012, 04:18 AM
Last one before the season finale!

Run, don't hop on your presumably recently amputated leg, to iTunes or feed burner to get the episode!!

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:43 AM
To quote Strange Days' Faith Justin: I can't hardly wait.

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:47 AM
Or, to quote CJ: I am so excited about the penultimate leg.

Nov 12th, 2012, 06:09 AM
Last one before the season finale!

Run, don't hop on your presumably recently amputated leg, to iTunes or feed burner to get the episode!!

Oh no, the great We're Alive Drought (WAD) is coming!

Nov 12th, 2012, 06:27 AM
Last one before the season finale!

Run, don't hop on your presumably recently amputated leg, to iTunes or feed burner to get the episode!!

It isn't in my itunes yet :(

Nov 12th, 2012, 06:28 AM
Or use the We're Alive app :)

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:10 AM
I keep on refreshing the WA app on my phone just hoping to see that new episode sitting there.... Refresh... Wait..... Refresh.. Wait.... (lather, rinse, repeat)

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:37 AM
Or, to quote CJ: I am so excited about the penultimate leg.

Dang it. Someone beat me to being the first to use the word 'Penultimate.' I certainly thought that if it wasn't me then it would be Litmaster.
Well played YetAnotherBloodyCheek. Well played. :squint:

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:39 AM
Dang it. Someone beat me to being the first to use the word 'Penultimate.' I certainly thought that if it wasn't me then it would be Litmaster.
Well played YetAnotherBloodyCheek. Well played. :squint:

And Bonus Points for using the word correctly instead of as a synonym for Ultimate....

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:44 AM
Dang it. Someone beat me to being the first to use the word 'Penultimate.' I certainly thought that if it wasn't me then it would be Litmaster.

I guess I'm not the only sesquipedalian poster out there... :cool:

In humble pomposity,

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:54 AM
I guess I'm not the only sesquipedalian poster out there... :cool:
In humble pomposity,

No worries, mate, it's New Episode Monday. Nothing can ruin this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious feeling.

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:16 AM
No worries, mate, it's New Episode Monday. Nothing can ruin this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious feeling.

Oh how I tire of the forum peasantry's floccinaucinihilipilification of we who appreciate multisyllabic verbiage....

Ok, I'm done.

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:21 AM
Just a random prediction... it's going to have an awfully good cliffhanger.

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:40 AM
Gah... I've waited all morning, well all weekend, okay reality all week.

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:55 AM
Just a random prediction... it's going to have an awfully good cliffhanger.

Just listened.... It does.

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:56 AM
now almost a month until the next one........at least its given me a reason to look forward to my birthday.....

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:56 AM
OMG.. Listen to the end credits, I mean all the way to the end. That was awesome.

Yes? No? Ya gotta let us know.

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:05 AM
Pipe Bombs.. I was right Man this is getting interesting..

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:05 AM
Lenny!!!!! Nooooooooo!!!!!

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:06 AM
Damn you, iTunes. Refresh already!
(before you say anything: I have an iPod bought in feb 2010 and it's already too old to run the app)

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:07 AM
Dang it. Someone beat me to being the first to use the word 'Penultimate.' I certainly thought that if it wasn't me then it would be Litmaster.
Well played YetAnotherBloodyCheek. Well played. :squint:

Thanks Witch_Doctor! I love this forum, just love it. Great, genuine, kind, honest, creative people around here. Nothing more to say. YABC out.

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:12 AM
I've been stalking the site all morning waiting for this!

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:21 AM
So I'm guessing Irwin gets overrun and Michael has to escape on the pelican and someone gets left behind. Michael goes to the Colony thinking it's safe, as he didn't hear the part of Sauls message saying that they were under attack. He gets there, the shit hits the fan, and beautiful giant cliffhanger inducing chaos ensues.......

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Lit's rapid reaction:

Daaaaaamn! Awesome, action-packed episode!

Lots of foreboding with the zombie horde... What's worse than a world overrrun by zombies? A world overrun by ORGANIZED zombies!

I don't see how there's going to BE a season 4, the way things are headed. The only ones to survive the season finale are going to be Scratch, Skittles, and Mr. Whiskers...

Saul's call: talk about calling at a bad time! Michael is going to have to go rogue to go to the Colony...

...or it looks like Irwin will fall and Mike and Co. will be running to the Colony to escape.. Out of the frying pan...

DAMN KC! DO YOU REALIZE YOU'VE KILLED OFF OVER 100,000 people just in the last couple of episodes!

It's looking so dark for humanity at this point, I don't see any way they will be able to triumph over the Zed horde...

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:28 AM
OMG.. Listen to the end credits, I mean all the way to the end. That was awesome.

Yes? No? Ya gotta let us know.

That was great!

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:29 AM
Oh, and that proposal after the credits was awesome!
Let us know if she said yes!

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:30 AM
So I'm guessing Irwin gets overrun and Michael has to escape on the pelican and someone gets left behind. Michael goes to the Colony thinking it's safe, as he didn't hear the part of Sauls message saying that they were under attack. He gets there, the shit hits the fan, and beautiful giant cliffhanger inducing chaos ensues.......

This sounds about right to me. It definitely sounds like Irwin is about to collapse. Which is only logical, since the place just seemed a little too safe. So of course it has to go. I just wonder if we won't have another nuke go off.

Oh and did anyone else perk up when Kimmet was yelling that he didn't care who flew the Blackhawk? I know it's a long shot that Pegs would have been there to fly it, or even that she could fly it. But I am starting to think Kc puts references like that in just to torture us with the possibility.

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:44 AM
OMG.. Listen to the end credits, I mean all the way to the end. That was awesome.

Yes? No? Ya gotta let us know.


Nov 12th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Lenny!!!!! Nooooooooo!!!!!

Nooo! He was my favorite!

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:48 AM
Is it December 5th yet?

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:54 AM
Is it December 5th yet?

I thought I heard Dec 8?

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:55 AM
yes, Wednesday December 8th

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:55 AM
Nooo! He was my favorite!

And who took the Swat Van??

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:58 AM
OMFG god,

just imagine Pegs and Kelly making it to Fort Irwin, merrily chanting "We survived a nuclear explosion! We survived a nuclear explosion!", the pelican heads off to the colony and Kimmet, out of better options, detonates the second nuke.

Bad karma.

Nov 12th, 2012, 09:58 AM
yes, Wednesday December 8th

*#!@**!#**#* There is no Wednesday Dec 8th. It's December 5th. DAMMIt!!!!!


Nov 12th, 2012, 10:00 AM
*#!@**!#**#* There is no Wednesday Dec 8th. It's December 5th. DAMMIt!!!!!


It's ok, bro.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:00 AM
... randy and pinstripes are on the same side...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:00 AM
*#!@**!#**#* There is no Wednesday Dec 8th. It's December 5th. DAMMIt!!!!!


Oh dear, please don't beat Michael Swann...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:01 AM
Oh well, at least Scratch has a new ride. Armoured and everything...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:03 AM
... randy and pinstripes are on the same side...

I think this proves that zombies DO want a hug. I mean they went out of there way to follow pete and glen...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Crackpot theory... I'm wondering if Kc's universe is governed by some of the same laws as the Cronin universe. Organized tribes of zombies, oh my...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:03 AM
And who took the Swat Van??

Hey UndeadSweeper, your avatar looks as if it is dancing


Gangnam Style.

I mean:


Nov 12th, 2012, 10:04 AM
*#!@**!#**#* There is no Wednesday Dec 8th. It's December 5th. DAMMIt!!!!!


Damn....I was hoping to get new We're Alive on my birthday.....but n the plus side, at least I now get to hear the episode before I turn 30......

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:05 AM
And who took the Swat Van??

My moneys on Scratch.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:06 AM
Crackpot theory... I'm wondering if Kc's universe is governed by some of the same laws as the Cronin universe. Organized tribes of zombies, oh my...

At least I hope not, Cronin's The Passage was a horrible read.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:07 AM
Oh well, at least Scratch has a new ride. Armoured and everything...
"You better start running, I have an armored truck and road rage."

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:09 AM
"You better start running, I have an armored truck and road rage."

"Well, my van is locked and loaded." (Slided adapted from The remains of Eastern Bay)

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:10 AM
Oh dear, I hope "Gabriel" isn't a credit skipper, or it's going to be awkward for Connor...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:11 AM
Hey UndeadSweeper, your avatar looks as if it is dancing


Gangnam Style.

I mean:


It's :)

On my 299 post KC and Nik "suggested" I should get a avatar.

See kids this what you get with peer pressure.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:16 AM
Lit's rapid reaction:

It's looking so dark for humanity at this point, I don't see any way they will be able to triumph over the Zed horde...

well i for one WELCOME our new undead (the term "zombie" is so culturally insensitive) overlords...

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:16 AM
It's :)

Sorry, took me a while, I am an old geezer. The last time I felt compelled to follow a new music trend was the grunge was something new.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:22 AM
well i for one WELCOME our new undead (the term "zombie" is so culturally insensitive) overlords...

So what happen when they run out of "food" ? The Zombie don't seem to fond of animals.

Second, is Michael taken the Pelican and decoy? They may take the decoy with pipe-bombs and have a very nice zombie firework show.

Third, is the nuke going to be used to get ridden of the Inklings and ADLOs?

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:35 AM
I have to add that Victor is really a nice guy, especially if he asked Saul and Lizzy to leave the colony. Truly altruistic. Just hope he survives. Go, Victor!

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:43 AM
So I'm guessing Irwin gets overrun and Michael has to escape on the pelican and someone gets left behind. Michael goes to the Colony thinking it's safe, as he didn't hear the part of Sauls message saying that they were under attack. He gets there, the shit hits the fan, and beautiful giant cliffhanger inducing chaos ensues.......

Well this seems to be the most likely outcome, it also gives a way to identify Randy as freaky fucker in the beard....Possibly learn more about Ink/Randy/Super special general zombie fuckers.....lots of potential to grow out of this....Love it.

Quite the cliffhanger, and I HOPE the proposal at the end is someone on the forum....Would love to hear what came of it!

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:45 AM
Lit's rapid reaction:

Daaaaaamn! Awesome, action-packed episode!

Lots of foreboding with the zombie horde... What's worse than a world overrrun by zombies? A world overrun by ORGANIZED zombies!

I don't see how there's going to BE a season 4, the way things are headed. The only ones to survive the season finale are going to be Scratch, Skittles, and Mr. Whiskers...

Saul's call: talk about calling at a bad time! Michael is going to have to go rogue to go to the Colony...

...or it looks like Irwin will fall and Mike and Co. will be running to the Colony to escape.. Out of the frying pan...

DAMN KC! DO YOU REALIZE YOU'VE KILLED OFF OVER 100,000 people just in the last couple of episodes!

It's looking so dark for humanity at this point, I don't see any way they will be able to triumph over the Zed horde...

Well, Michael told 'em to basically weaponize the Pelican, perhaps this thing will be a blackhawk on steroids after our boys stockpile munitions, Also....everyone rushing the gates....Pegs gotta come running thru at some point, even if just to turn at the last moment (or kelly) either way....

a full month of ridiculous predictions away! early estimation, 33 pages of forums posts here alone before the next episode.....

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:54 AM
At least I hope not, Cronin's The Passage was a horrible read.

I....don't....even know...what...to say...

Are you sure your human?

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:54 AM
... randy and pinstripes are on the same side...

Yea, this seems to be the most forbodeing of the info we got yet....

although, they ARE set on two sides, and only one has behemoths....perhaps Ink has norms, Randy has behemoths and some other randoms? and the colony is just standing in the way of their faction battle....thats why they haven't attacked the colony, it's a calm before the war, where ink and randy are giving pep talks to both sides, Braveheart style....

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:00 AM
I....don't....even know...what...to say...

Are you sure your human?

Sorry, it was one of my birthday presents by my girl-friend. I liked the beginning but the longer I read...
But it is just my opinion. :o

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Yea, this seems to be the most forbodeing of the info we got yet....

although, they ARE set on two sides, and only one has behemoths....perhaps Ink has norms, Randy has behemoths and some other randoms? and the colony is just standing in the way of their faction battle....thats why they haven't attacked the colony, it's a calm before the war, where ink and randy are giving pep talks to both sides, Braveheart style....

Well if that's the case, who got Lenny? Ink's army or Randy's?

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Sorry, it was one of my birthday presents by my girl-friend. I liked the beginning but the longer I read...
But it is just my opinion. :o

Ah....the middle. Gotcha.

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Yea, this seems to be the most forbodeing of the info we got yet....

although, they ARE set on two sides, and only one has behemoths....perhaps Ink has norms, Randy has behemoths and some other randoms? and the colony is just standing in the way of their faction battle....thats why they haven't attacked the colony, it's a calm before the war, where ink and randy are giving pep talks to both sides, Braveheart style....

Maybe it's competition for a scarce resource... FOOD!

Ink wants to feed his little ones and Randy needs some high quality fuel for his big boys. When the van tried to roll out it was like ringin' the dinner bell at the Zombie Cafeteria... :o

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:09 AM
I....don't....even know...what...to say...

Are you sure your human?

Hmm, as the head of your agency, I thought all you believe in were only human???

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:10 AM
Maybe it's competition for a scarce resource... FOOD!

Ink wants to feed his little ones and Randy needs some high quality fuel for his big boys. When the van tried to roll out it was like ringin' the dinner bell at the Zombie Cafeteria... :o

As long as Ink does not eat Randy:


Nov 12th, 2012, 11:12 AM
Maybe it's competition for a scarce resource... FOOD!

Ink wants to feed his little ones and Randy needs some high quality fuel for his big boys. When the van tried to roll out it was like ringin' the dinner bell at the Zombie Cafeteria... :o

and they're serving Saul-isbury steak.......

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:13 AM
As long as Ink does not eat Randy:


Well played... :cool:

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:13 AM
Well if that's the case, who got Lenny? Ink's army or Randy's?

They're still rather ravenous animals, no? food come running at you, what you gonna do? They prolly both want us humans in some way....but are waging war

Note: This was just a crackpot theory to start off conversation as well, but yea....i'm running with it

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:23 AM
My quick take on the episode overall. Wow! Really setting up the demise of of heroes here... It's hard to see how even some of them come out of this alive.

But it is a story of survival and most of these folks have been doing it so far. The pelican (now weaponized and carrying a powerful payload) will be key of course. Michael was near Tanya so can help get her to the bird. Datu and Hope are there and we have a crew. Pegs and/or Kelly are still wild cards at the moment...

Where to go? Well, they think the Colony is "safe" since the "We're under attack" part of the message didn't get through.. but what will they find there? I'm betting on the Ft Irwin crew swooping in on the pelican (cue "Flight of the Valkyrie") and creating enough havoc to get Saul, Lizzy, Victor, and Burt out (sorry CJ!) before the hordes start to sweep back in.

Hopefully more stuff to fill us in on the Zeds themselves (esp Ink and possibly-Randy) and then we are left with a pelican full of survivors looking for a place to go.

Then we wait.... (and listen to seasons 1 - 3 again. A few times.)

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:26 AM
They're still rather ravenous animals, no? food come running at you, what you gonna do? They prolly both want us humans in some way....but are waging war

Note: This was just a crackpot theory to start off conversation as well, but yea....i'm running with it

Tips from the OG crackpot:

Once you put it out there, stick with it...repeat it constantly. Never admit its a silly idea intended only to rile up the forum....

Carry on, citizen.

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:46 AM
Ah....the middle. Gotcha.

Maybe it was just the German translation that sucked big time.

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:56 AM
Maybe it was just the German translation that sucked big time.

I could see that. My Germans super rusty, but there's a cadence change after the first section of the story and a change in vernacular that could totally muck up the translation

enough of the derailing though...back on topic!

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:16 PM
Ok, back to topic. My assumption might be wrong, but have Datu and Hope not slept for days? I do not see Datu in any condition to be able to repair the pelican without a rather high chance of dropping a fatal clanger? Yeah, there might be streams of adrenaline pumping through his veins - but Datu the Resourcefull is just a human. Then again, Hope tries to help him and you know what they - luck is blind.

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:17 PM
Are you effing serious? Just a couple of hours after release and we are at page 8 of this discussion already? Let me take my breath and get sorted with what you guys have written so far.

My comment about #35-3 is pretty shot as of now:


And I am pretty proud - and yet not so proud - that many of my assumptions actually took place ... Not so proud, because things look dark and pretty much hopeless as of now ...

All the best!

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:19 PM
Are you effing serious? Just a couple of hours after release and we are at page 8 of this discussion already? Let me take my breath and get sorted with what you guys have written so far.

My comment about #35-3 is pretty shot as of now:


And I am pretty proud - and yet not so proud - that many of my assumptions actually took place ... Not so proud, because things look dark and pretty much hopeless as of now ...

All the best!

Liam, we are everything but HOPEless. The situation could be worse, Scratch could be dead. Hope she made it.

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:20 PM
Liam, we are everything but HOPEless. The situation could be worse, Scratch could be dead. Hope she made it.

Thanks for proving me "wrong" - to some degree at least ...

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:23 PM
Liam, we are everything but HOPEless. The situation could be worse, Scratch could be dead. Hope she made it.

I see what you did there... :rolleyes:

But I'm pretty certain we're gonna hear from Scratch in the not so distant future

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:23 PM
Not to get all girly, but eeeeee!!! I couldn't have been more excited to listen to this episode while I shoveled a mouthful of buffalo chicken into my mouth. Oh boy Ink's back and he's gone all stratego on everyone's ass. Okay I can wait one more week... Wait... It's three more weeks, ugh. Get the damn chopper fixed, fly to the colony, save Burt, Saul, Lizzy & Victor then go to the Keys and relax on the beach with a couple of 6-packs.

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Ok, I'm done reading. Have nothing to add which would not double things already mentioned. Go on with theories - crackpot or not ...

Oh, one thing:

DAMN KC! DO YOU REALIZE YOU'VE KILLED OFF OVER 100,000 people just in the last couple of episodes!

In chapter one he killed MILLIONS, if not BILLIONS of people. What are 1xx.xxx during the last chapters? ;)

All the best!

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Will R2-DATU fix the hyper-drive on the Millennium Pelican?
Will H.O.Pe.-0 be ripped apart by the Sand Zombies?
Who Is Driving the Van?
Did Micheal crap his pants?
Will Gabriella say, "Yes?"

Ugh, The cliffhangers!!:mad:

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:40 PM
There's another nuke. Will it be used? I'm betting Kimmet will self destruct if you follow my meaning.

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:49 PM
The last two episodes left me speechless. The fast pace, and all the open things getting closure, just masterful. After listening to this last one, though, I feel a bit like it's wearing me down.
It was ok when they had massive problems and disadvantages to overcome, but now? Scratch Norris escaping execution and dodging bullets in a hallway, Ink Norris sneaking in the colony, figuring out how to open the gate (and him or Randy know how to drive a van), essentially behaving like a human foe would, Inklings Norris that can stop bullets with their skin, can resist extreme temperatures, can tear up a helicopter hull and now, apparently, tear out f-ing tanks with their bare hands?!
Man, who cares if Saul and Lizzie got back together, they have no hope at all!!!
In the first two seasons it was tough, granted, but at least it seemed humanly possible to survive!
I can't wait for the finale, anyway. Irwin is gone, if they can tear through tanks they can just destroy walls and kill everyone.
Where will they go, on the helicopter again, now that the tower is down, the colony will be overrun, as will Irwin? Dum-dum-duuuuum!

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:53 PM
There's another nuke. Will it be used? I'm betting Kimmet will self destruct if you follow my meaning.

Let me see if I do follow your meaning: Kimmet will be forced to stay behind and set off the nuke manually and go out in the blast? I gotta say, I fully endorse this theory. It would definitely redeem Kimmet of any of his flaws if he's willling to go out like that.

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:54 PM
There's another nuke. Will it be used? I'm betting Kimmet will self destruct if you follow my meaning.

I think the other nuke will come into play, but not until some time in season four, and probably not detonated at Irwin either.

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:04 PM
As for the nuke: Does Kimmet or anyone else have the code to blast the second nuke? What, if the code was hidden in Boulder and not mentioned to Kimmet and his crew?
As for all the Norrises: I wonder, when Chuck Norris will show up and eat everything and anything alive ... He must be really pissed that others claim his Norris-hoodedness ...
As for the zeehs coming for the last two safe places of humankind so far ... That's bad. That's really bad. Actually, finally I guess Burt will dies this time. He will do something horrible and heroic to safe at least some people ...
As for safe places for the survivors from The Colon and Fort Irwin: They could move into CJ's tower and/ or The Mall and/ or somewhere along Longbeach ...

All the best and good night!

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:10 PM
Tips from the OG crackpot:

Once you put it out there, stick with it...repeat it constantly. Never admit its a silly idea intended only to rile up the forum....

Carry on, citizen.

Does this mean a passing of the torch? Or am I accepted into the guild of crackpots.

Either way, I project a duel in the park inside the colony between Ink/Randy as Michael lands in the pelican to take out ink and save Randy and swap stories of times old.

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:14 PM
At least I hope not, Cronin's The Passage was a horrible read.


Nov 12th, 2012, 01:27 PM
Will R2-DATU fix the hyper-drive on the Millennium Pelican?
Will H.O.Pe.-0 be ripped apart by the Sand Zombies?
Who Is Driving the Van?
Did Micheal crap his pants?
Will Gabriella say, "Yes?"

Ugh, The cliffhangers!!:mad:

You know KC, we won't get Gabriella's answer until next season.

Also you forget, did Pete get his bottle of water he ask for?

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:35 PM
Does this mean a passing of the torch? Or am I accepted into the guild of crackpots.

Either way, I project a duel in the park inside the colony between Ink/Randy as Michael lands in the pelican to take out ink and save Randy and swap stories of times old.

Consider your lily guilded.

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:46 PM
Since Michael didn't actually hear the part of Saul's transmission about them being under attack, Michael still assumes that the Colony is safe (well, at least not being overrun by Zs like Irwin)...., so

Michael and a small crew of Muldoon, Anthony Robbins, Tanya, Carl, Hope, Riley, and Datu will take off with the Pelican armed and already loaded with the robo-thing

Since the base is overrun anyway, then the use of the robo-thing is moot and will just stay on board

Crew will fly to the Colony, only to find IT under siege as well

Michael will come up with a scheme to use the robo-thing (WTF is the name?!) to draw off and blow up one of the Behemoths

The other behemoth will have been taken out by Burt, who will leap off the Colony wall onto the thing's back, pipe bomb clutched in his teeth, then will jam the bomb into the monster's eye socket and dive to safety right before its head blows off. Totally realistic.

The colony people, together with the chopper air-fire support, will repel the zombie invaders, and there will be a reunion at the colony.

Tanya will have to amputate CJ's leg, replacing it with a long silver stiletto (for bad-ass effect) with a roller skate on the bottom

Michael and the crew will realize that even though they staved off this attack, since Ink knows where they live, he will surly mount another attack with even more Zeds next time, so...

...the best defense will be a strong offense, and a SWAT team of colony commandos, led by Burt, will storm the hospital and lay waste to Ink's zombie modification equipment...

And Scratch will show up at the wrong time and fuck things up a bit, most likely...ONLY TO BE FINALLY KILLED BY BURT! This plot point is set in granite and cannot be altered.

...uh, and something about coming up with a healing virus or something....

...ok, kind of petered out at the end there, but MOST OF THIS STUFF IS SOLID

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:49 PM
Consider your lily guilded.


Further hashing this out...I like the idea of Scratch driving the van, because I can't see her getting out on foot (at least not far) with the impending doom of Ink/Randy approaching...so perhaps she pulled an 'open door' trick and made it look like she ran away while hiding in the van...Now she's making a break for it, but she's too big a character to NOT see die, and I can't imagine she dies before we head into Season 4 (because this finale just HAS to be the impending war, and would surely consume her van) so I think something crazy is going to happen....shoot out her tires or something, and get her back inside, and just use her as an extra body to fight against the 'greater evil' for now...leaves scratch alive, but not quite on our side, because you know everyone wants to slit her throat....

Although, a long time has passed since the mutiny....maybe she did get out before the approach of Dual Zed Hoarde...

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:51 PM
Since Michael didn't actually hear the part of Saul's transmission about them being under attack, Michael still assumes that the Colony is safe (well, at least not being overrun by Zs like Irwin)...., so

Michael and a small crew of Muldoon, Anthony Robbins, Tanya, Hope, and Datu will take off with the Pelican armed and already loaded with the robo-thing

Since the base is overrun anyway, then the use of the robo-thing is moot and will just stay on board

Crew will fly to the Colony, only to find IT under siege as well

Michael will come up with a scheme to use the robo-thing (WTF is the name?!) to draw off and blow up one of the Behemoths

The other behemoth will have been taken out by Burt, who will leap off the Colony wall onto the thing's back, pipe bomb clutched in his teeth, then will jam the bomb into the monster's eye socket and dive to safety right before its head blows off. Totally realistic.

The colony people, together with the chopper air-fire support, will repel the zombie invaders, and there will be a reunion at the colony.

Tanya will have to amputate CJ's leg, replacing it with a long silver stiletto (for bad-ass effect) with a roller skate on the bottom

Michael and the crew will realize that even though they staved off this attack, since Ink knows where they live, he will surly mount another attack with even more Zeds next time, so...

...the best defense will be a strong offense, and a SWAT team of colony commandos, led by Burt, will storm the hospital and lay waste to Ink's zombie modification equipment...

And Scratch will show up at the wrong time and fuck things up a bit, most likely...ONLY TO BE FINALLY KILLED BY BURT! This plot point is set in granite and cannot be altered.

...uh, and something about coming up with a healing virus or something....

...ok, kind of petered out at the end there, but MOST OF THIS STUFF IS SOLID

So Riley is left behind?

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:52 PM
Liam, we are everything but HOPEless. The situation could be worse, Scratch could be dead. Hope she made it.

I think Scratch is far from dead...this show needs it's favorite evil bitch...and unless "That asshole in a suit" is a girl...

We're going to have Scratch for a good long time.

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:53 PM
So Riley is left behind?

She'll redeem the french overtone of white flag waving and blow the nuke instead of kimmet, who will be in the corner crying and rocking back and forth....

Nov 12th, 2012, 01:58 PM
She'll redeem the french overtone of white flag waving and blow the nuke instead of kimmet, who will be in the corner crying and rocking back and forth....

I see her leading some kind of bad ass resistance against the zombie opressors of Irwin and resurfacing at some opportune point in season 4 and saving the day....

Nov 12th, 2012, 02:05 PM
So.....is it safe to say "They be fucked"?

I think they should change the beginning sequence from "We're Alive, a story of survival" to "We're Fucked, a story of being fucked"

Nov 12th, 2012, 03:27 PM
Just a friendly reminder: Scratch's escape would have happened at least 24 hours prior to what we heard in 35-3. Unless she's hiding from a person who organizes and steategizes better than anyone in this show, scratch is gone. CJ would have ordered a sweep of the whole interior once the colony fell under her control.

Hmmmmmmm. Who drive vroom vroom.........hmm....turned Pete perhaps? Hop along CJ who woke up? Do we even know anyone else who lives in the colony other than Amy?

Nov 12th, 2012, 03:34 PM
There was Lenny, but he's dead now......

Nov 12th, 2012, 03:38 PM
So Riley is left behind?

Oops... yeah, I forgot her and added her to the list. Also Carl, who is with Michael and Tanya at the time TSHTF...

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:02 PM
*#!@**!#**#* There is no Wednesday Dec 8th. It's December 5th. DAMMIt!!!!!


Fixed. THanks Lizzy...

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:06 PM
She said yes! Just received word via FB.

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:11 PM
So, quick question. How long does it usually take for the new episode to show up on my phone? I listened to it on here, but it's still not showing up on my phone (I listen at work via phone)..

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:13 PM
She said yes! Just received word via FB.

Oh gosh, put a #Spoiler hashtag on that. :D

I Kidd


Nov 12th, 2012, 04:24 PM
This one had me pounding my desk in OMG-WTF-WHat's gonna happen next frustration.

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:43 PM
So, quick question. How long does it usually take for the new episode to show up on my phone? I listened to it on here, but it's still not showing up on my phone (I listen at work via phone)..

It showed up on mine....it usually takes 3-4 hours on average to push to iOS. Are you using iTunes or the podcast app? Tried the WA app yet?

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:43 PM
im sticking with my theory about maybe randy and TOWTM having a war. maybe as a lot of people are saying they are having a war and the colony is in the middle they are waiting
the thing i would like someone to help me with just to kinda be sure about my idea

we know randy was on the back door i think like on that side of the colony? and ink was at next to the police statin i dont know if thats on the front side of the colony. does that mean they are on different sides? and if yes maybe they are gonna attack the colony and they are formed in a position of planning

or they are gonna have a zombie war with the colony on the way.....lets see what happens :o

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:45 PM
So, quick question. How long does it usually take for the new episode to show up on my phone? I listened to it on here, but it's still not showing up on my phone (I listen at work via phone).. Should be available now. What version of what software are you using?

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:45 PM
damn... I cant wait until the season final. some of the stuff that I said would happen is happening.

Nov 12th, 2012, 04:50 PM
It showed up on mine....it usually takes 3-4 hours on average to push to iOS. Are you using iTunes or the podcast app? Tried the WA app yet?

I have Zune and it's pissing me off! Come on Zune you lazy bastard give me the good stuff!

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:02 PM
I have Zune and it's pissing me off! Come on Zune you lazy bastard give me the good stuff!

Download direct. Screw Zune and its suckiness. Www.zombiepodcast.com/episodes

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:02 PM
A few things. Firstly, this bears repeating because it was so similar to what I was going to predict:
Since Michael didn't actually hear the part of Saul's transmission about them being under attack, Michael still assumes that the Colony is safe (well, at least not being overrun by Zs like Irwin)...., so

Michael and a small crew of Muldoon, Anthony Robbins, Tanya, Carl, Hope, Riley, and Datu will take off with the Pelican armed and already loaded with the robo-thing

Since the base is overrun anyway, then the use of the robo-thing is moot and will just stay on board

Crew will fly to the Colony, only to find IT under siege as well

Michael will come up with a scheme to use the robo-thing (WTF is the name?!) to draw off and blow up one of the Behemoths

The other behemoth will have been taken out by Burt, who will leap off the Colony wall onto the thing's back, pipe bomb clutched in his teeth, then will jam the bomb into the monster's eye socket and dive to safety right before its head blows off. Totally realistic.

The colony people, together with the chopper air-fire support, will repel the zombie invaders, and there will be a reunion at the colony.

Tanya will have to amputate CJ's leg, replacing it with a long silver stiletto (for bad-ass effect) with a roller skate on the bottom

Michael and the crew will realize that even though they staved off this attack, since Ink knows where they live, he will surly mount another attack with even more Zeds next time, so...

...the best defense will be a strong offense, and a SWAT team of colony commandos, led by Burt, will storm the hospital and lay waste to Ink's zombie modification equipment...

And Scratch will show up at the wrong time and fuck things up a bit, most likely...ONLY TO BE FINALLY KILLED BY BURT! This plot point is set in granite and cannot be altered.

...uh, and something about coming up with a healing virus or something....

...ok, kind of petered out at the end there, but MOST OF THIS STUFF IS SOLID

It's called KODI, Mr Lit.

I don't think all of that will happen in one chapter necessarily, although of course a lot can be covered in one chapter. I do believe Kimmett will set off the second bomb. It was there, it needs to be set off, and Ft Irwin was too much of a safe haven in the first place. I think that this season will be bookended by the tower fragmenting and then coming back together again - it's all been set in play now. I do believe we will see the Hospital again though, and we do need to re-centre everything in LA, which all of this gives us the perfect opportunity to do.

Did anybody else think that it was initially Tanya turning? Man that was scary. And the last two minutes, god, so horrible, I'm wondering how you even wrote that KC.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH PEGS AND KELLY? If they sacrifice themselves with the Nuke then I will be very sad. Then again, as Nik keeps pointing out, Pegs needs to live for Scratch to have a motivation. And yeah, I don't think it's that likely that it was Scratch who ran away. Maybe it was Pete. Maybe it was a very reclusive Tardust - Scratch may need him, but she's also not too loyal so she could easily have abandoned him. Did the Van person escape? I guess we don't know yet, huh. Maybe maybe maybe CJ? But then why?

I'm despite Ink's introduction was so...fleeting. It was just like "that suited fucker" and oh, okay, he's here. Generally it's like "OH MY GOD THE MAN IN THE MOTHERFUCKING SUIT AGAIN". Oh well. Is it actually clear that they're on opposite sides of the fence, Ink and Randy? I didn't really get that from listening but maybe I just missed it. Obviously they are both there somewhere.

Anyway, long story short, sick but horribly depressing - such a depressing contrast with the last episode!

Hang on... does the date in which this is all happening line up with the date that this episode is taking place.... early December?

So many thoughts.

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:05 PM
Don't line up. The story is mid December now (in the late teens)

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Damnit and I thought I was so rad.

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:21 PM
Download direct. Screw Zune and its suckiness. Www.zombiepodcast.com/episodes

True that Voodoo, I already downloaded it, the problem is I do most of my listening at work on my phone and I would like to relisten to this episode over and over again to get my nerd on. Isn't there an app for my phone where I can get this quicker? (It finally showed up, like 12 hours after it's release)

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:22 PM
The last two episodes left me speechless. The fast pace, and all the open things getting closure, just masterful. After listening to this last one, though, I feel a bit like it's wearing me down.
It was ok when they had massive problems and disadvantages to overcome, but now? Scratch Norris escaping execution and dodging bullets in a hallway, Ink Norris sneaking in the colony, figuring out how to open the gate (and him or Randy know how to drive a van), essentially behaving like a human foe would, Inklings Norris that can stop bullets with their skin, can resist extreme temperatures, can tear up a helicopter hull and now, apparently, tear out f-ing tanks with their bare hands?!
Man, who cares if Saul and Lizzie got back together, they have no hope at all!!!
In the first two seasons it was tough, granted, but at least it seemed humanly possible to survive!
I can't wait for the finale, anyway. Irwin is gone, if they can tear through tanks they can just destroy walls and kill everyone.
Where will they go, on the helicopter again, now that the tower is down, the colony will be overrun, as will Irwin? Dum-dum-duuuuum!


Nov 12th, 2012, 05:28 PM
This entire season has been one great mind freak for me. When they found Irwin, I was really expecting to hear a rally of humanity, finally taking back the planet and kicking some zombie ass. It was a little reassuring to hear of Boulder and Irwin and I actually enjoyed all of the military speak.

Personally, I don't think Kimmet is that bad - the nuke decision was sound (hence "it takes only one"), as was the checkpoint (IT ONLY TOOK ONE!). He thinks with his head rather than his heart, which is exactly what the situation called for

Nov 12th, 2012, 05:47 PM
So, quick question. How long does it usually take for the new episode to show up on my phone? I listened to it on here, but it's still not showing up on my phone (I listen at work via phone)..

since your using Zune on your phone...im assuming its a windowsphone. Many times the Zune system will not refresh its system automatically. Basically about noon everyday I turn my phone off and back on...boom. New episode.

And Nik, hatin'....not cool. Zunes brought a surprising number of listeners here. ;) :hsugh: (<--being a wanker)

Nov 12th, 2012, 06:39 PM
Someone has to die in the finale, and from the looks of it it's more than just one major character. So lets break it down like a silly clown.

People I'd like to see live but have the highest probability of dying.

Burt- My all time favorite character, but the only way he sticks around is if he is the person who finally kills Scratch. Other than that, our favorite old grumpy bad ass may be on the dead list. Lets hope if it happens its in a true Burt fashion.

Victor- Love Victor, for some reason he's just a damn good character and I hope that he can survive this. But, like Burt, the only way he survives is if he still has a purpose in the story which at this point he doesn't.

Saul- It erks me to put him on this list. From the beginning Saul was always one of my top characters and he finally found Lizzy but the way things are going I think either Saul or Lizzy will eventually die and to ensure the baby is healthy and cared for it's gonna have to be Saul. Not to mention if you listen to the very first episode when Michael introduces Saul, he talks about him in a past tense "He WAS a good soldier" which tells me that when Michael is reading his story to us, Saul is dead.

Puck- I like Puck, he was kind of an asshole at first but (like Kalani) he grows on you. Unfortunately Puck is on the short list of soldiers who survive. We know not all of them will make it out (If they make it out) so Puck may be one of those casualties.

Rogers- This guy is an entertaining one, and he's been funny from day one. I think there is a lot to build on with his character, not to mention he got his own POV, so I think out of all of the soldiers he has the highest probability to survive. He's a colorful character and can add a lot to the story.

Carl- Again like Puck he may just be another casualty, I like his character and he went out of his way to keep an eye out for Michaels friends.

Riley- She's been around forever and may be at the end of her long stay on We're Alive. I just get the feeling that if she's going to die it's going to be here. I hope not, but this is as dark as We're Alive has ever been. This does not bode well for Riley.

Look Irwin and the Colony are both pretty much doomed and casualties are expected. If any of them die, it better be in a blaze of glory or I will be sorely disappointed.

People who have the highest probability of living.

Michael- He's the main character and the narator of this story, he'll live, at least through this. There is still a whole other season to go through so Michael escapes.

Pegs- She lives, come on Kc we're not stupid. It's obvious that Pegs is still alive.

Lizzy- If I had to pick between Saul living or Lizzy living, it's going to be Lizzy and her baby. She still plays a major role and it would be pointless to kill her and Saul right after they finally meet again. So wether both or one of them survives Lizzy is going to make it out of this.

Datu- It's Datu, he still takes care of Hope and still is a pivitol character to the series. My gut feeling is that he lives along with Hope. Anyone close to that chopper will probably survive and Datu is Datu. He'll make it out of this one.

Hope- With Datu around no matter how annoying she is she will survive.

Scar Face bitch- She lives, her character is still one of the most important in the story. Until some one (hopefully Burt) puts a bullet in her head.

CJ- She may only have one leg, but I think she's going to make it out of this one. Still a lot of things her character can do for the story.

Other people that will probably die and other's that will probably live.

Kimmet- It's pretty much a done deal for our wacky leader.

Tanya- Shes right in the thick of the attack, in the middle of the Zombie onslaught. I don't think she'll make it out of this one. Then again, someone needs to take care of CJ so it's up in the air on whether Tanya will make it out or not.

Pete- Well, he may survive, but then again he's injured and vaunerable so he may die.

Glenn- He's just too old in my opinion. He served his purpose in the plot by fixing the radio and, as much as I like Glenn, he might just not have the strength left to get out of the colony in one piece.

Murtaugh (I'm not sure how to spell it, the black hawk pilot)- I think he lives, Pegs isn't there and someone needs to fly the Jolly Green Giant plus, like Rogers, He has a story that can be built around him. He can still be useful to the storyline.

Tardust- Scratch needs a friend and Tardust is her man. I think he lives through this along with Scratch. Either that or he dies and Scratch is left to fend for herself alone.

Kelly- Who knows, I think Pegs escaped but Kelly didn't from Boulder but Kelly is Kelly and she may have just survived. Either way I'm not a fan of her character so I could care less.

Well opinions? Thoughts on my assessment? Did I totally ruin it for you Kc lol?

Nov 12th, 2012, 06:42 PM
KC - GRREEAAAT episode! Fully set up for the season finale. I'm looking forward to the live streaming event on 12/8. I'm likely not going to make any friends in this forum, but when I heard that WND was hosting the preshow it was like a punch in the gut. IMO, KC ought to drop/recreate the WND podcast. I'm a huge WA fan, and I can't get through 10 minutes of that podcast. I've come to the point where any podcast that begins with the hosts talking about their personal lives = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
WND, is not worthy of the quality of WA.

Nov 12th, 2012, 06:50 PM
I think most of the major points from this episode have been covered. But there's one small detail that I noticed..when they were up in the tower looking out over the walls both Vic and Burt coughed...saul did not. Just a small thing, probly nothing..:hsugh:

Edit: correction; the coughing was before they went up the ladder. Ground level

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:07 PM
Have any deaths occurred "off-screen?" No.

Conclusion: Pegs and Kelly will return in season 4 on an epic quest to make it back to civilization--on their own. It's going to be... fucking... AMAZING.

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:29 PM
It ain't looking too good for our heroes. The only way out that I can see is:
1. Kimmet invites all of his close friends into an underground bunker, then detonates the nuke(also destroying the Pelican)
2. The mysterious Skittles shows up at the Colony and kicks some zombie butt in some mysterious way (maybe he found a weakness)

Nov 12th, 2012, 07:37 PM
she said yes! Just received word via fb.


Nov 12th, 2012, 08:33 PM
Have any deaths occurred "off-screen?" No.

Conclusion: Pegs and Kelly will return in season 4 on an epic quest to make it back to civilization--on their own. It's going to be... fucking... AMAZING.


Edit: Also, we should entertain the idea that Michael doesn't complete these journals at the end of the story, but like, in Season 4, and then the rest of the story is told in normal form. I mean I personally am not too sure if the journals are even all written by Michael in the end - the beginning journal could have easily be written in Chapter 3 and then just continually updated.

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:57 PM
Hey guys. First post here; been listening for about a year now, but finally got around to posting. Thought I'd post this theory I've had going for a while now.

Back at the arena, Samantha mentioned that they take they were playing with each prisoner taken from the VIP box was played with before killed. I'm thinking Ink was conducting a "survey" on people who he thought could be immune. This coincides well with why Randy did that snatch and grab mission to grab Tanya. It seemed almost perfectly coordinated when she left the Tower. Maybe they were able to learn something in their "research" to help track down immune people, like they smell different. I'm thinking these are the one's ink likes to use for his mutations since they appear to be resistant/immune to the normal strain.

But why didn't they grab Saul at the Other Tower and ventured out on one of his little projects? I'm thinking Ink was thinking bigger picture and wanting to eventually turn CJ, due to her obvious intelligence. How did the Zarmey know to head down to the colony? They followed Saul's immune scent/odor/pheromones. Now at the colony and just after a fight, they are ripe for the picking. Ink can get another ultra-smart (one legged) general and potentially grab a weakened Saul as well.

Predictions for the finale
-- CJ gets turned
-- Michael, Puck, Datu, Hope, Rielly, plus 2 pilots jump the pelican to the colony. Tanya get's left behind/ lost when the gas is deployed.
-- They land on the makeshift hospital's rooftop at the colony amidst a super shit storm,but not before dropping the decoy.
-- While trying to rescue the injured, they are hit hard and CJ get's turned.
-- Glenn, Saul,Victor and Lizzy hop on board.
-- GTFO colony.....back to .... the Other Tower.
-- Scratch siting on the trip back when hope spots her after ripping off her bandages.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:17 PM
KC - GRREEAAAT episode! Fully set up for the season finale. I'm looking forward to the live streaming event on 12/8. I'm likely not going to make any friends in this forum, but when I heard that WND was hosting the preshow it was like a punch in the gut. IMO, KC ought to drop/recreate the WND podcast. I'm a huge WA fan, and I can't get through 10 minutes of that podcast. I've come to the point where any podcast that begins with the hosts talking about their personal lives = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
WND, is not worthy of the quality of WA.
IT's the 5th! The 5th! Dec 5th. Wednesday. Don't want you to miss it!

Nov 12th, 2012, 11:53 PM
Tanya will have to amputate CJ's leg, replacing it with a long silver stiletto (for bad-ass effect) with a roller skate on the bottom

KC, Please make this happen, please, please please....

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:09 AM
I think most of the major points from this episode have been covered. But there's one small detail that I noticed..when they were up in the tower looking out over the walls both Vic and Burt coughed...saul did not. Just a small thing, probly nothing..:hsugh:

Edit: correction; the coughing was before they went up the ladder. Ground level

So, you caught that too? I thought I was making much ado about nothing when I heard the coughs. Didn't realize that Saul didn't cough until you mentioned it.

Other oddities:

When Saul and Victor were on the tower and one asks the other," Do you hear that?' were the zombies talking?
Who opened the gates for the Swat Van? Another person making a run for it like Lenny?
Sounds like Randy and Ink are on opposite sides of the Colony. Randy by the gate Ink by the police building - Where Saul, CJ and Victor held up while staking out the Colony.
The guys at the Colony sound very sad and pessimistic.
Will CJ recognize Randy? Will he recognize her?
Kimmet actually WANTS to help survivors, as he orders the Black Hawk redirect survivors to a safer checkpoint.
Something very odd happens at the check point when the man turns. Micheal seems to have a meltdown. Was Tanya injured? There was a sound of disrepair after the turner was shot. Was this due to the arrival of the Inklings or did they see a trampled or shot Tanya?
I thought that was Pegs being examined by Tanya, at first.
The turner at the checkpoint Slow turner?

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:35 AM
Have any deaths occurred "off-screen?" No.

Conclusion: Pegs and Kelly will return in season 4 on an epic quest to make it back to civilization--on their own. It's going to be... fucking... AMAZING.
bixby and gatekeeper... Both off screen.

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:45 AM
Take Pelican. Go to Colony. Kill Scratch. (Sorry, Scratch). Grab friends. Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all of this to blow over.

How's that for a slice of fried gold?

Nov 13th, 2012, 02:37 AM
bixby and gatekeeper... Both off screen.

And Sean, too. (unless he's somehow going to swoop in and make an 11th hour appearance, which doesn't seem likely at this point)

love bump
Nov 13th, 2012, 02:51 AM
maybe its just me but i feel the fall of Boulder and Irwin happened way too quickly id like to have seen what life was like for those who went to Boulder, i don't know it all just felt rushed to me and what ever happened to the navy? i find it hard to believe the entire navy got wiped out. it's strange how the base commander never mentioned the navy at all or Micheal didn't ask about it either.

Nov 13th, 2012, 03:54 AM
What I don't understand, and never will, is how when a person knows they're bitten or infected and knows what will happen to them and yet they still go into populated places..putting everyone in danger. By now everyone knows it's a death sentence and I completely understand why they do it (I understand psychology well, and I understand that some people just can't let go of loved ones or except fate) but to me it's a no brainer. You get bitten or contaminated, then at least try to stay away from people..Don't sneak into a convoy escaping to the last human stronghold possibly left when you KNOW your going to change. Thats just stupid and selfish. The only exception is when you are unaware your infected (i.e. got zomblood in a cut or in your mouth and didn't realize it).

Venting done, I feel better.

Nov 13th, 2012, 04:14 AM
And Sean, too. (unless he's somehow going to swoop in and make an 11th hour appearance, which doesn't seem likely at this point)

Marcus as well.

Nov 13th, 2012, 04:20 AM
So, you caught that too? I thought I was making much ado about nothing when I heard the coughs. Didn't realize that Saul didn't cough until you mentioned it.

Other oddities:

When Saul and Victor were on the tower and one asks the other," Do you hear that?' were the zombies talking?
Who opened the gates for the Swat Van? Another person making a run for it like Lenny?
Sounds like Randy and Ink are on opposite sides of the Colony. Randy by the gate Ink by the police building - Where Saul, CJ and Victor held up while staking out the Colony.
The guys at the Colony sound very sad and pessimistic.
Will CJ recognize Randy? Will he recognize her?
Kimmet actually WANTS to help survivors, as he orders the Black Hawk redirect survivors to a safer checkpoint.
Something very odd happens at the check point when the man turns. Micheal seems to have a meltdown. Was Tanya injured? There was a sound of disrepair after the turner was shot. Was this due to the arrival of the Inklings or did they see a trampled or shot Tanya?
I thought that was Pegs being examined by Tanya, at first.
The turner at the checkpoint Slow turner?

I was wondering if the coughing was a throw back to ground zero. Couldn't tell who all was coughing. Just Victor?

Never did make out what they were hearing after "Do you hear that?" but then again I was listening through the car speakers and not my headphones. Maybe (yet another) relisten....

I now think the SWAT van rolling out was an inciting event to get the action rolling. Oh, and to dash Saul's hopes of escape after Victor's suggestion of he and Lizzy getting out. Scratch is probably long gone by now....

I think you're right about Randy and Ink being at different (opposite?) sides of the Colony. I did get the impression that the behemoths were on the same side of the colony as Ink, though. Couldn't really get a good feel for which way they were looking when they mentioned the 2 behemoths and spotted suited a-hole.

I think Tanya's ok (well as ok as anyone can be at the moment) and is heading to the chopper with Michael. All the action was around killing the turner and the mass hysteria around the Zeds being just over the hill from the checkpoint.

Can't wait to see how we proceed from these moments of impending doom.... :yay:

Nov 13th, 2012, 04:21 AM
Marcus as well.

so what we're saying here....is all bets are off at the colony.(all of them died there) but the original question was for pegs/kelly. Not at or anywhere near the colony.

KC and his misdirection...ha! Didn't fool us this time!

Or did he?


Nov 13th, 2012, 06:50 AM
...and unless "That asshole in a suit" is a girl...

The a-hole your referring to is from a way early episode:

Chapter 2 – The Two Things – Part 3 of 3

“The plea of insanity has been accepted in the case of Bill Roberts, nicknamed “Ink” after his numerous tattoos that cover him from head to toe, he was convicted of multiple homicides outside of Santa Monica last May he is currently being transferred to a mental health facility; doctors would confirm that he is paranoid schizophrenic”

So they have a paranoid schizo zombie on their hands at the colony, to me a very bad combo... DUN DUN DUN

Nov 13th, 2012, 07:12 AM
Theory I didn't think of immediately, randy is the one controlling the attack on the colony. Pinstripes is merely checking out his adversary. My facts supporting this theory, pinstripes isn't on a roof shouting out roars like at the tower and he is also on the police station roof ( where saul and co surveyed the colony for weeks). Pinstripes chose this side because randy was on the other. And now to punch holes in my own theory... randy has tattoos now, who is the only known zed tattoo artist left? Pinstripes.

Nov 13th, 2012, 07:24 AM
Theory I didn't think of immediately, randy is the one controlling the attack on the colony. Pinstripes is merely checking out his adversary. My facts supporting this theory, pinstripes isn't on a roof shouting out roars like at the tower and he is also on the police station roof ( where saul and co surveyed the colony for weeks). Pinstripes chose this side because randy was on the other. And now to punch holes in my own theory... randy has tattoos now, who is the only known zed tattoo artist left? Pinstripes.

Do you think the zombies will go crazy if "Randy" is killed?

Nov 13th, 2012, 07:44 AM
Do you think the zombies will go crazy if "Randy" is killed?

Good question. I'm trying to remember where we might have seen an instance of Zed organization when the "leader" got whacked. Can't think of one of the top of my head...

Makes me wonder, if Ink is really competing with Randy will he look for an opportunity in the fog of war to take Randy out and assume control of both armies (assuming that there are actually 2 Zed forces a the Colony).

Hmmm, or is Ink watching his creations in action (Randy, behemoths, inklings, and all his little creatures)?

Argh, the possibilities. Hurry up Dec 5th!!!!

Nov 13th, 2012, 08:09 AM
Good question. I'm trying to remember where we might have seen an instance of Zed organization when the "leader" got whacked. Can't think of one of the top of my head...

Makes me wonder, if Ink is really competing with Randy will he look for an opportunity in the fog of war to take Randy out and assume control of both armies (assuming that there are actually 2 Zed forces a the Colony).

Hmmm, or is Ink watching his creations in action (Randy, behemoths, inklings, and all his little creatures)?

Argh, the possibilities. Hurry up Dec 5th!!!!

Hmm, If I could go by Skittles info, the behemoths may. He said they tend not to play well with other. But I don't know about the pack, have we seen to different group of zombies work together before?

Nov 13th, 2012, 08:11 AM
Just a friendly reminder: Scratch's escape would have happened at least 24 hours prior to what we heard in 35-3. Unless she's hiding from a person who organizes and steategizes better than anyone in this show, scratch is gone. CJ would have ordered a sweep of the whole interior once the colony fell under her control.

Hmmmmmmm. Who drive vroom vroom.........hmm....turned Pete perhaps? Hop along CJ who woke up? Do we even know anyone else who lives in the colony other than Amy?

Yea, I said at the end of my post "Although a LONG time has passed".....I didnt immediately think Scratch could be the one driving the van, still dont, but figured it would make an interesting story and ran with it. Although, I was informed by my crackpot co-hort to not devulge the lack of confidence in a theory, so SWAT SCRATCH AWAY!!!!

Nov 13th, 2012, 08:17 AM
I think most of the major points from this episode have been covered. But there's one small detail that I noticed..when they were up in the tower looking out over the walls both Vic and Burt coughed...saul did not. Just a small thing, probly nothing..:hsugh:

Edit: correction; the coughing was before they went up the ladder. Ground level

I too recall hearing some distinct coughing and it made my ears perk up, not sure what to make of it though....good call...Did Ink/Randy come toting a haze-fog machine, and they're just waiting everyone out, that's why they haven't attacked?

Nov 13th, 2012, 08:51 AM
KC, Please make this happen, please, please please....

Well, Witch_Doctor, I wholeheartedly hope that Tanya does the job. Because otherwise CJ and a spoon could be worse by far.

Warning! Being an Apple (iTunes) user - I will have to warn you - the following graphical depiction is quite EXPLICIT.


Nov 13th, 2012, 09:05 AM
As I finish listening to this weeks installment, I'm left wondering if maybe this /is/ gonna be the Last season. :P

Humanity marches towards (on runs panickingly away in a futile manner) extinction, and there's not much hope now. Its seeming increasingly likely that Irwin's gonna go up, and Michael et al will be conveinently on the chopper when it does (except Tanya. Now that she knows, either her or Saul will have to die).

The colony needs some Dues Ex Machina to survive this one. Maybe a Swat van full of explosives driven by our favorite diaster preparedness expert?

Nov 13th, 2012, 09:10 AM
What I don't understand, and never will, is how when a person knows they're bitten or infected and knows what will happen to them and yet they still go into populated places..putting everyone in danger. By now everyone knows it's a death sentence and I completely understand why they do it (I understand psychology well, and I understand that some people just can't let go of loved ones or except fate) but to me it's a no brainer. You get bitten or contaminated, then at least try to stay away from people..Don't sneak into a convoy escaping to the last human stronghold possibly left when you KNOW your going to change. Thats just stupid and selfish. The only exception is when you are unaware your infected (i.e. got zomblood in a cut or in your mouth and didn't realize it).

Venting done, I feel better.

A idealistic believer in mankind still. In theory, you are absolutely right. But in reality, why should anyone care about somebody else at Fort Irwin. First of all, there are only sporadic family ties at best. Would these people hesitate if sacrificing you gives them the possibility to survive? Would you bet your life on it? Besides, the zombie has only scratched you, has he not? Come on, the bite has not really pierced your clothes, so what is the matter.

Yeah, these thoughts are selfish and egoistic - but sadly just human.

Nov 13th, 2012, 09:12 AM
Before anyone else says it, I know that Bradleys are not tanks, they are "fighting vehicles". But tanks gives a better visual representation in people's heads and "Fighting vehicles" would just add to confusion.

Nov 13th, 2012, 09:24 AM
Before anyone else says it, I know that Bradleys are not tanks, they are "fighting vehicles". But tanks gives a better visual representation in people's heads and "Fighting vehicles" would just add to confusion.

I'm sure to the folks on the ground being shot at with a Bushmaster, they might as well be tanks....

It's all good, Kc. We still loved it....

Nov 13th, 2012, 09:42 AM
I'm sure to the folks on the ground being shot at with a Bushmaster, they might as well be tanks....

It's all good, Kc. We still loved it....

Whatever kind of machine gun they used ... they failed. :(

Nov 13th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Before anyone else says it, I know that Bradleys are not tanks, they are "fighting vehicles". But tanks gives a better visual representation in people's heads and "Fighting vehicles" would just add to confusion.

True, a "Fighting vehicles" in my mind would be a Mechwarrior or gundam.

Nov 13th, 2012, 10:18 AM
Have any deaths occurred "off-screen?" No.

Conclusion: Pegs and Kelly will return in season 4 on an epic quest to make it back to civilization--on their own. It's going to be... fucking... AMAZING.

I think the bigger question is have any MAJOR characters died off screen? As far as i know, all major characters to have died so far have died "on screen"-Tommy, Angel, Kalani,
Most secondary characters (people that have speaking roles but seem to exist solely to serve a function that advances the plot in one way or another, not to be a main character) have also died on screen-Bill, Durai, Latch, Samantha, Pippen, Bricks, etc.
Of those that haven't died on screen, such as Gatekeeper, Bixby, and Marcus, we are at least informed of their deaths.

So far, every time it has been implied that a main character has died, Such as Burt and Angel at the end of season 2, we find out what happened to them.

I seriously doubt we've heard the last of Kelly and Pegs. Whereas in a real life apocalyptic scenario its entirely plausible that someone could just disappear and you would never learn what happened to them, in a story like this I just can't see losing two main characters like that. This isn't real life, it's an audio drama. Not finding out the fate of Kelly and Pegs is just one big slow burn of a cliffhanger that will eventually be resolved.

Nov 13th, 2012, 10:34 AM
And Sean, too. (unless he's somehow going to swoop in and make an 11th hour appearance, which doesn't seem likely at this point)

Ever since they returned to the Colony, I've been expecting Zean to lumber towards CJ.

Nov 13th, 2012, 10:35 AM
True, a "Fighting vehicles" in my mind would be a Mechwarrior or gundam.

Gundammit man! Don't cross genres on us... We're barely holding it together as it is... :cool:

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:02 AM
Before anyone else says it, I know that Bradleys are not tanks, they are "fighting vehicles". But tanks gives a better visual representation in people's heads and "Fighting vehicles" would just add to confusion.

Ah, Mr Wayland, your are kind of a jokester! Who else would put somebody in a "fighting vehicle" which was designed by the Food Machinery Cooperation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FMC_Corporation) admidst the dangers of a zombie attack? How shall we call the crew? Living canned food?

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:04 AM
I think the bigger question is have any MAJOR characters died off screen? As far as i know, all major characters to have died so far have died "on screen"-Tommy, Angel, Kalani,
Most secondary characters (people that have speaking roles but seem to exist solely to serve a function that advances the plot in one way or another, not to be a main character) have also died on screen-Bill, Durai, Latch, Samantha, Pippen, Bricks, etc.
Of those that haven't died on screen, such as Gatekeeper, Bixby, and Marcus, we are at least informed of their deaths.

So far, every time it has been implied that a main character has died, Such as Burt and Angel at the end of season 2, we find out what happened to them.

I seriously doubt we've heard the last of Kelly and Pegs. Whereas in a real life apocalyptic scenario its entirely plausible that someone could just disappear and you would never learn what happened to them, in a story like this I just can't see losing two main characters like that. This isn't real life, it's an audio drama. Not finding out the fate of Kelly and Pegs is just one big slow burn of a cliffhanger that will eventually be resolved.

All that said, Kc has championed the idea of a realistic apocalypse...and as you said, in reality...we may never know the fate of our lost friends....While I agree with you, and still believe Kelly/Pegs to be alive, or at least one of them....I would not fault Kc in the least if he gave us a dose of reality and left them forever hanging off that cliff..

He's said in the We're Not Dead podcast that he'd like to do some form of media with background information not tied to the journal/first person account format of "We're Alive"...he named the boat Pegs/Michael find, and Burt's backstory.....not outside his reach to eventually do a small bit on Pegs/Kelly after the resolve of this series, if he leaves us hanging....

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:07 AM
He's said in the We're Not Dead podcast that he'd like to do some form of media with background information not tied to the journal/first person account format of "We're Alive"...he named the boat Pegs/Michael find, and Burt's backstory.....not outside his reach to eventually do a small bit on Pegs/Kelly after the resolve of this series, if he leaves us hanging....

Would be kinda cool to "see" some of the actions that happened off camera that either led to action in the main story or happened because of the main story. For example, a short story about the people who where on the boat at or right after Z-Day...

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:09 AM
Oh shucks! Now we know why the Colony was never scouted and/or evacuated. Micheal DID tell Kimmet about it.

Re: Who's in the SWAT van?
* Are they easy to hot-wire?
* Who had the keys last?

Re: Coughing.
* Victor coughs EVERY episode. Get that man a Ricola!:p
* It's been commented that Saul is the only one not coughing. Tanya is the only one who doesn't cough when examining #2, The Inkling.

Interesting Flashback Thought
* We get Spec. Anthony Robins' account/perspective of finding the Chinook, Not Pvt C. Thomas'.

The event at the Colony is looking more and more like the asault on Helms Deep. Orcs, Modified Orcs with markings, Trolls. Skittles and Mr. Whiskers had better show up soon with an army of California Redwood trees or these guys are screwed.

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:25 AM
Oh shucks! Now we know why the Colony was never scouted and/or evacuated. Micheal DID tell Kimmet about it.

Re: Who's in the SWAT van?
* Are they easy to hot-wire?
* Who had the keys last?

Re: Coughing.
* Victor coughs EVERY episode. Get that man a Ricola!:p
* It's been commented that Saul is the only one not coughing. Tanya is the only one who doesn't cough when examining #2, The Inkling.

Interesting Flashback Thought
* We get Spec. Anthony Robins' account/perspective of finding the Chinook, Not Pvt C. Thomas'.

The event at the Colony is looking more and more like the asault on Helms Deep. Orcs, Modified Orcs with markings, Trolls. Skittles and Mr. Whiskers had better show up soon with an army of California Redwood trees or these guys are screwed.

vice cough: victor was a smoker....think back to him smoking a cigaro on guard duty, I'm highly doubtful he's had one since then, partial explanation of his constant cough...does not however explain why Burt was also coughing..or Glenn being a little more winded than normal when he brought them the satphone(and don't give me the "he's old" line..thats a cop out and y'all know it.). Also entirely true...tanya is the only one not coughing.

Hotwire the swat van: while I'm entirely unfamiliar with swat vans...its gotta be based on some form of the "big three" American auto manufacturers...if you know the right two wires.....yea...done and done.

That's all. Now get out of my office.

Red Shirt
Nov 13th, 2012, 11:33 AM
Will R2-DATU fix the hyper-drive on the Millennium Pelican?

Dude, you win the internet. I'm reading this at a public library and I think I hurt myself trying to not laugh.

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:47 AM
So here is my crackpot theory:

- Burt survives episode 36 - come on, he survived Scratch for months.
- Lizzy is safe, too - nobody likes listening to zombies gnawing on a pregnant woman
- Pegs and Kelly will be back
- Scratch will be absent
- Fort Irwin is done
- Randy is actually revealed to wear a fake beard which he acquired from a filming location on Hawai'i. (We have not heard a lot of Found recently, have we?)

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:52 AM
Re: Coughing.
* Victor coughs EVERY episode. Get that man a Ricola!:p
* It's been commented that Saul is the only one not coughing. Tanya is the only one who doesn't cough when examining #2, The Inkling.

Aww man. Now I'm gonna have to go back through the episodes and listen for any and all coughs. I'm gonna have to get some better headphones.....

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:53 AM
So here is my crackpot theory:

- Burt survives episode 36 - come on, he survived Scratch for months.
- Lizzy is safe, too - nobody likes listening to zombies gnawing on a pregnant woman
- Pegs and Kelly will be back
- Scratch will be absent
- Fort Irwin is done
- Randy is actually revealed to wear a fake beard which he acquired from a filming location on Hawai'i. (We have not heard a lot of Found recently, have we?)

dude...if Randy's beard is fake...ill shave mine.

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:55 AM
Would be kinda cool to "see" some of the actions that happened off camera that either led to action in the main story or happened because of the main story. For example, a short story about the people who where on the boat at or right after Z-Day...

Yea, thats what Kc spoke of doing in his interview in the We're Not Dead Ask Kc anything episode. Episode number....help me out nik?.....48ish?

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:09 PM
vice cough: victor was a smoker....think back to him smoking a cigaro on guard duty, I'm highly doubtful he's had one since then, partial explanation of his constant cough...does not however explain why Burt was also coughing..or Glenn being a little more winded than normal when he brought them the satphone(and don't give me the "he's old" line..thats a cop out and y'all know it.). Also entirely true...tanya is the only one not coughing.

Hotwire the swat van: while I'm entirely unfamiliar with swat vans...its gotta be based on some form of the "big three" American auto manufacturers...if you know the right two wires.....yea...done and done.

That's all. Now get out of my office.

Seconded, as long as its about a pre-2000ish, built by ANYbody, it's a few wires away from boosted.

dropping the 'I work for an auto manufacturer on the software in the Engine Control Modules' card again

.....I'll just let myself out of the office now

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:12 PM
dude...if Randy's beard is fake...ill shave mine.

Kc. You know what to do....Season 4 is storyboarded, but not written yet....you have the technology, you can backstory randy....better...stronger...hairless....The beard was a cover-up so he could spy on Mallers actions or something before he got caught up at the water facility....ANYthing....to make 7odd follow thru.

Make it a poll? Make it a donation poll! get the people to vote, with their own $5. $5 to vote whether or not randy gets a more thorough backstory and causes 7odd to shave. Film the shaving, donate proceeds to this show or some good cause....c'mooooooooon

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:19 PM
Yea, thats what Kc spoke of doing in his interview in the We're Not Dead Ask Kc anything episode. Episode number....help me out nik?.....48ish?

Episode 46.5C. But it really came out as episode 47 because things got so cocked up. If nothing else, go look for a podcast that is nearly an hour and a half long done in September/October. That's the Kc Interview.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 13th, 2012, 12:22 PM
The SWAT van is being driven by Lizzy, along with CJ. While all the menfolk have been putting eyes on the zombie horde the women were rigging a daisy-chain of claymore mines along the SWAT van's roof. They're going to ram the mass of zombies, then set off the clayores, shredding them like a giant KODI. What can I say, nobody tells Lizzy to stay in the hospital!

As for the Bradley's at Checkpoint 2 getting over-run, it's probably more the fault of the crews than the vehicles. Based on past experience thay either fell asleep, everyone got out to relieve themselves at the same time, or someone thought he saw the gut-truck and they all rushed out to get coffee and snacks.

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:26 PM
The SWAT van is being driven by Lizzy, along with CJ. While all the menfolk have been putting eyes on the zombie horde the women were rigging a daisy-chain of claymore mines along the SWAT van's roof. They're going to ram the mass of zombies, then set off the clayores, shredding them like a giant KODI. What can I say, nobody tells Lizzy to stay in the hospital!

As for the Bradley's at Checkpoint 2 getting over-run, it's probably more the fault of the crews than the vehicles. Based on past experience thay either fell asleep, everyone got out to relieve themselves at the same time, or someone thought he saw the gut-truck and they all rushed out to get coffee and snacks.

A question about the Bradleys: for how long can they operate before they need to be refueled and resupplied? How long can they engage in combat?

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:30 PM
Kc. You know what to do....Season 4 is storyboarded, but not written yet....you have the technology, you can backstory randy....better...stronger...hairless....The beard was a cover-up so he could spy on Mallers actions or something before he got caught up at the water facility....ANYthing....to make 7odd follow thru.

Make it a poll? Make it a donation poll! get the people to vote, with their own $5. $5 to vote whether or not randy gets a more thorough backstory and causes 7odd to shave. Film the shaving, donate proceeds to this show or some good cause....c'mooooooooon

Hm, I am undecided, shaving can be a dangerous thing, 7oddisdead might suffer from serious razor burn...

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:32 PM
dude...if Randy's beard is fake...ill shave mine.

At least wait until the end of Movember (http://us.movember.com/)

Seriously though - Movember is a great cause.....

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:34 PM
At least wait until the end of Movember (http://us.movember.com/)

Seriously though - Movember is a great cause.....

You mean No-shave November? followed by Decembeard? Then Manuary, Februhairy....but alas it comes to a close in Must-Shave March....

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:34 PM
Really, at this point I am willing to expect almost anything. Although I have some thoughts on my mind - given the past I know how often my lame attempts to assume and predict things failed me again...

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:43 PM
You mean No-shave November? followed by Decembeard? Then Manuary, Februhairy....but alas it comes to a close in Must-Shave March....

I usually skip the beard festivities in March and go straight for St Baldrick's Day (http://www.stbaldricks.org/)... But what's a bald, bearded man to do if he can't use his folicular talents for the good of others....

Wow, did this one go way off thread topic.... Back to Zed conspiracy theories.... :)

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:46 PM
I usually skip the beard festivities in March and go straight for St Baldrick's Day (http://www.stbaldricks.org/)... But what's a bald, bearded man to do if he can't use his folicular talents for the good of others....

Wow, did this one go way off thread topic.... Back to Zed conspiracy theories.... :)

Umm....uhhhh....umm...quick....relate the two....


Supporting information: Ink appears bald in album art.

We're Alive: A "Hairy" Story of Survival....

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Kc. You know what to do....Season 4 is storyboarded, but not written yet....you have the technology, you can backstory randy....better...stronger...hairless....The beard was a cover-up so he could spy on Mallers actions or something before he got caught up at the water facility....ANYthing....to make 7odd follow thru.

. Film the shaving, donate proceeds to this show or some good cause....c'mooooooooon

man.....not cool.

And ill match any donations myself just so that does not happen.....hermits have deep pockets.

But yea, that could be a fun "fundraiser" for the off season...id put my beard on the line for that.

Edit: and it starts with septembeard..gentlemen.

Nov 13th, 2012, 12:53 PM
Edit: and it starts with septembeard..gentlemen.

Well played, sir. Well played....

I'll also contribute my beard to the fundraiser cause should it occur.

Nov 13th, 2012, 01:04 PM
Well played, sir. Well played....

I'll also contribute my beard to the fundraiser cause should it occur.

And my axe... I had to get that in. I would also put up my beard for this most hairless cause.

Nov 13th, 2012, 01:08 PM
And my axe... I had to get that in. I would also put up my beard for this most hairless cause.

This whole situation would actually be pretty cool, give us crazy fans the illusion that we directly affected the storyline if Kc chooses to debunk Randy's fake beard....and might help a cause...or the show!

Nov 13th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Marcus as well.

Don't forget Pegs and Kelley! :cool:

As I finish listening to this weeks installment, I'm left wondering if maybe this /is/ gonna be the Last season. :P

Humanity marches towards (on runs panickingly away in a futile manner) extinction, and there's not much hope now.

The colony needs some Dues Ex Machina to survive this one. Maybe a Swat van full of explosives driven by our favorite disaster preparedness expert?

Yeah, it seems like Season 4 is going to be more like Season 1, with a small group of survivors scrabbling to survive amidst a horde of terrors...

Would be kinda cool to "see" some of the actions that happened off camera that either led to action in the main story or happened because of the main story. For example, a short story about the people who where on the boat at or right after Z-Day...

I'll co-sign that one! I like the webisodes from the Walking Dead, so having WA webisodes would be great, too.

vice cough: victor was a smoker....think back to him smoking a cigaro on guard duty...

Whoa! Here we go again off the deep end with the hyper analyzation! You guys better go easy before I bust out some crazy-assed red hair theory again!

Nov 13th, 2012, 01:10 PM
man.....not cool.

And ill match any donations myself just so that does not happen.....hermits have deep pockets.

But yea, that could be a fun "fundraiser" for the off season...id put my beard on the line for that.

Edit: and it starts with septembeard..gentlemen.

No...it all starts with a big bang.....BANG!

Where's the door? ...nevermind...I'll show myself out....

love bump
Nov 13th, 2012, 07:23 PM
tis abit strange fort Irwin doesn't have any artillery or they don't attempt to procure artillery of some kind, i mean they managed to get nukes for heavens sake and didn't bother with artillery

Nov 13th, 2012, 07:28 PM
tis abit strange fort Irwin doesn't have any artillery or they don't attempt to procure artillery of some kind, i mean they managed to get nukes for heavens sake and didn't bother with artillery

Not strange at all... it's in the script.

love bump
Nov 13th, 2012, 07:33 PM
what do you mean its all in the script? i don't remember any mention of artillery

Nov 13th, 2012, 08:28 PM

Nov 13th, 2012, 08:30 PM
If there are no artillery peices then i would assume that artillery units are not normally trained at fort irwin.

love bump
Nov 13th, 2012, 08:49 PM
common sense would dictate that you make it a top priority to obtain artillery if none were in the fort to begin with, artillery is more practical than nukes, sure nukes make a big bang but they come with fallout they could have held fort Irwin with artillery. it wouldn't have killed kc to put a couple of lines in there to explain why they didn't have any and if they tried to obtain some.

Nov 13th, 2012, 09:52 PM
what do you mean its all in the script? i don't remember any mention of artillery

Which is exactly how Kc wrote it... hence: it's all in the script. What's there is not there... the cake is a lie, there is no spoon, we've come to far to turn back, let's all go inside, kaw, etc...

Nov 13th, 2012, 10:29 PM
Kaw is truth...cake is lie


Nov 13th, 2012, 10:36 PM
One last beard thing: Randy could be actually be an Amish whose real name is Randolf.

Nov 13th, 2012, 10:57 PM
dude...if Randy's beard is fake...ill shave mine.

Edit: I wrote this before reading the five or six pages about facial hair fundraising. Late to the party. :hsugh:

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:04 PM
The SWAT van is being driven by Lizzy, along with CJ. While all the menfolk have been putting eyes on the zombie horde the women were rigging a daisy-chain of claymore mines along the SWAT van's roof. They're going to ram the mass of zombies, then set off the clayores, shredding them like a giant KODI. What can I say, nobody tells Lizzy to stay in the hospital!

Now the CB has said it, you KNOW it's gonna happen.

Nov 13th, 2012, 11:09 PM

no worries...its been "no shave November" for me since August. And I don't think KC will betray the beard clan like that.

Also: see the follow up comments to that...my beard will not die easy

Or alone;)

Nov 14th, 2012, 12:02 AM
OK, gonna take a stab at a crack head theory.

When Checkpoint 2 is being overrun Micheal is stunned into silence, not because of the hopelessness of the situation, but because he sees Kelly and or Pegs coming over the hill and she/they have turned!
Everyone is present and accounted for at Irwin except for Riley. Season 4 will have her running around like Saul and Victor in Season 3.
There is a link between Scratch and Ink and the forum will argue over calling their zombie brood Ink Scratches or Scr.O.W.T.M.s (SCRatched Ones With The Markings; pronounced like scrotum)
The single mark on Randy's face is really a knife scar from his left eye, across the nose and down to the right cheek.
CJ learns the truth about Sean, joins Scratch with a Katana attached to where her leg used to be, and they paint either the SWAT van or the Shelby Cobra pink with Hello Zombie Kitty characters on the side. Then they'll drive up and down California's highways in a Russ Myers-eque, Faster Pussy Cat Kill Kill slashing spree in search of Pegs and Lizzy.

Of course, I'm terrible with predictions, so, none of these will pan out.

Nov 14th, 2012, 12:48 AM
Dude, you win the internet. I'm reading this at a public library and I think I hurt myself trying to not laugh.

S..t just got real, y'all. Redshirt is back.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 14th, 2012, 01:43 AM
A question about the Bradleys: for how long can they operate before they need to be refueled and resupplied? How long can they engage in combat?

Bradleys should be able to stay in combat for at least 24 hours without requiring refueling or rearming. The biggest limiting factors are crew endurance and the number of targets that need to be engaged. Basic load for 25mm ammo is around 900 rounds, plus a couple of thousand rounds of machinegun ammo. This assumes there was enough ammo and fuel on hand to fully equip them.

Nov 14th, 2012, 02:01 AM
Thanks a lot! The US Army has got the bigger guns compared to the German Bundeswehr equivalents, by the way, which are equiped with 20mm guns.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 14th, 2012, 02:02 AM
tis abit strange fort Irwin doesn't have any artillery or they don't attempt to procure artillery of some kind, i mean they managed to get nukes for heavens sake and didn't bother with artillery

There is a lot of artillery located at Fort Irwin, but there may not be anyone on the base who knows how to use it. There are probably more than 100 M-109 155mm howitzers, but these guns are primarily for units that train at the base. The 11th ACR, the unit based at Fort Irwin, doesn't have an artillery unit of its own. That role is filled by a unit of the California Army National Guard,which probably got over-run on Z-Day.

Nov 14th, 2012, 03:50 AM
Bradleys should be able to stay in combat for at least 24 hours without requiring refueling or rearming. The biggest limiting factors are crew endurance and the number of targets that need to be engaged. Basic load for 25mm ammo is around 900 rounds, plus a couple of thousand rounds of machinegun ammo. This assumes there was enough ammo and fuel on hand to fully equip them.

Thanks for the info, CP. On the subject, how much armor does a Bradley have over and above the non-fighting vehicles?

love bump
Nov 14th, 2012, 05:27 AM
Which is exactly how Kc wrote it... hence: it's all in the script. What's there is not there... the cake is a lie, there is no spoon, we've come to far to turn back, let's all go inside, kaw, etc...


There is a lot of artillery located at Fort Irwin, but there may not be anyone on the base who knows how to use it. There are probably more than 100 M-109 155mm howitzers, but these guns are primarily for units that train at the base. The 11th ACR, the unit based at Fort Irwin, doesn't have an artillery unit of its own. That role is filled by a unit of the California Army National Guard,which probably got over-run on Z-Day. [/COLOR]

thanks for the info thats a plausible reason why artillery was not used.

Nov 14th, 2012, 08:12 AM
I....don't....even know...what...to say...

Are you sure your human?

He lost me at 94 years later...

Nov 14th, 2012, 08:21 AM
I have Zune and it's pissing me off! Come on Zune you lazy bastard give me the good stuff!

Nik's snarky comments aside I downloaded mine from Zune at around noon... is it your phone?

Nov 14th, 2012, 08:54 AM
Bradleys should be able to stay in combat for at least 24 hours without requiring refueling or rearming. The biggest limiting factors are crew endurance and the number of targets that need to be engaged. Basic load for 25mm ammo is around 900 rounds, plus a couple of thousand rounds of machinegun ammo. This assumes there was enough ammo and fuel on hand to fully equip them.

I'm going to adjust those numbers to probably over 1,000 rounds of 25mm since they won't be carrying the 6 dismounts in the back (No point in bringing the crunchies along if you are only using the 25mm and the coax M-240. If they have the BUSK it'll have the SAW mounted on the top of the turret with a Crows Nest system that you'd operate from inside.

They'd probably pack a ton of 7.62 in there too for the coax since that ammo seems to work fine against the LO's

I'm wondering if they have any Abrams tanks worked into the defensive perimiter. If they are armed the cannister round those 1,000 tungsten balls will shred zombies

Cabbage Patch
Nov 14th, 2012, 09:37 AM
Thanks for the info, CP. On the subject, how much armor does a Bradley have over and above the non-fighting vehicles?

The Bradley is classified as a lightly armored vehicle, but it is on the heavy end of that spectrum. When it was designed it was meant to protect the crew against hits from the Soviet Union's light caliber weapons; it was supposed to be "impervious" to the heavy machine guns (12.7mm and 14.5mm) and "protected against" the light cannon (23mm and 30mm) on their infantry fighting vehicles. Later generations added protection against High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) rounds, which are the type of warhead used in anti-tank rockets and missiles.

In combat Bradleys can hold their own against Soviet era tank (depends on who shoots first), artillery fire and small arms. They've proven very vulnerable to buried mines and Improvised Explosive Devices, and, apparently, very sharp fingernails.

Nov 14th, 2012, 10:16 AM
So there is no way to seal the hatches effectively?

Nov 14th, 2012, 10:26 AM
The Bradley is classified as a lightly armored vehicle, but it is on the heavy end of that spectrum. When it was designed it was meant to protect the crew against hits from the Soviet Union's light caliber weapons; it was supposed to be "impervious" to the heavy machine guns (12.7mm and 14.5mm) and "protected against" the light cannon (23mm and 30mm) on their infantry fighting vehicles. Later generations added protection against High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) rounds, which are the type of warhead used in anti-tank rockets and missiles.

In combat Bradleys can hold their own against Soviet era tank (depends on who shoots first), artillery fire and small arms. They've proven very vulnerable to buried mines and Improvised Explosive Devices, and, apparently, very sharp fingernails.

Ok. I got a pretty good idea of what the soldiers are using to go toe-to-toe with the Little Ones/Advanced Little Ones outside of Ft Irwin. I just pulled up this episode to see what Puck said when Michael asked what was going on. At 19:09 Puck says "They figured out how to tear into the tanks" so I'm making the assumption that the enemy is either going under the vehicle or exploiting some top side weak point.

Of course, there is the possibility that these creatures are hard/strong enough to get through the armor you just described but that seems more far fetched.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 14th, 2012, 11:03 AM
So there is no way to seal the hatches effectively?

The hatches on the Bradley lock from the inside, and can't be forced open from the outside without explosives or a cutting torch. It is a common practice for the crew in the turret to fight with the hatches open, or partly open, to have a better view of the battlespace, which might make them vulnerable.

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:10 AM
The hatches on the Bradley lock from the inside, and can't be forced open from the outside without explosives or a cutting torch. It is a common practice for the crew in the turret to fight with the hatches open, or partly open, to have a better view of the battlespace, which might make them vulnerable.

Still, that would leave a small entry spot, if the crew concentrates fire they should be able to hold them from getting in, right? I still think they just tore apart the hull.
Question: the next episode is going to be on air live, right? I'm like 12 timezones from California, so when can we expect a downloadable episode? I assume right after the live transmission, and in this case: how are we getting the aftershow? As a separate WND?

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:12 AM
I really hope Scratch is the one who jacked the SWAT car. But even with that, how is she going to be a threat anymore? i suppose she could join another group and find away to get rid of who ever's in...

love bump
Nov 14th, 2012, 11:15 AM
Ok. I got a pretty good idea of what the soldiers are using to go toe-to-toe with the Little Ones/Advanced Little Ones outside of Ft Irwin. I just pulled up this episode to see what Puck said when Michael asked what was going on. At 19:09 Puck says "They figured out how to tear into the tanks" so I'm making the assumption that the enemy is either going under the vehicle or exploiting some top side weak point.

Of course, there is the possibility that these creatures are hard/strong enough to get through the armor you just described but that seems more far fetched.

yeah that was another thing that bothered me how the hell did they manage to tear into the Bradleys i mean ripping into flesh is one thing but ripping into armour plating is another thing. the only thing that came to mind when i was listening to it was they got in through the turret hatches but given the number of infected there were up against i would have assumed the soldiers would have the good sense to fight with the hatches closed.

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:18 AM
Scratch.Will.Be.Back. It is as simple as that. There is no safe refuge, no mercy, and hopefully no more bleeding edge sloppyness.

love bump
Nov 14th, 2012, 11:22 AM
Still, that would leave a small entry spot, if the crew concentrates fire they should be able to hold them from getting in, right? I still think they just tore apart the hull.

the thing is from the description of the new type of zombie does not indicate that they are strong enough to be able to do that. they just don't have the muscle to do that.

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:34 AM
I occurred to me that we have not seen any biological or chemical warfare (except for CS gas) materials being applied thus far. Ok, these are really nasty weapons and the U.S. biological weapon program ended some decades ago. However, there is a on in Colorado (more herePueblo Chemical Depot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueblo_Chemical_Depot)). So, has it never been an option to Kimmet? Maybe this would stopped the zombies more effectively?

Please do not be too harsh on me, that is not my favorite field of knowledge.

love bump
Nov 14th, 2012, 11:50 AM
I occurred to me that we have not seen any biological or chemical warfare (except for CS gas) materials being applied thus far. Ok, these are really nasty weapons and the U.S. biological weapon program ended some decades ago. However, there is a on in Colorado (more herePueblo Chemical Depot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueblo_Chemical_Depot)). So, has it never been an option to Kimmet? Maybe this would stopped the zombies more effectively?

Please do not be too harsh on me, that is not my favorite field of knowledge.

we will never know this because kc never included much dialogue between between kimmet and micheal discussing tactics against the infected.

Nov 14th, 2012, 11:56 AM
we will never know this because kc never included much dialogue between between kimmet and micheal discussing tactics against the infected.

Yeah, just the "We tried something like this before and it didn't work well" from Michael referencing the homemade chloroform if response to Kimmet's call to use CS gas.

But, we could find out some more about it if Michael says "Kimmet told me that there were chemical weapons over at..." Not sure that'll happen since it looks pretty clear that Ft Irwin is toast now...

Nov 14th, 2012, 12:04 PM
Yeah, just the "We tried something like this before and it didn't work well" from Michael referencing the homemade chloroform if response to Kimmet's call to use CS gas.

But, we could find out some more about it if Michael says "Kimmet told me that there were chemical weapons over at..." Not sure that'll happen since it looks pretty clear that Ft Irwin is toast now...

Yeah, "homemade chloroform" -> desperate times, indeed. They installed two nuclear bombs, a dedicated communication connected between Irwin and Boulder, but they never considered the chemical option?:bunker:

Nov 14th, 2012, 12:56 PM
yeah that was another thing that bothered me how the hell did they manage to tear into the Bradleys i mean ripping into flesh is one thing but ripping into armour plating is another thing. the only thing that came to mind when i was listening to it was they got in through the turret hatches but given the number of infected there were up against i would have assumed the soldiers would have the good sense to fight with the hatches closed.

The main part of the armour on a Bradley is the reactive armour. These are plates on the Bradley that are basically sandwiches of metal explosives and metal... the short of it is when a round hits the reactive armor the expolsives detonate throwing the outer plate at the projectile then the inner plate shoots back, hits the hull of the Bradley then bounces off and hits the remains of the projectile hopefully negating the damaging potential of the round fired. The hull of the Bradley is mostly composed of aluminum. If you look at pictures of BFV's you can see where steel plates have been added to the outer hull. I'm imagining that the Little Ones ripped off the outer steel plates and were able to somehow get into the aluminum hull.

Nov 14th, 2012, 06:14 PM
Back on the coughing. The first time I thought it was Burt, and listening again today. Pretty sure it was Burt and not Victor. If you listen to the intensity of it, it's further away. When victor talks, he's much louder and closer. That was my take at least.

Nov 14th, 2012, 06:23 PM
I think the whole coughing thing may be getting blown out of proportion. We've heard a few people turn and never once was there coughing (unless they were coughing up blood due to a wound). Don't read to much into it, Burt got his finger cut off and Shirley destroyed and now he's trying to kill Scratch with his dick (whether it be skull fucking or 'pulling the trigger with his dick'). He's been through a lot, and when he was first picked up by Angel and Saul, he was coughing then too. Victor smokes as well. Nothing there to make anyone wonder, I think it's just coughing and nothing more. This is like hearing the faint sound of a zombie farting and then debating on whether the zombie fart could float into someone's nose and change them.

Nov 14th, 2012, 06:33 PM
This is like hearing the faint sound of a zombie farting and then debating on whether the zombie fart could float into someone's nose and change them.

Is it weird that i was actually thinking about that as a possibility earlier today?
It came more from trying to figure out how they would get the zombie gas there and then release it to cause the coughing, but zombie farts did indeed cross my mind. I did come to the immediate realization that it was quite possibly the dumbest theory ever, but........

Nov 14th, 2012, 06:39 PM
Is it weird that i was actually thinking about that as a possibility earlier today?
It came more from trying to figure out how they would get the zombie gas there and then release it to cause the coughing, but zombie farts did indeed cross my mind. I did come to the immediate realization that it was quite possibly the dumbest theory ever, but........

lol knowing Kc, he would take that theory and just laugh his ass off at the thought of it but hey zombies gotta fart too right? I mean it's been proven they have the same basic anatomy. Oh goody I have a theory, maybe as number 2 was eating Kimmet's niece she farted and then the fart went into Grimes nose and thus changed him into another not so little one. Ehh??? Ehh???/ Ya you know your jealous I figured that one out =)

Nov 15th, 2012, 01:40 AM
Here's the thing with the coughing.

This is a rather crackpot theory, but I am the original crackpot around these parts so I'm allowed, haha.

We have the entire colony surrounded by undead, now, we have no idea just how many that actually entails but whatever, not the point. Point is, how often have we actually had a situation like this? And what would the possibility of "the haze" actually being a physically produced thing via the zombie chain gang be? We know victors reaction to the haze already. We also know that the haze seemed to be heavier than air...so tell me, why do Burt and Vic stop coughing when they reach the top of the guard tower? Smoke rises...and as a smoker myself, I can tell ya a simple change in elavation as small as fifteen feet can affect ones breathing. To many things point to this idea to ignore them...

Now, do I believe that^? F#ck no...thats crazy talk! But wouldn't it be even crazier if I'm right?

End of....get out of my office.

Nov 15th, 2012, 01:59 AM
Now, do I believe that^? F#ck no...thats crazy talk! But wouldn't it be even crazier if I'm right?


Nov 15th, 2012, 04:09 AM
This is like hearing the faint sound of a zombie farting and then debating on whether the zombie fart could float into someone's nose and change them.

Maybe that's what Saul was hearing....

Saul: "Shhh, you hear that?"
Victor: "Yeah.....Holy $#!9 Zombie farts... Throw the Molotovs!"
Cue behemoths charging the Colony..... fade to silence.....

Nov 15th, 2012, 07:48 AM
Here is another explanation: Saul is not coughing because he simply got used to CJ's decomposition smell.

Christopher kitto
Nov 15th, 2012, 08:47 AM
Here is another explanation: Saul is not coughing because he simply got used to CJ's decomposition smell.

Ooo someone's getting a little testy that their favourite characters going to be DOA at urwin!

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:03 AM
Here's another catch I've made. (Most of my catches are Red Herrings - My User Name should be Fox Hunt)

Pegs hates guns, doesn't want to train to use weapons, yet Pvt Carl Thomas tells Tanya that all Boulder residences go through weapons training. Sooooo..... Dangummit! I can't come up with an ass crack theory using this.
Never mind. O_o

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Here's another catch I've made. (Most of my catches are Red Herrings - My User Name should be Fox Hunt)

Pegs hates guns, doesn't want to train to use weapons, yet Pvt Carl Thomas tells Tanya that all Boulder residences go through weapons training. Sooooo..... Dangummit! I can't come up with an ass crack theory using this.
Never mind. O_o

Maybe her motto at Boulder has been "Swords to Plowshares!" or sort of. That would explain how Boulder was so easily overrun. Jackpot!

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:16 AM
Ooo someone's getting a little testy that their favourite characters going to be DOA at urwin!

Oh, not really. Scratch awaits all of them at the colony. She has got all the time in the world.

Christopher kitto
Nov 15th, 2012, 11:23 AM
Oh, not really. Scratch awaits all of them at the colony. She has got all the time in the world.

IF she didn't get shanked on her way out
IF she got out
IF the zombies didn't tear her apart

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:27 AM
Here's another catch I've made. (Most of my catches are Red Herrings - My User Name should be Fox Hunt)

Pegs hates guns, doesn't want to train to use weapons, yet Pvt Carl Thomas tells Tanya that all Boulder residences go through weapons training. Sooooo..... Dangummit! I can't come up with an ass crack theory using this.
Never mind. O_o

Maybe she absolutely refused to do the training and got kicked out of Boulder. She was enroute to Fort Irwin on foot when the Chinook went down. She rushed to see what happened got turned by the Little One. Then she continues on to Fort Irwin only to see the convoy escaping from Boulder.

So Pegs is the cause of the attack on Fort Irwin and therefore guns in general....

Voila! Ass crack theory... :rolleyes:

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:53 AM
IF she didn't get shanked on her way out
IF she got out
IF the zombies didn't tear her apart

Oh she did. But she is busy right now, carving faces into zombie heads in order to use them as lanterns at Halloween 2010.

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:57 AM
Oh she did. But she is busy right now, carving faces into zombie heads in order to use them as lanterns at Halloween 2010.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to YetAnotherBloodyCheek again."

Z Sniper
Nov 15th, 2012, 12:48 PM
This is to settle any speculation as to who stole the van!


Nov 15th, 2012, 01:10 PM
This is to settle any speculation as to who stole the van!


Surprisingly, this makes more sense than most theories you'll find here.

Nov 15th, 2012, 01:12 PM
IF she didn't get shanked on her way out
IF she got out
IF the zombies didn't tear her apart

She didn't get "shanked" on her way out.
She got out.
She's smarter than the zombies, they didn't get to her.

Nov 15th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Hey! That unicorn stole my van!

love bump
Nov 15th, 2012, 02:32 PM
IF she didn't get shanked on her way out
IF she got out
IF the zombies didn't tear her apart

she has been built up too much to die off screen.

come on people you are blowing the whole coughing thing way out of proportion and the whole one legget drugged up cj + preggers lizzy driving the swat van is just ridiculous

Nov 15th, 2012, 02:39 PM
she has been built up too much to die off screen.

come on people you are blowing the whole coughing thing way out of proportion and the whole one legget drugged up cj + preggers lizzy driving the swat van is just ridiculous

I agree, there are some wacked out theories going on here. Come on people Kc is one of the most REALISTIC writters out there. He isn't going to through out some wacky curve ball that makes no sense. Maybe a wacky curve ball here and there, but he always makes it go along with the plot.

There are a few things that are at least 99% for sure.

1.) Scratch is alive and well (Kc wouldn't just kill her off randomly)
2.) Lizzy is not driving the van (Who thought of this one? This is worst than my zombie farts theory)
3.) Coughing has nothing to do with anything...they are just coughing...Burt coughs all the time and Victor loves his cigaros.

love bump
Nov 15th, 2012, 02:45 PM
sorry i keep getting pegs and lizzy mixed up i meant to write lizzy is prego edited my post

Nov 15th, 2012, 02:57 PM
Ok so, I hate tooting my own horn but I have more than a few years of training in martial arts. Primarily, historical katana. So, when I heard the fight between Scratch and CJ some things about it...

love bump
Nov 15th, 2012, 03:18 PM
near the end of the fight cj clearly has the upper hand but then saul calls out which momentarily distracts cj which gives scratch the opening she needs to deliver the crippling blow. <br />
<br />
i wast too...

Christopher kitto
Nov 15th, 2012, 03:31 PM
Oh she did. But she is busy right now, carving faces into zombie heads in order to use them as lanterns at Halloween 2010.

Scratches fun homemade jack o shanktons!

Nov 15th, 2012, 03:50 PM
I agree, there are some wacked out theories going on here. Come on people Kc is one of the most REALISTIC writters out there. He isn't going to through out some wacky curve ball that makes no sense. Maybe a wacky curve ball here and there, but he always makes it go along with the plot.

There are a few things that are at least 99% for sure.

1.) Scratch is alive and well (Kc wouldn't just kill her off randomly)
2.) Lizzy is not driving the van (Who thought of this one? This is worst than my zombie farts theory)
3.) Coughing has nothing to do with anything...they are just coughing...Burt coughs all the time and Victor loves his cigaros.

cabbage patch (ya.know....that dude everyone loves around here cooked up the lizzie/cj/swat van idea...99% sure it was a joke

I'm the cough guy everything I post is sarcasm and/or the wildest shit you could imagine....if I wanted realism, I wouldn't be here.

Everyone has an opinion..

Nov 15th, 2012, 03:50 PM
near the end of the fight cj clearly has the upper hand but then saul calls out which momentarily distracts cj which gives scratch the opening she needs to deliver the crippling blow.

i wast too happy about cj losing the leg she willnt be out in front slicing up too many zombies anymore now.

I know that Saul distracted her, I guess my point was it should have never even been a struggle to begin with. I heard some "clanking" of blades meeting one another. A knife and a katana meeting each other...the katana would slice it in half simply due to the strength of the steel. This is my own opinion of course!

Nov 15th, 2012, 03:52 PM
cabbage patch (ya.know....that dude everyone loves around here cooked up the lizzie/cj/swat van idea...99% sure it was a joke

I'm the cough guy everything I post is sarcasm and/or the wildest shit you could imagine....if I wanted realism, I wouldn't be here.

Everyone has an opinion..

Lol! I know who cabbage patch is, I kind of hoped he would chime in on my sword v. knife theory. I figured it started off as a joke, the problem is others took it seriously! Refer to my zombie fart theory, I'm surprised no one took that one and began a debate over it

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:00 PM
Lol! I know who cabbage patch is, I kind of hoped he would chime in on my sword v. knife theory. I figured it started off as a joke, the problem is others took it seriously! Refer to my zombie fart theory, I'm surprised no one took that one and began a debate over it

Well why would they...everyone knows zombies smell like shit because they excrete methane via their pores...

See if anyone grabs that! :hsugh:

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:03 PM
Here's another catch I've made. (Most of my catches are Red Herrings - My User Name should be Fox Hunt)

Pegs hates guns, doesn't want to train to use weapons, yet Pvt Carl Thomas tells Tanya that all Boulder residences go through weapons training. Sooooo..... Dangummit! I can't come up with an ass crack theory using this.
Never mind. O_o
It wasn't that Pegs wouldn't train. She learnt what she had to, but she didn't want to use them unless she had to. I would guess she did the same at Boulder. Learnt what she needed and then will be ready if she has too.

love bump
Nov 15th, 2012, 04:34 PM
I know that Saul distracted her, I guess my point was it should have never even been a struggle to begin with. I heard some "clanking" of blades meeting one another. A knife and a katana meeting each other...the katana would slice it in half simply due to the strength of the steel. This is my own opinion of course!

im no blade expert or anything but if scratch managed to get in close and stayed in close then the bigger blade wouldnt give cj much of an advantage.

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:35 PM
Well why would they...everyone knows zombies smell like shit because they excrete methane via their pores...

See if anyone grabs that! :hsugh:

I love google lol

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:36 PM
im no blade expert or anything but if scratch managed to get in close and stayed in close then the bigger blade wouldnt give cj much of an advantage.

Right and thats true, but my point is the style of using a katana is designed specifically to not let people get close. Getting in close means your dead. If she was trained well enough, Scratch shouldn't have been able to get close enough.

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:39 PM
Right and thats true, but my point is the style of using a katana is designed specifically to not let people get close. Getting in close means your dead. If she was trained well enough, Scratch shouldn't have been able to get close enough.

I kind of picture them fighting in a hallway, so that would negate a lot of the reach, and if CJ fighting fits with CJ planning, my guess is that she knows the theory and has practised lots, but when it comes to an actual fighting she lets herself down.

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:42 PM
I kind of picture them fighting in a hallway, so that would negate a lot of the reach, and if CJ fighting fits with CJ planning, my guess is that she knows the theory and has practised lots, but when it comes to an actual fighting she lets herself down.

Thats a great point! I didn't consider that.. still if they clashed their blades together (which they did) then the Katana should have sliced Scratch's little knife in half due to superior steel.