View Full Version : Looking for recommendations: Kindle ebooks on zombie-titles!

Oct 14th, 2012, 05:43 AM
Hi there,

for quite a while now I consider getting a Kindle - finally. Since I am kind of a heavy Amazon's products consumer, this steps seems to be quite logical instead of choosing 'free' eBook readers ... And yet I am hesitant. Up until now for me it is obvious that I would get only this kind of literature that is capable of distracting me from real-life, giving me something to chew on without being to serious in any way ...

Now what I really enjoyed reading was the essay by some American lawyer about zombies having to pay taxes - no matter what; that was hilarious, funny, informative and very disturbing as well as distracting; and a few minutes ago I finished reading the foreword of this booktitle:

"Theories of International Politics and Zombies", by Daniel W. Drezner - I liked it!

Maybe you remember me having quite a positive opinion about WWZ by Max Brooks, because I consider it 'realistic' to some degree ... (What Zombie-theory could be more realistic then Kc's WA-zombies ... ?). Point is: I like to look deeper into zombie-stories that don't rely on the gore-horror and brains-humor of zombies, but I'd like to read more stories that try to describe the minor and major side-effects of zombie-apocalypses not only on humankind, but also of environmental scope and whatnot ...

Entering "zom* or Zomb* or just zombie into the search mask of Amazon.com gets me far more then 4.500 entries on zombie-related titles, not considering all those titles not having "zombies" in them ... And that's why I ask you:

Do you have Kindle- or eBook-recommendations I should try?

(Naturally: I will get the anthology of Wild West zombie short-stories ...)

All the best and thank you in advance!

Oct 14th, 2012, 07:22 AM
Just a suggestion: At least he looks like a zombie (http://www.amazon.com/Rob-Zombie--Educated-Horses-Zombie/dp/0739043595/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1350224406&sr=1-3&keywords=rob+zombie) :yay:

Oct 14th, 2012, 07:38 AM
Thank You, YABC ...
But I guess, since this is a) a paperback and b) not exactly what I was hoping to get as a recommendation, I very likely won't consider this as an option. ;)

Just an example: What about the LZR-1143-series by Bryan James? Anyone here who read it?

Looks like this thread is a first step for me to take, right?
WWZ I already read; Day by Day Armageddon and Patient Zero are mentioned pretty often. But are those "environmental" as well, thus trying to grab the big picture and not only the perspective of the survivors?

All the best!

Oct 14th, 2012, 07:50 AM
Ok, maybe this one (http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Apocalypse-Preparation-Survive-Undead/dp/1618680269/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1350226096&sr=8-11&keywords=max+brooks+the+zombie+survival+guide) here?

Cabbage Patch
Oct 14th, 2012, 08:16 AM
Any of the books by Craig diLouie would be a great read. Tooth and Nail, The Infection, and On the Killing Floor.

Oct 14th, 2012, 08:40 AM
Damn it, Cabbage Patch, you are the incarnation of Encyclopedia Britannica. Is there anything you do not know? :)

Oct 14th, 2012, 04:15 PM
not zombies, but if you're looking for something that will totally take you out of the here and now, i'd suggest the Orphan series by robert beuttner. not sure if it's on kindle, and though it is not zombie, if you like some sci-fi that builds plausibly, then this is the series for you.

Lukas A.
Oct 14th, 2012, 08:23 PM
The Enemy series by Charles Higson. Its not your average zombie book, considering its from the point of view of multiple groups of children under th age of 17. Lord of the flies... Cept with zombies and in post apocalyptic London. The latter books are alot about the interactions between separate groups of kids. Great read.

Oct 15th, 2012, 01:48 AM
Hi there.

@CabbagePatch: Awesome!
@reaper239: I like especially SciFi-movies like Sunshine, 2001 (only about the display of space travel, not so much this philospophy behind it), Pandorum, Moon (not to be confused with Moon44, which was OK, but neither good nor awesome), the anime "Planetes" or documentary stuff ... And I'd love to know which SciFi-authors or book-titles provide me a similar experience like the movies mentioned above. I will look into the Oprhans series ...
@Lukas A.: Will definitely try this. Thank you very much.

All the best!

Oct 15th, 2012, 05:44 AM
it starts with Orphan and the books are all titled differently but along the theme of Orphan's Triumph (the final book in the series) also, it's military sci-fi, heavy on the military angle. if you are looking for something that will mix in hardcore scientific theory with action and fiction, check out "Into the Looking Glass" by john ringo. the second in the series (where he started co-authoring with a physicist to make sure the science was right) is "Vorpal Blade" also awesome. i haven't had the chance to pick up the rest of the series though. keep in mind, the looking glass series is hardcore sci-fi, like i-should-be-taking-notes sci-fi. he started getting into some discussions amongst characters and i had to break out the google.

Cabbage Patch
Oct 15th, 2012, 07:04 AM
If you're interested in military Sci-Fi I would recommend Gordon Fleischer's "War For Profit Trilogy", which is available as a fairly cheap download from Amazon. It's the story of German man's career as a mercenary tank soldier in the distant future. One book of the trilogy includes a great example of how mechanized forces can deal with an isolated zombie outbreak.

Oct 15th, 2012, 09:08 AM
If you're interested in military Sci-Fi I would recommend Gordon Fleischer's "War For Profit Trilogy", which is available as a fairly cheap download from Amazon. It's the story of German man's career as a mercenary tank soldier in the distant future. One book of the trilogy includes a great example of how mechanized forces can deal with an isolated zombie outbreak.

Stephen Pressfeild has an awesome book along the same line (Mercenary in the not to distant future) called The Profession. Exelent read and I'm sure you have already read his book Gates of Fire, I made it required reading for everyone in my squad in Iraq.

Oct 15th, 2012, 09:13 AM
Thank you so much for the hard SF and military SF recommendations. I haven't been into that for now; but it's never too late to get into it, right? ;)

Now, that's quite a long list of recoms I received here ... Something's to do about it, I guess ... Like reading? ;)

All the best!

Oct 15th, 2012, 11:58 AM
This is a very good one. I've read many of the others listed already but this is my favorite. http://www.amazon.com/Deadlocked-Complete-First-Series-ebook/dp/B007R59Z5C/ref=sr_1_8?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350327391&sr=1-8&keywords=deadlocked

Oct 16th, 2012, 07:16 AM
Hi there,

This is a very good one. I've read many of the others listed already but this is my favorite. http://www.amazon.com/Deadlocked-Complete-First-Series-ebook/dp/B007R59Z5C/ref=sr_1_8?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350327391&sr=1-8&keywords=deadlocked

have you noticed? There also is a part 5 available which is set like 20 years later then what happens in Deadlock #1-#4 ...
This is an intersting title. Thank you. Have put it on my list as well ...

Now I just need to receive my Kindle PW, and I am happy. :) Might take like 1.5 months from now on ...

All the best!

Oct 18th, 2012, 06:47 AM
The stand. It will keep you going for EVER and kindle has to be the best way to read it (the book its self ways a lot being 1400 pages long). Its post apocalyptic not zombie but its a really great book.

if you are considering some sci fi "Enders game" is excellent. Only just read it through my library but it is very good.
Talking of libraries, quite a few have ebook facilities via websites etc. If your anything like me you burn through books so fast you'd need apples income just to keep yourself satiated.

Oct 18th, 2012, 01:11 PM
Hi there,

@Solanine: Thank you for the recommendations. You could not know - but if there is one author on Mother Earth I really don't enjoy reading, then it is Stephen King; I only managed to get through two titles ("Stand by me" and "Misery"); any other story I stopped reading after a handful of pages; I simply don't enjoy his style. But I know: I am special about it; everyone around me enjoys reading S. King. But I like watching the movies based on his stories. Weird, isn't it?
"Ender's Game" sounds interesting and promissing; do I understand it correctly - it is a quintet of novels?

All the best!

Oct 18th, 2012, 02:17 PM
Hi there,

@Solanine: Thank you for the recommendations. You could not know - but if there is one author on Mother Earth I really don't enjoy reading, then it is Stephen King; I only managed to get through two titles ("Stand by me" and "Misery"); any other story I stopped reading after a handful of pages; I simply don't enjoy his style. But I know: I am special about it; everyone around me enjoys reading S. King. But I like watching the movies based on his stories. Weird, isn't it?
"Ender's Game" sounds interesting and promissing; do I understand it correctly - it is a quintet of novels?

All the best!

not so wierd, i could only read a couple of kings books. IT, Cell, and like one or two others i think, and that's it.

Oct 18th, 2012, 10:21 PM

heres one for ya. public enemy zero by andrew mayne. andrew began writing books in the last few years and this one was one of his earliest works. his "zombie" concept for this book is quite original and i found it to be a fun read....feels like "the prisoner" with zombies...and no one armed man. i hate to tell ya the premise, but its way badass

Oct 18th, 2012, 11:03 PM
Breathers is really awesome.
Patient Zero is pretty ok.
Zombie CSU is a decent read.
Dead of Night.

Oct 19th, 2012, 07:42 AM
Hi there,

@Solanine: Thank you for the recommendations. You could not know - but if there is one author on Mother Earth I really don't enjoy reading, then it is Stephen King; I only managed to get through two titles ("Stand by me" and "Misery"); any other story I stopped reading after a handful of pages; I simply don't enjoy his style. But I know: I am special about it; everyone around me enjoys reading S. King. But I like watching the movies based on his stories. Weird, isn't it?
"Ender's Game" sounds interesting and promissing; do I understand it correctly - it is a quintet of novels?

All the best!

I've only read the first Novel, "Enders Game"and it stood up pretty well as a stand alone piece.
I keep meaning to order the next couple of novels from my library but I'm lazy as hell.

Oct 19th, 2012, 10:21 AM
A free podcast novel that I enjoyed is "Dead Mech" by Jake Bible. Future world with Zombies.

Oct 19th, 2012, 12:44 PM

heres one for ya. public enemy zero by andrew mayne. andrew began writing books in the last few years and this one was one of his earliest works. his "zombie" concept for this book is quite original and i found it to be a fun read....feels like "the prisoner" with zombies...and no one armed man. i hate to tell ya the premise, but its way badass

Badass = win! Always .. I am a huge fan of "Badass of the Week"; have both books and am looking forward to getting the third one being in print soon!
And thank you! I have added "Public Enemy Zero" to my list. :)

Oct 19th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Breathers is really awesome.
Patient Zero is pretty ok.
Zombie CSU is a decent read.
Dead of Night.

Thank you very much! I have added Zombie CSU and Dead of Night as well ... Just a quick confirmation: "Zombie CSU" by Maberry; but "Dead of Night" by whom? I have at least direct hits on Amazon with different authors, and there are some more near hits having "Dead of Night" in the title as well ... All of them??? Or do you have one specific in mind?

Oct 19th, 2012, 12:48 PM
A free podcast novel that I enjoyed is "Dead Mech" by Jake Bible. Future world with Zombies.

Yeah, I have considered listening to it. No idea what came inbetween ... Thank you for pushing me into the direction again. ;)

Oct 19th, 2012, 01:00 PM
-As mentioned before, day by day armageddon by JL Bourne is great because of the journal style.
-Another one I recommend is Peter Clines' Ex-Heroes and Ex-Patriots. Great zombie stores with a twist that there are super heroes in this world. It weird to read the description but Peter writes with a skill of a screen writer so you can picture these awesome battles in this book.

have not read any world scales ones though.

Oct 19th, 2012, 01:31 PM
-As mentioned before, day by day armageddon by JL Bourne is great because of the journal style.
-Another one I recommend is Peter Clines' Ex-Heroes and Ex-Patriots. Great zombie stores with a twist that there are super heroes in this world. It weird to read the description but Peter writes with a skill of a screen writer so you can picture these awesome battles in this book.

have not read any world scales ones though.

Thank you very much. The "Ex-Patriots" I didn't have on my list yet. Have added it ...

Now, let's have a look (this list follows no specific order, but tries to highlight on the general nature of things based on Amazon-descriptions (red entries); the order is pretty random and follows no priority):

Zombie CSU by "Jonathan Maberry" zombie-forensics - MUST HAVE
Patient Zero by "Jim Beck" from the perspective of a medical treatment gone wrong
Breathers: a Zombie's Lament by "S.G. Browne" living as a zombie - comedy
Day by Day Armageddon Serie by "J.L. Bourne" diary style story of survival
Enemy Series by "Charlie Higson" story of survival - children and youths vs. zombie-grown-ups
Rot & Ruin Series by "Jonathan Maberry" story of survival - teens vs. zombies
Tooth and Nail by "Craig diLouie" soldiers vs. zombies
The Infection by "Craig diLouie" a story of survival
On the Killing Floor by "Craig diLouie" follow-up of 'The Infection'
Plague of the Dead by "Z.A. Recht" a story of survival
Beyond the Barriers by "Timothy W. Long" a story of survival
Rise-Series by "Gareth Wood" a story of survival
Remains of the Dead by "Iain McKinnon" a story of survival, with !
Ex Heroes by "Peter Cline" super-heroes vs. zombies in zeeh-pocalypse
Ex Patriots by "Peter Cline" super-soldiers vs. zombies in zeeh-pocalypse
Patient Zero by "Jonathan Maberry" (corrected, thank you Osiris!) action horror
Dead of Night by "Jonathan Maberry" (thanks Osiris for clarification) zeeh-pocalypse
The Reapers are the Angels by "Alden Bell" zeeh-pocalypse
The Zombie Combat Manual by "Roger Ma" most likely not a must-have
Zombie Apocalypse Preparation by "David Houchins, Scot Thomas" for the lols

not zombie-themed:

Public Enemy Zero by "Andrew Mayne" ? - a story of survival, one against all

Orphan Series by "Robert Beuttner" SF - story of survival
War For Profit Trilogy by "Gideon Fleisher" military hard SF
Stallion Six (stand-alone part four of "War For Profit-Series") by "Gideon Fleisher" military hard SF
The Profession by "Stephen Pressfield" dystopian
Gates of Fire by "Stephen Pressfield" historical novel around 300 Spartans

I put this one extra, 'cause it is not available as Kindle eBook: Into the Looking Glas and Vorpal Blade by John Ringo ...

Well ... Looks like I have something to do ... Too bad that I will have my final written exam in late January 2013 ... So I think I will take tiny steps; but with February 2013 the hard'n'heavy reading kicks in, right?

All the best!

P.S.: oh my ... just crunched numbers ... All titles together end up at around 225 Bucks in EUR, which would be like about 295 USD; just considering the zombie-titles it is around 180EUR or 235USD ... Well ...Small steps ...

Oct 19th, 2012, 04:28 PM
Dead of Night is also by Jonathan Maberry.

Also, it should be imortant to note that Patient Zero is also a Jonathan Maberry book. I don't know anything about the Jim Beck book you have listed.

Oct 19th, 2012, 04:30 PM
Also read The Reapers Are The Angels by Alden Bell. It's pretty good.

Oct 19th, 2012, 04:34 PM
Dead of Night is also by Jonathan Maberry.

Also, it should be imortant to note that Patient Zero is also a Jonathan Maberry book. I don't know anything about the Jim Beck book you have listed.

Thank you so much.

This "Patient Zero" was written by Jim Beck:

And that's the one you have mentioned then, the one by Maberry:

That drives me crazy. Entering titles in Amazon so often results in the same title for different books/ novels/ narrations/ whatever ... Is this the result of the Kindle-system allowing people to write stuff without double-checking if things already exist or the chosen title is attached to a different work? No clue. But now I know and corrected my list ...

All the best!

Oct 19th, 2012, 04:41 PM
Beyond the barrier by Timothy W Long. - It takes a while to get going as the first part of the book is the mian character hiding out in the woods. But once he comes back to the city, its a very good book.

Rise by Gareth Wood - Set in Canada, this is a really good one.

Remains of the dead by Iain McKinnon - This one is quite dark in places. Best one I have read.

Oct 19th, 2012, 04:58 PM
Thank you so much.

This "Patient Zero" was written by Jim Beck:

And that's the one you have mentioned then, the one by Maberry:

That drives me crazy. Entering titles in Amazon so often results in the same title for different books/ novels/ narrations/ whatever ... Is this the result of the Kindle-system allowing people to write stuff without double-checking if things already exist or the chosen title is attached to a different work? No clue. But now I know and corrected my list ...

All the best!

The Jim Beck book sounds kind of interesting as well though... I might check that one out.

Oct 19th, 2012, 04:58 PM
Beyond the barrier by Timothy W Long. - It takes a while to get going as the first part of the book is the mian character hiding out in the woods. But once he comes back to the city, its a very good book.

Rise by Gareth Wood - Set in Canada, this is a really good one.

Remains of the dead by Iain McKinnon - This one is quite dark in places. Best one I have read.

Thank you very much. Have added them and will look into them as well ...

All the best!

Oct 19th, 2012, 05:00 PM
The Jim Beck book sounds kind of interesting as well though... I might check that one out.

It (Patient Zero by Beck) is available only as a Kindle Edition, either on Amazon.com or Amazon.de ... Do you own the Kindle?

Oct 19th, 2012, 05:18 PM
It (Patient Zero by Beck) is available only as a Kindle Edition, either on Amazon.com or Amazon.de ... Do you own the Kindle?

Beh. No. I prefer to hold paper when I read.

Oct 20th, 2012, 05:55 AM
zombies: a record of a year of infection by Don Roff. - I recomend you get this as a audio book, as it works much better. Rather than just have some guy read out the book. They do it like the main character in recording his diary entries while the evens are going on, and they where found much later by someone eles. It puts sound FX in the backround, and the main guys acting is very good. Its also a very short (about an hour and a half long), and very cheap to buy.

Oct 22nd, 2012, 01:44 AM
Hi there,

zombies: a record of a year of infection by Don Roff.

This would be the Kindle-edition: Zombies: A Record of a Year of Infection (http://www.amazon.de/Zombies-Record-Year-Infection-ebook/dp/B0097M55I4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350895190&sr=8-1); and this would be the audio-CD: Zombies: A Record of a Year of Infection (http://www.amazon.de/Zombies-A-Record-Year-Infection/dp/1620643758/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1350895190&sr=8-5)...
Do you know, if there is a (naturally legal) source for the audio-book as MP3s, without considering iTunes, though?

Best wishes!

Cabbage Patch
Oct 23rd, 2012, 03:09 PM
Here's a new recommendation for you. I just started reading a book called "Apocalypse Z: The Beginning", by Manel Loureiro. It was a $3.99 Kindle edition that showed up as a recommendation on my profile page. I decided to give it a try, and I have barely been able to set it down since. It's a lot like Day by Day Armageddon, but better written and told from the perspective of more of an every-man observer.

Liam, you might enjoy the fact that it's set in Europe. The protagonist is a Spanish lawyer living in Galicia, and so far he spends all his time in Spain. But his descriptions of the zombie virus sweeping across Europe toward Spain is chilling.

I'm only part-way through the book now, but I am confortable giving it a strong recommendation.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 03:36 PM
Hi there,

thank you, Cabbage. Yeah, via Amazon in Germany it is available as well. And according to the information about the author there, Apocalypse Z started as a blog as well (like day by Day Armageddon); also there are three Apocalypse Z titles in the making ... Looking forward to it and added it to the list.

Best wishes!

Oct 23rd, 2012, 03:49 PM
Now, let's have a look (this list follows no specific order, but tries to highlight on the general nature of things based on Amazon-descriptions (red entries); the order is pretty random and follows no priority):

"Apocalypse Z: The Beginning", by Manel Loureiro

Zombie CSU by "Jonathan Maberry" zombie-forensics - MUST HAVE
The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse by "Steven C. Schlozman" zombie-anatomy and stuff - MUST HAVE?
Patient Zero by "Jim Beck" from the perspective of a medical treatment gone wrong
Breathers: a Zombie's Lament by "S.G. Browne" living as a zombie - comedy
Day by Day Armageddon Serie by "J.L. Bourne" diary style story of survival
Apocalypse Z: The Beginning by "Manel Loureiro" diary style story of survival
Enemy Series by "Charlie Higson" story of survival - children and youths vs. zombie-grown-ups
Rot & Ruin Series by "Jonathan Maberry" story of survival - teens vs. zombies
Tooth and Nail by "Craig diLouie" soldiers vs. zombies
The Infection by "Craig diLouie" a story of survival
On the Killing Floor by "Craig diLouie" follow-up of 'The Infection'
Plague of the Dead by "Z.A. Recht" a story of survival
Beyond the Barriers by "Timothy W. Long" a story of survival
Rise-Series by "Gareth Wood" a story of survival
Remains of the Dead by "Iain McKinnon" a story of survival, with !
Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection by "Don Roff" a story of survival
Ex Heroes by "Peter Cline" super-heroes vs. zombies in zeeh-pocalypse
Ex Patriots by "Peter Cline" super-soldiers vs. zombies in zeeh-pocalypse
Patient Zero by "Jonathan Maberry" (corrected, thank you Osiris!) action horror
Dead of Night by "Jonathan Maberry" (thanks Osiris for clarification) zeeh-pocalypse
The Reapers are the Angels by "Alden Bell" zeeh-pocalypse
The Zombie Combat Manual by "Roger Ma" most likely not a must-have
Zombie Apocalypse Preparation by "David Houchins, Scot Thomas" for the lols

not zombie-themed:

Public Enemy Zero by "Andrew Mayne" ? - a story of survival, one against all

Orphan Series by "Robert Beuttner" SF - story of survival
War For Profit Trilogy by "Gideon Fleisher" military hard SF
Stallion Six (stand-alone part four of "War For Profit-Series") by "Gideon Fleisher" military hard SF
The Profession by "Stephen Pressfield" dystopian
Gates of Fire by "Stephen Pressfield" historical novel around 300 Spartans

I put this one extra, 'cause it is not available as Kindle eBook: Into the Looking Glas and Vorpal Blade by John Ringo ...

Well ... Looks like I have something to do ... Too bad that I will have my final written exam in late January 2013 ... So I think I will take tiny steps; but with February 2013 the hard'n'heavy reading kicks in, right?

All the best!

P.S.: oh my ... just crunched numbers ... All titles together end up at around 250 Bucks in EUR, which would be like about 325 USD; just considering the zombie-titles it is around 202EUR or 260USD ... Well ...Small steps ...

Oct 29th, 2012, 04:59 AM

I added this one:

The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse by "Steven C. Schlozman"
'cause it sounds promissing...

All the best!

Feb 4th, 2013, 09:23 PM
Freebooksy.com and bookbub.com will send you emails for free books up to 2.99 for amazon kindle. At least once a week they have zombie books. Right now is a novella called Deadlocked you can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006OOSWRO/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B006OOSWRO&linkCode=as2&tag=freeb0f03-20

Feb 4th, 2013, 10:23 PM
I was just perusing the recommendations of books others had gotten who had bought Deadlocked, I came across Valley of Death, Zombie Trailer Park http://www.amazon.com/Valley-Death-Zombie-Trailer-ebook/dp/B004D4ZQ3K/ref=pd_sim_kstore_55
Looks like it might be a good one. Over 300 pages and free!!

Feb 4th, 2013, 11:49 PM

thank you for the recommendations. I will take a look at it.
At the moment I have lost track of all things zombies, 'cause I read more about SF and generation-starships. Reason: a) I am inivited to a small fan-meeting to give a speech on this matter and b) a friend and I want to get into writing short stories in his SF-setting, which would include writing stories about what's goin' on on generation ships as well ... A few days ago I finished "Orphans of the Sky" (Heinlein), today I'll finish "Non-Stop" (Aldis), and the next one will be "Tau Zero" by Anderson; and there are many others which will follow ...)

But I won't totally discard the zeeh-topic; i think having something completely different inbetween is nice.

All the best!

Feb 5th, 2013, 07:56 AM
Try the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper by Nathan Lowell, they are in podiobook format. You can find it on iTunes or podiobooks.com. There are six books total.

Feb 5th, 2013, 08:53 AM
i have been reading zombie fallout by Mark Tufo there is six books in the series.