View Full Version : We're Alive #100!!!!! AKA Chapter 34-2 It Only Takes One

Oct 8th, 2012, 05:56 AM
I'll just go ahead and say this: on behalf of the forum congrats to Kc and crew for 100 awesome episodes. And on behalf of the forum staff, thanks to you, the users, for being here! I know I've enjoyed the podcast much more when I'm able to talk out crazy theories and small hints with you.

Enjoy the episode, check out the interview on WND with Kc, our other episode should hit soon after (I hope) and enjoy kc's 4 things!!!!!!!!!

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:01 AM
Patience is a virtue.
Still: Waiting sux hell!

Oct 8th, 2012, 07:25 AM
This podcast is responsible for ruining all my productivity ever. Too much waiting!

Oct 8th, 2012, 08:20 AM
This podcast is responsible for ruining all my productivity ever. Too much waiting!

Seriously, I have many things I should be doing, but I keep checking if the episode has been released!

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:00 AM
The new website looks pretty, although it is not set up properly up until now ... ;) I guess there is plenty of work to do.

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Congrats Kc & crew!

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:40 AM
Congrats!!! And Datu has upgraded from the resourceful to bad-ass!

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:44 AM
This episode ended with a


Oct 8th, 2012, 09:46 AM
A straight ride from Boulder to Ft. Irwin takes 15 1/2 hours straight, that's with ideal conditions and ample gas. Datu and Hope have got a nice week's ride ahead of them, most likely...

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:48 AM
What about Kelly, Pegs and Lady?
And what with Kimmet? Is he going to stand up to his decision, or will he finally break and put a bullet to his head?
What with the survivors? I bet Datu and Hope and the mofu were not the only ones having decided to drive on seperate roads ...
And HOW MANY finally got away from Boulder?

Questions over questions. Also there is no way we can learn and understand HOW Boulder was overrun ...

Hardcore - episode ...

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:49 AM
A straight ride from Boulder to Ft. Irwin takes 15 1/2 hours straight, that's with ideal conditions and ample gas. Datu and Hope have got a nice week's ride ahead of them, most likely...

Winter, rocky mountains ... A sportscar or at least a "fast" car - in either case something that might be less useful in the Rockys, right?

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:51 AM
BOOOMMM and Glowing Mushroom cloud.. Well will be interesting to see who survived that..
How far do you think Datu and Hope were outside of Boulder.. Cause they did tell us the kill zone. I think I may have missed the hint on their distance..

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:55 AM
I hope they at least stopped off at Golden, CO on their way out to pick up some Coors for the road!

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:56 AM
A straight ride from Boulder to Ft. Irwin takes 15 1/2 hours straight, that's with ideal conditions and ample gas. Datu and Hope have got a nice week's ride ahead of them, most likely...

Not really, if I understand, the car was probably hit on the passenger side that cause the window to be shatter. If there there is snow on the ground then that going one cold ride.....

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:57 AM

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:57 AM
The intro says part 1 of 3?????

LOL I'm glad Datu snapped because Hope was working my nerves.

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:57 AM
BOOOMMM and Glowing Mushroom cloud.. Well will be interesting to see who survived that..
How far do you think Datu and Hope were outside of Boulder.. Cause they did tell us the kill zone. I think I may have missed the hint on their distance..

Really hard to tell ... How quickly does the nuklear blast move on the ground? In the show there was not so much time between the explosion itself and the blast catching up with Datu and Hope ...

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:02 AM
The intro says part 1 of 3?????

LOL I'm glad Datu snapped because Hope was working my nerves.

I thought I clicked the wrong episode...lol

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:14 AM
Radioactive zombies in 3..... 2......

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:18 AM
Radioactive zombies in 3..... 2......

Yep ...

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Yeah Hope was annoying this episode. However I have a thirteen year old step-sister, and Hope is supposed to 14. From my experience, she is a pretty accurate representation of that age group. I have had very similar interactions in real life: Her second guessing my every decision and doubting me, while I threaten to throw her out of the car to be eaten by zombies. So I am going to assume Hope was supposed to be irritating. Yay for KC's realism

This episode made me remember so much of my love for Datu. He still has that joyfulness that no zombie can devour. Can't help but smile when he finds all of the supplies in the car and how Datu's voice sounds so happy. Let us all bow to our king, King Datu the Resourceful. The cherry on top was when Michael mentioned that Datu was the only one who could fix the Pelican, the army engineers couldn't even start it up. Hell yeah Datu, I don't have the right words.

Plus KC does not forget things. What about Lady?!
I want that voice from Nostalgia Critic to go "Lady will live"
Unless Kelly and Pegs don't make it, or we catch up with them a week later when fresh dog was their only food.
I may have shouted "DUCK AND COVER" when the episode ended.

It is Canadian Thanksgiving today and I am thankful for We're Alive, it's wonderful crew and actors and this community to talk about the show with.

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:26 AM
So, since Kc does not forget about Lady, what with Mr. Whiskers?

Yeah, and I like what you write about Datu. So Datu and Hope will have their roadmovie through the Rockys, will end at Fort Irwin right in time to get that Pelikan running and up in the air again ... Maybe, 'cause this will be the bird to get back to L.A. ...?

And Happy Thanksgiving to Canada!

All the best!

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:39 AM
BOOOMMM and Glowing Mushroom cloud.. Well will be interesting to see who survived that..
How far do you think Datu and Hope were outside of Boulder.. Cause they did tell us the kill zone. I think I may have missed the hint on their distance..

They are out of range of the blast. Currently, Datu and Hope are on Rt. 6, otherwise known as Clear Creek Canyon (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&biw=1163&bih=810&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&q=clear+creek+canyon+road+golden+co&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x876b99889e45de07:0x9aa49c74a14fbcb9,Clear+ Creek+Canyon+Rd,+Golden,+CO&gl=us&sa=X&ei=KhBzUJb5B_PG0AHG4YCwAQ&ved=0CB4Q8gEwAA) road.

They are safe from the blast, BUT they are on a canyon road, and I imagine a nuke going off will definitely set some of those boulders loose and 'a-rollin'... Rockslide, anyone? I believe that's what we heard at the end of the episode.

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:39 AM
Wait, this was so focus on Datu and he even had a compliment from Michael, this can only mean one thing...... Datu is going to died soon... O_o

Oct 8th, 2012, 11:55 AM
You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to HELL!!!
Sorry I just had to channel Chuck Heston there for a second.
Damn...not sure what to say. I guess we can say the 100th episode really ended with a "bang"...okay lame joke, sorry...
I gotta agree with the others, it was really satisfying to hear Datu tell Hope to shut it. She had a few moments of helpfullness but mostly it was a lot of bratty complaining.

All in all it was a damn fine episode for KC and company. Congrats!

P.S. Oh and on an additional note. Hopefully the absence of Pegs and Kelly is due to Elisa Elliot not being available and not an indication that we won't hear them again. I don't think I could stand not hearing Pegs' voice again, or Kelly for that matter.

Oct 8th, 2012, 12:13 PM
Before reading any other posts: Wow, KC, we're going to have to watch Datu and Hope slowly die of radiatin poisoning, aren't we? Thats hardcore, dude.

I was sitting there, trying to remeber what they said about fallout and pondering, "They're on an empty highway, they should get far enough, right? Right you guys?"

Datu has grown some serious spine, it seems, must be the altitude!

I'm trying to think of more but... kimmet just nuked Boulder and civilization is mostly done. Kc blew it up. He actually did it.

.... How long until next week? Maaaaaan!

Oh, also, Pegs and Kelly probably dead, if access issues are to be beleived.

Also, was anyone else woating for Robbins to go, "Well, There's my new girlfriend, Pegs, could you keep an eye out for her?"

Devilish Pizza
Oct 8th, 2012, 12:20 PM
I wonder how accurate the explosion and shock wave we heard was to an actual nuclear explosion. Does it really travel from point zero to >4.7 miles in just a few seconds? Or was Litmaster right in thinking it was a rock slide we heard at the very end?
I'm thinking it was the shock wave.

Oct 8th, 2012, 12:37 PM
I hope they at least stopped off at Golden, CO on their way out to pick up some Coors for the road!

West Bound and down, V-8 car a'rolling. We gonna do what they say can't be done.
We got a long way to go and a mushroom cloud behind us, West bound and down, Hope and Datu run....

Oct 8th, 2012, 12:38 PM
Really hard to tell ... How quickly does the nuklear blast move on the ground? In the show there was not so much time between the explosion itself and the blast catching up with Datu and Hope ...

I am sure that when Kimmet issues the 15 minute one, a soldier informs him that "fallout wind reports are good, going from west to east." Datu and Hope are likely to make it out the contaminated area.

Oct 8th, 2012, 12:39 PM
I have to add: "Oh, my f****** god." And this comes from an agnostic.

Oct 8th, 2012, 01:03 PM
Radioactive zombies in 3..... 2......

I said it before and I'll say it again, "Radioactive zombies makes Kimmet a total dick."

Oct 8th, 2012, 01:27 PM
Has anyone else notice the influx of new users? Are they all from Boulder?

Cabbage Patch
Oct 8th, 2012, 01:37 PM
Before reading any other posts: Wow, KC, we're going to have to watch Datu and Hope slowly die of radiatin poisoning, aren't we? Thats hardcore, dude.

At their current position it's extremely unlikely that Datu or Hope received a dangerous radiation dose from the explosion. They're more than 30 miles away with some serious mountains between them and Boulder. Once the immediate blast radiation has passed (within seconds) the main radiation threat is from fallout, which the winds are mostly going to blow to the East of Boulder.

I wonder how accurate the explosion and shock wave we heard was to an actual nuclear explosion. Does it really travel from point zero to >4.7 miles in just a few seconds? Or was Litmaster right in thinking it was a rock slide we heard at the very end?
I'm thinking it was the shock wave.

The radiation effects will hit the 4.7 mile mark in less than a second. The blast effect will take approximately 3 seconds to reach that point moving on 180 mph winds.

Datu and Hope are probably experiencing the outer edge of the blast effect, which shouldn't be particularly destructive given the obstacles in the way. It's still likely to be loud and shocking, and it could very definitely precipitate rock slides/avalanches.

Oct 8th, 2012, 02:04 PM
This was awesome.
- I wonder why that road was plowed if it didn't lead to the evac site?
-We can only hope that the would-be highjacker was caught in the blast.
-I caught on to Hope being testy with Datu pretty early on but it seems he could have handled it a little more tactfully.

Congratulations on 100 quality and riveting episodes!

Oct 8th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Why all the Hope hate? Jane, you've been doing great! And besides, Hope's remarks are completely understandable when you take into account she's running for her life and King Datu the Resourceful is a terrible driver, hopeless shot and quite gullible.

Cabbage Patch
Oct 8th, 2012, 02:44 PM
It's been a long time since I've calculated nuclear blast effects and downwind fallout hazard, so this is pretty rough.

Bomb Type: B83 1.2 megaton fusion warhead
Equivalent Yield: 1,200,000 tons of TNT
Prevailing Wind: West to East

Estimated Impact of 1.2 megaton ground burst over downtown Boulder:

Inner Red Circle—Area consumed by firestorm

Outer Red Circle—Probable total area of the firestorm

Red Arrows—Downwind Radioactive Fallout zone

The Federation of American Scientists provide an excellent description of the effects of a nuclear blast at this link: http://www.fas.org/nuke/intro/nuke/effects.htm

The Nuclear Darkness website has a tool that allows you to simulate the blast effects of a nuclear bomb on a specific location. Pick a target location, pick a blast yield (1,200 kt for a B83) and see how it plots out on Google Maps.

Oct 8th, 2012, 02:54 PM
P.S. Oh and on an additional note. Hopefully the absence of Pegs and Kelly is due to Elisa Elliot not being available and not an indication that we won't hear them again. I don't think I could stand not hearing Pegs' voice again, or Kelly for that matter.

We record WAY in advance, so her illness didn't effect the story. In fact, Elisa does proofing and editing to all the chapters. So she's always around :)

Oh! And the new episode is fixed with the proper # in the episode. #oops100

Oct 8th, 2012, 02:57 PM
Why all the Hope hate? Jane, you've been doing great! And besides, Hope's remarks are completely understandable when you take into account she's running for her life and King Datu the Resourceful is a terrible driver, hopeless shot and quite gullible.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly think the actress did a fine job. It's the bratty know-it-all attitude of the character that was irritating. Hope was giving off that whole "I know so much more than everyone else" attitude that teenagers tend to adopt and was generally treating Datu like crap while he was doing the best he could to get them out of Boulder and toward safety. And the fact that Datu stopped the car and basically called her out on it shows that her attitude was the way it was by design. It was all well done and a great job by the actress, Jane, but it was also satisfying to hear Datu call her out on her attitude, which, except for the part where she figured out which way they were heading, wasn't helping.

Oct 8th, 2012, 03:03 PM
Why all the Hope hate? Jane, you've been doing great! And besides, Hope's remarks are completely understandable when you take into account she's running for her life and King Datu the Resourceful is a terrible driver, hopeless shot and quite gullible.

Don't forget: She is blind-folded. But anyway: The last youth being annoying to some degree was killed a little later ... Hopefully this does not with Hope ...

Oh boy ... I tried to listen to the female voice on the speaker at the beginning of this episode, but I don't get what she says ... That's the lack of understanding you have, when you are not a native speaker ... :/

It is pretty amazing to see that Datu and Hope had some rest although they were 'under attack'. How long did they sleep, actually. Was it over night, so are we at the beginning/ first half of the next day? And then, when they are awake, you have gunfire all around, while simultaneously soldiers with huge speaker drive around and ask the people to leave Boulder. Just imagine: Half an hour later Datu and Hope would have been atomized.
/answered by the show: While Datu and Hope are on the #6 it is about half past seven in the morning.

Funny to see other cars, probably in rows driving around and trying to leave the town, even honking to speed up things - even within Boulder. Datu was wondering about the few cars that left Boulder finally ...

A lot of civilians were able to leave to the south. In the North hell was loose; airport taken, little chance to refuel, very few survivors, HQ in Boulder under heavy attack. Now, what exactly does this say about Pegs and Kelly (and Lady)? Since hours passed since the call to evacuate and the evacuation took place I assume they were able to leave, because they were at the airport already.

And what is that specific location South of Boulder where the civilians gather or are meant to gather? Is it the same as the rendezvous point mentioned by Kimmet? Having a place close by makes sense at least for the people in the North being flown out of Boulder ...
answered by CabbagePatch: Genesee Park at the 70.

The scam-trick on the off-route was kind of funny.

I am confused: Datu speaks of the 70 where whatever was supposed to happen; and he is on the 6 together with Hope. Looking at google-maps I see: they are the same - at least West of Denver ... So do the surviving people and military staff from Boulder prepare for a convoy from Denver to Fort Irwin, right? So probably Datu and Hope are just ahead of them ... Really, this time I am kind of confused by the bits and pieces I collect from this episode.
no - corrections, again thanks to the map of CabbagePatch: The #6 and the #70 are the same only in parts, in others not; and at Genesee Park both routes are different. Unlucky Datu and Hope.

As for the noise at the end of the show ...Yeah, I don't think it is the nuclear blast. It is very likely that this is the seismic outcome of the blast shattering all kinds of stuff around Datu and Hope. An avalanche might be quite likely, right?

All the best!

edit. P.S.: Hijacked by CabbagePatch. His map provides some answers to my questions. Thank you very much.

Oct 8th, 2012, 03:31 PM
I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly think the actress did a fine job. It's the bratty know-it-all attitude of the character that was irritating. Hope was giving off that whole "I know so much more than everyone else" attitude that teenagers tend to adopt and was generally treating Datu like crap while he was doing the best he could to get them out of Boulder and toward safety. And the fact that Datu stopped the car and basically called her out on it shows that her attitude was the way it was by design. It was all well done and a great job by the actress, Jane, but it was also satisfying to hear Datu call her out on her attitude, which, except for the part where she figured out which way they were heading, wasn't helping.

This! My comment was in reference to the character not the actress. Besides, any actor/actress that can bring out that kind of emotion/reaction from listeners is doing a damn good job anyway IMHO. :cool:

Oct 8th, 2012, 03:34 PM
This! My comment was in reference to the character not the actress. Besides, any actor/actress that can bring out that kind of emotion/reaction from listeners is doing a damn good job anyway IMHO. :cool:

Scratch! There one!

Oct 8th, 2012, 03:55 PM
At their current position it's extremely unlikely that Datu or Hope received a dangerous radiation dose from the explosion. They're more than 30 miles away with some serious mountains between them and Boulder. Once the immediate blast radiation has passed (within seconds) the main radiation threat is from fallout, which the winds are mostly going to blow to the East of Boulder.

The radiation effects will hit the 4.7 mile mark in less than a second. The blast effect will take approximately 3 seconds to reach that point moving on 180 mph winds.

Datu and Hope are probably experiencing the outer edge of the blast effect, which shouldn't be particularly destructive given the obstacles in the way. It's still likely to be loud and shocking, and it could very definitely precipitate rock slides/avalanches.

Maybe Hope will become like cyclops in X-Men.

Slim FiTT
Oct 8th, 2012, 04:07 PM
Before reading any other posts: Wow, KC, we're going to have to watch Datu and Hope slowly die of radiatin poisoning, aren't we? Thats hardcore, dude.

I was sitting there, trying to remeber what they said about fallout and pondering, "They're on an empty highway, they should get far enough, right? Right you guys?"

Datu has grown some serious spine, it seems, must be the altitude!

I'm trying to think of more but... kimmet just nuked Boulder and civilization is mostly done. Kc blew it up. He actually did it.

.... How long until next week? Maaaaaan!

Oh, also, Pegs and Kelly probably dead, if access issues are to be beleived.

Also, was anyone else woating for Robbins to go, "Well, There's my new girlfriend, Pegs, could you keep an eye out for her?"

I thought the same thing when Robbins was talking to Michael!! Or possibly Kelly.

Oct 8th, 2012, 04:24 PM
This! My comment was in reference to the character not the actress. Besides, any actor/actress that can bring out that kind of emotion/reaction from listeners is doing a damn good job anyway IMHO. :cool:


Oct 8th, 2012, 04:26 PM
I said it before and I'll say it again, "Radioactive zombies makes Kimmet a total dick."

I thought being a dick made you a dick.

P.S. your signature is cut off, you should annoy Kc until he fixes shit like that.

P.P.S. You're a smart-ass, dick. :love:

Oct 8th, 2012, 04:27 PM
I have to add: "Oh, my f****** god." And this comes from an agnostic.

We say fucking here.

Oct 8th, 2012, 04:28 PM
I thought being a dick made you a dick.

P.S. your signature is cut off, you should annoy Kc until he fixes shit like that.

P.P.S. You're a smart-ass, dick. :love:

Yet I don't have a dick so...by your logic I am not.

P.S were does it cut off? It looks full to me

Oct 8th, 2012, 04:31 PM
Yet I don't have a dick so...by your logic I am not.

P.S were does it cut off? It looks full to me

:hsugh: Reading comprehnsion. Yours appears to be broken.

P.S. The last line of your sig is cut in half.

Oct 8th, 2012, 04:36 PM
I haveto say the sound effects during the blast, (not that they aren't always great) were amazing. I remeber in high school going to the UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) radiation museum, on a field trip. We got to go in a simulation bunker. Because in my grandma's day- they would test A-Bombs, they would go outside during high school and watch the mushroom cloud.

Oct 8th, 2012, 04:37 PM
loved the 100 episode. even though I was hoping for a musical (LOL) I really enjoyed it. now with the site update love it, especially the promo photos of Burt. Lizzy, and Scratch in the gallery. there is more than one thing that was reveled in this episode. Datu, still cant drive, and Hope is like her mother. despite the age difference between Hope and Datu, I think there might be more developing between those two. I think Datu is attracted to bitchy women. LOL

Cabbage Patch
Oct 8th, 2012, 04:40 PM
So there's an S-Mart at the rendezvous point for the Boulder survivors, at the Evergreen turn-off at the 70?

Do you think it's the one that Ash Williams, from "The Evil Dead" and "Army of Darkness", works at? Could this be the beginning of a crossover story?


Loyal Retainer
Oct 8th, 2012, 04:43 PM
So there's an S-Mart at the Intersection of Interstate 70 and Colorado 74, the Evergreen turn off?

Do you think it's the one that Ash Williams, from "The Evil Dead" and "Army of Darkness", works at?


Yes, and if you don't shop smart and shop S-Mart he will use his boomstick on you.

Oct 8th, 2012, 05:37 PM
Maybe Hope will become like cyclops in X-Men.

Her current circumstances match Daredevil much more closely... Making Datu her Elektra?

Oct 8th, 2012, 05:48 PM
So there's an S-Mart at the rendezvous point for the Boulder survivors, at the Evergreen turn-off at the 70?

Do you think it's the one that Ash Williams, from "The Evil Dead" and "Army of Darkness", works at? Could this be the beginning of a crossover story?


That was my first thought when I heard S Mart. Fell in love with the show all over again.

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:01 PM
Has anyone else notice the influx of new users? Are they all from Boulder?

New users are registering for the new zombiepodcast.com website. It cross platforms so whomever registers there, registers for the forum as well.

Signatures fitting are by a per browser basis. Alex's signature looks fine to me in mine here but everyone's looks screwed up on my work computer

I liked the interaction with Robbins on the smoking deck. Michael sounds a lot more like Angel now than he did in the beginning. Robbins sounded more like younger Michael. It was a very cool, yet odd interaction.

Datu.....there's a reason you were my dark horse for the rat....it's because you're my main man. My man crush grows with each appearance, and doubly today because of the 'tude.

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:32 PM
So the geek in me is trying to figure out how the CJ, Victor, Saul time line matches up with the nuclear detonation. I remember the recon of the colony took quite a long time so that would seem to cover the 11 days between the chinook crash and subsequent attack on boulder. So was the execution of Durai and the nuclear event on the same day? I don't know why this seems important to me but if anyone has any answers I would like them.

Slim FiTT
Oct 8th, 2012, 06:40 PM
I defiantly smell a love triangle between Michael, Pegs and Robbins. Between the whole adult friend finder thing and both Michael and Robbins being worried about people in Boulder. It just sounds like a Kc kinda twist. Anybody else?

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:42 PM
So the geek in me is trying to figure out how the CJ, Victor, Saul time line matches up with the nuclear detonation. I remember the recon of the colony took quite a long time so that would seem to cover the 11 days between the chinook crash and subsequent attack on boulder. So was the execution of Durai and the nuclear event on the same day? I don't know why this seems important to me but if anyone has any answers I would like them.

My understanding from a timeline posted in another thread was yes, the nuke and the coup happened on the same day, or at least close to each other. The colony action was happening around 7pm, but I think datu said it was 7am for him. So there might now be a 12 hour lag between the stories in terms of what we've heard.

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:56 PM
So will all these characters meet up to celebrate Christmas and exchange pleasantries? Will Lizzie and Saul's child be born on Christmas day? Has Michael done any Christmas shopping at all with the 5 credits he took from Puck in the KODI experiment?

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:58 PM
So will all these characters meet up to celebrate Christmas and exchange pleasantries? Will Lizzie and Saul's child be born on Christmas day? Has Michael done any Christmas shopping at all with the 5 credits he took from Puck in the KODI experiment?

Right after Datu explains the meaning of Christmas in a lone spotlight clutching onto a blue blanket.

Oct 8th, 2012, 07:48 PM
My understanding from a timeline posted in another thread was yes, the nuke and the coup happened on the same day, or at least close to each other. The colony action was happening around 7pm, but I think datu said it was 7am for him. So there might now be a 12 hour lag between the stories in terms of what we've heard.

Thanks for pointing out that timeline thread. I can't believe the work that must have taken. The nuclear event wasn't listed yet but it gives me a pretty good idea of how the whole story has evolved.

Oct 8th, 2012, 08:36 PM
It's been a long time since I've calculated nuclear blast effects and downwind fallout hazard, so this is pretty rough.

Bomb Type: B83 1.2 megaton fusion warhead
Equivalent Yield: 1,200,000 tons of TNT
Prevailing Wind: West to East

Estimated Impact of 1.2 megaton ground burst over downtown Boulder:

Inner Red Circle—Area consumed by firestorm

Outer Red Circle—Probable total area of the firestorm

Red Arrows—Downwind Radioactive Fallout zone

The Federation of American Scientists provide an excellent description of the effects of a nuclear blast at this link: http://www.fas.org/nuke/intro/nuke/effects.htm

The Nuclear Darkness website has a tool that allows you to simulate the blast effects of a nuclear bomb on a specific location. Pick a target location, pick a blast yield (1,200 kt for a B83) and see how it plots out on Google Maps.
What about the EMP? Would they be close enough for that to kill their car?

Cabbage Patch
Oct 8th, 2012, 08:58 PM
What about the EMP? Would they be close enough for that to kill their car?

The impact of EMP is always difficult to predict, but my guess is that Datu and Hope are safe. It was a ground burst, which would reduce the range of both EMP and short wave radiation. Plus there is a lot of mountainous terrain between them and Boulder, which should block whatever EMP effect there is.

And were my ears deceiving me, or was that a classic muscle car that they were driving? Modern cars with fuel injection, pollution control systems and engine computers are much more vulnerable to EMP than older models with carburetors. I'm picturing them in a 68 Chevelle, or maybe a GTO. The most vulnerable component...the battery, and we already know they have a spare.

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:20 PM
And were my ears deceiving me, or was that a classic muscle car that they were driving? Modern cars with fuel injection, pollution control systems and engine computers are much more vulnerable to EMP than older models with carburetors. I'm picturing them in a 68 Chevelle, or maybe a GTO. The most vulnerable component...the battery, and we already know they have a spare.
It probably was an older car. A newer car, with more plastic and less metal, wouldn't have survived a crash. lol

Oct 8th, 2012, 09:48 PM
Sudden thought: could the "It Only Takes One" title have to do with the fact that the coup and the nuke happen on the same day? i.e "it only takes one" day to change everything?

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:06 PM
The impact of EMP is always difficult to predict, but my guess is that Datu and Hope are safe. It was a ground burst, which would reduce the range of both EMP and short wave radiation. Plus there is a lot of mountainous terrain between them and Boulder, which should block whatever EMP effect there is.

And were my ears deceiving me, or was that a classic muscle car that they were driving? Modern cars with fuel injection, pollution control systems and engine computers are much more vulnerable to EMP than older models with carburetors. I'm picturing them in a 68 Chevelle, or maybe a GTO. The most vulnerable component...the battery, and we already know they have a spare.

Tbh...i was picturing a late 70s Camaro. They still have the same rumble, still made mostly of metal, and still appeal to those who know nothing of cars (datu)...heh, I may go back and check the exhaust note....i might be able to get a clearer picture of what it was exactly

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:18 PM
Why all the Hope hate? Jane, you've been doing great! And besides, Hope's remarks are completely understandable when you take into account she's running for her life and King Datu the Resourceful is a terrible driver, hopeless shot and quite gullible.

Awh thank you so much! Despite his terrible driving skills, you gotta love Datu though! Hahah :)

Oct 8th, 2012, 10:57 PM
Hate the character, respect the performer everyone. I think we've been through this once already with Jenna, let's not go through it again.

It'll only end with me getting banned. :love:

Matt Gossett
Oct 9th, 2012, 01:13 AM
I hope I'm not the only person to be disappointed when Datu said he left Lady with Pegs and Kelly. I'm not a fan of either character, but i don't think Kc would kill a dog. Any ideas on how they escape?

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:14 AM
Favourite episode ever! I never thought We're Alive could get any better and it totally did! New website is great too!

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:28 AM
I hope I'm not the only person to be disappointed when Datu said he left Lady with Pegs and Kelly. I'm not a fan of either character, but i don't think Kc would kill a dog. Any ideas on how they escape?

Pegs, Kelly and Lady were in the North of Boulder when the evacuation started. And they had a couple of hours to go for it.
Either they got away with a car or they were flown out of the area either with Pegs as pilot or just passenger.
My best guess is: They are at the Genesee safespot with the better part of the Boulderite-survivors.

Now a couple of questions:
If just one mountain range away we might see an avalanche roling over Datu and Hope (my guess), how likely would this occur in Genesee as well? According to CabbagePatch's map (, which still is awesome) they are close by. I don't know how "avalanche-risky" the Rockys are. Am just wondering ...
Considering that during the evacuation we herd gunfire everywhere, how likely might it be that one survivor was wounded, is a slow turner and is part of the survivors at Genesee Park?
900 mi to Fort Irwin or 1000 to L.A. ... That's about 1.500 to 1.600km ... Hell of a distance ... How do they cover this distance, IF they are enroute to Fort Irwin. I am not sure, if this is covered in the show so far: Where do the survivors of Boulder go? And how will they do this - in winter, in the Rockys, in the zeehpocalypse ... ? Would they find enough gas along the 70 to Fort Irwin? And would they be able to make the fueling stations work properly again? What with Diesel, is it still usable?
Another question would be this: Did the nuke nuke 'em all? Or were enough Little Ones out of reach of the initial and killing blast? I could imagine there would be "at least one" if not more Little Ones still on the run ...

This sole episode is capable of considering so many different ways the story could evolve ...

All the best!

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:53 AM
And were my ears deceiving me, or was that a classic muscle car that they were driving? Modern cars with fuel injection, pollution control systems and engine computers are much more vulnerable to EMP than older models with carburetors. I'm picturing them in a 68 Chevelle, or maybe a GTO. The most vulnerable component...the battery, and we already know they have a spare.

My guess is that it was a '72 Chevy Nova (http://chrishegedus.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/72-chevy-nova-red.jpg) (my first car, BTW, that I bought used for 300 bucks).

I hope I'm not the only person to be disappointed when Datu said he left Lady with Pegs and Kelly. I'm not a fan of either character, but i don't think Kc would kill a dog. Any ideas on how they escape?

Realistically, the dog is now a charcoal briquette. And Pegs and Kelly are likely flash-shadows on a stretch of flattened rubble. I know this is a story and all, but I would shake my head in doubt if, say 5% of Boulder survives and it just happens that all three of our friends--and the fucking dog--all happened to be part of that 5%, despite Zoldiers runnin' wild and a nuclear blast...

I think it's a totally acceptable and realistic story outcome that we simply never find out what happened to Pegs and Kelly. It's very likely they are among the vast numbers of dead and unaccounted for.

If just one mountain range away we might see an avalanche roling over Datu and Hope (my guess), how likely would this occur in Genesee as well? According to CabbagePatch's map (, which still is awesome) they are close by. I don't know how "avalanche-risky" the Rockys are. Am just wondering ...

I bet that Datu wishes he had lifted a 4-wheeler instead of a muscle car when he finds most of the road has been blocked by rubble due to the blast. That's if the EMP hasn't killed their car. And it's a long way to hoof it to the evac site before everyone else leaves for Boulder. I'd like to see how they get out of this one...

Oct 9th, 2012, 04:59 AM
My guess is that it was a '72 Chevy Nova (http://chrishegedus.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/72-chevy-nova-red.jpg) (my first car, BTW, that I bought used for 300 bucks).

I bet that Datu wishes he had lifted a 4-wheeler instead of a muscle car when he finds most of the road has been blocked by rubble due to the blast. That's if the EMP hasn't killed their car. And it's a long way to hoof it to the evac site before everyone else leaves for Boulder. I'd like to see how they get out of this one...

mine ears also say its a 70's era gm product, we of course have no real way of knowing exactly what the model is...but ill just say youtube "z28" and you find the exact same sounds as the car datu is driving...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeW2xGajogQ&feature=related

that said, an emp blast would not kill their car. no part on those old cars would be harmed by the blast(save perhaps the radio) all other important bits within those cars are mechanical based including the speedometer, and subsequently the odometer...so he would also be able to track his mileage...fun fact that im sure some of you older farts like me know(im looking at you litmaster)...datu could actually remove the battery entirely while the car is still running and nothing would happen...once the car is running, it gets its electrical power from the alternator not the battery( dont try that on anything new though, bad things happen)the battery is simply a storage device..and nice for things like that radio i mentioned^

this has been your weekly "dear todd" moment...

Cabbage Patch
Oct 9th, 2012, 05:18 AM
...900 mi to Fort Irwin or 1000 to L.A. ... That's about 1.500 to 1.600km ... Hell of a distance ... How do they cover this distance, IF they are enroute to Fort Irwin. I am not sure, if this is covered in the show so far: Where do the survivors of Boulder go? And how will they do this - in winter, in the Rockys, in the zeehpocalypse ... ? Would they find enough gas along the 70 to Fort Irwin? And would they be able to make the fueling stations work properly again? What with Diesel, is it still usable?

I think that the survivors might want to make an intermediate stop somewhere in Colorado before they try the road to Fort Irwin. I remember the road going west through the Rockys being treacherous and uncomfortable in the best of times, and doubly so in the winter. The survivors are going to need to stock up on supplies if they're going to attempt that trip, and especially if they want to save their helicopters.

Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora might be a good short-term stop. It's the home base for the Colorado National Guard, and it's where the Boulder Blackhawk crew was based before Z-day, so it should be familiar to some of the survivors. It should have aviation fuel and helicopter parts, MREs and ammo. However, it might be a little too close to the fallout zone for comfort.

The big prize would be Colorado Springs, which is south of the rendezvous point and well outside the fallout zone. It has a commercial airport, a major Air Force base (Peterson AFB), a major Army base (Fort Carson), the Air Force Academy, which has its own airport, and the old NORAD (and Stargate) headquarters at Cheyenne Mountain. In many ways it's an even better enclave than Boulder, assuming it survived the initial zombie onslaught reasonably intact. Worst case, it might be a place to re-supply and rest before the evacuation, maybe aided by a new C-130 or two from Peterson and re-fueled helicopters. Best case, maybe a new safe haven.

Liam has a good point about the quality of fuel products the survivors might find along the way. Gasoline is subject to contamination and loses volitility over time. I've heard conflicting stories over how long it can be safely stored ranging from 1 year to as little as 30 days. Diesel fuel is more stable, with a recommended shelf life of 6-12 months, which I suspect can go longer. The survivors should be able to get through the winter on the fuel that's available, but eventually they're going to need a way to refine fuel for themselves.

Oct 9th, 2012, 05:28 AM
I think that the survivors might want to make an intermediate stop somewhere in Colorado before they try the road to Fort Irwin. I remember the road going west through the Rockys being treacherous and uncomfortable in the best of times, and doubly so in the winter. The survivors are going to need to stock up on supplies if they're going to attempt that trip, and especially if they want to save their helicopters.

Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora might be a good short-term stop. It's the home base for the Colorado National Guard, and it's where the Boulder Blackhawk crew was based before Z-day, so it should be familiar to some of the survivors. It should have aviation fuel and helicopter parts, MREs and ammo. However, it might be a little too close to the fallout zone for comfort.

The big prize would be Colorado Springs, which is south of the rendezvous point and well outside the fallout zone. It has a commercial airport, a major Air Force base (Peterson AFB), a major Army base (Fort Carson), the Air Force Academy, which has its own airport, and the old NORAD (and Stargate) headquarters at Cheyenne Mountain. In many ways it's an even better enclave than Boulder, assuming it survived the initial zombie onslaught reasonably intact. Worst case, it might be a place to re-supply and rest before the evacuation, maybe aided by a new C-130 or two from Peterson and re-fueled helicopters. Best case, maybe a new safe haven.

Liam has a good point about the quality of fuel products the survivors might find along the way. Gasoline is subject to contamination and loses volitility over time. I've heard conflicting stories over how long it can be safely stored ranging from 1 year to as little as 30 days. Diesel fuel is more stable, with a recommended shelf life of 6-12 months, which I suspect can go longer. The survivors should be able to get through the winter on the fuel that's available, but eventually they're going to need a way to refine fuel for themselves.

on the fuel subject your dead on, id say they have realistically the first of the year before any pre-outbreak gas becomes less stable. gas found in random cars will go before that found in places like the fueling station. now this is not to say the gas will be totally useless...it will still run cars with a lil less effectiveness(id say thats where the year timeframe comes from) hell, ive started cars that have sat for ten years! granted, they run like absolute shit...and modern vehicles will be far, far more problematic...but im not entirely sure it will be an issue within the timeframe of this podcast

Oct 9th, 2012, 07:17 AM
Also, was anyone else woating for Robbins to go, "Well, There's my new girlfriend, Pegs, could you keep an eye out for her?"

Yes.. LOL.. That would have rocked.

Oct 9th, 2012, 07:25 AM
The best line of the entire episode is when Datu tells Hope to stay in the car and roll up the windows, then says something like Oh your window is broke, sucks to be you! LOL..

Oct 9th, 2012, 07:40 AM
The best line of the entire episode is when Datu tells Hope to stay in the car and roll up the windows, then says something like Oh your window is broke, sucks to be you! LOL..

He was in the mode after that. Smashing up windows then noticing that the car was unlocked. He was probably walking around like a boss.

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:32 AM
Realistically, the dog is now a charcoal briquette. And Pegs and Kelly are likely flash-shadows on a stretch of flattened rubble. I know this is a story and all, but I would shake my head in doubt if, say 5% of Boulder survives and it just happens that all three of our friends--and the fucking dog--all happened to be part of that 5%, despite Zoldiers runnin' wild and a nuclear blast...

I think it's a totally acceptable and realistic story outcome that we simply never find out what happened to Pegs and Kelly. It's very likely they are among the vast numbers of dead and unaccounted for.
I agree that it's a realistic story outcome for Pegs and Kelly to die or be eaten of screen. I can't agree that it's acceptable for us not to get positive confirmation, especially with regard to Pegs. Pegs has been with us from the very first episode and has been pretty important to the plot. She has unresolved plot lines with Michael and Scratch (who just came into her own in a very big way.) And although this theory has not been substantiated (or even proposed as far as I know), she has her own character arc that seems to mimic a hero's journey* with a call to action, a refusal, supernatural intervention, trials, retirement and a new call to action (Zombies invade Boulder). But maybe it's just coincidence that her path resembles Campbell's monomyth.

Also, Angel died in a way that ostensibly no one keeping a diar--sorry, a log would have been witness to and thus, could not have recorded in their log.** But we still heard him die. I'm not proposing that the story is poorly written if characters don't get their own death scenes. However, the fact that KC stepped out of the frame (the story comes from logs) to tell the story of Angel's death seems to indicate that he's willing to give us closure with characters, even if he has to stretch a little to do so. I'm glad that he did it, too. In real life, we lose track of people all the time and spend our lives wondering what happened to them. Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare have cut down on this loss for my generation, but it still happens. The loss and pain that is inherent in real life is why people turn to fiction. It can give us answers. Fiction can make sense in a way the world never will. If WA were real life, it's unlikely that anyone other than the people in the room would know of Angel's courage and defiance in his last moments. But since WA is fiction, the listeners at least get to know. We get to see his heart be the bolder, and his courage be the more, as his might lessens, to paraphrase Maldon. KC could have just killed Angel off but he didn't. He gave us some closure with Angel and I hope he does the same for Pegs and Kelly.

Please note that this post is meant to be critical in the second meaning of the word, "expressing or involving an analysis of a creative work or performance." And not critical in the sense that I'm disproving of KC or the actors' fine work.

*It's hard to apply the hero's journey to women because stories about women have their own set of rules and acceptable outcomes that complicate the structure. So, I'm not being flippant when I say that her journey might parallel the monomyth without ever meaning to.

**nikvoodoo corrected me: "Angel's death was recorded. That's how we know it happened. Tardust turned on a camera and recorded the events."

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Has anyone else notice the influx of new users? Are they all from Boulder?

Hopefully. That would mean that there were plenty of survivors. :yay:

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Also, Angel died in a way that ostensibly no one keeping a diar--sorry, a log would have been witness to and thus, could not have recorded in their log. But we still heard him die. I'm not proposing that the story is poorly written if characters don't get their own death scenes. However, the fact that KC stepped out of the frame (the story comes from logs) to tell the story of Angel's death seems to indicate that he's willing to give us closure with characters, even if he has to stretch a little to do so. I'm glad that he did it, too. In real life, we lose track of people all the time and spend our lives wondering what happened to them. Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare have cut down on this loss for my generation, but it still happens. The loss and pain that is inherent in real life is why people turn to fiction. It can give us answers. Fiction can make sense in a way the world never will. If WA were real life, it's unlikely that anyone other than the people in the room would know of Angel's courage and defiance in his last moments. But since WA is fiction, the listeners at least get to know. We get to see his heart be the bolder, and his courage be the more, as his might lessens, to paraphrase Maldon. KC could have just killed Angel off but he didn't. He gave us some closure with Angel and I hope he does the same for Pegs and Kelly.

Angel's death was recorded. That's how we know it happened. Tardust turned on a camera and recorded the events.

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:46 AM
It's been a long time since I've calculated nuclear blast effects and downwind fallout hazard, so this is pretty rough...

Dang! It's gonna be a while before I can rep this. +1

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:50 AM
Wait, this was so focus on Datu and he even had a compliment from Michael, this can only mean one thing...... Datu is going to died soon... O_o

Definitely got this feeling. ^^

Hope is going to survive. My guess now a-days is she is probably the only one who survives out of all our hero's and she's reading the collective journals.

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:53 AM
Angel's death was recorded. That's how we know it happened. Tardust turned on a camera and recorded the events.
+1. Thank you for the correction, I've added it to my post.

Oct 9th, 2012, 10:15 AM
So, the evacuees are stranded.
Little if any supplies.
It's in the Rockies.
It's winter.

Zombies or Donner party. Pick your poison. :zombieglomp:

Oct 9th, 2012, 10:32 AM
Great episode! I love countdown scenarios! They always have my heart racing.
When Michael was talking about how Datu had worked on the Pelican, I was waiting for him to say, "Fucking resourceful bastard."

I'm curious to see how the survivors are going to start forming a crazy survivor mentality. Not even 30 miles out and Datu and Hope are already getting robbed for supplies. The people are worse than the zombies, I tell you!

It'll be interesting to see if Robbins might know Pegs. Since she is a pilot, she may have crossed paths with the guy at one point or another. Also, whats with Michael's shitty luck with lighters?

So in the end, when the nuke went off, I was totally trying to listen to every detail and nuance of the blast. At first I thought the final rumbling, crackling sound was the air being fried, but if they could hear that then they'd obviously be dead. But I figure is the wind rushing passed them, Hope and Datu. It sounds very much similar to the way it sounds when a reporter is reporting live from inside a hurricane.

Were Pegs and Kelly on the north side of town or on the south? I recall someone reporting that they were having trouble evacuating the north side of Boulder. I'm going to find it a little hard to swallow if Kelly, Pegs, Datu, and Hope ALL survive, but then again, they survived the attack on L.A. which seems like it went down much worse than this. Maybe they had the smarts to get out of there before everyone else did?

So I guess now we play the waiting game to see if they managed to have 100% containment of the spread of infection out of Boulder.

Oct 9th, 2012, 10:35 AM
So the geek in me is trying to figure out how the CJ, Victor, Saul time line matches up with the nuclear detonation. I remember the recon of the colony took quite a long time so that would seem to cover the 11 days between the chinook crash and subsequent attack on boulder. So was the execution of Durai and the nuclear event on the same day? I don't know why this seems important to me but if anyone has any answers I would like them.

Yes, they both occur on December 16th.

Dec 4th: Blackhawk discovers Chinook.
11 days later (Dec 15th) Boulder is over-run.
Dec 16th (Next morning) Boulder is nuked.
Dec 16th Durai killed and Mallony attacked by Saul and CJ.

Oct 9th, 2012, 10:42 AM

I concur with the opinion mentioned earlier on this thread that the sounds around Datu and Hope are based on something going on in the mountainside around them. They have stopped at a spot along the #6 where other cars stopped as well. Checking it with google.maps:


I may be wrong and the parking place or location with the group of cars provided by #100 is fictional; but if it is the one in existence, it might be the one I marked on the map with the A.
Then check the mountains around it. They are actually like a protective wall shielding anyone there against anything that is taking place in Boulder. A nuclear blast won't directly hit that parking place - especially not with approx. 25-30mi distance to the blast. But what would happen is that the nearby explosion could start kind of an avalanche or something and that side. Near the parking place the mountainside is pretty steep. And I think that is what Datu is alarmed of at the end of #34-2/ #100

Again: I may be totally wrong ... But that's my best guess so far.

Pegs, Kelly and Lady were located in the North - at least their living place as Datu mentioned in #34-1. The trouble with the evacuation, I think, really has started at the end of the evacuation. So the evacuation in the North of Boulder might have lasted over the better part of the night. Thus I hold it as not unlikely that Pegs, Kelly and Lady (or one to two of them) made it - somehow-ish ...

All the best!

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:12 AM
Damn it, Mr Wayland, you have gone too far. You killed off a Nobel Prize Winner:

David J. Wineland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_J._Wineland)

Did he find out too much about Mr Whiskers a.k.a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat?

By the way, congrats to you, Mr Wineland.

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:14 AM
It's been a long time since I've calculated nuclear blast effects and downwind fallout hazard, so this is pretty rough.

Bomb Type: B83 1.2 megaton fusion warhead
Equivalent Yield: 1,200,000 tons of TNT
Prevailing Wind: West to East

Estimated Impact of 1.2 megaton ground burst over downtown Boulder:

Inner Red Circle—Area consumed by firestorm

Outer Red Circle—Probable total area of the firestorm

Red Arrows—Downwind Radioactive Fallout zone

The Federation of American Scientists provide an excellent description of the effects of a nuclear blast at this link: http://www.fas.org/nuke/intro/nuke/effects.htm

The Nuclear Darkness website has a tool that allows you to simulate the blast effects of a nuclear bomb on a specific location. Pick a target location, pick a blast yield (1,200 kt for a B83) and see how it plots out on Google Maps.

Seriously. Where do I look you up in the event of apocalypse of any sort? You are the dude I want on my side

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Yes, they both occur on December 16th.

Dec 4th: Blackhawk discovers Chinook.
11 days later (Dec 15th) Boulder is over-run.
Dec 16th (Next morning) Boulder is nuked.
Dec 16th Durai killed and Mallony attacked by Saul and CJ.

Durai's death was more of a thud than a boom. ;-)

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:15 AM
Damn it, Mr Wayland, you have gone too far. You killed off a Nobel Prize Winner:

David J. Wineland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_J._Wineland)

Did he find out too much about Mr Whiskers a.k.a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat?

By the way, congrats to you, Mr Wineland.

Weird ...

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:20 AM
Great episode! I love countdown scenarios! They always have my heart racing.
When Michael was talking about how Datu had worked on the Pelican, I was waiting for him to say, "Fucking resourceful bastard."

I'm curious to see how the survivors are going to start forming a crazy survivor mentality. Not even 30 miles out and Datu and Hope are already getting robbed for supplies. The people are worse than the zombies, I tell you!

It'll be interesting to see if Robbins might know Pegs. Since she is a pilot, she may have crossed paths with the guy at one point or another. Also, whats with Michael's shitty luck with lighters?

So in the end, when the nuke went off, I was totally trying to listen to every detail and nuance of the blast. At first I thought the final rumbling, crackling sound was the air being fried, but if they could hear that then they'd obviously be dead. But I figure is the wind rushing passed them, Hope and Datu. It sounds very much similar to the way it sounds when a reporter is reporting live from inside a hurricane.

Were Pegs and Kelly on the north side of town or on the south? I recall someone reporting that they were having trouble evacuating the north side of Boulder. I'm going to find it a little hard to swallow if Kelly, Pegs, Datu, and Hope ALL survive, but then again, they survived the attack on L.A. which seems like it went down much worse than this. Maybe they had the smarts to get out of there before everyone else did?

So I guess now we play the waiting game to see if they managed to have 100% containment of the spread of infection out of Boulder.

Come on, they have survived a tower collapsing, an attack by prisoners, arena filled with organized zombies, a run in with a Papa Pimple Dad Zombie and a helicopter fixed by Datu. A little nuke shouldn't phased them.

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:21 AM
It probably was an older car. A newer car, with more plastic and less metal, wouldn't have survived a crash. lol

While I agree it's most likely an older car, I retort to your crash hypothesis with this:

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:29 AM
I think that the survivors might want to make an intermediate stop somewhere in Colorado before they try the road to Fort Irwin. I remember the road going west through the Rockys being treacherous and uncomfortable in the best of times, and doubly so in the winter. The survivors are going to need to stock up on supplies if they're going to attempt that trip, and especially if they want to save their helicopters.

Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora might be a good short-term stop. It's the home base for the Colorado National Guard, and it's where the Boulder Blackhawk crew was based before Z-day, so it should be familiar to some of the survivors. It should have aviation fuel and helicopter parts, MREs and ammo. However, it might be a little too close to the fallout zone for comfort.

The big prize would be Colorado Springs, which is south of the rendezvous point and well outside the fallout zone. It has a commercial airport, a major Air Force base (Peterson AFB), a major Army base (Fort Carson), the Air Force Academy, which has its own airport, and the old NORAD (and Stargate) headquarters at Cheyenne Mountain. In many ways it's an even better enclave than Boulder, assuming it survived the initial zombie onslaught reasonably intact. Worst case, it might be a place to re-supply and rest before the evacuation, maybe aided by a new C-130 or two from Peterson and re-fueled helicopters. Best case, maybe a new safe haven.

Liam has a good point about the quality of fuel products the survivors might find along the way. Gasoline is subject to contamination and loses volitility over time. I've heard conflicting stories over how long it can be safely stored ranging from 1 year to as little as 30 days. Diesel fuel is more stable, with a recommended shelf life of 6-12 months, which I suspect can go longer. The survivors should be able to get through the winter on the fuel that's available, but eventually they're going to need a way to refine fuel for themselves.

After listening to Kc's interview on WND, I imagine he either reads your replies like "DAMMIT, cabbage patch got it again" or he just glosses them over for grammatical errors to calm his nerves over your spot on details. He most likely also reps you or replies to your post every so often to remain a merciful leader amongst his people (us).

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:33 AM
on the fuel subject your dead on, id say they have realistically the first of the year before any pre-outbreak gas becomes less stable. gas found in random cars will go before that found in places like the fueling station. now this is not to say the gas will be totally useless...it will still run cars with a lil less effectiveness(id say thats where the year timeframe comes from) hell, ive started cars that have sat for ten years! granted, they run like absolute shit...and modern vehicles will be far, far more problematic...but im not entirely sure it will be an issue within the timeframe of this podcast

Actually, newer cars have sensors to determine the quality of the gas, and would compensate for the deteriorated potential energy and all-out-dirtiness of the breakdown by adjusting any combination of spark/fuel injector PWM/air flow...etc, to keep it running. Albeit still running like shit, I'd give a newer car a better chance at being able to handle 'stale' gas. (Software verification engineer for Engine Control Modules for one of the larger automakers chiming in here... Now to climb down off my soapbox)

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:40 AM
I am just wondering how difficult it will be for Datu and Hope to transit through the Rocky Mountains.

The temperatures and snow heights in the low-lying valleys look ok to me: Colorado weather data (http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/boulder/boulder.data.2000-09.html#Dec09).

However, the car is damaged, there are hostile survivors and we still do not know, if there has been an avalanche as Liam has mentioned.

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:58 AM
Funny thing about those weather charts, most are fairly useless since there are so many different ones out there and they all have conflicting information. For example, the one located here http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/boulder/bouldersnow.html shows the snowfall for Boulder in 2009 to be a total of 115.5 inches. October 30.1, November 8.9, and December 27.8 alone had much snow. On top of that no plows running round the clock to clear roads. They would get very icy/huge snowbanks/ect. Here where I live in South Dakota I get snowdrifts from the top of my garage door (7ft) that stretch out to the end of my driveway. That is a 7ft snowdrift that is about 15ft long. But if you look at a weather chart it sure wont tell you that! Oh... and the last huge snow drift was in March! It is not supposed to snow that much in March!

Oct 9th, 2012, 12:06 PM
Alright, Now that I've finally caught up and replied about 20 times in the last 5 minutes (sorry guys, want to attribute my replies to the correct people/citations). I can come forth and admit defeat

Michael/puck/tonya/riley did NOT go to Boulder and fight the inkling who pushed the button nuking Ft. Irwin, saving civilization as we know it. He has nuked civilization. Kc, you monster!

Well, I'm out of crackpot theories for now then, I guess....You kind of killed that one in IMMEDIATE reply with 34-2....couldn't even let me hold out another release with my craziness. Perhaps a "parallel universe We're Alive release" after this ones finished?

Anyways, I'm going to have to agree with Stat's point at the beginning of their comment. Scratch and Pegs have a score to settle. One of them must die in some grandiose fashion, and if it's not one, but both, they both must die in a remarkable way. In the vein of the way in which this story is told, we cannot get Pegs account of death without someone alive having witnessed it, or a journal entry left behind in the rubble. However, I amongst others, believe they would've stopped writing journals in 'safe' boulder. So I doubt her grandiose death is dealt there. This leads me to believe Pegs must be alive. I'm not sure how yet, due to the roads being blocked, but somehow she's alive. if not, someone else is that saw her throw herself in front of the nuke (like it matters) or some Inkling to attempt to save others (lady of course). The argument can be made that Scratch and Burt are about to have it out (hopefully). This would give Scratch an epic death scene, but I believe still leave us hanging for Pegs either triumphant resolve, or epic death.

Just my 2 cents, I mean, Kc nuked boulder, shot Angel in the face, and killed a teenage boy, yet King Datu the Resourceful presses on driving down the wrong side of the road, pick axe in hand, so WHO KNOWS?!

Oct 9th, 2012, 12:07 PM
Is there any mention of when Hope can remove her bandages? I'm trying to conceive of what will be the first thing she sees. Before listening to 34-2, I actually thought (because I'm twisted) that she'd open her eyes, see the beautiful Rocky Mountains before her, then suddenly go blind again as the flash from the nuke went off.

I'm curious to see where the two separate story lines will go. I had been thinking that once they dates on both timelines came together that we could possibly see the groups reunited. So now that it is December 16th or 17th, I hope that we'll find out what happened at the Colony. Also, someone should update the timeline....looking at you Witch_Doctor!

Oct 9th, 2012, 12:25 PM
Is there any mention of when Hope can remove her bandages? I'm trying to conceive of what will be the first thing she sees. Before listening to 34-2, I actually thought (because I'm twisted) that she'd open her eyes, see the beautiful Rocky Mountains before her, then suddenly go blind again as the flash from the nuke went off.

I'm curious to see where the two separate story lines will go. I had been thinking that once they dates on both timelines came together that we could possibly see the groups reunited. So now that it is December 16th or 17th, I hope that we'll find out what happened at the Colony. Also, someone should update the timeline....looking at you Witch_Doctor!

I predict it to be the very first thing we here from Hope - that she is going to take of the bandages after what has happened right at the end of #34-2/#100 ... As for the nuke-flash ... Datu and Hope were like approximately 25 to 30 miles away from the explosion; I don't know - would the flash of light still be of blinding quality for people to look at it from such a huge distance? Either way: Datu and Hope were shielded by some 7000'+ high mountains against the explosion; so the best thing Datu could of seen was kind of a flash ... And yet he did not react to that, but to the rumbling noise and seismic activities, which would follow a "long time" after the flash of light ...

Oct 9th, 2012, 12:48 PM
Ha! I've finally got a theory! It just hit me on a 34-2 relisten, when Michael goes out for a smoke, they mention 'the french girl was looking for you, i couldn't let her in'....And we don't hear from Riley again....

I'm thinking Riley was coming to tell Michael "I'm finally going out on a mission! to evacuate from Boulder!"

And this means Kimmet sent 'his worst' to get the people out, because he dare not risk his good soldiers on this 'suicide mission'. This is where we meet up with Pegs/Kelly/Lady (not necessarily all, but at least one). Whomever survives will re-tell the story of the others if they die, and Riley will get to them to the rendezvous point, and back in the story! muahahaha!

Cabbage Patch
Oct 9th, 2012, 12:51 PM
As for the nuke-flash ... Datu and Hope were like approximately 25 to 30 miles away from the explosion; I don't know - would the flash of light still be of blinding quality for people to look at it from such a huge distance? Either way: Datu and Hope were shielded by some 7000'+ high mountains against the explosion; so the best thing Datu could of seen was kind of a flash ...

Flash blindness is rated as a severe hazard for a nuclear explosion to a distance of 40 miles, but you're right that the intervening mountains would absolutely protect them from the flash. Under these conditions the greatest danger is that the high outgoing winds from the blast will cause rockfalls or avalanches in the valley they're driving through. I suppose there is a small danger that a nuclear ground burst of this size could cause an earthquake if there's an active fault running under Boulder.

Cabbage Patch
Oct 9th, 2012, 12:55 PM
Ha! I've finally got a theory! It just hit me on a 34-2 relisten, when Michael goes out for a smoke, they mention 'the french girl was looking for you, i couldn't let her in'....And we don't hear from Riley again....

I'm thinking Riley was coming to tell Michael "I'm finally going out on a mission! to evacuate from Boulder!"

And this means Kimmet sent 'his worst' to get the people out, because he dare not risk his good soldiers on this 'suicide mission'. This is where we meet up with Pegs/Kelly/Lady (not necessarily all, but at least one). Whomever survives will re-tell the story of the others if they die, and Riley will get to them to the rendezvous point, and back in the story! muahahaha!

I'd love to see Riley out kicking ass again!

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:06 PM
Ha! I've finally got a theory! It just hit me on a 34-2 relisten, when Michael goes out for a smoke, they mention 'the french girl was looking for you, i couldn't let her in'....And we don't hear from Riley again....

I'm thinking Riley was coming to tell Michael "I'm finally going out on a mission! to evacuate from Boulder!"

And this means Kimmet sent 'his worst' to get the people out, because he dare not risk his good soldiers on this 'suicide mission'. This is where we meet up with Pegs/Kelly/Lady (not necessarily all, but at least one). Whomever survives will re-tell the story of the others if they die, and Riley will get to them to the rendezvous point, and back in the story! muahahaha!

That makes sense.

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:40 PM
The one thing I'd point out to Hoff's theory is Riley was trying to get in well after all the air assault teams had left Irwin...meaning Riley would have been stuck at Irwin as I understand it. I don't think anyone else is able to leave Irwin for Boulder.

Otherwise, I like it. And if it's true.....Kimmet's a dick.

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:42 PM
And if it's true.....Kimmet's a dick.

Agreed but at least he's a practical dick. Anyone that pushes that big red button can't really be called nice, anyways. :P

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:48 PM
The one thing I'd point out to Hoff's theory is Riley was trying to get in well after all the air assault teams had left Irwin...meaning Riley would have been stuck at Irwin as I understand it. I don't think anyone else is able to leave Irwin for Boulder.

Otherwise, I like it. And if it's true.....Kimmet's a dick.

I agree, there shouldnt be any outbound aircraft recently, but the woman did say "The french girl came by EARLIER..."...she never says how much earlier...

Edit: After finishing listening to the woman to get the quote right, I finished the episode and noted that Datu said "we'll just continue along this route and meet up with the rendezvous people on the 70"

How are the "evacuees" planning on getting from the rendezvous point to Irwin? They claimed not enough gas for more flights, so I assume they'll hike it for a bit (or do as Cabbage Patch so eloquently put it pages ago) and eventually meet up with Datu. This will bring Datu/Hope back in touch with what remains of pegs/kelly/lady having been saved by Riley. I just wanted to add this to finish out my thought of a theory in Riley going to evacuate. This will better link the storylines together....I think

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:53 PM
it'd be ironic if Datu looked at the nuke flash and got blinded and now has to depend on Hope to get around (if her eye surgery was indeed a success).

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I love the episode! Episode 100 was a blast (rim shot) I have some theroies to put out there:

1. I am thinking that maybe Pegs and Kelly do not make it. Unless the next episode starts with them. I do love the above theory that Riley saves Pegs and Kelly. That'd be exciting.

2. What if this blast has an opposite affect on some Inklings? The weaker ones die, but the strong ones gain some new attributes to make them stronger.

3. I was kind of thinking, what if the person Tony Robbins cares for is Pegs. We find out they are a helicopter power couple.

4. We have seen that Datu is very fucking resourceful. What if Datu is the Doctor, who chamelon arched himself way before the beginning. And all the recent events in his life is slowly starting to awaken his true identity as the Doctor, Hope would be his companion. One of the final chapters of the series would be titled "The Man with the Blue Box". This would be the one where he finally becomes the Doctor again.

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:17 PM
But seriously, I am excited to see where the story goes from here. Far more into this story line than the Colony one. But wait another few weeks when we are into a Colony story and I will say the opposite thing. I love them all Kc. Thanks.

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:21 PM
it'd be ironic if Datu looked at the nuke flash and got blinded and now has to depend on Hope to get around (if her eye surgery was indeed a success).


It's been a while since I've wanted to re-listen to an episode over and over again! I can't get enough of this episode! It's soooo good! I'm completely blown away at how well KC and the team engineer the environments only using sound! How the hell do you guys do that?!

So here are some questions about Nukes. I'm aware that there is an EMP effect from Nuclear explosions but what exactly does an EMP do? Does it fry all electronics? Or just electronics that are currently switched on? Does it just affect copper/metal based circuitry or would it also affect carbon based circuits and fiber optics? What about a battery? It's got big lead plates in it but if the terminals aren't connected does it still get cooked?

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:31 PM

It's been a while since I've wanted to re-listen to an episode over and over again! I can't get enough of this episode! It's soooo good! I'm completely blown away at how well KC and the team engineer the environments only using sound! How the hell do you guys do that?!

So here are some questions about Nukes. I'm aware that there is an EMP effect from Nuclear explosions but what exactly does an EMP do? Does it fry all electronics? Or just electronics that are currently switched on? Does it just affect copper/metal based circuitry or would it also affect carbon based circuits and fiber optics? What about a battery? It's got big lead plates in it but if the terminals aren't connected does it still get cooked?

Blown away, heh heh heh.

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:38 PM
But seriously, I am excited to see where the story goes from here. Far more into this story line than the Colony one. But wait another few weeks when we are into a Colony story and I will say the opposite thing. I love them all Kc. Thanks.

Knowing KC, we probably heading to the Other Tower and find what Pete and Glenn have been up to and maybe a visit from the Pimp Zombie and Zombie Killer.

Oct 9th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Knowing KC, we probably heading to the Other Tower and find what Pete and Glenn have been up to and maybe a visit from the Pimp Zombie and Zombie Killer.

Is that Ghost Face Zombie Killah?

Oct 9th, 2012, 03:00 PM
I hope I'm not the only person to be disappointed when Datu said he left Lady with Pegs and Kelly. I'm not a fan of either character, but i don't think Kc would kill a dog. Any ideas on how they escape?

My grandmother (the one who used to watch them test A-Bombs because we're from Las Vegas) and I spent most of the day trying to figure the factors out.
Boulder is roughly 25 square miles (64.75 km roughly) and the bomb is actually fairly small, at it's most deadly at 1.7 miles (2.74 km) with 98% dead (i think?) and dwindling down to 4% at 4.7 miles (75.64 km). Now not saying that they will not suffer any damage but with the size of boulder [and assuming they're on the edge given Datu's description] it's really hard to say, if they are farther out they have a higher chance of being alive.

But the blast isn't the only thing that can kill in this situation, you have debris falling from high in the air, the earth shaking could damage outlying sturctures, the light can blind, the sound can deafen, and of course radiation sickness.

Damn, it don't sound good.

My only thought is that these are the main cast, they don't just get blown away (hehe...sorry) even Angel who got a shot to the head with no real lines had a set up. I think we will see these characters again.
Kelly didn't get to be so awesome to be killed bomb.

Oct 9th, 2012, 03:42 PM
Actually, newer cars have sensors to determine the quality of the gas, and would compensate for the deteriorated potential energy and all-out-dirtiness of the breakdown by adjusting any combination of spark/fuel injector PWM/air flow...etc, to keep it running. Albeit still running like shit, I'd give a newer car a better chance at being able to handle 'stale' gas. (Software verification engineer for Engine Control Modules for one of the larger automakers chiming in here... Now to climb down off my soapbox)

alright....thats fucking cool :)

Guess I'm more familiar with old tech vs new, but I believe it would be fair to say then....in lieu of a "brand new" car/truck, I'd go for the old 74 Camaro before I went for the 92 Camaro with its tuned port injection, easily fouled, plugged and completely useless

Also....you just shot waaaaaaaaay up on my list of people I like here;)

Oct 9th, 2012, 03:57 PM
alright....thats fucking cool :)

Guess I'm more familiar with old tech vs new, but I believe it would be fair to say then....in lieu of a "brand new" car/truck, I'd go for the old 74 Camaro before I went for the 92 Camaro with its tuned port injection, easily fouled, plugged and completely useless

Also....you just shot waaaaaaaaay up on my list of people I like here;)

While we're on the topic of Apocalyptic fuel issues it would have been cool if Bio-diesel had come up. I've also had some hilarious chatter with friends about taming zombies and using them in a zombie-drawn cart style machine. That or sticking a few of them in a big zombie-hamster-wheel to generate electricity.

Oct 9th, 2012, 04:22 PM
Bio diesel is a cool option, or hell...convert all the way over to pure vegetable oil power....im sure there's tons of liters of the stuff left in various places....heh, one thing I want to try one day is convert a motorcycle over to run on moonshine....ride to your destination, then get hammered on the leftover fuel! Awesome

Oct 9th, 2012, 04:33 PM
Bio diesel is a cool option, or hell...convert all the way over to pure vegetable oil power....im sure there's tons of liters of the stuff left in various places....heh, one thing I want to try one day is convert a motorcycle over to run on moonshine....ride to your destination, then get hammered on the leftover fuel! Awesome

They could also be growing bio-diesel from crops or from or algae or if there is any fat left on any zombies, even the zombies themselves.

Oct 9th, 2012, 04:47 PM
Wait a damn minute!..you may be on to something there...think of the smell of the "zombies" as Saul described them...smelling like....well....shit. Hmmm....

Oct 9th, 2012, 07:23 PM
Damn it, Mr Wayland, you have gone too far. You killed off a Nobel Prize Winner:

David J. Wineland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_J._Wineland)

Did he find out too much about Mr Whiskers a.k.a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat?

By the way, congrats to you, Mr Wineland.

HA! I say and Ha! again! Pretty sure that dudes wicked Mustache saved his life... Matter of fact I think that it blocked 60-70% of the fallout and saved the lives of Pegs and Kelley. That Mustache not only serves as a means of radiological protection but as a source of nourishment with bits of soup and beverage residue that are in there.

Oct 9th, 2012, 09:34 PM
Otherwise, I like it. And if it's true.....Kimmet's a dick.

Or is he?? I picture Kimmet like Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men

Michael: Colonel Kimmet! Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!!
Carl: You don't have to answer that question sir!
Kimmet: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Michael: I think I'm entitled to them.
Kimmet: You want answers?!
Michael: I want the truth!
Kimmet: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls and Sat Phones, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns and who use those Sat Phones. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Sgt. Cross? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Boulder, and you curse my Sat Phone. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Boulder’s demise , while tragic, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties at the tower, you want me on that wall… you need me on that phone.
We use words like "honor," "code," "loyalty” and “PX Credit." We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.
I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way… writing in your Diary. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to!
Michael: Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?
Kimmet: I did the job I was --
Michael: -- Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!
Kimmet: You're god damn right I did!!!

Oct 9th, 2012, 11:47 PM
Well, I'm still picturing Kimmet as General Jack D. Ripper, from Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (played by Sterling Hayden)... <br />
<br />
General Jack Ripper: Mandrake,...

Oct 10th, 2012, 12:32 AM
Hi there,

Based on your assumptions I agree with you.
And yet there are plenty of uncertainties:
- Was Boulder and is Fort Irwin the only save heavens on earth? I have some doubts; the only thing we know for certain is that Kc has limited the landscape to watch at; thus there is at least the possibility that other safe places exist at some other places as well - even maybe on the territories of the US.
- If L.A. ever had 13 Millionen Zombies, wouldn't chapter #1 have ended completley different? It would. Them zombies mostly killed people and did not turn their victims in huge numbers of zombies. Any time we had huge numbers of zombies in a picture, it was like "hundreads" or "hundreds, maybe thousands" or "an army", at least not numbers supporting the "millions of zombies".

Glowing zombies => kind of trash and that's cool, but pretty unlikely in WA-verse.

@gas-/fuel-discussion: Wouldn't different types of gas flocculate in case it is not used for a while? How long this would take, or under what circumstances this would happen?

@Detail about "french girl" - I totally missed that. Maybe Riley was able to get aboard on the last flight to Boulder? How unlikely is that?
Or something like this: Maybe Riley had something important to tell about Tanya and/ or about #2 to Michael! What, if Tanya has found the weak spot of the Little Ones (a certain chemical or biological agent of whatever kind capable of stoping them) before Kimmet announced the Big Bang Theory to become practical and Riley wanted to inform Michael about that? Spinning around that idea I wonder if something like this would be able to establish quite a decent confrontation between Michael and Kimmet, because Michael would have been able to stop the nuke and safe some more lives?

All the best!

Oct 10th, 2012, 02:53 AM
...They nuked Boulder.

Well, not surprised, but I still have to say that I'm sad. Sad that after all the time they struggled to find a safer, better place that it had to be nuked.

Hope and Datu...I think they will be safe. Definitely not right now, considering that they may be buried in an avalanche or at least experiencing some discomfort from being "close" to the explosion. Hope's window is obliterated, even running the heat in the car won't keep out the cold for very long...and deplete fuel and battery power quicker. They need to either meet up with someone not shady, or tough it out until they reach their next destination.

Pegs, Kelly, and Lady...If Pegs was alerted immediately about evacuating, considering she was a pilot who could help out with flying people out, then it's safe to assume (I know what they say about assuming, I promise) that they are safe. Even Lady...I can't see them just leaving her there to die knowing that they were being evacuated. I also don't think that KC would let them die without letting us know. That being said, it could very well be that the next chapter will be "their" side of the story and what happens to them. If they die, well then...so be it. I mean, no one is unkillable in this story. Angel is proof enough of that...he was there from day one as well as Pegs.

My theory: Since we've learned that the coup at the colony and the blasting of Boulder happens on the same day...any survivors from Boulder are headed to Ft. Irwin...which doesn't have the space or resources to keep any of these survivors. Guess who's headed down South to the Colony? The prisoners, led by Scratch are a broken group fighting amongst themselves, the original Colony members either fled back to their houses or are helping Saul and C.J. break in. If Saul and C.J. are successful, it's perfectly possible that they and the armed and motivated Colonites could shift the balance of power and retake the Colony; they get the Sat. phone fixed & call up Ft. Irwin; Oh, you mean you have survivors with no place to go? well see, we have this big colony with only a few people here now and we need help to repopulate and oversee this here colony! That's the best case scenario though...

It would be horrific if the zombies get any more special then they already have. I would hate to see that irradiated zombies being impossible to kill. There's no more story if that happens...it would just be a countdown until they are all dead or turned.
Nuclear zombies...please no. Even the "Little Ones" can still be dropped if you shoot them in the head...their only weakness...if they are able to survive a nuclear blast then I don't think there's any hope for the world.

Oct 10th, 2012, 07:05 AM
...They nuked Boulder.
I would hate to see that irradiated zombies being impossible to kill. There's no more story if that happens...it would just be a countdown until they are all dead or turned.
Nuclear zombies...please no. Even the "Little Ones" can still be dropped if you shoot them in the head...their only weakness...if they are able to survive a nuclear blast then I don't think there's any hope for the world.

I don't think they will have survived the blast. The more this story goes on the more human these zombies are starting to appear to me. By that I mean they bleed out, they freeze, they die from a strike to the throat (albeit a possible spinal nerve disruption). Bottom line is that unlike most StorieZ where the only thing to kill a Zombie is separating the head, there are other options in our story.

Oct 10th, 2012, 07:13 AM
I am not one to put a stop to theorizing, but can we take a moment to talk about the idea of Glowing Zombies...Remember what Tanya said about them during the autopsy: They're not that dissimilar to us. They have some extra "padding" as it were against physical trauma. You do have to remember that what kills humans, kills them too.

If there are zombies outside the red circle, they are just as likely to suffer from radiation poisoning as regular people are. If they are in the blast zone, they are not coming out glowing like Blight from Batman Beyond.

Oct 10th, 2012, 07:15 AM
I don't think they will have survived the blast. The more this story goes on the more human these zombies are starting to appear to me. By that I mean they bleed out, they freeze, they die from a strike to the throat (albeit a possible spinal nerve disruption). Bottom line is that unlike most StorieZ where the only thing to kill a Zombie is separating the head, there are other options in our story.

Yeah, in WND 47 KC mentioned the basic definition of a zombie being an animated body not under it's own control (I'm paraphrasing what he said, not directly quoting). So even though they are moving humanoid bodies, they aren't behaving as their previous consciousness would have them behave. I guess it's some kind of infection, but whether it's human made or naturally occurring, who knows?

Also, I wonder if we could surmise that perhaps the "controlling" factor at work in these zombies brains is not the infection itself, but also partly some lead zombie, a.k.a. Pinstripes.

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:28 AM
If there are zombies outside the red circle, they are just as likely to suffer from radiation poisoning as regular people are. If they are in the blast zone, they are not coming out glowing like Blight from Batman Beyond.

The zombies next to the explosion most likely just die - and that pretty likely instantly. So within the inner red circle the chance of Little Ones surviving is pretty low.
But I guess the farther away they are from the explosion, the more likely they might be able to live on with the radiation poisoning - and if it is only for a short period of time that they live on. Edit: Boulder is huge, especially with 150k of survivors having lived there; so the nuke won't be able to kill everything in this area - remember Kimmet describing the chance of survival in different areas like survivability 2% up to 1.7 mi from the blastside, 60% 2.7 mi, 4.7 mi 95% (I just translated the death-rates of 98%, 40% and 5%). which would cover the whole city?

First and foremost: Their toughened skin and muscle structure might absorb a good portion of the radiation (not the gamma stuff naturally) before it may harm the inner organs hard enough to stop them.
Additionally: If the rules for Regulars apply and Little Ones are not slowed down by stress and pain, some of the effects of radiation poisoning won't stop or slow them down either.
Finally: I guess it makes big difference for Little Ones if they are directly affected by the nuke or if they are in buildings/ behind concrete during the explosion. Sure, after the explosion they still have to deal with the fall-out and contaminated area, but that won't kill instantly; this being the minus to the initial effects of the nuke might be a joker to their life-span as well.

I don't say: They will sustain it and simply go on like people with a sunburn or as if nothing has happened at all; but I hold it as at least not unlikely that the surviving Little Ones may last a little longer then humans in the same situation - maybe even long enough to infect other survivors. Thus as the source of infection they'll be still a threat - especially if they move on and maybe even follow the survivors in the south ...

I would not support any seriously meant theory about radioactive zombies splattering the West of the US ... That won't happen, especially in relation to what Kc has described on the special interview in the latest WND episode and what he has provided so far in the WA-verse ...

Those wiki-articles might be interesting:

All the best!

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:28 AM
So here are some questions about Nukes. I'm aware that there is an EMP effect from Nuclear explosions but what exactly does an EMP do? Does it fry all electronics? Or just electronics that are currently switched on? Does it just affect copper/metal based circuitry or would it also affect carbon based circuits and fiber optics? What about a battery? It's got big lead plates in it but if the terminals aren't connected does it still get cooked?

EMP's affect electronics whether they are on or off. For example, your car is off, EMP Blast, your car will not start again. Your car is on, EMP Blast, your car will shut off and never start again. Batteries will also be toast. Don't know about fiber optics, but there is a link in the fiber optic chain that is electronic, so....

How to prevent? Make yourself a faraday cage, put what you want protected in the faraday cage, and it will work after an EMP. Google it for more info. You can make a faraday cage out of anything metal actually, garbage can, tool box, etc.

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:29 AM
alright....thats fucking cool :)

Guess I'm more familiar with old tech vs new, but I believe it would be fair to say then....in lieu of a "brand new" car/truck, I'd go for the old 74 Camaro before I went for the 92 Camaro with its tuned port injection, easily fouled, plugged and completely useless

Also....you just shot waaaaaaaaay up on my list of people I like here;)

:yay: Awesome, now I'm a semi-cool guy:cool:

All that said, I'm with you. I'll take the 74 'maro over the 92. For multiple reasons, the lack of electrical relient components, lends itself to being fixed by the everyday mechanic MUCH easier.

However, In the apocalypse, I'm climbing in my deuce-and-a-half. That sucker will run on damn near anything. Bottle of Jack? Sure, give it a shot! So yea, I'm going with an older diesel vehicle, and will run bio-diesel, as its far easier to refine in the apocalypse. But if that fails, it's time for a 60s vehicle, then after that I'd take my chances with a new vehicle (if I have keys) being that it can handle the flux of fuel usage. That the order of vehicle desirability in my opinion. Anything 90-2000 is just not gonna happen, too many electrical issues

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:32 AM
Or is he?? I picture Kimmet like Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men

Michael: Colonel Kimmet! Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!!
Carl: You don't have to answer that question sir!
Kimmet: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Michael: I think I'm entitled to them.
Kimmet: You want answers?!
Michael: I want the truth!
Kimmet: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls and Sat Phones, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns and who use those Sat Phones. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Sgt. Cross? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Boulder, and you curse my Sat Phone. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Boulder’s demise , while tragic, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties at the tower, you want me on that wall… you need me on that phone.
We use words like "honor," "code," "loyalty” and “PX Credit." We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.
I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way… writing in your Diary. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to!
Michael: Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?
Kimmet: I did the job I was --
Michael: -- Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!
Kimmet: You're god damn right I did!!!

*Slow clap*

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:43 AM
Hi there,
@Detail about "french girl" - I totally missed that. Maybe Riley was able to get aboard on the last flight to Boulder? How unlikely is that?
Or something like this: Maybe Riley had something important to tell about Tanya and/ or about #2 to Michael! What, if Tanya has found the weak spot of the Little Ones (a certain chemical or biological agent of whatever kind capable of stoping them) before Kimmet announced the Big Bang Theory to become practical and Riley wanted to inform Michael about that? Spinning around that idea I wonder if something like this would be able to establish quite a decent confrontation between Michael and Kimmet, because Michael would have been able to stop the nuke and safe some more lives?

All the best!

That's a good point as well, as we didnt hear one word from Tanya this episode. I just wanted to make sure to note the mention of Riley, without the appearance of Riley. As we've learned many times....Kc doesn't mention something for no reason....

Oct 10th, 2012, 10:27 AM
So I'm guess that Michael or Puck is going to suggest scan and broadcasting on all bands for survivors. That probably where both stories are going to connect. Since they know that at least one Sat-phone was still out there at Boulder and everyone in the cars have radios. Also KC can drop a line of Michael said "What you guys are still alive?!" Saul said "We're Alive!" Unless, they are captured and Scratch answered. "Well, well, never thought of heard your voice again. Yea, we're still alive, for now. Where is she?"

Oct 10th, 2012, 11:28 AM
It is just kind of disturbing that thousands of people are literally toast, mere shadows burned-in the remains of what used to be Boulder. Was it really worth it? Yeah, for sure, the bombing will have reduced the number of LO and any other type of special zombie. But is it not more than a Pyrrhus victory? Ok, the zombie hordes might have been slowed down, the might have suffered severe losses. In the end, it can hardly be even regarded as a draw.

Oct 10th, 2012, 11:53 AM
So I'm guess that Michael or Puck is going to suggest scan and broadcasting on all bands for survivors. That probably where both stories are going to connect. Since they know that at least one Sat-phone was still out there at Boulder and everyone in the cars have radios. Also KC can drop a line of Michael said "What you guys are still alive?!" Saul said "We're Alive!" Unless, they are captured and Scratch answered. "Well, well, never thought of heard your voice again. Yea, we're still alive, for now. Where is she?"

You're talking about broadcasting on radios that couldn't make it from the Tower to the Colony. And I think you're also suggesting that the Sat phone could interact with terrestrial radios which can't happen at all.

Broadcasting an FM signal is much different than any other communications used in the series thus far. Not to mention, there's a mountain barrier between Irwin and L.A. FM signals don't do so well against geological barriers.

The seed was planted for the Sat Phone in LA with Saul. It's most likely going to be the Sat phone that brings the story lines together.

Oct 10th, 2012, 11:55 AM
The seed was planted

That's what she said!

Oct 10th, 2012, 12:09 PM
What's the range on the police frequencies? Is there the possibility of using those to contact Ft. Irwin? I agree that it's most likely that we'll need to wait until the sat phone can be fixed before Saul and Michael will meet up again but we have a mostly working line of secured communication that's available. Would the military have access to those channels?

Cabbage Patch
Oct 10th, 2012, 01:06 PM
The seed was planted for the Sat Phone in LA with Saul. It's most likely going to be the Sat phone that brings the story lines together.

I sounds like there were never very many satphones in service between Boulder and Fort Irwin. Most of the comms between the two seem to have been local phones that were routed through a "gateway" on either end to relay it via satellite. The Boulder gateway is gone now, and as far as we know there are, at most, only two satphones remaining with the Boulder survivors, one of which came from Fort Irwin with the air assault teams.

So whose phone number is on the satphone that Saul and Victor have? Is it one of the ones that Kimmet and Michael have, or one of the ones that went to Boulder?

What's the range on the police frequencies? Is there the possibility of using those to contact Ft. Irwin?...Would the military have access to those channels?

I don't think there's any possibility of Fort Irwin hearing Saul/Victor/CJ's police radio communications. Police radios have comparatively short range, and require networks of repeaters to communicate over long distances. The Dunbar crew had to set up their own network of repeaters to be able to communicate the way they're doing it, probably powering them with solar power sources. I doubt that a chain of suitable repeaters ever existed between LA and Fort Irwin, and if it did the repeaters would have gone down when the power did.

I know the Military Police at Fort Irwin used commercial police radios when I was there, but I don't know if that is still the case.

Oct 10th, 2012, 01:44 PM
I sounds like there were never very many satphones in service between Boulder and Fort Irwin. Most of the comms between the two seem to have been local phones that were routed through a "gateway" on either end to relay it via satellite. The Boulder gateway is gone now, and as far as we know there are, at most, only two satphones remaining with the Boulder survivors, one of which came from Fort Irwin with the air assault teams.

So whose phone number is on the satphone that Saul and Victor have? Is it one of the ones that Kimmet and Michael have, or one of the ones that went to Boulder?

I don't think there's any possibility of Fort Irwin hearing Saul/Victor/CJ's police radio communications. Police radios have comparatively short range, and require networks of repeaters to communicate over long distances. The Dunbar crew had to set up their own network of repeaters to be able to communicate the way they're doing it, probably powering them with solar power sources. I doubt that a chain of suitable repeaters ever existed between LA and Fort Irwin, and if it did the repeaters would have gone down when the power did.

I know the Military Police at Fort Irwin used commercial police radios when I was there, but I don't know if that is still the case.

Would the SAT-phones from FT Irwin all be on the same feq.?

Side-note Should Kimmet start feeling the guilt of send the chopper to Boulder then the base by now?

Oct 10th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Or is he?? I picture Kimmet like Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men

Michael: Colonel Kimmet! Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!!
Carl: You don't have to answer that question sir!
Kimmet: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Michael: I think I'm entitled to them.
Kimmet: You want answers?!
Michael: I want the truth!
Kimmet: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls and Sat Phones, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns and who use those Sat Phones. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Sgt. Cross? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Boulder, and you curse my Sat Phone. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Boulder’s demise , while tragic, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties at the tower, you want me on that wall… you need me on that phone.
We use words like "honor," "code," "loyalty” and “PX Credit." We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.
I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way… writing in your Diary. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to!
Michael: Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?
Kimmet: I did the job I was --
Michael: -- Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!
Kimmet: You're god damn right I did!!!

bravo (applause from the audience)

Oct 10th, 2012, 02:13 PM
was it an avalanche or were we hearing the shockwave? a nuke is a hell of a boom, especially modern nukes, and when they go off, the ground shakes, your knees quake, the air charges around you, it's...

Oct 10th, 2012, 02:18 PM
I don't think there's any possibility of Fort Irwin hearing Saul/Victor/CJ's police radio communications. Police radios have comparatively short range, and require networks of repeaters to communicate over long distances. The Dunbar crew had to set up their own network of repeaters to be able to communicate the way they're doing it, probably powering them with solar power sources. I doubt that a chain of suitable repeaters ever existed between LA and Fort Irwin, and if it did the repeaters would have gone down when the power did.

I know the Military Police at Fort Irwin used commercial police radios when I was there, but I don't know if that is still the case.

I’ll be the first to admit that the idea was a long shot but with your information it makes the idea sound even more unlikely. Thanks for the information, Cabbage Patch.

Oct 10th, 2012, 02:46 PM
Boulderinians if they were created by Ink, and boulderites if they are a product of Ink's creations ;-P

Oct 10th, 2012, 03:02 PM
So whose phone number is on the satphone that Saul and Victor have? Is it one of the ones that Kimmet and Michael have, or one of the ones that went to Boulder?

I know the Military Police at Fort Irwin used commercial police radios when I was there, but I don't know if that is still the case.

I'm sure that the Sat Phone has all the contact info in there for all the other Sat Phones and the most important contact in that contact list is going to say something like "HQ" or "TOC"

Along with the thing about the radios we had Motorola XTS radios, they were off the shelf sets and are essentially the same thing cops use but they had a different fill and a higher grade encryption

Oct 10th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Would the SAT-phones from FT Irwin all be on the same feq.?

They work like a regular phone... think of a cell phone but, but instead of using a cell tower a half mile away it just beams the signal up to a satelite

Oct 10th, 2012, 03:44 PM
now for the real question: are they boulderites, or boulderinians?

Neither.. they are just dead. Sign seen flying in the wind above the remains of Boulder City hall "We're Not Alive"

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:10 PM
Is there any mention of when Hope can remove her bandages? I'm trying to conceive of what will be the first thing she sees. Before listening to 34-2, I actually thought (because I'm twisted) that she'd open her eyes, see the beautiful Rocky Mountains before her, then suddenly go blind again as the flash from the nuke went off.

Wow, that's kind of fucked up.

Oct 10th, 2012, 09:47 PM
Is there any mention of when Hope can remove her bandages? I'm trying to conceive of what will be the first thing she sees. Before listening to 34-2, I actually thought (because I'm twisted) that she'd open her eyes, see the beautiful Rocky Mountains before her, then suddenly go blind again as the flash from the nuke went off.Wow, that's kind of fucked up.
I also think that's fucked up. And totally want to see that happen. It will be my second favorite scene after the one where Burt and Scratch fall into a volcano together as they fight to the death.

Oct 10th, 2012, 10:10 PM
If the sat-phone in the hands of Glenn has a couple of saved contacts, it pretty likely will be some for Fort Irwin.

Oct 11th, 2012, 01:53 AM
I don't think they will have survived the blast. The more this story goes on the more human these zombies are starting to appear to me. By that I mean they bleed out, they freeze, they die from a strike to the throat (albeit a possible spinal nerve disruption). Bottom line is that unlike most StorieZ where the only thing to kill a Zombie is separating the head, there are other options in our story.

I am not one to put a stop to theorizing, but can we take a moment to talk about the idea of Glowing Zombies...Remember what Tanya said about them during the autopsy: They're not that dissimilar to us. They have some extra "padding" as it were against physical trauma. You do have to remember that what kills humans, kills them too.

If there are zombies outside the red circle, they are just as likely to suffer from radiation poisoning as regular people are. If they are in the blast zone, they are not coming out glowing like Blight from Batman Beyond.

I agree with you both. I was just prattling about how awful it would be if they could survive a nuclear blast...

The more I listen, the more despair I feel for what remains of the cast. Everything seems to be snowballing at lightning speed...the only hope that remains is that Saul, Victor, CJ and the original Colonites are successful in overthrowing the Mallers down South, paving the way for a new "safe" zone via the satphone & Ft. Irwin hookup...in my opinion anyways :cool:

Oct 11th, 2012, 10:21 AM
Maybe Pinstripes has nukes. It only Takes One to start a nuclear conflict. No, not really. :p

Wow, this series just keeps being awesome.

Oct 11th, 2012, 10:42 AM
I sounds like there were never very many satphones in service between Boulder and Fort Irwin. Most of the comms between the two seem to have been local phones that were routed through a "gateway" on either end to relay it via satellite. The Boulder gateway is gone now, and as far as we know there are, at most, only two satphones remaining with the Boulder survivors, one of which came from Fort Irwin with the air assault teams.

So whose phone number is on the satphone that Saul and Victor have? Is it one of the ones that Kimmet and Michael have, or one of the ones that went to Boulder?

I don't think there's any possibility of Fort Irwin hearing Saul/Victor/CJ's police radio communications. Police radios have comparatively short range, and require networks of repeaters to communicate over long distances. The Dunbar crew had to set up their own network of repeaters to be able to communicate the way they're doing it, probably powering them with solar power sources. I doubt that a chain of suitable repeaters ever existed between LA and Fort Irwin, and if it did the repeaters would have gone down when the power did.

I know the Military Police at Fort Irwin used commercial police radios when I was there, but I don't know if that is still the case.

Since the sat phone Saul/Victor got was from a team sent from Ft. Irwin, I would hope their 'redial' would link them back up to a phone in Ft. Irwin....But this does give us a spot that Kc could throw in a plot twist, and have us once again grasping at straws to make contact again...

Oct 11th, 2012, 10:46 AM
I had been thinking that once the story of Ft. Irwin and Boulder "caught up" to the events occurring at the Colony, that Michael would suddenly get a crackled phone call from Saul. In one deft swoop we'd learn that Saul, CJ, and the rest were successful in surviving the civil war at the Colony, AND had also managed to get back to Glenn and Pete to restore life to the broken SAT phone.

But...I think it actually might be a while before such an event goes down.

Oct 11th, 2012, 03:40 PM
Can I ask this to those who believe robins and pegs are an item: how to you reconcile this thought with robbins saying he'd never heard of someone from la?

Oct 11th, 2012, 05:17 PM
Can I ask this to those who believe robins and pegs are an item: how to you reconcile this thought with robbins saying he'd never heard of someone from la?

Because Pegs would have told him about Michael, so he would know to watch what he says around Michael.

Oct 11th, 2012, 05:21 PM
So I'm guess that Michael or Puck is going to suggest scan and broadcasting on all bands for survivors. That probably where both stories are going to connect. Since they know that at least one Sat-phone was still out there at Boulder and everyone in the cars have radios. Also KC can drop a line of Michael said "What you guys are still alive?!" Saul said "We're Alive!" Unless, they are captured and Scratch answered. "Well, well, never thought of heard your voice again. Yea, we're still alive, for now. Where is she?"

Dammit, apparently you are to awesome because I can't rep you anymore until I find more awesome people!
I can totally hear Jenna saying that line in my head and it's CREEPY!

Oct 11th, 2012, 11:11 PM
So, there was only ONE C-130 aircraft?
What did Kimmet mean in "Beyond Our walls" when he said that Fort Irwin and Boulder where the only safe zones in North America and as far as he's concerned it's enough?
Why do I spin conspiracies late at night when I should be asleep?


Oct 12th, 2012, 05:19 AM
I have come to the conclusion that Datu will make it to FT Irwin. How? Weeeellll when I was listening to the episode fr the twentieth time I noticed at the rest stop station, hopes voice gets that far away sound. Which means we are probably listening to it through his point of view. And since he probably left his journal back in bolder and its all explodie now he has to at least make it to Irwin to tell someone about it. Hope will most likely make it too, and now that she's apologized for the attitude I'm able to somewhat forgive her and she is off my who KC needs to kill next list.

Oct 12th, 2012, 05:36 AM
So, there was only ONE C-130 aircraft?
What did Kimmet mean in "Beyond Our walls" when he said that Fort Irwin and Boulder where the only safe zones in North America and as far as he's concerned it's enough?
Why do I spin conspiracies late at night when I should be asleep?


You are a mole ... Am always impressed about the details you get back to the surface ...
And yet: Although he speaks of the only two safespots, he also excludes the probability that in other parts of the US new safe zones have been established as well. Comparison: The Colony. The Colony actually IS a safe place, but Kimmet does not know about it. What, if in other cities people, even army/ national guards/ police forces were able to achieve similar safespots?

And the conspiracy-things or questions-about-survival-things are a pain over here as well ... :/

All the best!

Oct 12th, 2012, 05:51 AM
I'd like to know what is going on in "The Box". Specifically if they have had any experiences with Zombies or if they are just in the safest zone to our known world.

Oct 12th, 2012, 07:16 AM
Dammit, apparently you are to awesome because I can't rep you anymore until I find more awesome people!
I can totally hear Jenna saying that line in my head and it's CREEPY!

Nikvoodoo, How can you prevent this from happening? Help this man stat. My ego isn't getting any bigger. :rolleyes:

Oct 12th, 2012, 07:47 PM
If the sat-phone in the hands of Glenn has a couple of saved contacts, it pretty likely will be some for Fort Irwin.

Hopefully they don't dial "FI NUKE"

Oct 12th, 2012, 07:53 PM
I have come to the conclusion that Datu will make it to FT Irwin. How? Weeeellll when I was listening to the episode fr the twentieth time I noticed at the rest stop station, hopes voice gets that far away sound. Which means we are probably listening to it through his point of view. And since he probably left his journal back in bolder and its all explodie now he has to at least make it to Irwin to tell someone about it. Hope will most likely make it too, and now that she's apologized for the attitude I'm able to somewhat forgive her and she is off my who KC needs to kill next list.

What was it that Chekhov said about a gun on the wall? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov%27s_gun)

If you say the only one who can fix the last Chopper at Fort Irwin is Datu in Chapter 34-2 than later in the story Datu will be fixing the Chopper

Oct 12th, 2012, 09:00 PM
Hopefully they don't dial "FI NUKE"

Unless someone glued the right code to the phone ... Funny thought - while Glenn puts the phoen back together, he finds a small piece of paper stuck between batterie and the inner casing; on it is a six-digit number ... Then he starts the sat and calls "FIN" ... An answering machine asks him to enter the pin without telling him what for ...
Meanwhile in the cantine: Puck complains about having frog-legs for food again. Riley starts rambling and complaining how bad the world is. And then they both get into a bitching, heating up ...
Meanwhile: Kimmet learns about Michaels "betrayals" evolving around Tanya. He wants to shoot her in the face. But Michael starts some serious arguing with Kimmet and looses his temper - finally! - in order to talk some sense into that OIC-maniac ...
And right at the moment when in each situation someone would explode, the cleansing light sweaps through Fort Irwin. And Glenn? He wonders why the line is broken. "Damn! I thought I'd fixed it ... Ok, let's get started again ..."

Oct 12th, 2012, 11:35 PM
Unless someone glued the right code to the phone ... Funny thought - while Glenn puts the phoen back together, he finds a small piece of paper stuck between batterie and the inner casing; on it is a six-digit number ... Then he starts the sat and calls "FIN" ... An answering machine asks him to enter the pin without telling him what for ...
Meanwhile in the cantine: Puck complains about having frog-legs for food again. Riley starts rambling and complaining how bad the world is. And then they both get into a bitching, heating up ...
Meanwhile: Kimmet learns about Michaels "betrayals" evolving around Tanya. He wants to shoot her in the face. But Michael starts some serious arguing with Kimmet and looses his temper - finally! - in order to talk some sense into that OIC-maniac ...
And right at the moment when in each situation someone would explode, the cleansing light sweaps through Fort Irwin. And Glenn? He wonders why the line is broken. "Damn! I thought I'd fixed it ... Ok, let's get started again ..."

Ha ha! Very clever alternative story line.

Meanwhile: Kimmet learns about Michaels "betrayals" evolving around Tanya. He wants to shoot her in the face. But Michael starts some serious arguing with Kimmet and looses his temper - finally!

Thought you were gonna have Michael pull a spare knife from his boot.

Unless someone glued the right code to the phone ... Funny thought - while Glenn puts the phoen back together, he finds a small piece of paper stuck between batterie and the inner casing; on it is a six-digit number ... Then he starts the sat and calls "FIN" ... An answering machine asks him to enter the pin without telling him what for ...

Funny thought, if Glenns makes it this far in the call then it would be the first time he doesn't get cut off.

Oct 13th, 2012, 12:10 AM
Meanwhile: Kimmet learns about Michaels "betrayals" evolving around Tanya. He wants to shoot her in the face. But Michael starts some serious arguing with Kimmet and looses his temper - finally! - in order to talk some sense into that OIC-maniac ...

Thought you were gonna have Michael pull a spare knife from his boot.

Kind of cool. That would make the scene much more similar with the one Durai and Scratch had ... Yeah, but I think, Michael is not the knife-in-da-boot-dude. ;) I may be wrong, 'cause who really knows about the dark side of this pal ... Only one: Randy!

Best wishes!

Oct 13th, 2012, 10:43 PM
Yeah, but I think, Michael is not the knife-in-da-boot-dude. I may be wrong, 'cause who really knows about the dark side of this pal ... Only one: Randy!
Bwahahaha! +1, Liam. I love the idea that Michael fights dirty and is willing to sacrifice people he doesn't know. Delicious.

I defiantly smell a love triangle between Michael, Pegs and Robbins. Between the whole adult friend finder thing and both Michael and Robbins being worried about people in Boulder. It just sounds like a Kc kinda twist. Anybody else?
I don't want to sound like I'm kissing ass but I think that KC favors more character driven conflicts. It seems unlikely to me that he'll have Pegs come back and run past Michael into Robbins' arms. (However, I will +1 you if this happens. And I will enjoy the punch to the gut, which that scene will inevitably bring.) I think that would be a bit...artificial? But I could definitely see a triangle developing. Pegs is likely still hurt about Michael's desire to keep their relationship secret. And we know that Michael's hurt that she left. And Robbins is ostensibly single and ready to mingle with a cheerful, pretty girl. Also, he might value Pegs and treat her right.

That having been said, I think KC will use the difference in their values/philosophies to keep them apart, if he wants to keep them apart. The first time they broke up, it was due to the differences in their respective world views. Provided that Pegs hasn't turned into a soldier while in Boulder, those differences could keep them apart as it doesn't seem that Michael's views have altered. While I would have hoped that the man who called himself an idiot for letting Pegs go would have reflected a little more, it doesn't seem that he has. But this isn't the place for me to rue Michael's lack of psychological mindedness. My point, if I may return to it, is that I don't think that Pegs and Robbins are getting it on. Yet.

...Wait, what did I just write? I think I might have talked myself out of shipping Michael and Pegs. I think I need a lie down. And a tea. And a new episode. And maybe a tissue.

Oct 14th, 2012, 03:41 AM
Just image Kimmet breaking the Fourth wall. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_wall)

Or is he?? I picture Kimmet like Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men

Michael: Colonel Kimmet! Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!!
Carl: You don't have to answer that question sir!
Kimmet: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Michael: I think I'm entitled to them because my next dialogue lines wouldn't make any sense without demanding it.
Kimmet: You want answers?!
Michael: I want the truth! Or at least an over-dramatic monologe.
Kimmet: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, Sat Phones and episode conflicts, and those conflicts have to be triggered by deeply flawed dick characters like me. Who's gonna act like dick 'cause he controls a nuclear warhead? You? You, Sgt. Cross? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Boulder, and you curse my slightly disarranged behaviour. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Boulder’s demise , while tragic, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, serves as another gigantic build-up for the series final. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you know that while being the main protagnonist of the show, you are smitten with a serious attention deficit hyperactivity disorder because KC Wayland just created you this way.

We use words like "honor," "code," "loyalty”, “PX Credit" and "Join us next week!" We use these words as the backbone of a life spent waiting for the next podcast to come out. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very dramatic counterpoint that I provide and then questions the manner in which I as his short-time antagonist give him the possibility to evince his heroic personality.

I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way… writing in your Diary. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to! You already have better dialogue lines than me!
Michael: Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?
Kimmet: I did read out loud the dialog...
Michael: -- Did you order the Nuking of Boulder?!
Kimmet: You're god damn right I did! It was scheduled for episode 34-2!!! Where's the point if you have three open telephone lines and just use two of them? Do the term communication flatrate mean anything to you?!

Oct 15th, 2012, 09:25 AM
Does anyone know what Dantu is Driving? It is obviously and American V8 engine. The exhaust is too deep to have a catalytic converter. At first I thought it was a truck but I didn't hear the humming of mud tires. Dantu said their was plenty of room and he could see the supplies in the back without having to open a trunk. I am going to guess that it was a Chevelle. A 69-73 Chevelle would have plenty of room and a old points ignition system that would survive a EMP. The other comment Dantu made was it might not be good in snow. People always assume trucks are good in the snow but that is not always true.

May 11th, 2015, 09:55 AM
Oh Datu - every time I try to quit you, you pull me back in. "In my defense, I don't drive enough to think of that!"

Datu's tag line should be "I only know how to do two things - cry and kick ass, and I can multitask, so watch out."

So Hope could pull her bandages off at any time, but she hasn't yet? That is a HECK of a lot of self control!

May 11th, 2015, 12:11 PM
I think she was hesitant more out of fear.