View Full Version : From a different angle: a search for the source of Z-ism

Aug 3rd, 2012, 10:06 AM
Hello everyone,

+ + + + Edited on 27th August 2012; thank you Litmaster for your advice + + + +

To cut things short let me put the baseline-theory upfront; the explanation would follow on the Wall of Words ahead, but you wouldn't have to read it all, if you are just interested in the essence of it at all; the theories cover all my postings within this thread. When you risk reading the wall of words, please keep in mind that the first Wall of Word was written before I learned about season 3 ...

Theory 1: Zombie-ism might be connected to the blood-type of the victims. This would explain a couple of things:
a) Slow-Turners and None-Turners having had some exchange with zombified blood or tissue.
b) The rather small amout of Zombies compared to the average number of inhabitants and visitors of L.A.
c) Different kinds of Zeds show up which have very different qualities. There are the huge masses, but there are few special ones.

Theory 2: Evil-gene theory - Zombieism progresses in a body as soon as the number of "evil genes" is high enough - genes that may be the source of violence, lying, deceiving and whatnot. This would explain some things as well:
a) The more evil Zeds were in their life as humans, the more powerful they are as Zeds (Behemoths, smart ones, "Ink").
b) The rather small amount of Zeds after very few days in L.A. with a nearly completely deserted city which normally holds more then 3.6 Million people ...

Theory 2 is covered in a later posting, not in the following wall of words.

All the best!

+ + + + Edit ends + + + +

+ + + + WALL OF WORDS AHEAD + + + +

I have run through many of the topics in this subsection of this forum. And I have learned a lot about different ways Zed-ism is established - from mutations, radiation, intended or misguided experiments, viruses, nanobots or even demonic influences we had many different approaches and suggestions. And many to most of them were backed with "facts" from the WA-series or proven based on more or less common to uncommon standard-Zed-ism-theories. (I was so glad to read something which reminded me of the theories in the movie of "Doom" ... :cool:).

Ok, still I am not so much convinced about any of the theories - not even by the stronger theories. Because not one of the ideas considers the survivors or the people who survived at least until they were eaten or used for some sinister rituals of whatever kind. The leading question here is: Why did ("only so few?") people did not end up as 'Zombies'? What makes them different from the masses who "almost instantly" or at least in a very short time turned from human beings to "something else"?

All of the theories discussed in this forum-section focus on the Zeds and the reason why actually they are Zeds. While the one half of theories is about some global thing happening, the other part is about an experiment on few gone wild. But not one of the theories considers the spreading of the disease and why actually the spreading seem to have some limitations to it. So, in the following paragraphs I will throw in some ideas. This might be kind of confusing at times, because it is actually a stream-of-consciousness-technique-based attempt borderlining brainstorming; but I try hard to follow kind of a red line ... Enjoy!

Please keep in mind that I have just listened to the seasons #1 and #2 so far; therefore I was not able to take important information from season #3 into consideration.
Amendment #1: I kept going with listening and will add some changes on subsequent postings in order to prevent confusion between the original posting and replies.

1. When it all began

I would like to focus on season 1 for a bit, because compared to what we learn about Zeds in season 2 (3 I have not yet listened to) season 1 is the source to rely on.

In the very first episode the audience learns about Michael being called in order to get to work, because some serious shit is happening.
Just a bit later he is caught in a traffic jam - very likely caused by panicking people wishing to flee the place -, and Michael witnesses an attack from a Zed against another civilian in his car, because he made so much noise.
More or less all of a sudden hell breaks loose. Michael, Saul and more find shelter and thus prevent getting devoured or captured by the hordes of Zeds.

It is obvious that the number of Zeds is not so big at the beginning, but big enough that their initial "attack" (for now I treat it as an attack) occurs suddenly and strong enough that even military forces are called in to deal with it. In the very beginning of episode 1 there is no general alarm or generally tense situation about riots or mysterious cases of people freaking out. Literally suddenly news start to spread about attacks in many places, and almost instantly Michael and others are called to arms. As the audience learns later news from different parts seem to follow or cover a similar pattern, until all of a sudden all broadcasting stations stop broadcasting.
In other words: There needs to be kind of an initial swarm of attackers, which is btw supported by the reports of different survivors. Michael marks all this on a map of L.A. and pinpoints the starting point around "ground zero". And this is probably what has happened in other cities as well.

Within the first episode of the show the audiences learns more about the spreading: Most inhabitants of L.A. are nearly extinguished within hours, while the amount of Zeds skyrockets like crazy. Why is that so?
When Tommy gets infected it is only a matter of minutes, maybe very, very few hours before he changes. Therefore the "infection" spreads quickly and affects the victim very powerful. I have no idea about how fast rabies deploys its malicious abilities, but I think the Zed-thing in WA is much more potent then that. Considering the situation of Tommy's and applying it 1:1 to many to most citizens of LA (and any other affected city, town, region, place, location) it might be valid to conclude that with a fairly small amount of infected only harming their victims instead of eating and killing them creates a powerful fighting force in a very short period time. Even if police-forces and military-forces react quickly, thoroughly and with all their skills and equipment, they are very likely overrun in minutes - especially in urban areas where all of a sudden hundreds of Zeds swarm in from different directions.

And yet: There are people that don't get infected - although they literally bath in blood and gore of the beasts. Just remember all of the major combat situations in the WA series where Zeds get torn apart, shot in the head or wounded etc., while they are right next to any survivor which - from a logical point of view - get bathed in or at least sprinkled with blood and gore of the infected beasts - and therefore get at least in touch with infected organic material. I know - very early on the show people assume that blood needs to be exchanged; therefore getting covered with the gore and blood might not be dangerous at all. But:
Tanya gets wounded (scratches on her back) while carried away at the end of season 2, and yet she has not become a Zed; Michael with his broken arm has some tight situations as well, which applies for Pegs with her wounded foot in "airwaves"; and what with Saul who was shot by Burt when Burt shot at the Zed-Tommy? I hardly believe that all of the survivors never have any abrasion or small wounds considering their overall situation. Therefore I assume that getting in touch with infected blood with at least small bruises or wounds is not so much of an issue, or there is something special to them that makes them kind of "immune" or "stronger against infections". (arguable though) But what I guess here makes more sense, if you just go on reading ...

Although the audience has no idea how many victims were captured and brought into the arena, and although there is not one source available telling the audience anything about how many people have died in combat or simply by being devoured, it may be a safe assumption that the number of those victims may be quite high - actually. In favor of this idea speak a few combat-facts: If most of the inhabitants of LA were Zeds, they wouldn't have any trouble overwhelming any survivor location, no matter how well the fortifications might be (just consider the huge power of the big ones which would have little trouble taking down fortifications or "weaker" walls); or if there were so many of the Zeds, the Mallers wouldn't have had any chance of getting near the arena with their trucks in order to burn the place. Since the numbers of Zeds cannot be so high, the Zeds rather perform strategies in order to capture people (like for example the artificial dead-end situation by blocking streets and attacking cars from all directions) instead of simply overwhelming them in huge numbers.

Again the question: What makes the survivors or the ones being captured or killed "special" or different from the ones having turned into Zeds so quickly? Or put in other words: What does a human body provide as a "quality" in order to be turned into a Zed?

Theory: It could be a very simple thing - blood-type. What, if all the survivors actually share the same blood-type, or at least a half-way match? Like A rhesus+, A rhesus-, AB rhesus+ and AB rhesus-, or the same with B and AB, or what about 0? This would explain two things:

a) It would be an explanation for people not becoming Zeds so easily - comparable with the situation along the black death epidemics in medieval times;
b) it would also explain, why some people turn to Zeds more slowly, like Tanya figured in her experiments, because the viral or toxic agent does not apply so easily to the victim's body.

Now, why are these ideas important? They may be important with regards to theories what may be more or less likely as a source of Zeds.
Radiation? Probably no; radiation is way to unstable with regards to the results and does affect any type of blood equally; also it would be kind of unreliable in terms of kicking off the Zed-campaign almost simultaneously in different cities and locations.
Nanobots? Probably same as with radiation.
Virus, bacteria? Maybe. And then: Who created it? And what is the purpose? Also: Why did some people change so drastically?
Simply a "mutagen"? Something that when getting into the blood-system starts to react with parts of the biochemical processes in the body of the victim; could be, actually. Same questions as with viruses, bacteria or whatever.
Chemicals, drugs, toxic stuff? Maybe; it is highly debated actually that certain "stuff" reacts with people different depending on their blood-type. Same with allergies or with medicine that works on patient no1 and not on patient no2.

2. Riddle #1

But there is a first riddle: the audience learns about a certain region in L.A. - somewhere around ground zero. If you get into it, people start feeling bad, nausea starts affecting them, and they need to get out of the region. Why is that so? Even months ofter the "outbreak"? And why didn't the survivors turn into Zeds themselves, because they drove through this area, if this strange nausea affect has something to do with Zeds?

If it were kind of a gas, it would not be fix on a certain location and/ or it would spread - due to weather, especially wind conditions. More valid might be a strong electromagnetic field or electric smog of some kind which is produced by a strong machine or device at ground zero, which is built to last (probably with a nuclear energy source, like nuclear batteries on satellites).
What would this do? Either it is there to keep none-Zeds away from the machine and therefore to prevent them from finding out more; and/or (!) it is kind of a physical device activating intoxicated victims who already carry the agent or the chemicals/ drugs/ toxics in them turning them from human biengs to Zeds. The latter case would also explain very well the at first low number of Zeds as well as the source when and where it all started. Also this would support especially the intoxication with some chemicals, drugs, or maybe mutagen, if these molecules are created in ways that certain kind of electro-magnetic frequencies might "activate" things ...

3. Riddle #2

And the second riddle is the one about the huge variety of Zeds. There are not only the standard-issue Zeds, but also big ones, small ones, jumpers, runners, clolored-ones.
Well. Good question:
a) If it is basically all about toxins, chemicals, agents of whatever kind, it may be valid to assume that different versions of these agents are out in the field.
b) Considering the fact that blood-types are about a lot more different attributes it may be safe to assume that the same toxic or drug reacts differently in the same general blood-type (let's say: "0"), if the other attributes of this blood-type vary a lot, therefore making the standard blood-type dude a standard Zed, while one guy with extraordinary a lot of dominant attributes in this blood might turn into something else like the big one or the colored Zeds ...

Anyway ... These things have crossed my mind. And considering the appearance of the "pinstriped suit" at the end of season 2 overwatching an ambush by the Zeds without being attacked, also considering the "attacks" in other cities at the same time as well as at least the shutting off of receiving broadcasts within LA it seems to be pretty obvious that something is going on which resembles the Resident Evil movies to some degree - like with the Umbrella Corporation doin' something; but it may be something deployed by military or public services as well, which I hold as less likely at the moment. To me all of this looks like a full-fledged attack against the territory of either the US or some/many/most/all nations world wide ...

What do you think?

All the best!

Aug 3rd, 2012, 11:07 AM
What do you think?

All the best!

I do believe, my good sir, that you need to catch up to Season 3. :)

Aug 3rd, 2012, 02:42 PM

Aug 4th, 2012, 12:47 AM
Hello everyone,

OK. I have updated my WA knowledge up to episode #28. And I learned a lot about "Ground Zero", and the "pinstriped suit". This means, that any direct assumption or conclusion I stated in my original post is kind of ...well, you know ... pointless or something ... ;)
Especially anything regarding "riddle #1" about "ground zero" is without any more consequences. Since Saul and Victor were in that place with breathing-devices it is obvious that there is kind of an emission of some sort - gases or something streaming out of crevices at "ground zero". Obviously my assumption about wind-conditions was very poor; because I did not consider the scenario that there might be kind of an opening producing gases constantly, which may become weaker the farther away the gases flow and thus get mixed with the air. Therefore a "fixed" location with the strange effects makes sense.

My wild-card-based guesses around the "pinstriped suit" are to reconsidered as well; because it does not seem to be the average Umbrella-corp-Manager who keeps an eye on a project, but more of a "leader-Zed" of some kind ...

And yet these two things do not interfere with the general question about why there seems to be kind of a difference between survivors or the Zeds. Both things only clarify the situation as such as well as the origins of the Zed-attack.

@Osiris: Cliffs? What did I miss with "Cliffs"?

Looking forward to learning more in episodes #29 to#31 ... Maybe I will need to amend more ...

All the best!

Aug 5th, 2012, 02:10 AM
Hi there,

now that I have caught up (listened to episode 31 last night) I feel very good about what I wrote in the original posting. Besides the amendments I posted yesterday I have learned about a new clue supporting the idea with the blood-type theory: Tanya, although bitten weeks ago (she speaks of more then a month ago), has not turned around. OK, I need to be fair: she explains that she was bitten by someone who was - according to what she said - not properly transformed, but in the mere process of mutating/ changing. The question here would be: What difference does this make, actually? Also this was someone who reacted slowly to the "infection" or biochemical process.
Now, that Tanya and Saul, being related to each other (mother and son), seem to be less likely affected by the poison/ virus/ bacteria/ whatever stuff, is probably no coincidence, because they at least partially share the same blood-type ...

But a new question was raised as well: The "little ones" seem to mutate as time goes by - either by growing like children grow to grown-ups, or by an ongoing bio-/chemical process as the result of the infection/ toxic reaction ... Would this support the blood-type theory? Maybe, maybe not ... We will see ...

As an aside: The more I think about it, the more I see parallels to the theories behind the "Doom"-movie ...

All the best!

Aug 6th, 2012, 05:24 PM
I had never thought about blood type before, but now you mention it, to does seem to somewhat make sense, especially in regards with the Saul/Tanya "immunity" and slow turners.

Aug 26th, 2012, 12:52 PM
Hi there,

I had never thought about blood type before, but now you mention it, to does seem to somewhat make sense, especially in regards with the Saul/Tanya "immunity" and slow turners.

Yeah, it remains a theory. But somewhat I feel inclined to add a couple of additional "facts" supporting this idea:

First of: Let's crunch numbers. L.A. was a town with about 3.6 to 3.7 million inhabitants in 2009. Considering this number and looking at how many Zeds showed up and still show up, the Zeds are rather 'few' ... Just consider these observations:
- any time a huge number of Zeds is described, the describing characters speak of hundreds, maybe more then a thousand. This applies at thw "war"-event at The Tower, in the Arena and at the Hospital. Any other time Zeds show up solitary or in groups of upt to 15 or 20 Zeds.
- L.A. was almost void of L.A.'s inhabitants in less then two days; every now and then characters describe that bodies - if any - are scattered in the streets or still sitting in the cars; at the arena the audience learns of piles of human- and animal-bodies being most likely kind of a feeding-ressource of the few Zeds.
- the Tommy- and Fernando-incident tell us that turning takes place rather quickly; considering many or most inhabitants being wounded at first instead of being killed right away the number of Zeds should be much bigger.

Although the third observation may be weak, the other two point in the direction that Zed-ism is especially likely to take place on bloodtype-O victims ... Just compare the number of O-type people live in any region in the world compared with the other blood-types. Their numbers are low, very low. Considering a couple of thousand of Zeds in L.A. early after the outbreak in LA having more then 3.6 million inhabitants (not considering the people working there and coming from the outside) this might be a "well rounded" match ... ;)

But anyway ... although I like to stick with the idea, I don't think it is what WA is based on. The cracks and breaches in the ground of Ground Zero/ Inglewood point into a completely different direction. I wrote it in one of my very first postings somewhere else already: Somehow this whole event has some parallels with what is being described in the movie of "Doom" ... You know, kind of genetically based mutation affecting people. Inglewood spreads some kind of shit (Nazis from the underwolrd?) changing people. Since it seems that Zeds are not dead, but living beings in WA (breathing, biochemical reactions (chloroform, pheromons), some animalistic intelligence up to basic intelligence within the smart ones and pinstripes (traps, games in the arena, imprisonment of victims ...)), it is obvious that the gas in Inglewood changes humans into inhuman beings within the shell of human bodies. But more happens: As within the movie (or the 'puter game) different kinds of Zeds show up (Behemoths, Runners, Jumpers, the "small ones").
And with regards to pinstripes the theory would be like this: The gas affects 'evil genes'. Pinstripes was a maniac in his human life; he was especially evil. And when he went through Inglewood or was next to right at the time when the outbreak took place, the secret gases changed him into an Zed-Overlord, because he was especially rich with evil genes ...
The Behemoths, Runners, and Jumpers could have been sportsters that were esepcially ruthless in their careers, maybe using illegal drugs to get even more powerfull; and the Zed-gas did its job on it.
All the Regulars, Biters, Normals, whatever you call them are just the average guys cheating their tax-reports, cheating on their wives or husbands, lying in court or any other situation just to get the small advantages or whatever ... You know, the disliked moron in the neighborhood, 'cause he acted selfish rather then selfless ...
And the small-ones? No idea ... Probably experiments deployed by the smart ones considering the numbers on the arms ...
The smart ones - you know, that's the average "intelligent" guy who just cheated his way up to the diploma hanging on his walls; he would be this wird librarian being all mad about you because you brought back the book a day too late ... This kind of dudes anyway ...

But, hack, ... Then again: Why so few Zeds considering the huge town of L.A. I would not mind so much if this would be the result after half a year or something when the Zeds have started to eat themselves following the rules of Darwin with the fittest/ strongest surviving. But this number-issue allready appears on day two in the whole story ...

Since it's late at my place and since I have mighty headache tl;rd ...
All the best!

Aug 26th, 2012, 04:05 PM
@Osiris: Cliffs? What did I miss with "Cliffs"?


This may be an Americanism, but "Cliffs" is a reference to Cliffsnotes (http://www.cliffsnotes.com/), the handy study guides that kids have been using to cheat on their English tests for the past few decades.

What he means is you wrote a shitload that he's not willing to read through so he's asking for a summary.


Aug 26th, 2012, 10:57 PM


This may be an Americanism, but "Cliffs" is a reference to Cliffsnotes (http://www.cliffsnotes.com/), the handy study guides that kids have been using to cheat on their English tests for the past few decades.

What he means is you wrote a shitload that he's not willing to read through so he's asking for a summary.


thank you very much for the explanation. Now I understand it. Well ... Would it help, if I still deliver a summary?

Best wishes!

Aug 27th, 2012, 05:19 AM
Well ... Would it help, if I still deliver a summary?

If you want... or you could just go back and put in HEADINGS or bold print the words that pertain to your main points.... that kind of thing makes long posts less scary and easier to scan.

Aug 27th, 2012, 07:13 AM
Hi there,

If you want... or you could just go back and put in HEADINGS or bold print the words that pertain to your main points.... that kind of thing makes long posts less scary and easier to scan.

thank you for your advice.
I edited the first posting by adding a first section right on top of it. That clarifies the theories highlightening some of the major arguments and thus gives the readers the opportunity to choose whether to go on reading or leaving it aside ...

All the best!

Aug 27th, 2012, 11:41 AM
My theory on low number of Zombies is that the Generation 1 zombies are from exposure to ground zero. The gen1 zombies are mindless killing machines that killed most humans they met. A very small number of humans exposed to zombies survived long enough to be changed. I call these generation 2 zombies. At first zombies ran wild but when Ink gained control he encouraged the zombies to eat the dead and focus on making more Gen 2 zombies.

To summarize the zombies were focused on killing until live humans became scarse forcing the zombies to get organized,

BUT Why were gen1 zombies scarred?

I aLso have type O~ blood so your theory makes me nervous :)

Aug 27th, 2012, 12:43 PM
I aLso have type O~ blood so your theory makes me nervous :)

Quoting a famous badass-bitch of an infamous Zombie-podcast:

"You better start running ..." :omgomg: