View Full Version : Favorite Book

Jan 23rd, 2011, 04:36 PM
OK guys, I love to read good books.

There is a book that stands out above all the rest, and it was my first novel ever read.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

He's by far on of my favorite authors, they way he creates his characters are just wonderful.

What's your favorite book?

Wicked Sid
Jan 23rd, 2011, 05:15 PM
I read a lot of R. A. Salvatore's stuff, mostly The Forgotten Realms. I'm a big fantasy fanatic, I just picked it up for a book report in Grade 10 and I was unbelievably hooked. I credit him with getting me to read more.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 05:22 PM
Everyone should read the Morningstar Strain novels by Z.A. Recht. My fave-ity fave fave <3

Jan 23rd, 2011, 05:27 PM
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.


Jan 23rd, 2011, 05:30 PM
Everyone should read the Morningstar Strain novels by Z.A. Recht. My fave-ity fave fave <3

What kind of book is it? Genre-wise

Jan 23rd, 2011, 05:31 PM
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.


Sounds awesome dude I'll have to check it out.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 05:33 PM
I just recently got done with the 3rd Mass Effect Novel, 7th True Blood book, and Hidden Empire, which is the newest book from OSC, and it's the sequel of Empire, which the XBLA game Shadow Complex is based off of.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 07:15 PM
Remainder by Tom McCarthy, but its not for everyone

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:19 AM
Definitely going to try to read all of these books. Currently I'm reading all of Michael Crichton's books. He's my favorite author so far. He got me into reading books ever since I had to read Sphere for my Science Fiction class. I also read Ender's Game in that class and I have to agree with Steplaugh that it is a good book. My only problem now is that most of my reading is of textbooks.

I The K Train I
Jan 24th, 2011, 05:28 AM
Without a doubt my favourite book has to be Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.


Just love everything about the book. The Characters are dark and shady. It also serves as the basis for one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever (BladeRunner).

Jan 24th, 2011, 07:18 AM
Without a doubt my favourite book has to be Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.


Just love everything about the book. The Characters are dark and shady. It also serves as the basis for one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever (BladeRunner).

just the name itself is awesome. haha

Also I know this might come out of left field but Jurassic Park is one hell of a book.

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:47 PM
I'd have to say my favorite series is the Dresden Files, it gets pretty amazing

Jan 24th, 2011, 01:06 PM
I'd have to say my favorite series is the Dresden Files, it gets pretty amazing

I think I remember seeing that tv show on SyFy back in the day.

Jan 25th, 2011, 08:06 PM
Matthew Reilly is an awesome author. Fast paced and strong stories. I would recommend Ice Station.

Jan 25th, 2011, 10:28 PM
I mainly read zombie fiction books, my favourite being J. L. Bourne- Day by Day Armageddon and the sequel. It was recommended to me on the We're Alive forum as well so I do recommended trying the books mentioned on here out.

I just recently got done with the 3rd Mass Effect Novel, 7th True Blood book, and Hidden Empire, which is the newest book from OSC, and it's the sequel of Empire, which the XBLA game Shadow Complex is based off of.

I'd be interested to know what the Mass Effect novels are like. I'm a big fan of that game series but I haven't read any of the books.

Jan 26th, 2011, 04:32 AM

I'd be interested to know what the Mass Effect novels are like. I'm a big fan of that game series but I haven't read any of the books.

If you love the games you'll love the books.

I'm guessing you've played both games, so there's no spoilers here.

The 1st book is all about Saren and Captain Anderson, You remember at the beginning of the first game right before you get on normany as a specter you talk to him about his past. Well this book is all about it.

The 2nd book takes place after ME1, the reference Shepard once, but that's it. and it's all about the girl in the first book, and kids being trained with biotics . And they reference the end of this book when you visit the migrant fleet in the game. which is cool. ALso you start to hear about the collectors.

The 3rd book is all about the illusive man, and you learn alot about him, not done with it yet, cause Im taking my time.

They are writen VERY well, I believe he actually wrote the story for the games too.

Worth reading, you'll love them.

I The K Train I
Jan 26th, 2011, 04:43 AM
I want to give a shout out to the first Gears of War books by Karen Traviss. The first one Aspho Fields is great. It shows how Marcus and Dom become friends and goes into the background of their early lives and how they end up being COGS.

The second one (Jacinto's Remnant) takes place after Gears of War 2. I'm not going to go into detail about it. I know it is a game over 2 years old but there are still people I'm sure who didn't play it and might want to.

Both books are worth a read. Got me back into reading big time.

Jan 26th, 2011, 04:47 AM
I've been waiting for a recommendation on them. I love both games. I bet the story is a whole lot better in the book then in the games! haha

I The K Train I
Jan 26th, 2011, 04:50 AM
I've been waiting for a recommendation on them. I love both games. I bet the story is a whole lot better in the book then in the games! haha

If you're a fan, check them out. They are a great read, espicially Aspho fields. It sheds so much light on why the characters are the way the are.

Jan 26th, 2011, 04:52 AM
If you're a fan, check them out. They are a great read, espicially Aspho fields. It sheds so much light on why the characters are the way the are.

haha you mean brain dead and trigger happy. XD

I'm super excited for the 3rd and final one.

I The K Train I
Jan 26th, 2011, 04:54 AM
haha you mean brain dead and trigger happy. XD

I'm super excited for the 3rd and final one.

haha yeah pretty much. To go off topic slightly: I enjoyed the story in the second one. I had no joy in the multiplayer. I still play the first one time to time. Second one they mess it up. I have high hopes they fix these issues in the third one.

The first Gears of War will be in my top 5 games for a long time to come. Also my favourite video game trailer ever.

Jan 26th, 2011, 02:52 PM
This one?


I The K Train I
Jan 26th, 2011, 02:59 PM
This one?


That is a fan made extended one. This is the one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccWrbGEFgI8&feature=fvst (also made by the Tron: Legacy Director)

Jan 26th, 2011, 03:27 PM
I agree, that has to be one of the best trailers ever!

Jan 30th, 2011, 09:54 AM
I don't really have a favorite book..I read too much..
But of this year it's been primarily an apocalyptic theme..
My favorites this year are The Passage, The Road, The Strain trilogy..
I've re-read The Stand and Earth Abides..
and currently working on "Swan Song"

Jan 30th, 2011, 11:54 AM
I don't really have a favorite book..I read too much..
But of this year it's been primarily an apocalyptic theme..
My favorites this year are The Passage, The Road, The Strain trilogy..
I've re-read The Stand and Earth Abides..
and currently working on "Swan Song"

My Girlfriend told me i should read the Road.
how is it?

Jan 30th, 2011, 01:51 PM
I think I remember seeing that tv show on SyFy back in the day.

i saw the tv show too, but it was pretty awful, the book is rly good tho

Feb 1st, 2011, 07:53 AM
My Girlfriend told me i should read the Road.
how is it?
I'm gonna have to recommend the audio book version over both the book and the movie.
The reading is outstanding. The movie couldn't capture the words.
You're going to find it a bit gloomy but seeded with crumbs of hope if you're willing to look..and think.

Feb 1st, 2011, 09:28 PM

If you love the games you'll love the books.

I'm guessing you've played both games, so there's no spoilers here.

The 1st book is all about Saren and Captain Anderson, You remember at the beginning of the first game right before you get on normany as a specter you talk to him about his past. Well this book is all about it.

The 2nd book takes place after ME1, the reference Shepard once, but that's it. and it's all about the girl in the first book, and kids being trained with biotics . And they reference the end of this book when you visit the migrant fleet in the game. which is cool. ALso you start to hear about the collectors.

The 3rd book is all about the illusive man, and you learn alot about him, not done with it yet, cause Im taking my time.

They are writen VERY well, I believe he actually wrote the story for the games too.

Worth reading, you'll love them.

Sweet. I'll have to order them then. Anything with the Illusive Man and I'm in!

Feb 2nd, 2011, 04:24 AM
I'm so coming back to this thread once I get paid, and I'm going to be buying sooo many books! Thanks guys.

Feb 2nd, 2011, 07:04 PM
I've got to reccommend Bound for Glory by Woody Guthrie. It's kind of an autobiographical road novel, and it doesn't get near the credit it deserves. Only book I ever read that could make 1930's (and modern) America look like a total craphole, and also the only place you'd ever want to be from.

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Lord of the Rings

Feb 8th, 2011, 11:28 PM
By virtue of the theater company I work for, I read a lot. We adapt novels into stage plays so in the last three years I've read (and then worked on in some capacity): Orwell's 1984,...

Feb 9th, 2011, 07:34 AM
"Wild Cards" Series edited by George R.R. Martin (adult sci fi)
"Songs of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin (adult fantasy)
Any of the Alex Cross novels by James Patterson
"Garret P.I" series by Glen Cook
"Shadows of the Apt" series by Adrian Tchaikovsky (very new twist on Sci-fi/fantasy genre)
"Ex Heroes" By Peter Clines (zombie book with super heroes thrown in)

Feb 9th, 2011, 10:00 AM
wheel of time series by robert jordan :(

Feb 9th, 2011, 01:24 PM
"Wild Cards" Series edited by George R.R. Martin (adult sci fi)
"Songs of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin (adult fantasy)
Any of the Alex Cross novels by James Patterson
"Garret P.I" series by Glen Cook
"Shadows of the Apt" series by Adrian Tchaikovsky (very new twist on Sci-fi/fantasy genre)
"Ex Heroes" By Peter Clines (zombie book with super heroes thrown in)

Can you talk more about ex=heroes?

Feb 11th, 2011, 11:37 AM
"Lord Loss" By Darren Shan :)

Feb 11th, 2011, 12:46 PM
13 Things that don't make sense by micheal Brooks read by James adams.

I'll be getting Card's Enders game. Crowbar tipped the scales with that one.
Also on the listening list will be Tom Clancy's Dead or Alive

Of course these are all a second best to WA!


Feb 11th, 2011, 03:15 PM
13 Things that don't make sense by micheal Brooks read by James adams.

I'll be getting Card's Enders game. Crowbar tipped the scales with that one.
Also on the listening list will be Tom Clancy's Dead or Alive

Of course these are all a second best to WA!


You'll without a doubt love Ender's game!

Feb 11th, 2011, 03:38 PM
The Terrible Hours by Peter Maas

Feb 13th, 2011, 04:25 PM
You'll without a doubt love Ender's game!

I do love the book. I have calculus getting in the way of finishing it today, but that is letting the Wife and son listen to
Were Alive.
It is the first in a series is it not? I am sure I will have to progress in the series. A Classic.

smart zombie
Feb 16th, 2011, 12:34 PM
Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10
Ender's Game (the whole series really)

Feb 16th, 2011, 01:35 PM
Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10
Ender's Game (the whole series really)

Who's series do you like better, Ender's or Bean's?

smart zombie
Feb 18th, 2011, 06:06 AM
I guess Bean's was better for me because it incorporated the rest of the jeesh characters into it. However I liked the "Jane" character later on in the Ender series. Hard choice really, but I'll go with Bean.

In a couple years I hope to re-read the entire series as it should be read. (Enders game, Bean series, rest of Ender series)

Chelsea C.
Mar 5th, 2011, 06:03 PM
I’m a fantasy girl myself.

R. A. Salvatore’s Forgotten Realms. Gotta love Drizzt Do'Urden!

George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. I’m super excited because the first of these books (A Game of Thrones) is coming out as an HBO series in April! Woohoo!!! :D

Wicked Sid
Mar 6th, 2011, 06:10 PM
I’m a fantasy girl myself.

R. A. Salvatore’s Forgotten Realms. Gotta love Drizzt Do'Urden!

Not trying to make this all awkward or anything but, I love you.

Chelsea C.
Mar 6th, 2011, 07:18 PM
I read a lot of R. A. Salvatore's stuff, mostly The Forgotten Realms. I'm a big fantasy fanatic, I just picked it up for a book report in Grade 10 and I was unbelievably hooked. I credit him with getting me to read more.

Not trying to make this all awkward or anything, but let's get married.

Mar 12th, 2011, 11:05 AM
I really can't choose a favourite but heres some I have read and loved recently
The Lord Of The Rings (3rd read through) (Tolkien, but you know that)
The Stand (Steven King)
The Day by day series (J L Bourne)
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks (Rebbecca Skloot)
And everything John Wyndham ever wrote.

Mar 17th, 2011, 09:11 AM
As the World Dies series by Rhiannon Frater

Mar 17th, 2011, 10:11 AM
The Stand. Stephen King.. (unabridged version only,) (and to many others to count)

Mar 23rd, 2011, 09:32 PM
I keep going back to the dragonlance series, I own about 60 books but the best ones are written by Margret Weiss and Tracy Hickman, but if you have never read any of them you have to read the first two trilogies starting with the Chronicles and then Legends. From there I'd recommend reading the two tales trilogies which are a bunch of shorter stories about parts of the first two trilogies written from a different perspective. From there it's up to you where you want to go. I've gotten as far as Dragons of a New age but the realm has drastically changed and not for the better.

I've also been very particular with Issac Asimov one of my all time favorites is Robot Dreams

I also like Dean Koonz and my favorite of his is Intensity(i could easily see a movie adaptation), followed by from the corner of his eye

I used to read a ton of books but having kids and other interests kinda took over

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:00 PM
just found this thread, so I thought I'd throw my $.02 in as well. some of my favorites have been mentioned already, so I will try to omit those.

The Stand by Stephen King
truly an epic read that takes the reader through several levels of reality before you reach the final layer of truth. not for the casual reader, but absolutely worth the journey.

Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard
yes, that L. Ron Hubbard. possibly the most comprehensive plot development I've read in any genre. I would compare the scope of this book to the lies of The Count of Monte Cristo or Great Expectations without blinking an eye. the story takes you from the smallest seed of an idea and follows it all the way through to where hat seed has become a mighty mature oak. also not for the casual reader; however, truly worth the investment. and really, how can you not read a work of science fiction by the man who brought us Scientology? seriously, the man invented a religion! no offense intended. the only thing this book has in common with the movie "based" on it is the title, and is the entire reason that John Travolta is dead to me.

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
best. series. ever. hands down. this man is a gamer, fantasy and sic-fi geek that writes for gamer fantasy sic-fi geeks. the character development is excellent, and the plots and nuances to the stories tie together so perfectly to paint a picture of a world so like our own, yet so much deeper and inviting. the modern noir aspect to the narrative is spectacular without overshadowing the story. Butcher has taken the Wizard Private Investigator in Modern Day Chicago sub-genre and breathed new life into it! Okay, okay....so that genre may in actuality be wholly comprised by the Dresden Files series alone, but who can resist a talking skull, holy knights, fallen angels, three different kinds of vampires, one kick ass blonde police lieutenant and, dare I say it, an undead tyranosaurus rex? and that's just in the first three or four books! seriously. read it! the Sci-Fi Channel series loosely based on this series, while okay, really dumbed down the essence of what JB put into the world he created...kind of like how Sci-Fi has ruined pretty much every series they've gotten their meat hooks into. KC, you have been warned!

Codex Alera Series by Jim Butcher
Jim Butcher does high fantasy. amazing character development and exceptional storytelling. the world of Alara is unique and elaborate, full of magic and intrigue. the plot this series covers is, again, immense and covers ground from political espionage to epic pitched battles to the life story of a young man as he learns to cope in a world to which he was born an outsider. I personally guarantee you will not be disappointed by this series. in fact, if you read the entire series based on my recommendation and can truthfully claim you hated it, I will buy you a paperback of your own choosing as compensation for your lack of a soul.

Apr 5th, 2011, 11:37 PM
The Stand is great, I just finished the extended version, I reckon that 1200 pages isn't bad for £6 of our british pounds.

Apr 6th, 2011, 12:44 AM
The Church by John McCuarig is a good one from the UK - I also love most stuff by Eric S Brown.

Apr 6th, 2011, 06:16 AM
Wastelands Stories of The Apolcalypse Edited By John Joesph Adams

This is a great read its basically a collection of short stories about what it means to remain Human in the wake of Armageddon

Apr 20th, 2011, 10:42 PM
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (http://www.amazon.com/Jonathan-Strange-Mr-Norrell-Novel/dp/1593977417/ref=tmm_abk_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1303363752&sr=1-1) It's a fantasy set in an alternate history. Magic, oblivious monomaniacal fairies, a meditation on the effects of miserliness in a magician and the Napoleonic Wars fought by an England with a magician on their side. I wish I could reach into each of your collective brains and cause you all to listen to the audio book en masse. The reader is perfect.

Apr 21st, 2011, 01:26 PM
Reading Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank as a kid really set the stage for what I would and wouldn't like in books and movies growing up. It is a must read. I read it again a couple of years ago... Still great. Dated, yes. But still great.

Waldo Butters
Jun 29th, 2011, 01:04 PM
I'd have to say my favorite series is the Dresden Files, it gets pretty amazing

Ra1th, you got me as a fan just for this one post.

Waldo Butters
Jun 29th, 2011, 01:17 PM
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
best. series. ever. hands down. this man is a gamer, fantasy and sic-fi geek that writes for gamer fantasy sic-fi geeks. the character development is excellent, and the plots and nuances to the stories tie together so perfectly to paint a picture of a world so like our own, yet so much deeper and inviting. the modern noir aspect to the narrative is spectacular without overshadowing the story. Butcher has taken the Wizard Private Investigator in Modern Day Chicago sub-genre and breathed new life into it! Okay, okay....so that genre may in actuality be wholly comprised by the Dresden Files series alone, but who can resist a talking skull, holy knights, fallen angels, three different kinds of vampires, one kick ass blonde police lieutenant and, dare I say it, an undead tyranosaurus rex? and that's just in the first three or four books! seriously. read it! the Sci-Fi Channel series loosely based on this series, while okay, really dumbed down the essence of what JB put into the world he created...kind of like how Sci-Fi has ruined pretty much every series they've gotten their meat hooks into. KC, you have been warned!

Codex Alera Series by Jim Butcher
Jim Butcher does high fantasy. amazing character development and exceptional storytelling. the world of Alara is unique and elaborate, full of magic and intrigue. the plot this series covers is, again, immense and covers ground from political espionage to epic pitched battles to the life story of a young man as he learns to cope in a world to which he was born an outsider. I personally guarantee you will not be disappointed by this series. in fact, if you read the entire series based on my recommendation and can truthfully claim you hated it, I will buy you a paperback of your own choosing as compensation for your lack of a soul.

He is my favorite author for just these reasons, and you didn't even mention the dozen or so short stories that flush out the world even more than the main casefiles do.

Jun 29th, 2011, 01:25 PM
The Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. A group of kids that were breed in test tubes, are have bird have human. (They have wings, good eyesight, strong bones) And they are escaping the facility they were made in and discovering it's secrets. Best books I've ever read. It has so much that I can't properly explain it here, so don't really go off what I said here. But I strongly recommend it.

Jul 29th, 2011, 12:00 PM
Ooh favorite book. I only get one? Lolz. The Ender's Game series is amazing, Good Omens is a riot, The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks is incredible, the Chaos Walking Trilogy, Divergent, Xisle... i've got a good sized list.

Jul 29th, 2011, 12:10 PM
This may sound odd, but my favorite book is different than the best book I've read.
Favorite book: Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
Best book: World War Z

I don't read as often as I want to, and I read slow so I haven't read too many books.

Jul 29th, 2011, 12:18 PM
I don't really have a favorite book..I read too much..
But of this year it's been primarily an apocalyptic theme..
My favorites this year are The Passage, The Road, The Strain trilogy..
I've re-read The Stand and Earth Abides..
and currently working on "Swan Song"

swan song = epic. love that book.

my favorite series is the orphan series by Robert Buettner. military scifi, but the guy was in a MI divisionand the military is done REALLY well. it's not very scifi in the first two, or rather it's very grounded in modern tech, but the cool thing is that through the series you get to watch them go from one cobbled together beater of an emergency interplanetary troop transport, to a fleet of top notch intergalactic warships. very cool series, highly recommended for anyone into scifi, military, or both. and of course swan song = epic

Jul 29th, 2011, 12:20 PM
The Stand is great, I just finished the extended version, I reckon that 1200 pages isn't bad for £6 of our british pounds.

being from the uk you might like this one: The Whitchapel Gods. crazy book. also crazy good. very riveting

Waldo Butters
Jul 29th, 2011, 12:22 PM
This may sound odd, but my favorite book is different than the best book I've read.
Favorite book: Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
Best book: World War Z

I don't read as often as I want to, and I read slow so I haven't read too many books.

Ghosts of Onyx was amazing. I really want a sequel to it.

Aug 6th, 2011, 08:17 AM
This may sound odd, but my favorite book is different than the best book I've read.
Favorite book: Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
Best book: World War Z

I don't read as often as I want to, and I read slow so I haven't read too many books.
I agree about the halo books, as a fan of the universe I love them but some of them are terrible eg Halo the flood. A halo game's plot a good book does not make.

I'll make sure to check it out. Another very interesting book is Wild swans. Especially if you like asian culture.

Aug 6th, 2011, 10:46 AM
I agree about the halo books, as a fan of the universe I love them but some of them are terrible eg Halo the flood. A halo game's plot a good book does not make.

I'll make sure to check it out. Another very interesting book is Wild swans. Especially if you like asian culture.

Yeah pretty much all the Eric Nylund ones I like, but the other authors really don't hold candle to his books at all.

Aug 7th, 2011, 11:05 AM
My favorite book is usually the one I am reading, if it is good. Just finished Game of Thrones, by George RR Martin, and started the second one, A Clash of Kings. Both really good, have not seen the TV show yet, so I don't know what to expect if I watch it.

Waldo Butters
Aug 7th, 2011, 11:29 AM
My favorite book is usually the one I am reading, if it is good. Just finished Game of Thrones, by George RR Martin, and started the second one, A Clash of Kings. Both really good, have not seen the TV show yet, so I don't know what to expect if I watch it.

If you've read the book you can understand the show a whole hell of a lot better than just watching the show.

Aug 8th, 2011, 08:05 AM
If you've read the book you can understand the show a whole hell of a lot better than just watching the show.

I watched the first episode, going to my brothers apartment Wednesday to watch more. Before I even started reading the book my sister told me Sean Bean dies, so of course after starting the book I figured who was going to die.... lol

Sep 28th, 2011, 12:54 AM
Wow, somehow missed this thread...
I can't pinpoint it down to one book in particular, but the dark tower series...even though I found the ending to be a letdown, still I hold it in the highest regards possible...quite curious how the movie/tv/movie thing us gonna play out. But just thinking back about the different parts of the series still gets to me..years later...

Sep 28th, 2011, 04:03 AM
In particular- when I am not reading metaphysics books or introspection based books, I would have to say that the Warhammer 40k books are AMAZING. Graham McNeill completely brings the Ultramarine's chapter to life as well as the forces of Chaos when they are the subject.

Another good series of the Warhammer 40k is books based on the Imperial Guard- the Ciaphas Cain series in particular- the dude is a hero in my heart.