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Jun 23rd, 2012, 07:44 PM
NEWS: Random House has finally agreed to begin production on an unabridged version of the World War Z audiobook with all the characters. Casting will begin immediately. Max Brooks will post each new booking as soon as they’re recorded.

Nathan Fillion has lent his talents to the new audio edition of WWZ.

Denise Crosby will play the part of Mary Jo Miller in the new recording of World War Z, releasing Spring 2013.

Jun 23rd, 2012, 11:00 PM
In for Fillion.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 23rd, 2012, 11:30 PM
I'll probably get the unabridged audiobook. I read the book, but passed on the original audiobook when I heard how much of the story was left out. It's a story that could benefit from a more theatrical presentation, and I'm game for anything with Nathan Fillion in it. My main complaint is that they should have contracted with Wayland Productions to produce the thing.

Jun 24th, 2012, 12:13 AM
I'll probably get the unabridged audiobook. I read the book, but passed on the original audiobook when I heard how much of the story was left out. It's a story that could benefit from a more theatrical presentation, and I'm game for anything with Nathan Fillion in it. My main complaint is that they should have contracted with Wayland Productions to produce the thing.

Fillion FTW!

Cabbage Patch
Jun 24th, 2012, 10:18 AM
I couldn't decide whether I'd rather be Malcom Reynolds or Rick Castle when I grow up. So I guess what I really want to be is Nathan Fillion.

Jun 24th, 2012, 11:00 AM
I couldn't decide whether I'd rather be Malcom Reynolds or Rick Castle when I grow up. So I guess what I really want to be is Nathan Fillion.

That'd be a tough call. I'd have to say... Mal. He gets to hang out with Kaylee, and that's... fucking... amazing.

Jun 25th, 2012, 04:23 AM
That'd be a tough call. I'd have to say... Mal. He gets to hang out with Kaylee, and that's... fucking... amazing.

yeah, but he's in love with a stripper... prostitute... whatever. do love the fillion though. i'd proly want to be mal too.