View Full Version : My Poor Attempt *spoilers*

Drogon Malice
May 17th, 2012, 05:25 AM
but to hell with it worth a shot right?

alright basicly heres goes my theory i don't think its a "virus" per say or a parasite of some kind, i'll speculate later in this post about what i think is going on.

BUT what ever was going on simply put didn't just start in LA or around the ring of fire, which is why i think the ring of fire theory is out, there we're reports comming in from new york and detroit is on the east coast (unless i am mistaken) and not the west coast, so in my opinion what happened, happened to the world at basicly the exact same time. for me this rules out the ring of fire idea, working on the principle that it happened everywhere at the same time makes it into a global catastophy.

first things first alot of you might be asking where or how i got this knowledge, simply put its on the tivo recording the characters listen to.

secondly i admit i may very well be wrong about the ring of fire incident, perhaps there is a similar shape or plates or something similar perhaps like the gulf stream on the east coast. but i'll look into that later checking out the gulf stream might very well be an idea.

alright so with the ring of fire on the back burner excuse the pun and possible new candiate of the gulf stream but also on the back burner. lets take a look at the rate of growth and other areas which could of been effected.

as we know its effected china amongst other places which give us the ring of fire theory happening all up the west coast and down into past russian and into china past NZ, a pretty nasty thing if you ask me. however as before the rate of growth.

Micheal after reading some accounts figured out the rate of growth could fo covered the USA in about a week, which means the rest of the world woud of had maybe a week and a half, 2 weeks 3 at best given the scale of land masses and how there connected.

but if you include the fact not only do you have the virus going east from the west coast but also going west from the east coast this narrows the time down to only a handful of days, this is assuming the reports of riots in new york we're infact "outbreaks" i guess they should be called.

which means if it was bacteria of a virus, or toxic spill or something it would of had to of been everywhere one, which to me says we're actually dealing with something very common which has mutated, this than speaks to me that it could be a micro organism of some kind. how ever it could also of been geneticly engineered and released as part of some sort of plan, for example there is a conspiricy theory about an 80% population reduction so maybe its linked to this, in some way.

the fact it was on both sides of the USA aswell as other international places (which were cut off but we have examples of china in there) i think its safe to say its a common form of bacteria found world wide which some how underwent a massive and horrific mutation or it was a premeditated attack.

i have some idea of why it is premeditated, simply put, population reduction its possible but who knows thats speculation at this point.

there are still active military bases across the world i would imagine and these things aren't stupid. i'm sure things like Northern Command, NORAD and the MOD would be inplace aswell as other military instilations for example Cheyenne Mountain.

i say this mainly because there haven't been satlites falling out of the sky, from what i understand satalites need to be adjusted every so often to keep them in orbit and stop them decaying into earth orbit and smashing into the planet, so places like that with that kind of military access and the ability to take over and keep satalites in orbit MIGHT still be functional, which means this whole thing could be some kind of NSA / CIA experiment to test the readiness of the armed forces.

having canisters of some kind of gas released in major city centres with dense populations could be optional and does seem likely, given that the bacteria in the homes of people in LA is diffrent to that of New York and at the exact same time is diffrent to other places such as russia, china, england, Japan, etc.

so what ever this was i think it was planned, might be a population reduction experiment gone horribly wrong.

if it was bacteria or a virus it would of needed time to grow and spread through salt water around the outside of all the countrys of the world and mutate at the exact same time.

i belive it to be water borune aswell, simply put if it was air bourne everyone would be dead, it is possible that some people are immune to it but then we have to dive into blood groups and ethnic backgrounds and bacterial exposure in peoples past, its too much work for me really, it would mean creating a profile for each one and assuming it was correct which it wouldn't be. or perhaps its something in the water which reacts to something in the air, i dunno but i get the feeling this is a whole new thing we are dealing with, both in LA and NY at the same time. was Raidon Labs (did i spell that right?) trying to create something like a zombie?

alternatively it could of been a medical experiment gone wrong, Raidon Labs i assume is a science base lab working on cures for various things or taking on goverment contracts, maybe they were trying to do something on the genetic level which ended up in a mutation which as a side effect cause what we are experiancing.

i know this doesn't really narrow anything down but the fact it was everywhere at once is what gets me, for those who are die hard sci fi fans for me this says this should be a case for torchwood.

even though this was written WAY before this but if you look at Torchwood: Miricale Day: there is a Scene where Jack is Talking to a CIA agent saying "its not the fact that people have stopped dying which makes it a miricale, its the fact it happened to everyone everywhere on the planet at the same time" he then goes on to talk about a morphic field (for those who don't know what a morphic field is i will explain it as it was in Torchwood)

the short version is everything is connected together via a morphic field an example of this is "a group of moneys on an island in the middle of the ocean learn how to use a rock as a tool meanwhile on an island 10,000 miles away anoher groups of monkeys learn how to use a rock as a tool aswell, because they are connected by a morphic field"

which is the very odd thing about this outbreak because it happened everywhere at the same time effectively. as reports from LA were on the news, detroit and NY were also on the news and reports happening internationally. but i think thats enough of the science fiction side of things for the time being

just on a small personal note to anyone reading this, i don't know what it is but i have a feeling its some kind of micro organism which is millions of years old and was some how re-released into the world.

to be honest i'm even picking appart my own theories on this aswell, for example the water bourne or the airbourne factors or a combination of the two. the concept of it being a genetic thing is something i am having trouble working with aswell.

so far from what i understand of this "disease" is that if you get bitten you get infected, yet it cannot be transfered through the skin, this we all know. from what i have gathered Salt would either make it more agressive due to the fact its either killing it or acts as a growth catalyst.

secondly if my theory is right about how it works and obease people it means that the virus attacks you, thrives in your body, it would seem to attack your brain it reacts with body fat making the fat stronger
(which i understand to be diffrent from brain fat as the human brain is mostly made up of fat i think omega 3 but i don't know i'm not biologist or viral expert but i'm allowed to speculate which is why i'm here.) which means anyone who is a bohemeth was obease in life given the fact obeasity has been known to damage how well your blood carrys oxygen to your brain it could explain why we saw Angel and Kalani trying to trick it and at first it was working but eventually it worked it out.

something we all have in our body however is Acid, specifically Amino Acids, Amino acids for those like me who have heard it but can't place it, are the basic acids the human body consists of which inturn makes up our genetic structure. so if its a micro organism which attacks amino acids it can explain why an infected blood work and a normal regular person's blood work are still identical, now i don't know crap about how these acids exisit in our body are they excreted through a gland of some kind, is beyond me. but it is possible for things to live in even the most harsh of conditions, even in a nuclear blast something would thrive and survive usually the most simple of bacteria because it has the chance to develop and adapt faster than more complex organisms.

but thats really all i got, for the time being.

if it is something which effects amino acids, it could completely explain alot about those infected

characteristics seem to be some kind of slow decay
but they have basic animal / tribal instincts
the "disease" if it could even be called that cannot be passed through skin unless bitten, or blood gets into your eyes or mouth or other part of your body.
now in blood has certian functions such as (compliments of wikipedia)

Blood performs many important functions within the body including:

Supply of oxygen to tissues (bound to hemoglobin, which is carried in red cells)
Supply of nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to plasma proteins (e.g., blood lipids))
Removal of waste such as carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid
Immunological functions, including circulation of white blood cells, and detection of foreign material by antibodies
Coagulation, which is one part of the body's self-repair mechanism (blood clotting after an open wound in order to stop bleeding)
Messenger functions, including the transport of hormones and the signaling of tissue damage
Regulation of body pH
Regulation of core body temperature
Hydraulic functions

i underlined the one i saw there, which i news to me i honestly didn't know the blood did that, which now actually gives some credit of some kind to this thoery and justifys my rambling and peicing it together through the post (well at least in my mind it does)

i've clicked the Amino Acids there which was linked (here's the link) as much as i am into science i don't really have it in me to read all this for a single word or phrase, even then this page might not even provide what we need.
but quickly glancing over it..... it looks to me that Amino acids are the result of some kind of bio-chemical reaction internally which means maybe the "sickness" didn't actually come from anywhere, maybe the human body mutated to have a specific reaction to something that is digested or inhaled or maybe its a natural thing, maybe. regardless of that the sicknesscan support itself in water and it seems salt does make it more agressive which the human body including blood steam contains it could explain why these things are suddenly faster and stronger than us, i've not explored fatty acids yet but i'm feeling a bit lazy right now as i type this. but acids do seem to connect the dots here, a change in amino acids can mean a change in genetic structuring and as a result brain chemistry and balance, like hitting a full factory reset on the human body in some cases. yet i get the feeling these things retain memory, i'll explain why.

right away in chapter 1 part 1 we work out there attracted to sound, SO when Saul and Angel were out gathering supplies and one of those things came in, the store door gave the typical "BEEP-BOOP" well with no noise being made, no one around and the hummer turned off why didn't the rest of them storm the store? are they aware of thier surroundings mainly because of memory retention? another example is that they found evidence of one of them had bitten into a can, also in the store one came in and started eating something, Micheal also found one in a pantry later on which looked like it had eaten some things i memory served, so simply put did it know where to look for food? did the others know not to storm the store because the door bell was a familiar sound, another example is when Micheal and Angel had to clear the lobby in the early days, one of them jumped up and over the reception desk and was hiding, did it already know through memory that it was in danger and understand what a gun was and what it ment for him to be on the reciving end?

it seems highly likely if what i posted was right about Amino acids and how they formed it could be something as very basic as a pesticide used on food caused the mutation to happen.

thats basicly all i got, some kind of infection which effects certian glands or even the digestive system which effects how Amino Acids are made which causes genetic change in some way shape or form but given the rate of someone to change from direct contact as has been said in the past its only a couple of minutes, Tanya must of worked very quickly to sterilise that wound, perhaps keeping it wrapped up and bandaged helped keep it sterile is whats kept her alive so long, cleaning alcahol etc as we know they react badly to alcahol so what ever it is it seems it could be cured through constant sterile enviroment or something to that effect at least anyways.

which brings me to one of the characters Riley.

Riley is a french chef, and not to sterotype but french chef's are known mainly for using alcahol in thier fancy cooking.

does anyone think that Riley could of been constantly cooking with alcahol in every meal caused a change in peoples hormones which then cause the infected to not be able to find the survivors of the tower so well? which explains why how the groups tower which according to Kalani was poorly defended compared to the other place which i quote "had thier shit together" i do belive it was after Riley cooked for the group some infected got into the building but didn't move further than the lobby, where as when the new survivors turned up, not everyone had eaten Riley's cooking given the amount of people who have eaten it vs the amount of people who hadn't thier hormones and scent would of been diffrent which explains how they knew exactly where they were in the building i'll be honest my memory is shakey on that ill probably need to re-listen to chapter 1 and 2 to get that right.

anyways i'll stop babbling and put this up so people can leave comments, hopefully i won't get flamed XD

hope you all enjoyed reading my little theory here, i find it difficult to hold conversations with people in the chat box about it i just spam it.

so a pathogen or mico organism which effects the way we create amino acids in the body causing tribal zombieism as a potential side effect, thoughts anyone?

May 17th, 2012, 07:58 AM
Interesting. Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins as well as intermediates in metabolism. Michael Crichton used Lysine (an aa) as a "control" method for his Jurassic Park dinos, creating a genetic defect in the engineered Thunder Lizards that made that aa "essential," which means they couldn't synthesize it themselves. They later evolve to do so. The "zombies" in WA may be mutating as well. I don't know how a bioengineered plague would fit in with the cracks in the earth Saul and Vic (Don't call me that!) discovered in Inglewood. Maybe there are multiple things going on. "Radon Labs" was prominently mentioned in such a way that KC often plants critical hints that we stupid listeners only figure out much later on. Radon Labs is also a video game company in Germany. KC may just be a fan of theirs. I dunno; I haven't given it as much thought as you have. I'm lazy when it comes to WA speculation.

Drogon Malice
May 17th, 2012, 09:10 AM
i really didn't know thats what they did in Jurassic Park i was young when i saw it all i knew was dinosaurs and gun fights and explosions and shit, but you've defantly put up more infomation there thanks for that man i'm just happy i got a response WOOT WOOT! (urgh i hate this song but i'm gonna say it) "thats the sound of the police!" (urgh excuse me while i go bleech my brain now -.-)

May 17th, 2012, 10:27 AM
detroit is towards the center of the country, but your point still stands.

also, "little theory?" really? that's little? lol, but seriously, good post.

May 17th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Ok, I'm going to say it... if you're going to go out of your way to capitalize some words, and use some punctuation... just do it all the way through. Only takes a split second longer to hit shift. I'm just saying.

Drogon Malice
May 17th, 2012, 11:08 AM
Ok, I'm going to say it... if you're going to go out of your way to capitalize some words, and use some punctuation... just do it all the way through. Only takes a split second longer to hit shift. I'm just saying.

Hey Osiris, i'm Dyslexic, Grammer isn't exactly my strong point.
Dyslexia kicks my ass quite frequantly i did my best with that i'm sad to say, if its incorrect feel free to proof read it for me pm it to me i'll repost it with the correct grammer.

I'm just saying (i'm being legit here i don't mean this in some kind of sarky snarky come back, i do legitimently have a problem

@Reaper, is Detroit towards the middle of the country? (i'm English so i'm affraid i don't really know the geography of american citys that well) and thanks, i'm really suprised to see some positive feed back, i thought i was gonna take some flak or flame for this

May 17th, 2012, 11:43 AM
nope, no toasting just yet. when people put thought and effort into their theories, they usually get some positive feedback. folks around here tend to be kind of supportive. detroit is in the state of michigan and more like the center of the eastern half of the US. i figured you were english since you were in heston, middlesex, and that's not in the US. no worries, i don't know where anything in england is either.

May 17th, 2012, 12:05 PM
Hey Osiris, i'm Dyslexic, Grammer isn't exactly my strong point.
Dyslexia kicks my ass quite frequantly i did my best with that i'm sad to say, if its incorrect feel free to proof read it for me pm it to me i'll repost it with the correct grammer.

I'm just saying (i'm being legit here i don't mean this in some kind of sarky snarky come back, i do legitimently have a problem

@Reaper, is Detroit towards the middle of the country? (i'm English so i'm affraid i don't really know the geography of american citys that well) and thanks, i'm really suprised to see some positive feed back, i thought i was gonna take some flak or flame for this

That's pretty shitty to have to deal with, bro. I didn't mean to offend you, it was meant more as a joke than anything, so if I offended you please accept my sincere apology. I'd be more than willing to proof-read your work anytime at all, for any reason, on any subject. :love:

P.S. I honestly wouldn't have known and just thought you were being lazy about it. :o

Drogon Malice
May 17th, 2012, 01:19 PM
That's pretty shitty to have to deal with, bro. I didn't mean to offend you, it was meant more as a joke than anything, so if I offended you please accept my sincere apology. I'd be more than willing to proof-read your work anytime at all, for any reason, on any subject. :love:

P.S. I honestly wouldn't have known and just thought you were being lazy about it. :o

none taken, to be honest i probably could work harder on it but when you can't see the error you tend to over look it

so you think my theory has something too it?

May 17th, 2012, 01:29 PM
none taken, to be honest i probably could work harder on it but when you can't see the error you tend to over look it

so you think my theory has something too it?

It's an interesting theory, I'll give you that. As far as how probable it is? Well, at this point we only know so much, so I can't say for certain one way or the other. But it is certainly something that provokes thought.

May 17th, 2012, 01:52 PM
It's an interesting theory, I'll give you that. As far as how probably it is? Well, at this point we only know so much, so I can't say for certain one way or the other. But it is certainly something that provokes thought.

probable WATCHOW!!! the grammer hammer STRIKES!!!


i will have you know, a lot more thought and effort went into this than was absolutely necessary. just for you osiris ;)

Drogon Malice
May 17th, 2012, 01:59 PM
I like it, did you do that yourself reaper?!?!

May 17th, 2012, 02:08 PM
I like it, did you do that yourself reaper?!?!

no, but i did spend way more time than i should have searching for the right grammer hammer. could i have gone with the mario holding a hammer? sure, but it just didn't feel right.

Drogon Malice
May 17th, 2012, 02:11 PM
no, but i did spend way more time than i should have searching for the right grammer hammer. could i have gone with the mario holding a hammer? sure, but it just didn't feel right.

nah that would of been bad

May 17th, 2012, 02:11 PM
Sorry. I'm a little medicated. You are very correct, sir. :love:

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 04:43 AM
ok so maybe we got it wrong maybe they don't go after pheromones, maybe they go after salt water as if it were a pheromones, if my theory of salt water makes them stronger. is right they might be able to sniff it out. maybe this is why there more agressive in Hawiai all that sea air is "good for a person" maybe better for a zombie, i'll need to work this down a bit more in a bit, but the thing which caused me to pop this back on here...... but Pegs i think it was when everyone was sweating into bottles, she said "i have to wash down the sweat with a little water to get it off the towel, salt + water = salt water, maybe pheromones are the wrong idea, i have a theory of salt water being a growth catalyst for what ever this sickness is. concentrated salt water from people. i mean a tower full of people vs a few bottles of sweat dropped off a building not far away, the salt water would of been higher concentrate than from the tower. i think i might be hitting something here i might not be. who knows like i said before i'll be working on it a bit later. give it a week or so maybe

May 18th, 2012, 04:52 AM
If it's salt water they're after, why aren't they all just eating the ocean?

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 05:02 AM
maybe they still need protien and such they are still basicly human physiologically, maybe instead of needing fresh water like us they need salt water, i don't know how far LA is from the ocean, but maybe its more like a drug maybe like a form of steroids to them, i doubt it would be something they need to keep on exisiting to stabilise thier physiology or body chemistry, but to get stronger it does seem likely that what ever is inside them uses salt water as a growth catalyst, my main way of thinking right now is if they we're constantly hungry and all that, they would take the bodys right away and drag them off to eat, like how a savage wolf or dog would drag off its pray after the kill.

when it comes down to it would you rather have your fix or would you continue to live? the power to live normally towers over everything else. dispite how fast you could run, would you keep hunting in your hunting ground or run to the ocean and get a fix, maybe the stronger you are the more you need to eat, it explains why the big one ate so many MRE's but theres another theory there about why MRE's are maybe posionous to zombies, i've not read it yet though.

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 06:06 AM
Samantha! Samantha also had green eyes in the stadium, she didn't get turned she got torn appart!

Drogon Malice
May 18th, 2012, 06:13 AM
just to verify i spoke to Osiris in the chatbox and i mentioned to him the only person who's eye colour was mentioned was lizzys with her green eyes, and i saw a post about Tanya having a bite, and...