View Full Version : Zombie Headshots Only?

Apr 20th, 2012, 01:35 PM
personally, i dont believe in the whole, "the only way to kill a zombie is to remove the head or, destroying the brain."... i know what ur thinking, "this guy is sooooo dead when the zombies come!"

let me explain...
1. muscles require blood flow as well as oxygen and the nervous system, to move
2.if you shoot the heart, blood flow will stop, therefor stopping the zombie
3. even if it is still alive, it cant move,,, at all so its like vegetable

i believe more in the infected aproach instead of the dead rising from the grave BS. in other words NOT GEORGE ROMERO'S ZOMBIE. i like the 28 days later idea except the time it takes to turn, i think its more like a few hours.
but hey, prove me wrong, i love talking zombie science...

Cabbage Patch
Apr 20th, 2012, 11:56 PM
One of the things I love about We're Alive is that the characters seem to be aware of zombie stories, and zombie memes seem to influence their actions. One example is that first fight against the...

Apr 21st, 2012, 07:02 AM
Thanks the info,I appreciate other people putting thought into the zombie sub-category of horror, this is what I love about the whole zombie community.