View Full Version : Super Quick

Mar 15th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Hi, I'm back !

Just a quick update on the comings and goings of my life. I finally got off my butt and enrolled in University, I'm taking a Medical program which is kicking me hard in the butt, along with the medical program we are force enrolled in a grammer program which also kicked my butt however im happy to say I passed it with a 96% overall Woo! however my grammer still sucks and I dont want to use punctuation soo :P on you.

Anyways between school, and work and well life. I haven't written anything in a good hmm... 2 months? Forgive me? I will try to get something up next week though it may have alot of medical terms in it Kek should be able to help you out with those muahaha

That is all for now.

Mar 15th, 2012, 09:55 AM
Hi, I'm back !

Anyways between school, and work and well life. I haven't written anything in a good hmm... 2 months? Forgive me? I will try to get something up next week though it may have alot of medical terms in it Kek should be able to help you out with those muahaha

That is all for now.

or I can

Mar 15th, 2012, 10:01 AM
How soon is soon for a new installment? I'm running out of stuff to read lady!