View Full Version : Who would you rather see RUIN "WA"- Hollywood or TV?

Mar 11th, 2012, 10:45 AM
Sooner or later some cigar-smoking 'suit' is gonna take notice and offer We're Alive's creators the truckload of money they deserve to sell out. Which means some committee of no-talent Hollywood 'suits' will make either a Movie, TV series, or perhaps miniseries out of WA, changing everything for the worse.

So which way would you prefer to see We're Alive ruined?

1) Hollywood Movie- you know the formula: CGI explosions, car chases, 'trendy' soundtrack, actors who absolutely DO NOT fit their roles (and care even less) etc

2) ABC TV Series- they'll change it but they'll get it right. ABC's "We're Alive" will be quite different from the audio drama, but no matter- it will be a masterpiece of macabre suspense..."Long-form Television" at its finest...

.....that will be cancelled after 6-8 episodes for not appealing to 'a wider demographic'. (Sorry, I'm still sore about them cancelling "Kolchak: the Night Stalker" TWICE in my lifetime)

3) Sci-Fi TV series- oh pardon me it's called "SYFY" now... Zero budget, occasional cheap CGI, cast of unknowns/has-beens pouring their hearts into a script written on a dinner napkin....featuring the Cylon dude from Quantum Leap....

smalls kenobi
Mar 11th, 2012, 04:01 PM
i'd prefer the tv series on ABC. main reason is because it isn't FOX, fox loves to cancel Shows prematurely. and if it does get canceled, i'm sure TNT would pick it up. They Do Drama, or so they tell us.
i think if anything, Cable is the way to go with WA.

Mar 11th, 2012, 05:38 PM
Uh, how about just having the rest of America wake the hell up and recognize audio drama as an art form that doesn't need to be 'upgraded.'

Mar 11th, 2012, 05:40 PM
ABC would be the way to go...the biggest issue would be making past 6-8 episode mark, which really....shouldnt be difficult if we think back to the first 8 chapters of the story...major networks have been looking for a lost-esque program since it spiraled off the airwwaves. A few have come close, only to be pulled due to sporatic ratings...the main thing going against this working is the walking dead copy cat angle...you know their would be many critics claiming that..without looking into the background..

Mar 11th, 2012, 05:46 PM
Uh, how about just having the rest of America wake the hell up and recognize audio drama as an art form that doesn't need to be 'upgraded.'

best of luck changing an entire culture. If you want to move forward with your product, sometimes you have to make the jump. Would w/a really be a good fit for film/tv?...probly not. But, if live action sells...couldn't blame KC for doing it, if given the option

Blood & Ice Cream
Mar 12th, 2012, 06:17 AM
i always imagined it would be remade for TV in the form of an adult cartoon/animation style film using the same actors to do the voice overs

Mar 12th, 2012, 06:22 AM
We could just wait it out until a decent deal comes along (if one doesn't, it doesn't, WA is still amazing and that's why we love it), which might I add as been KC's plan for a while now.

Jun 1st, 2012, 04:57 PM
No way would it ever end up being a movie. you could not tell the story in 90minutes, if you tried you have to strip it down and it would be just be another Zombie movie. I take it back, for a cheap number a studio might buy the rights for story(and the following it already has). The movie would not resemble the WA we know in any way shape or form other than the name, a few characters names and Zombies

Jun 3rd, 2012, 10:34 AM
Id really like to see it as a tv show! i know everyone says that it might "Ruin" the show but think of who would be writing it! our very own Kc! im sure he would want complete creative control no matter what! and im sure he wouldn't take the deal unless he had that, you know? I mean come on guys, its our Kc we are talking about here :)

Jun 3rd, 2012, 10:53 AM
What would be the time from do you guys think if it ever was a part of TV? A 60-min episode = 1 chapter?

Jun 3rd, 2012, 12:34 PM
Possibly, though i assume to make the show last longer, they would split the entire chapter in half, and do it with 30 min episodes. And Kc would possibly add more B-plots considering there would be more time.

Loyal Retainer
Jun 3rd, 2012, 12:49 PM
I don't see how a movie could possibly do this series justice. There is just too much going on and too much character development to pack into 120 minutes. A TV series would be better suited to try to take on all that is WA. Problem (or maybe a good thing depending on your view) is the TV market has TWD and I have a feeling TV exec would be fearful of trying to take on the series head-on.

Jun 4th, 2012, 07:53 AM
AMC. they did the walking dead right, imo, and i think they'd be willing to drop a dime or two on a new zombie series, especially one with that already has the solid cult following that WA does. think about it, "stick around tonight after The Walking Dead to see AMCs hot new series, We're Alive: A Story of Survival." a two hour double dose of zombie madness, alright (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVQT3638TZA).

Cabbage Patch
Jun 4th, 2012, 08:18 AM
I'd love to see someone, TV, movie, or otherwise, pay Wayland Productions mega bucks to buy the rights to We're Alive. The crew has worked amazingly hard to produce this program, and I'd love to see them get their payday. And this could be KC's ticket into the big leagues. Wouldn't it be great to see him as creator/writer/producer/director for a movie or a series under executive producer Joss Whedon!

That said, I'd just as soon not see a We're Alive TV show or movie get made. This story has been told well, and I expect we'll get a definitive ending. No re-telling is going to compare favorably. Don't get me wrong, I'll go see any adaptation that gets made, but it won't be the same story.

Jun 4th, 2012, 08:50 AM
I'd love to see someone, TV, movie, or otherwise, pay Wayland Productions mega bucks to buy the rights to We're Alive. The crew has worked amazingly hard to produce this program, and I'd love to see them get their payday. And this could be KC's ticket into the big leagues. Wouldn't it be great to see him as creator/writer/producer/director for a movie or a series under executive producer Joss Whedon!

That said, I'd just as soon not see a We're Alive TV show or movie get made. This story has been told well, and I expect we'll get a definitive ending. No re-telling is going to compare favorably. Don't get me wrong, I'll go see any adaptation that gets made, but it won't be the same story.

My biggest fear would be Kc losing creative control, without Kc at the helm I don't think the story would be as good as it is. But I do agree I'd love to see Kc writing/creating/producing etc for anyone in Hollywood and if it was Joss Whedon (pardon me if I get my nerd girl sqeeel on) I'd be happy with that too.

Jun 4th, 2012, 10:41 AM
AMC. they did the walking dead right, imo, and i think they'd be willing to drop a dime or two on a new zombie series, especially one with that already has the solid cult following that WA does. think about it, "stick around tonight after The Walking Dead to see AMCs hot new series, We're Alive: A Story of Survival." a two hour double dose of zombie madness, alright (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVQT3638TZA).
That just gave me a thrill to think about it. As long as Kc retained creative control I'd be happy.

Jun 4th, 2012, 11:28 AM
I'd love to see someone, TV, movie, or otherwise, pay Wayland Productions mega bucks to buy the rights to We're Alive. The crew has worked amazingly hard to produce this program, and I'd love to see them get their payday. And this could be KC's ticket into the big leagues. Wouldn't it be great to see him as creator/writer/producer/director for a movie or a series under executive producer Joss Whedon!

That said, I'd just as soon not see a We're Alive TV show or movie get made. This story has been told well, and I expect we'll get a definitive ending. No re-telling is going to compare favorably. Don't get me wrong, I'll go see any adaptation that gets made, but it won't be the same story.

see, i wouldn't want a remake. i also wouldn't want them to start making a tv version of WA while the audio drama is still on going. i would want this to finish, then KC starts writing a new storyline for TV in the WA universe.