View Full Version : Cause of the Outbreak: Can Kc actually win?

Mar 6th, 2012, 11:02 AM
This was prompted by a few posts here and there around the forum. And this is not a thread to guess as to what caused the WA outbreak. The intention of this thread is to discuss: Can Kc Win?

By that I mean, whatever cause he decides to place on the cause of the outbreak....do you think he can please the populace? If it turns out to be radiation, a virus, voodoo curses, aliens, microbial warfare etc.... do you think there is anyway people who are fanatical about the production will be able to get over the explanation? Or will it turn into a torrent of "THAT WAS LAME!!" "WHAT A JOKE!!" "SUCH A RIP OFF!"

What say ye, populace desiring to be appeased?

Mar 6th, 2012, 11:42 AM
Yes he can win, but can he please everybody? Not a chance. No matter how good something can be considered by the vast majority, you will always have a sect of nonbelievers, naysayers, torch-carryers, and douche-bagios.

I have always been partial to the alien idea since I can't find any holes in it, but I'm sure some folks despise that idea. When aliens made an appearance in the Indiana Jones franchise, people were all like, "What the buns? That is some fudged up ship!" But I said, "Look fuck-tard: you had ghosts and supernatural shit in the first flick, a dude ripping people's still-beating hearts in the second one, and a fucking font of youth in the third! Now you are bitching about aliens?"

So in WA we have zombies running amok, zombies of varying sizes and proportions, some capable of performing superhuman feats, and aliens seem far fetched? Nah, I don't think everyone will be happy.

OH! And there is always this route; he never explains it! LOL, I would laugh my balls off (all three of them). Can the fans stomach an ending where everyone dies and we cut to Pin Stripes sitting on a throne of skulls passing the time by reading journals as mobs of human slaves are lead in chains to the bowels of some monstrous cave lined with blood and guts? Prolly not. :D

Mar 6th, 2012, 11:59 AM
I have been sufficiently impressed to believe he could pull it off, but my gut tells me that we won't ever know with certainty what caused the outbreak. When I think about it, I haven't really wondered about the cause of the outbreak. I just want to know how they are going to overcome the next obstacle. Maybe I'm the odd one out.

Mar 6th, 2012, 12:02 PM
but my gut tells me that we won't ever know with certainty what caused the outbreak..
Considering he promised to answer all questions on the board if it is left unanswered in the podcast when all is said and done he might be biting of more then he can chew (pun intended)

Mar 6th, 2012, 12:24 PM
When asked about the source of the Outbreak and if we'd ever learn about the cause, Kc said:

"We have an explanation to things, but how you'll find out might be based on perspective."

I am sure Kc will pull off and excellent cause to the WA outbreak. Everything about We're Alive has been thought through with a strong attention to detail. Although it hasn't been the foremost mystery as of late, I'm sure there is a plan to reveal more about Ground Zero and the source of the outbreak that will be compelling. Be it radiation, virus, voodoo, aliens, microbial warfare, or spoiled milk, I'm sure Kc will put his own little twists on it to make it interesting and satisfy the listeners.

I do agree with Adventureless_Hero that there will be a few naysayers no matter how it ends.

Mar 6th, 2012, 12:55 PM
Nope...he's screwed. No matter what, somebody is going to be pissed off. And if he goes 'aliens', then I'm grabbing my torch and pitchfork!

Best thing he can do is just leave it unresolved and just never really say what caused it. That won't make anyone really happy, but it will avoid most of the groans, I think.

Mar 6th, 2012, 01:27 PM
You can please some of the people....some of the time....but...yea..that ol' chestnut

Most of us here will be happy just to have a answer of some type. But look at the difference between say litmaster and adventureless hero...having a very strong, controversial answer will divide people into the love/hate classes...i just can't see it being something like aliens for that reason alone. KC is the master if answering a question in the most vague way possible at times...this is perhaps what may happen here

Mar 17th, 2012, 01:06 PM
I vote for spoiled milk!

If it's alien science, it can be left unclear because we don't now what we don't know. Aliens that could come visit are way beyond us. Heck, he could even have done some gene splicing/breeding/cloning ala X-Files.

Voodoo, can be left vague as well because it could just have been an idea that influenced Ink. Or, it could be implied there was some sort of spiritual component as to why it shook out as it did--even if there was a biotech answer. Some people HATE a spiritual sort of answer. They consider it a cheat or violently disbelieve in it. But consider Lovecraft--his idea was that the symbols and words used in sorcery or witchcraft were unintentionally tapping into some sort of meta-pandimensional-science (see aliens above).

At least one piece is the example of the ant they used somewhere at the beginnings. Remember ants got into some food Angel, Michael and Saul were eating. They said that it looked familiar implying the similarity with the zombies. Ants bury their dead and bring back food to the hive and they use pheromones.
They do not, however, howl so that they can be heard miles away...for that you need my Dad.

Mar 19th, 2012, 03:52 AM
You can kill all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time.

There will be critics. Some people will nitpik. But, Kc etal are talented enough that it will be a Hell of a ride

Mar 19th, 2012, 05:28 AM
i think that doing his homework, and consulting with experts, KC would be able to develop a good enough cause that the majority of people would be satisfied. i just don't want anything too complicated, occams razor and all that. i prefer simple elegance.

Mar 19th, 2012, 12:48 PM
KC should finish it anyway that he wants. So that when the artist looks back on his work he can say "I did it my way" and not for some fan you hasn't contributed a single thing beside his ear.

Personally I've read and watched all kinds of ways to explain it..... Now if KC can come up with something original that no one has thought of ? Then that would be the last nail in the We're Alive zombie coffin.

Mar 19th, 2012, 03:22 PM
Can Kc Win?

Outright? In my opinion "No", for the reasons that people have mentioned already - most pertinently you can't please everyone. If on the other hand you mean can Kc make most people satisified with the explanation of the cause? Then "Yes".

Personally, i think its important that we explore the cause of the situation. Granted I'm a scientist by education so of course I would say that but I also think it could be a hell of a ride from a story perspective.